Presbyterian Church -- North Carolina -- HistorySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- North Carolina -- History Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers (New York: R. Carter, 1846), by William Henry Foote
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- United States -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- Ireland -- HistoryFiled under: Presbyterian Church -- Korea -- HistoryFiled under: Presbyterian Church -- Northern Ireland -- History The Parishes of Kilrea and Tamlaght O'Crilly: A Sketch of Their History, With an Account of Boveedy Congregation (Coleraine: Chronicle Office, 1912), by J. W. Kernohan Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- Scotland -- History
Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- Southern States -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- Southern States -- Religion -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Presbyterian Church -- Clergy -- Southern States -- Religion -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: North Carolina -- History Western North Carolina: Its Mountains and its People to 1880 (Boone, NC: Appalachian Consortium Press, c1977), by Ora Blackmun (PDF and Epub at North Carolina: The Old North State and the New (5 volumes; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1941), contrib. by Archibald Henderson (page images at HathiTrust) First Steps in North Carolina History (Raleigh, NC: A. Williams and Co., 1889), by Cornelia Phillips Spencer (HTML and page images at North Carolina History Stories (Richmond: B. F. Johnson Pub. Co., 1901), by W. C. Allen (HTML and page images at School History of North Carolina, From 1584 to the Present Time (revised and enlarged edition, c1882), by John W. Moore (Gutenberg text) The Colonial and State Political History of Hertford County, N. C. (1906), by Benj. B. Winborne (HTML and page images at The Dickson Letters (Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton, printers, 1901), by William Dickson, ed. by James O. Carr In Ancient Albemarle (Raleigh: Commercial Printing Company, 1914), by Catherine Albertson, illust. by Mabel Pugh (HTML and page images at Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers (New York: R. Carter, 1846), by William Henry Foote Lumber River Scots and Their Descendants: The McLeans, the Torreys, the Purcells, the McIntyres, the Gilchrists (Richmond, VA: William Byrd Press, 1942), by Angus Wilton McLean, John Edwin Purcell, Archibald Gilchrist Singletary, and John Edwin Purcell (page images at HathiTrust) Ante-Bellum North Carolina: A Social History (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1937), by Guion Griffis Johnson (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- 1865-
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 The Last Ninety Days of the War In North Carolina (New York: Watchman Publishing Co., 1866), by Cornelia Phillips Spencer (HTML and page images at Who Was the Rebel, the Traitor: The Trans-Susquehanna Man or the Cis-Susquehanna Man? An Oration Delivered by the Rev. James Battle Avirett (ca. 1897), by James B. Avirett An Account of the Sufferings of Friends of North Carolina Yearly Meeting, in Support of Their Testimony Against War, From 1861 to 1865 (Baltimore: Press of W. K. Boyle, 1868), by North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends (1698- ) The Confederate Reveille, Memorial Edition (Raleigh, NC: Edwards and Broughton, 1898), by United Daughters of the Confederacy North Carolina Division An Account of the Sufferings of Friends of North Carolina Yearly Meeting, in Support of Their Testimony Against War, From 1861 to 1865 (third edition; New Vienna, OH: Peace Association of Friends in America, 1872), by North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends (1698- ) Five Points in the Record of North Carolina in the Great War of 1861-5 (Goldsboro, NC: Nash Brothers, Printers, 1904), by North Carolina State Literary and Historical Association (HTML and page images at Brochure, 1861-1865 (ca. 1905), by United Confederate Veterans North Carolina Division Brief Report of the Services Rendered by the Freed People to the United States Army, in North Carolina in the Spring of 1862, After the Battle of Newbern (New York: V. Colyer, 1864), by Vincent Colyer (HTML and page images at Confederate Veterans' Benefit To Create A Burial Fund For Their Indigent Comrades: Grand Opera House, Thursday, April 1st, 1897, Under the Auspices of Zebulon Vance Camp of United Confederate Veterans (1897), by United Confederate Veterans North Carolina Division Address by Alfred Nixon, Esq., at the Dedication of the Confederate Memorial Hall, Lincolnton, N.C., August 27th, 1908 (Lincolnton, NC: Southern Stars Chapter U.D.C., 1908), by A. Nixon, contrib. by William Alexander Hoke Massachusetts Memorial to Her Soldiers and Sailors Who Died in the Department of No. Carolina, 1861-1865 (Boston: Gardner and Taplin, 1909), by James Brown Gardner (HTML and page images at Address of General Julian S. Carr: "The Confederate Soldier", Reunion, Richmond, Va. , June 2, 1915, by Julian Shakespeare Carr (multiple formats at North Carolina at Gettysburg, and Pickett's Charge a Misnomer; also, Sixty Years Afterwards and the Rearguard of the Confederacy, by Walter Clark (HTML and page images at Derelicts: An Account of Ships Lost at Sea in General Commercial Traffic and a Brief History of Blockade Runners Stranded Along the North Carolina Coast, 1861-1865 (1920), by James Sprunt Speech of Hon. William A. Graham, of Orange, In the Convention of North-Carolina, Dec. 7th, 1861, on the Ordinance Concerning Test Oaths and Sedition, by William A. Graham (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 The History of North Carolina (2 volumes; Philadelphia: T. Dobson, 1812), by Hugh Williamson Indian Wars in North Carolina, 1663-1763 (Raleigh: Carolina Charter Tercentenary Committee, 1963), by Enoch Lawrence Lee The Regulators of North Carolina, by John Spencer Bassett (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC)
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Fiction
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Regulator Insurrection, 1766-1771
Filed under: North Carolina -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 The Loyalists in North Carolina During the Revolution (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1940), by Robert O. DeMond (page images at HathiTrust) Legends of the War of Independence, and of the Earlier Settlements in the West (Louisville: J. F. Brennan, 1855), by T. Marshall Smith (page images at HathiTrust) Tennessee Soldiers in the Revolution: A Roster of Soldiers Living During the Revolutionary War in the Counties of Washington and Sullivan, Taken From the Revolutionary Army Accounts of North Carolina (Bristol, TN: Pub. under the auspices of the Tennessee Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1935), ed. by Penelope Johnson Allen (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: North Carolina -- Biography The Oral History of James Nunn, a Unique North Carolinian: Taped Conversations Between James Nunn and W. Wilder Towle (Chapel Hill, NC: Chapel Hill Historical Society, c1977), by W. Wilder Towle and James Nunn (page images at HathiTrust) Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers (New York: R. Carter, 1846), by William Henry Foote North Carolina: The Old North State and the New (5 volumes; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1941), contrib. by Archibald Henderson (page images at HathiTrust) Cabin: A Mountain Adventure (Boone, NC: Appalachian Consortium Press, c1986), by Barbara G. Hallowell, illust. by Aline Hansens (multiple formats at Recollections and Reflections: An Auto of Half a Century and More, by Wharton J. Green (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
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