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Filed under: Punishment -- Canada -- History -- 19th century
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Punishment Bygone Punishments (London: W. Andrews and Co., 1899), by William Andrews (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) An Essay on Crimes and Punishments (second American edition; Philadelphia: P. H. Nicklin, 1819), by Cesare Beccaria, trans. by Edward D. Ingraham (multiple formats at Google) The Rationale of Punishment, by Jeremy Bentham (HTML at Texas) Retributive Justice (1882), by Francis Wharton (page images at HathiTrust) Books Fatal to Their Authors, by P. H. Ditchfield (Gutenberg text) Voltaire and Beccaria as Reformers of Criminal Law (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), by Marcello T. Maestro (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Punishment -- England
Filed under: Punishment -- Government policy
Filed under: Punishment -- Great Britain Simple Justice (c2005), by Charles A. Murray, ed. by David Conway, contrib. by Robert Allen, John Cottingham, Christie Davies, J. C. Lester, Tom Sorell, and Vivien Stern (PDF at Civitas) Crime and the Criminal Law: Reflections of a Magistrate and Social Scientist (Hamlyn Lectures, #15, second edition; London: Stevens and Sons, 1981), by Barbara Wootton (PDF in the UK) Crime and the Criminal Law: Reflections of a Magistrate and Social Scientist (Hamlyn Lectures, #15; London: Stevens and Sons, 1963), by Barbara Wootton (PDF in the UK) A View of the Hard-Labour Bill: Being an Abstract of a Pamphlet, Intituled "Draught of a Bill, to Punish by Imprisonment and Hard-Labour, Certain Offenders, and to Establish Proper Places for Their Reception" Interspersed With Observations Relative to the Subject of the Above Draught in Particular, and to Penal Jurisprudence in General (London: Printed for T. Payne and son, et al., 1778), by Jeremy Bentham The Newgate Calendar, ed. by Donal O'Danachair (HTML at Ex-Classics)
Filed under: Punishment -- History
Filed under: Punishment -- Iran
Filed under: Punishment -- Louisiana
Filed under: Punishment -- Philosophy
Filed under: Punishment -- Rome
Filed under: Punishment -- Scotland Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Departmental Committee on Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, With Appendix and Index (does not include separate Report volume; Edinburgh: Printed for HMSO by Neill and Co., 1895), by Great Britain Departmental Committee on Habitual Offenders, Vagrants, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Deliquents, contrib. by Charles Cameron (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Capital punishment
Filed under: Corporal punishment
Filed under: Discipline of childrenFiled under: Future punishment The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1957), by Harry Buis (HTML at Wayback Machine) The World's View of Eternal Punishment: or, The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment Written Indelibly in Human Nature (second edition, 1929), by G. A. Pegram (PDF at Wayback Machine) Eternal Punishment (1928), by J. P. Arendzen (HTML at pathsoflove.com) A Common-Sense Hell, Being the Practical Thoughts of a Business Man About the Future Fate of the Wicked, Contained in Letters to His Son (New York: G. W. Dillingham Company, c1906), by Arthur Richard Rose (multiple formats at archive.org) The Death of Death: A Study of God's Holiness in Connection With the Existence of Evil, In So Far as Intelligent and Responsible Beings are Concerned (Richmond: J. W. Randolph and English, 1878), by John M. Patton (multiple formats at archive.org) Debate on the Destiny of the Wicked (Oskaloosa, IA: Central Book Concern, 1875), by George Thomas Carpenter and John Hughes Divine Penology: The Philosophy of Retribution and the Doctrine of Future Punishment Considered in the Light of Reason, Science, Revelation and Redemption (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1898), by L. B. Hartman (multiple formats at Google) The Doctrine of Endless Punishment for the Sins of This Life Unchristian and Unreasonable: Two Discourses Delivered in Hollis Street Church (Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Co., 1858), by Thomas Starr King (multiple formats at Google) The Doctrine of Future and Endless Punishment, Logically Proved in a Critical Examination of Such Passages of Scripture as Relate to the Final Destiny of Man, by Reune R. Coon (multiple formats at archive.org) Doom Eternal: The Bible and Church Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment (Philadelphia: N. S. Quimby, 1880), by J. B. Remensnyder (page images at HathiTrust) The Doom of the Majority of Mankind (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1883), by Samuel J. Barrows (multiple formats at archive.org) The Duration and Nature of Future Punishment (reprinted from the second London edition; New Haven: C. C. Chatfield and Co., 1871), by Henry Constable (multiple formats at Google) The Duration and Nature of Future Punishment (reprinted from the second London edition; New Haven: C. C. Chatfield and Co., 1872), by Henry Constable (multiple formats at archive.org) Eternal Punishment (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1858), by Thomas Starr King (PDF at Wayback Machine) Eternal Punishment, by Arthur Walkington Pink (multiple formats at chapellibrary.org) An Examination of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment: Its Divine Origin Refuted, in a Series of Lectures (Cincinnati: G. W. Quinby, 1854), by I. D. Williamson An Examination of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment: Its Divine Origin Refuted, in a Series of Lectures (Cincinnati: G. W. Quinby, 1860), by I. D. Williamson (page images at HathiTrust) Five Discourses on Future Punishment, by Cameron Mann (multiple formats at archive.org) The Friendly Disputants: or, Future Punishment Reconsidered (London: A. Hall, Virtue, and Co., 1859), by Mary Catharine Irvine (multiple formats at Google) Future Punishment: A Test Case (third edition; 1888), by H. L. Hammond (page images at HathiTrust) God's Goodness and Severity: or, Endless Punishment (Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye; New York: Eaton and Mains, c1902), by L. T. Townsend The Hereafter of Sin: What It Will Be, With Answers to Certain Questions and Objections (Andover: Warren F. Draper, 1881), by John W. Hayley (PDF at Wayback Machine) The Indictment of Eternal Torment: The Self-Negation of a Monstrous Doctrine (Cincinnati: F. L. Rown, 1914), by E. D. Slough (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Is "Eternal" Punishment Endless? Answered by a Restatement of the Original Scriptural Doctrine (Boston: Lockwood, Brooks, and Co., 1876), by James Morris Whiton (multiple formats at Google) Is "Eternal" Punishment Endless? Answered by a Restatement of the Original Scriptural Doctrine (second edition; Boston: Lockwood, Brooks, and Co., 1878), by James Morris Whiton Love and Penalty: or, Eternal Punishment Consistent with the Fatherhood of God (New York: Sheldon and Co.; Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1860), by Joseph P. Thompson (multiple formats at archive.org) The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment, by Thomas Baldwin Thayer (HTML at tentmaker.org) Orthodoxy As It Is: or, Its Mental Influence and Practical Inefficiency and Effects Illustrated by Philosophy and Facts (Boston: A. Tompkins, 1845), by Russell Tomlinson and D. P. Livermore (multiple formats at Google) Probation and Punishment: A Rational and Scriptural Exposition of the Doctrine of the Future Punishment of the Wicked, As Held by the Great Body of Christian Believers of All Ages, With Special Reference to the Unscriptural Doctrine of a Second Probation (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1886), by S. M. Vernon (page images at HathiTrust) The Question of Hell: An Essay in New Orthodoxy (New Haven: Wilson and Co.; New York: American News Co., 1873), by E. C. Towne (multiple formats at archive.org) The State of the Impenitent Dead, by Alvah Hovey (multiple formats at archive.org) The Valley of the Shadow: Eight Sermons on the Doctrine of Future Punishment (New York: T. Whittaker, 1878), by Charles H. Hall (multiple formats at archive.org) The Verdict of Reason Upon the Question of the Future Punishment of Those Who Die Impenitent (Boston: Nichols and Noyes, 1865), by Henry Martyn Dexter (multiple formats at archive.org) The Word "Eternal," and the Punishment of the Wicked: A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Jelf, Canon of Christ Church, and Principal of King's college (second edition, 1854), by Frederick Denison Maurice (HTML at anglicanhistory.org) A Course of Lectures on Future Punishment (Ellsworth, ME: D. T. Pike and Co., 1836), by Wilson C. Rider (multiple formats at archive.org) The Greek Word Aion-Aionios, by J. W. Hanson (HTML at tentmaker.org) Immortality of the Soul and Destiny of the Wicked (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1871), by N. L. Rice (page images at MOA) The Immortality of the Soul and the Final Condition of the Wicked Carefully Considered (New York: Carlton and Porter, 1859), by Robert W. Landis The Immortality of the Soul and the Final Condition of the Wicked Carefully Considered (fifth thousand; New York: Carlton and Lanahan, 1868), by Robert W. Landis (PDF at Wayback Machine) An Oral Debate on the Coming of the Son of Man, Endless Punishment, and Universal Salvation, by E. Manford and B. Franklin (multiple formats at archive.org) The Origin of Sin, and Its Relations to God and the Universe (New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1899), by Elisha Woodbridge Cook Here and Hereafter, or, Man in Life and Death: The Reward of the Righteous and the Destiny of the Wicked (Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1897), by Uriah Smith (HTML with commentary at lionofjudah1.org) The Great Concern: or, Man's Relation to God and a Future State (Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859), by Nehemiah Adams (page images at HathiTrust) The Great Concern: or, Man's Relation to God and a Future State (second edition; Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1860), by Nehemiah Adams (multiple formats at archive.org) The Immortality of the Soul (New York: Pub. at the Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1849), by Luther Lee (multiple formats at Google) The Unity of Man, or, Life and Death Realities: A Reply to Rev. Luther Lee (1850), by George Storrs (PDF at a2z.org)
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