Quatre-Bras, Battle of, Quatre-Bras, Belgium, 1815See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Used for:- Quatre-Bras, Battle of, 1815
- Battle of Quatre Bras
- Quatre-Bras, Battle of (Belgium : 1815)
Filed under: Quatre-Bras, Battle of, Quatre-Bras, Belgium, 1815
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Ligny, Battle of, Ligny, Belgium, 1815Filed under: Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815 The Battle of Waterloo: Containing the Accounts Published by Authority, British and Foreign, and Other Relative Documents; With Circumstantial Details, Previous and After the Battle, From a Variety of Authentic and Original Sources; To Which is Added an Alphabetical List of the Officers Killed and Wounded, from 15th to 26th June, 1815, and the Total Loss of Each Regiment (possibly edited by Booth; second edition; London: Printed for J. Booth, 1815), ed. by John Booth, contrib. by Charlotte A. Eaton and Jane Waldie Watts (page images at HathiTrust) Waterloo (London: S. Swift and Co., 1912), by Hilaire Belloc La Campagne de 1815: Les Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Waterloo et Wavre (2 volumes, in French: Brussels, J. Lebrègue et cie, 1910), by Louis Navez (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) A Week at Waterloo in 1815 (London: J. Murray, 1906), by Magdalene De Lancey, ed. by B. R. Ward, contrib. by Walter Scott and Charles Dickens
Filed under: Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815 -- FictionFiled under: Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815 -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815 -- Personal narratives Narrative of a Residence in Belgium During the Campaign of 1815, and of a Visit to the Field of Waterloo, By An Englishwoman (authorship attributed to Eaton and/or Watts; London: J. Murray, 1817), contrib. by Charlotte A. Eaton and Jane Waldie Watts Waterloo Days: The Narrative of an Englishwoman Resident at Brussels in June, 1815 (this edition attributes authorship to Eaton; London: G. Bell and Sons, 1888), by Charlotte A. Eaton, ed. by Edward Bell