Prisoners of war -- CubaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Civil rights -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval BaseFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Prisoners of war Hamas' Hostages, Putin's Prisoners, and Freeing International Captives: Toward Stronger U.S. and Global Action for International Political Prisoner Day (Washington: GPO, 2023), by United States Congress Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (PDF at Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, With Reservations, if Any, by Governments Participating in Hostilities in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1970) (PDF files at Symposium on Human Problems in the Utilization of Fallout Shelters (1960) (multiple formats at
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Abuse of -- Libya
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Abuse of -- Moral and ethical aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Abuse of -- United States Getting Away with Torture: The Bush Administration and Mistreatment of Detainees (c2011), by Human Rights Watch (Organization) (PDF with commentary at Command's Responsibility: Detainee Deaths in U.S. Custody in Iraq and Afghanistan (New York: Human Rights First, 2006), by Hina Shamsi, ed. by Deborah Pearlstein (PDF at Wayback Machine) Presidential Accountability in Wartime: President Bush, the Treatment of Detainees, and the Laws of War (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2023), by Stuart Streichler (multiple formats with commentary at The Report of the Constitution Project's Report on Detainee Treatment (Washington: Constitution Project, c2013), by Constitution Project Task Force on Detainee Treatment (PDF with commentary at
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Afghanistan -- DeathFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Civil rights -- AfghanistanFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Austria
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Confederate States of America -- BiographyFiled under: Aughey, John H. (John Hill), 1828-1911 Tupelo (Chicago: Rhodes and McClure Publishing Co., 1905), by John H. Aughey
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Egypt -- Psychology
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Family relationships -- Israel
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Malaysia -- Malaya -- FictionFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Germany The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust (New York and Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, 2010), by Simone Gigliotti (PDF with commentary at Unter Kriegsgefangenen in Russland und Sibirien, 1914-1920 (in German; Leipzig: Koehler und Ameland, c1927), by Elsa Brändström, trans. by Margarete Klante (page images at HathiTrust) Unter Kriegsgefangenen in Russland und Sibirien, 1914-1920 (in German; Berlin: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte M.B.H., 1922), by Elsa Brändström, trans. by Margarete Klante (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Filed under: Prisoners of war -- India
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Iraq -- Death
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Israel -- PsychologyFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Prisoners of war -- Legal status, laws, etc. Reference Guide to the Geneva Conventions (2003; with full texts of the 1949 and 1977 conventions and protocols), by Maria Trombly
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Maryland -- Baltimore -- Biography
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Medical care -- Moral and ethical aspects
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Mental health -- France Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Historical Memory in France (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, c2009), by Michael Dorland
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- North Carolina -- Biography
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- North Carolina -- Catawba County -- BiographyFiled under: Prisoners of war -- North Carolina -- Diaries
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Philippines -- Bataan (Province)
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Poland -- Biography
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Québec (Province) -- Diaries
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Rehabilitation -- France Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Historical Memory in France (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, c2009), by Michael Dorland Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Russia
Filed under: Prisoners of war -- Southern States -- Biography The Immortal Six Hundred: A Story of Cruelty to Confederate Prisoners of War (second edition; Roanoke, VA: Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co., 1911), by J. Ogden Murray
Filed under: Bataan Death March, Philippines, 1942Filed under: Prisoners of war -- United States The Battle Behind the Wire: U.S. Prisoner and Detainee Operations from World War II to Iraq (MG-934-OSD; c2011), by Cheryl Benard, Edward O'Connell, Cathryn Quantic Thurston, Andrés Villamizar, Elvira N. Loredo, Thomas Sullivan, and Jeremiah Goulka (PDF with commentary at Permitting Bataan Death March Prisoners to Sue in U.S. Court of Claims: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 3188 (Washington: GPO, 1984), by United States House Committee on the Judiciary (page images at HathiTrust) A Belle of the Fifties: Memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, by Virginia Clay-Clopton (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
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