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Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:
  • Pigmies
Filed under: Pygmies -- Early works to 1800
  • [Info] Orang-Outang, Sive Homo Sylvestris: or, The Anatomy of a Pygmie Compared With That of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man; To Which is Added, A Philological Essay Concerning the Pygmies, the Cynocephali, the Satyrs, and Sphinges of the Ancients, Wherein it Will Appear That They Are All Either Apes or Monkeys, and Not Men, as Formerly Pretended (London: Printed for T. Bennet and D. Brown, 1699), by Edward Tyson
Filed under: Rwandan Genocide, Rwanda, 1994 Filed under: Efe (African people) -- Ethnic identityFiled under: Efe (African people) -- HuntingFiled under: Negrillos Filed under: Negrillos -- Africa, WestFiled under: Negritos Filed under: Aeta (Philippine people)

Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.

Filed under: Folklore -- Africa, Central Filed under: Traditional medicine -- Africa, CentralFiled under: Folklore -- Congo (Democratic Republic) Filed under: Indigenous peoples -- Africa, Central -- FictionFiled under: Indigenous peoples -- Congo (Democratic Republic) Filed under: Indigenous peoples -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Juvenile fiction Filed under: Kongo (African people) Filed under: Kongo (African people) -- CommunicationFiled under: Kongo (African people) -- FolkloreFiled under: Kongo (African people) -- Social life and customsFiled under: Vili (African people)Filed under: Ethnology -- Congo (Democratic Republic) Filed under: Hunting and gathering societies -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Ituri ForestFiled under: Hutu (African people) Filed under: Lese (African people) -- AgricultureFiled under: Lese (African people) -- Ethnic identityFiled under: Lokele (African people) Filed under: Kaonde (African people) Filed under: Kaonde (African people) -- Economic conditionsFiled under: Kaonde (African people) -- Social conditionsFiled under: Tutsi (African people)

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