Punjab (India) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Punjab (India) -- Intellectual life -- 20th century
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Filed under: India -- Intellectual life -- 20th century
Filed under: African Americans -- Intellectual life -- 20th century The Black Arts Enterprise and the Production of African American Poetry (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, c2011), by Howard Rambsy (PDF files at Project MUSE) Contemporary African American Fiction: New Critical Essays (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2009), ed. by Dana A. Williams (PDF at Ohio State) Power and Possibility: Essays, Reviews, and Interviews (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2007), by Elizabeth Alexander (page images at HathiTrust) The Sage in Harlem: H. L. Mencken and the Black Writers of the 1920s (originally published 1984; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Charles Scruggs (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) Cross-Cultural Visions in African American Modernism: From Spatial Narrative to Jazz Haiku (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Yoshinobu Hakutani (PDF from Ohio State University Press) Conjuring the Folk: Forms of Modernity in African America (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000), by David Nicholls (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Ann Arbor (Mich.) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Argentina -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Berlin (Germany) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Cuba -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: English-speaking countries -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Europe -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: France -- Intellectual life -- 20th century Postmodern Spiritual Practices: The Construction of the Subject and the Reception of Plato in Lacan, Derrida, and Foucault (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2007), by Paul Allen Miller (PDF at Ohio State) The Self and Its Pleasures: Bataille, Lacan, and the History of the Decentered Subject (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1992), by Carolyn J. Dean Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), by David James Fisher (HTML at UC Press) A Motor-Flight Through France (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1908), by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Germany -- Intellectual life -- 20th century Beyond the Bauhaus: Cultural Modernity in Breslau, 1918-1933 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2016), by Deborah Ascher Barnstone European Elites and Ideas of Empire, 1917-1957 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, c2016), by Dina Gusejnova Germany Ten Years After (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1928), by George H. Danton (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Great Britain -- Intellectual life -- 20th century Dilemmas of Decline: British Intellectuals and World Politics, 1945-1975 (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2012), by Ian Hall (multiple formats with commentary at escholarship.org) Modernist Heresies: British literary History, 1883-1924 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Damon Franke (PDF at Ohio State) The New Dark Ages Conspiracy: Britain's Plot to Destroy Civilization, by Carol Schitzner White (PDF with rotated pages at wlym.com) Table-Talk of G. B. S.: Conversations on Things in General, Between George Bernard Shaw and His Biographer (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1925), by Bernard Shaw and Archibald Henderson (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Haight-Ashbury (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Harlem (New York, N.Y.) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Intellectual life -- History -- 20th centuryFiled under: Ireland -- Intellectual life -- 20th century The Theatre of the Real: Yeats, Beckett, and Sondheim (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Gina Masucci MacKenzie (PDF at Ohio State) AE (George W. Russell): A Study of a Man and a Nation (from the Irishmen of To-Day series; Dublin and London: Maunsel and Co., 1916), by Darrell Figgis (multiple formats at archive.org) Changing Ireland: Literary Backgrounds of the Irish Free State, 1889-1922 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1924), by Norreys Jephson O'Conor (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Japan -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Latin America -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Massachusetts -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Mississippi -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Oxford (Miss.) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Paris (France) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: Peru -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: San Francisco (Calif.) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryFiled under: United States -- Intellectual life -- 20th century The Long War: The Intellectual People's Front and Anti-Stalinism, 1930-1940 (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1995), by Judy Kutulas (page images at HathiTrust) Critical Crossings: The New York Intellectuals in Postwar America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), by Neil Jumonville (HTML at UC Press) The Theatre of the Real: Yeats, Beckett, and Sondheim (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Gina Masucci MacKenzie (PDF at Ohio State) Adapting to America: Catholics, Jesuits, and Higher Education in the Twentieth Century (Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1991), by William P. Leahy (PDF at Georgetown) Filed under: Washington (State) -- Intellectual life -- 20th centuryMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |