Press and politics -- Switzerland -- Bern (Canton) -- History -- 19th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Press and politics -- Switzerland -- Bern (Canton) -- History -- 19th century
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Press -- Switzerland -- Bern (Canton) -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Local government and the press -- Switzerland -- Bern (Canton) -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Switzerland -- History -- 19th century L'occupation des frontières suisses en 1870-1871 : et l'entrée en Suisse de l'armée française de l'est (Delachaux & Niestlé, 1914), by Édouard Michel Jacky (page images at HathiTrust) Geschichte der eidgenossenschaft während der herrschaft der vermittlungsakte. Von ihrer einführung im frühjahr 1803 bis zu ihrer auflösung in den letzten tagen des jahres 1813. Aus den urquellen, vorzüglich den eidgenössischen und bernischen. (F. Schulthess, 1845), by Johann Anton Tillier (page images at HathiTrust) Christoph Merian, achtzehnhundert bis achtzehnhundertachtundfünfzig. (Buchdruckerei Kreis, 1908), by Traugott Geering (page images at HathiTrust) Geschichte der Schweiz im neunzehnten jahrhundert. ([publisher not identified], 1903), by Wilhelm Oechsli (page images at HathiTrust) [Franz LaRoche collection on Switzerland]. (1826), by Franz LaRoche (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- FictionFiled under: Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Switzerland -- Church history -- 19th century David Spleiss : weil. Antistes der Schaffhauser'schen Kirche, nach dessen schriftlichem Nachlass und mündlichen Nachrichten (Bahnmaier, 1858), by C. Stokar (page images at HathiTrust) Geschichte der sogenannten Momiers : einer in einigen Schweizer-Cantonen sich ausbreitenden Secte aus sicheren Quellen geschöpft. (F. G. Neukirch, 1825), by G. B. (page images at HathiTrust) Schwärmerische Gräuelscenen, oder, Kreuzigungsgeschichte einer religiösen Schwärmerinn in Wildenspuch, Cantons Zürich : mit beygefügter Darstellung der Verhältnisse sämmtlicher in diesen Criminal-Prozess verwickelter Personen, ihres Benehmens im Gefängnisse, ihrer religiösen Begriffe und ihrer endlichen Beurtheilung : ein merkwürdiger Beytrag zur Geschichte des religiösen Fanatismus (Orell, Füssli, 1824), by Johann Ludwig Meyer (page images at HathiTrust) Wiedereinführung des katholischen Kultus in der protestantischen Schweiz in neunzehnten Jahrhundert : mit Rückblick auf dessen Aufhebung im sechzehnten Jahrhundert (Druck und Verlag der Waisenanstalt 'Paradies', 1881), by Theodor Scherer-Boccard (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Bern (Switzerland : Canton) -- Church history -- 19th century
Filed under: Geneva (Switzerland : Canton) -- Church history -- 19th century -- SourcesFiled under: Geneva (Switzerland) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Schaffhausen (Switzerland : Canton) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Schaffhausen (Switzerland) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Vaud (Switzerland : Canton) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Zurich (Switzerland) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Geneva (Switzerland) -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Saint Gall (Switzerland) -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Antisemitism -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- SourcesFiled under: Avalanches -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Banks and banking -- Switzerland -- Zurich (Canton) -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Conflict of laws -- Domicile -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- Sources
Filed under: Customs administration -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- SourcesFiled under: Dormitories -- Switzerland -- Basel -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Education -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Fires -- Switzerland -- Glarus -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Industries -- Switzerland -- Neuchâtel (Canton) -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Nobility -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Persecution -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Power (Social sciences) -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Preaching -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Reformed Church -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Reformed Church -- Switzerland -- Geneva -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Tariff -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th century -- SourcesFiled under: Theology -- Switzerland -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Upper class families -- Switzerland -- Nidwalden -- Cantons -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Upper class families -- Switzerland -- Schwyz -- Cantons -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Upper class families -- Switzerland -- Uri -- Cantons -- History -- 19th centuryMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |