Punched card systemsThis heading may be further subdivided by subject, e.g. Punched card systems -- Chemistry. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Codes for punched card systems
- Perforated card systems
- Punch-card systems
- Punched card systems -- Business
Filed under: Punched card systems
Filed under: Punched card systems -- AstronomyFiled under: Punched card systems -- History
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Computer input-output equipment -- Amateurs' manuals
Filed under: Epson printers
Filed under: Virtual storage (Computer science)
Filed under: Information display systems -- Case studiesFiled under: Information display systems -- United States Flat Panel Displays in Perspective (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Electroluminescent display systems -- United States Flat Panel Displays in Perspective (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Flat panel displays -- United States Flat Panel Displays in Perspective (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Cathode ray tubes
Filed under: Oscillators, Sweep
Filed under: HolographyFiled under: Optical character recognition devices
Filed under: Indexing
Filed under: Indexing -- Periodicals
Filed under: Classification -- Books Fantasy Classification System (first edition; Winnipeg, c1952), by A. G. W. Cameron (page images at fanac.org) The Best Books: A Reader's Guide to the Choice of the Best Available Books (About 50,000) in Every Department of Science, Art and Literature, With the Dates of the First and Last Editions and the Price, Size, and Publisher's Name of Each Book (second edition, corrected; London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co.; et al., 1901), by William Swan Sonnenschein Library of Congress Classification Outline (current edition), by Library of Congress (multiple formats at loc.gov) A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literature: Being the First Supplement to The Best Books (London: S. Sonnenschein and Co.; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895), by William Swan Sonnenschein (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Classification -- Books -- Fantasy literatureFiled under: Classification -- Books -- Science fictionFiled under: Classification -- Books -- Water-supplyFiled under: Classification, DecimalFiled under: Classification, Dewey decimal Decimal Clasification and Relativ Index for Libraries and Personal Use in Arranjing for Immediate Reference Books, Pamflets, Clippings, Pictures, Manuscript Notes and Other Material (11th edition, 1922), by Melvil Dewey Dewey Decimal Classification, Centennial 1876-1976, by Melvil Dewey (Gutenberg text) Filed under: Classification, Library of CongressFiled under: Subject headings List of Subject Headings for Small Libraries, Including Practical Suggestions for the Beginner in Subject Heading Work (fourth edition reprinted; New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941), ed. by Minnie Earl Sears, contrib. by Isabel Stevenson Monro (page images at HathiTrust) List of Subject Headings for Small Libraries, Compiled From Lists Used in Nine Representative Small Libraries (third edition; New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1933), ed. by Minnie Earl Sears (page images at HathiTrust) List of Subject Headings for Small Libraries, Compiled From Lists Used in Nine Representative Small Libraries (second edition reprinted; New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1928), ed. by Minnie Earl Sears (page images at HathiTrust) Catalogue of the Library of the Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore (5 volumes; Baltimore: Press of I. Friedenwald, 1883-1892), by Johns Hopkins University Peabody Institute Library Second Catalogue of the Library of the Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore, Including the Additions Made Since 1882 (8 volumes, 1896-1905), by Johns Hopkins University Peabody Institute Library
Filed under: Subject headings -- HydrologyFiled under: Subject headings -- ArchitectureFiled under: Subject headings -- ArtFiled under: Subject headings -- Cultural propertyFiled under: Subject headings -- Graphic arts Thesaurus for Graphic Materials, ed. by Elisabeth Betz Parker and Helena Zinkham
Filed under: Subject headings -- Medicine -- IndexesFiled under: Subject headings -- Medicine -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Subject headings -- PicturesFiled under: Subject headings -- Social groupsFiled under: Subject headings -- Social sciencesFiled under: Subject headings -- Water-supplyFiled under: Form headings Thesaurus for Graphic Materials, ed. by Elisabeth Betz Parker and Helena Zinkham Filed under: Subject headings, Library of CongressFiled under: World Wide Web -- Subject accessMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |