Proclamations -- Great BritainSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Proclamations -- Great Britain- Tudor and Stuart proclamations 1485-1714. (Clarendon press, 1910), by James Ludovic Lindsay Crawford and Robert Steele (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A bibliography of royal proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns : and of others published under authority, 1485-1714 (Clarendon Press, 1910), by James Ludovic Lindsay Crawford and Robert Benson Steele (page images at HathiTrust)
- Bibliotheca Lindesiana ... A bibliography of royal proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns and of others published under authority, 1485-1714. (Printed by the Clarendon Press, 1910), by James Ludovic Lindsay Crawford and Robert Steele (page images at HathiTrust)
- A declaration of His Majesties royall pleasure, in what sort he thinketh fit to enlarge or reserve himself in matter of bountie. (Lond., 1610), by King of England James I (page images at HathiTrust)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation ... whereas it hath been represented unto us by the Levant Company ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation ... whereas this present Parliament stands prorogued to the twenty ninth day of this instant November ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., MDCXCVIII [1698]), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the council-chamber in Whitehall, the second day of November, 1697 present Their Excellencies the lords justices in council. (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the council-chamber in Whitehall, the eighth day of November, 1697 present Their Excellencies the lords justices in council. (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation whereas by proclamation bearing date the eighteenth day of May last ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation whereas by one act ... intituled, Act for the further remedying the ill state of the coin of the kingdom ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices and King of England William III (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation whereas there was an act made the last session of Parliament, intituted, an Act to Enforce the Act for the Increase and Incouragement of Seamen ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation ... whereas we have received information that a great number of persons have frequently of late assembled themselves together, and committed great outrages and riots in the county of Kent ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation whereas His Majesty by his royal proclamation of the seventh day of July last ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1698), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation for a general fast (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1695), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation for a general fast ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation for a publick thanksgiving (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1695), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the French king (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Die Martis Vel. Feb. 28, 1643 whereas a committee of Lords and Commons have ... desired the lord major ... to advance the some of three-score thousand pounds, for the present supply of the army ... ([London : s.n., 1644]), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Die Mercurii, 2 Novemb. 1642 whereas wee the Lords and Commons have ordered, that it be referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom ... (London : Printed by J.F. for E. Husbands and J. Franck, [1642]), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene forasmuch as the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne lady is crediblie enfourmed that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in and about the citie of London ... Her Maiestie therefore of her especiall fauour and clemencie is pleased and contented to adiourne the sayde tearme of S. Michael ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene the Queenes Maiestie vnderstanding that there bee certaine persons hauing in times past the office of ministery to the church ... hereby Her Highnesse doth charge and command ... that they doe forbeare to preach ... other then the Gospells and Epistels ... (Imprinted at London : By Richard Iugge [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene the Queenes Highnesse vpon many great considerations for the benefit of her common weale doeth will and straightly command all maner of persons ... to absteine from killing, dressing, or eating of any flesh upon ... Lent ... (Imprinted at London : By Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawoodde [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ..., [1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation against the deceiptfull winding and folding of wools ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation for maintenaunce of tillage ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation for bringing into the realme of vnlawfull and seditious bookes ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation to represse all piracies and depredations vpon the seas. ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene whereas the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne lady by reason of the plague and pestilence in the citie of London dyd lately by her proclamation adiourne part of the tearme of S. Michael ... Her Maiestie is therefore forced ... to adiourne the rest of the said tearme ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene the Queenes most excellent Maiestie considering that the great & horrible conspiracies, treasons, and rebellions lately practised ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene forasmuch as the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne ladie is crediblie enformed that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in & about the citie of London ... Her Maiestie for the sayde necessarie consyderations ... is pleased and contented to adiourne the sayde terme of Saint Michael ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... , [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie considerynge, how necessarye it is and pleasynge to Almyghtye God, to haue concorde and peace wyth all prynces ... (Imprinted at London : By Rycharde Iugge and John Cawood ..., [1559]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie perceauyng that notwithstandyng the notorious offence of Thomas Cobham, committed on the seas agaynst certayne subiectes of her good brother the kynge of Spayne ... (Imprinted at London : By Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood ..., [1564]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that of late tyme sundrye persons beyng infected with certayne daungerous and pernicious opinions in matters of religion, contrary to the faith of the church of Christe, as Anabaptistes ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde by Rycharde Iugge, and Iohn Cawood ..., [1560]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie strayghtly co[m]maundeth all maner her admirals, vice admirals, captaynes, and maisters of her shippes ... to permit & suffer al maner of subiectes of her good brothers the king of Spaine tradyng the seas ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ..., [1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie strayghtly co[m]maundeth all maner of her admirals ... to permit & suffer al maner of subiectes of her good brothers the King of Spaine tradyng the seas ... ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde, by Richard Jugge and John Cawood ..., [1563]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation for the obseruation of certein statutes with a fourme howe the same shal be executed, and a summarye abridgement of euery of the same statutes, folowing. ([Imprinted at London : In Povvles Church yarde by Rycharde Jugge and John Cawood, printers to the Quenes Maiestie], 1562), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I), Queen Elizabeth I of England, and etc England and Wales. Laws (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the continuance of His Maiesties farthing tokens (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1614), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation conteyning His Maiesties royall pleasure concerning the proiect of dying and dressing of broad cloathes within the kingdome, before they be exported. (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1614), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome into any His Maiesties dominions (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1614), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation against steelets, pocket daggers, pocket dagges and pistols (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ..., 1616), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for reforming the abuses in making of gold and siluer threed within this realme and for the inhibiting the importation thereof, from the parts beyond the seas. (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, deputies and assignes of Robert Barker ..., M. DC. XVII [1617]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation concerning ale-houses (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M. DC. XVIII [1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation to restraine the planting of tobacco in England and VVales (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XIX [1619]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for preuention and restraint of the abuses and inconueniences occasioned by dying with logwood (Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XIX [1619]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the banishing of Giles Mompesson (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXI. [1621]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation commanding noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of quality, to repayre to their mansion houses in the country, to attend their seruices, and keepe hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custome of England (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXII. [1622]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same (Printed at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M. DC. XXV [1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for restraint of disorderly and vnnecessary resort to the court (Printed at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXV. [1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the adjournement of part of Michaelmas terme (Printed at Oxford : By I.L. and W.T. for Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill ..., M.DC.XXV [1625]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the avoyding of all intercourse betweene His Maiesties Royall Court and the cities of London and Westminster, and places adioyning (Printed at Oxford : By I.L. and W.T. for Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., 1625), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of Chester ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1642]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of Lancaster ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1642]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of Lincolne, and of his citty of Lincolne, and county of the same citty ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1642 or 1643]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at White-hall the 22th of March, 1664, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... whereas His Majesty by and with the advice of his Privy Council hath dispensed with certain clauses of several acts, concerning trade, shipping and navigation ... (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1664), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at White-hall, the 13th of July, 1682, present the King's Most Excellent Majesty, &c. His Majesty having been informed by the lord mayor, and other divers of aldermen of London, that the disorders and riots arisen in that city ... (London : Printed for C. Read, 1681), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at White-hall, January the seventeenth, 1678/9, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... there having been lately presented by the justices of the peace ... (London : Printed for John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678/9, [i.e. 1679]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at Whitehall, this sixth day of December, 1678, present, the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... whereas His Majesty and this board are informed of the bold and open repair made to several places ... (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at Whitehall, the nineteenth of November 1678 by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council : whereas His Majesty by his late royal proclamation ... did straitly charge and command all persons, being popish recusants ... (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), King Charles II of England, and England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at Whitehall, the one and thirtieth of January, 1678/9, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... whereas His Majesty hath received complaint in council, that several justices of the peace ... (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678/9 [i.e. 1679]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1674 [i.e. 1675]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation commanding all masters and owners of ships to stay for their convoy before they put to sea (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1681), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation commanding the immediate return of all His Majesties subjects who are in any foreign seminaries, and forbidding relief to be sent to them (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678 [i.e. 1679]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring and enjoyning observance of the articles of peace, commerce and alliance, between His Majesty and the King of Spain. (In the Savoy [i.e. London] : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1667 [i.e. 1668]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring His Majesties pleasure to settle and establish a free port at his city of Tanger in Africa (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1662), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall be prorogued until the first day of October next (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall be prorogued until the thirtieth of October next (London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1679), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation declaring the Parliament shall sit the one and twentieth day of October (London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1680), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for a generall fast throughout this realm of England (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1665), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for a generall fast (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for a general fast (London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1679), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for a general fast (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1680), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for calling home such of His Majesties subjects as are now abroad in the dominions or service of His Majesties enemies (In the Savoy [i.e. London] : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1672), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1665), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament (Oxford : Printed by A. & Leonard Lichfield ... for John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1665 [i.e. 1666]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament ([London] In the Savoy : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1671), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for preventing the importation of foreign corn in time of plenty (In the Savoy [i.e. London] : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1669), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for removing the receipt of His Majesties exchequer from Non-such to Westminster (Oxford : Printed by Leonard Lichfield for John Bill, and Christopher Barker ..., 1665 [i.e. 1666]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the further discovery of the late horrid design against His Majesties sacred person and government (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the free exportation of woolen manufacturers until the 25th day of December next (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1666), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the further discovery of the late horrid design against His Majesties sacred person and government (London : Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1678), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual and speedy discovery and prosecution of the Popish Plot (London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1679), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual discovery of Jesuits, and of all estates belonging to them, or to any popish priest, colledge, seminary, or other popish and superstitious foundation (London : Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills ..., 1679), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation forbidding His Majesties subjects to give assistance to any the subjects of the King of Spain now in rebellion against him (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1675), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to take commissions, set out ships, or serve at sea against any foreign prince or state in amity with His Majesty (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1676), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation requiring the members of both houses of Parliament to give their attendance upon the 21th day of May instant (London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1677), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation concerning the students in the Colledge of Edinburgh (Edinburgh :, And reprinted at London,: Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His Most Sacred Majesty, 1681. ;, January 29th, following [1682]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation discharging merchants and other traffickers, to sell or exchange any prohibite commodities, with themselves or amongst others (Edinburgh :, And reprinted at London : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His Most Sacred Majesty ;, For Langley Curtis ..., 1683), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation discharging silk lace, white lace, and point to be imported or worn upon apparel ... 16 March (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, 1682), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and Pat Menzies (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation for calling in and suppressing of two books written by John Milton the one intituled, Johannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi aliàs Salmasii, defensionem regiam, and the other in answer to a book intituled, The p by the King. (London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker ..., 1660), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation for discovering and apprehending some rebels lately in arms in the West, and their resetters (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His Most Sacred Majesty, 1684), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation indicting a solemn and publick thanksgiving throughout the kingdom of Scotland to be kept upon the ninth of September next, for His Majesties safe delivery from the late phanatical conspiracy against His Majesty, His Royal Highness, and government. (Edinburgh :, Re-printed at London : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ..., By George Croom ..., 1683), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation ordering the whole militia benorth the river of Forth, to be in readiness with fifteen dayes provision, when called out, &c. (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His Most Sacred Majesty, 1684), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation against slanderers and leesing-makers (Edinburgh :, Reprinted at London : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ...,, For J.L., 1686 ;, 1686), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) and Colin McKenzie (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation for securing the peace of the High-Lands (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His Most Sacred Majesty, 1685), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) and King of England James II (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King and Queen, a proclamation for dissolving this present Parliament and declaring the speedy calling [of] another (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1689), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1689-1694 : William and Mary), III William, and Queen of England Mary II (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King and Queen, a proclamation for prohibiting seamen from deserting Their Majesties service (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and Thomas Newcomb ..., MDCLXXXIX [1689]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1689-1694 : William and Mary), III William, and Queen of England Mary II (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and III William (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1697 [i.e. 1698]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and III William (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., MDCC [1700]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and III William (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation whereas we have been inform'd, that a false, scandalous, and seditious libel ... intituled An account of the proceedings of the House of Commons in relation to the recoining the clipp'd money, and falling the price of guineas ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and King of England William III (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation whereas by an act made this present session of Parliament, it is enacted, that all and singular our receivers, collectors, and other officers ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696/7 [i.e. 1697]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and King of England William III (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for enlarging the time for bounty-money to such seamen and landmen as shall voluntarily come into our sea-service by the tenth of February next, and for regulating of protections. (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1694 [i.e. 1695]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and III William (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices of England, a proclamation ... whereas we have received information ... that one Henry Every commander of the ship called the Phancy ... has, under English colours, acted as common pirate ... (London : Printed for Charles Bill, and the executrix for Thomas Newcomb ..., [1696]), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Lords Justices, a proclamation ... whereas we formerly received information ... that one Henry Every, commander of this ship called the Phansie ... committed several acts of piracy ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb ..., 1696), by England and Wales. Lords Justices (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Queenes Maiestie being geuen to vnderstand that chiefly through the disorderly traffiquing of such her marchauntes as trade into Fraunce for wines ([London] : Imprinted at London by New-gate Market next vnto Christes Churche, by Richarde Iugge ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation concerning the souldiers appointed to serue in Her Maiesties seruice beyond the seas, vnder the charge of Sir Iohn Norris and Sir Francis Drake (Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., [1589]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation commanding all persons vpon the borders of England, to keepe peace towards Scotland, vpon the like proclamation by the King of Scots towards England (Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., [1596 [i.e. ca. 1618]]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamations. 1569-03-01 (Imprinted at London : in Powles Churcheyarde by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie, [1569]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Proclamation for restraint of transportation of grayne beyonde the seas ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churche yarde, by Richard Iugge ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Where it is ordeined and prouided by a statute made & established in the Parliament holden at Westminster the viii. day of June, in the xxviii. yeere of the reigne of the Queenes Maiesties dearely beloued father of famous memorie King Henry the Eight, that the prices of all kind of wines ... should be limitted and declared. (Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Forasmuch, as it is found by good proofe, that many persons which haue serued of late on the seas, in the iourney towards Spaine and Portingale in comming from Plimmouth ... haue fallen sicke by the way, and diuers dyed as infected with the plague (Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Elizabeth 1533-1603 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, orders for thorow-posts, and curriers, riding in post in our affaires (Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill ..., 1621), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and James 1566-1625 (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation, for dissolving this present parliament, and declaring the speedy calling another: (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd ..., 1700), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and William King of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Protector, a proclamation giving encouragement to such as shall transplant themselves to Jamaica (London : Printed by Henry Hills and Iohn Fields ..., MDCLV [1655]), by England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) and Oliver Cromwell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions and territories thereto belonging to all persons, ministers, lecturers, vicars, and curates ... : whereas the minister and inhabitants of the parish of South-Okenden in our county of Essex ... ([S.l. : s.n., 1658]), by England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) and Oliver Cromwell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation for the calling in and frustrating all commissions for the making of salt-peter granted forth before that to George Euelin and others, the 28. of Ianuary 1587 whereby many of Her Maiesties subiects were greatly abused, as also that all peter made by the said later commissions doe bring the same into Her Maiesties store, &c. (Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker ..., 1595), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation whereas His Majesty hath been informed that great numbers of papists and other disaffected persons, who disown His Majesties government, have lately resorted to and assembled in the cities of London and Westminster ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd ..., 1698 [i.e. 1699]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III) and King of England William III (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Die Mercurii, [1]4 Martii, 1648 [i.e. 1649] resolved by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Sir Iohn Stowell knight be proceeded against for life [i]n the upper bench ... (London : Printed by Richard Cotes, 1649), by England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- At the court at Whitehall the sixteenth day of February, 1688, present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty whereas by the late Act of Uniformity, which establisheth the liturgy ... (London : Printed by Charles Bill, and Thomas Newcomb ..., 1688), by England and Wales Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the Queene, a proclamation of the Queenes Maiesties pardon graunted to certaine of her subiectes vppon the west borders, hauyng offended by Leonard Dacres abusyng of them, in a rebellion lately stirred by him ([London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard, by Richard Jugge and John Cawood ..., [ca. 1618]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I) and Queen Elizabeth I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A copie of the principall parts of His Maiestie commissions for granting pardons to such as vse trades, whereto they haue not been apprentices, and for dispencing with them to continue the same for their liues, notwithstanding the statute of Quinto Elizabeth (Printed at London : By Iohn Beale, 1619), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) and King of England James I (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the better government of the county of Glocester, and for the security of His Majesties good subjects there (Printed at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield ..., 1642), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the better government of the county of Worcester, and for the security of His Majesties good subjects there (Printed at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield ..., 1642), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the free and safe passage of all persons, who shall desire to repaire to His Majestie, and of all packets, and letters sent by His Majesties ministers ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield, 1642]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the free and safe resort to the markets of the town of Cyrencester in the county of Glocester, and for the indempnity and safety of His Majesties subjects of that county ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield, 1643]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the payment of His Majesties rents, and revenues into his receipt of his exchequer, at his citty of Oxford ([Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield, 1643]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the reliefe of His Majesties army, and good subjects in Ireland, with corne and other victuall (Printed at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield ..., 1643), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation for the strict observance, and execution of the lawes, and statutes made against carrying, or sending of gold, or silver, out of the kingdom ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield, 1643]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation of His Majesties gratious resolution for the reliefe of all such souldiers as are or shall be maymed in His Majesties service (Printed at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield ..., 1643), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation prohibiting all persons within this county of Oxford from buying or receiving horse or armes of any kind from any souldiers of His Majesties army, with a command for bringing in of all such as have been sold, pawned, left, or lost by any souldier ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1643]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation touching the adjournement of part of Easter terme, and His Majesties proceedings concerning wardships and lyveries (Printed at Oxford : by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1643), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- By the King, a proclamation touching the adjournement of part of trinity terme (Printed at Oxford : by Leonard Lichfield ..., 1643), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- His Majesties proclamation forbidding all his loving subjects of the counties of Glocester, Somerset, and Wilts, to obey any warrants of the Earle of Stanford, Sir Edward Bainton, or any others commanding them to appeare with armes, without His Majesties expresse consent ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1642]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation for the better preserving of the corne and grasse about the city of Oxford, and other places where the Kings army is, or shall be quartered (Printed at Oxford : By Leonard Lichfield ..., 1643), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of Buckinghan ([Oxford : By L. Lichfield ..., 1642]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) and King Charles I of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A proclamation, concerning the advocats ([Edinburgh] : Printed by Andrew Anderson, [1674]), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II) and King Charles II of England (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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