Rabbis -- BiographySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Rabbis -- Biography
Filed under: Rabbis -- Anecdotes To Know and To Care, by Eliyahu Touger and Malka Touger Filed under: Rabbis -- France -- Troyes -- Biography Rashi, by Maurice Liber, trans. by Adele Szold Seltzer (Gutenberg text) Filed under: Rabbis -- Germany -- Biography Mein Kampf ums Recht: Eine Streitschift Gegen Vorstand und Repräsentanz der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin (in German; Berlin: Typ. Rosenthal, 1907), by Emil Cohn Filed under: Rabbis -- Italy -- BiographyFiled under: Rabbis -- Morocco -- BiographyFiled under: Rabbis -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal -- BiographyFiled under: Rabbis -- Soviet Union -- BiographyFiled under: Rabbis -- Ukraine -- Biography
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Rabbis -- New York (State) -- New York -- Correspondence
Filed under: Rashi, 1040-1105 Rashi, by Maurice Liber, trans. by Adele Szold Seltzer (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Rashi, 1040-1105. Perush Rashi 'al ha-TorahFiled under: Wazana, Yáacov
Filed under: Rabbis -- Sexual behavior -- United StatesFiled under: Schneersohn, Joseph Isaac, 1880-1950
Filed under: Schneersohn, Joseph Isaac, 1880-1950 -- CorrespondenceFiled under: Pastoral counseling (Judaism)Filed under: Tannaim
Filed under: Clergy -- Biography
Filed under: Bishops -- Biography
Filed under: Circuit riders -- Biography
Filed under: Shinto priests -- Biography
Filed under: Women clergy -- Biography
Filed under: African American Baptists -- Clergy -- Biography Biography of Elder Lott Cary, Late Missionary to Africa; With an Appendix on the Subject of Colonization (Baltimore: Armstrong and Berry, 1837), by James B. Taylor, contrib. by John H. B. Latrobe (HTML and TEI at UNC) Bond and Free: or, Yearnings for Freedom, From My Green Brier House: Being the Story of My Life in Bondage, and My Life in Freedom (Philadelphia: The Author, 1861), by Israel Campbell (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, Labors, and Travels of Elder Charles Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist Denomination (with an essay on "the African race" by the author, and on the fugitive slave law by Arthur Dearing; Watertown, MA: Ingalls and Stowell's Steam Press, 1852), by John W. Lewis, contrib. by Arthur Dearing (HTML and TEI at UNC) A Narrative of the Life of Rev. Noah Davis, a Colored Man, by Noah Davis (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: African American Methodists -- Clergy -- Biography Autobiography and Work of Bishop M. F. Jamison, D.D. ("Uncle Joe"), Editor, Publisher, and Church Extension Secretary: A Narration of His Whole Career From the Cradle to the Bishopric of the Colored M. E. Church in America (Nashville, TN: Pub. for the author by the Publishing House of the M. E. Church, 1912), by M. F. Jamison (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) A Brief Account of the Life, Experience, Travels, and Gospel Labours of George White, an African: Written by Himself, and Revised by a Friend (New York: J. C. Totten, 1810), by George White (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Wilkerson's History of His Travels and Labors, in the United States, As a Missionary, In Particular, That of the Union Seminary, Located in Franklin Co., Ohio, Since He Purchased His Liberty in New Orleans, La. &c. (1861), by Major James Wilkerson The Life, History, and Unparalleled Sufferings of John Jea, the African Preacher, Compiled and Written by Himself (Portsea, UK: The author, ca. 1811), by John Jea (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: African Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy -- Biography Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee, Giving an Account of Her Call to Preach the Gospel (Philadelphia: The author, 1849), by Jarena Lee (multiple formats at archive.org) Biography of Rev. David Smith of the A. M. E. Church (Xenia, OH: Printed at the Xenia Gazette Office, 1881), by David Smith, contrib. by David Alexander Payne (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Life and Labors of Rev. Jordan W. Early, One of the Pioneers of African Methodism in the West and South (Nashville: Publishing House A.M.E. Church Sunday School Union, 1894), by Sarah J. W. Early (HTML and TEI at UNC) Life and Narrative of William J. Anderson, Twenty-Four Years a Slave (Chicago: Daily Tribune Book and Job Printing Office, 1857), by William J. Anderson (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life of the Rev. Dandridge F. Davis, of the African M. E. Church, With a Brief Account of His Conversion and Ministerial Labors, from August 1834, till March 1847; Also, A Brief Sketch of the Life of the Rev. David Conyou (Pittsburgh: Ohio A. M. E. Conference, 1850), by A. R. Green (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) The Looking-Glass: Being a True Report and Narrative of the Life, Travels, and Labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a Colored Clergyman; Embracing a Period of Time from the Year 1812 to 1854, and Including His Visit to Western Africa (New York: Wright, 1854), by Daniel H. Peterson (illustrated HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) The Rev. J. W. Loguen, As a Slave and As a Freeman (Syracuse, NY: J. G. K. Truair and Co., 1859), by Jermain Wesley Loguen Richard Allen and Absalom Jones (Baltimore: Church Advocate Press, 1916), by George F. Bragg (HTML and TEI at UNC) Wilkerson's History of His Travels and Labors, in the United States, As a Missionary, In Particular, That of the Union Seminary, Located in Franklin Co., Ohio, Since He Purchased His Liberty in New Orleans, La. &c. (1861), by Major James Wilkerson
Filed under: Baptist State Convention of North Carolina -- Clergy -- Biography
Filed under: Baptists -- Clergy -- Biography A Work on Revivals; and Sketches In the Life and Preaching of Elder James M. Smith; A Baptist Minister for Thirty-Five Years (Indianapolis: Printed for the author, 1881), by James M. Smith (multiple formats at Indiana) Against the Tide: An Autobiography (New York: R. R. Smith, 1938), by A. Clayton Powell (page images at HathiTrust) From the Stage Coach to the Pulpit: Being an Auto-Biographical Sketch, With Incidence and Anecdotes, of Elder H. K. Stimson, the Veteran Pioneer of Western New York, Now of Kansas (St. Louis: R. A. Campbell, 1874), by Hiram K. Stimson, ed. by T. W. Greene Life and Labors of the Rev. Matthew McClain; With Recollections and Events Through a Life of Seventy Years (Indianapolis: J. G. Doughty, 1876), by Matthew McClain, ed. by W. Thomas McClain (page images at HathiTrust) Life of the Rev. Elisha W. Green (Maysville, KY: Republican Printing Office, 1888), by Elisha Winfield Green (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: British Methodist Episcopal Church -- Clergy -- Biography
Filed under: Calvary Chapel movement -- United States -- Clergy -- Biography Harvest, by Chuck Smith and Tal Brooke (HTML at calvarychapelofhope.org)
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Clergy -- Biography Moscow Was My Parish (New York et al.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., c1956), by Georges Bissonnette (page images at HathiTrust) A Heroic Priest: Memoir of Joseph Francis Brophy, D.D., Apostle of Coney Island (1910), by Mrs. Paul Boyton (page images at HathiTrust) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (HTML with commentary at whatsaiththescripture.com) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (sixth edition; Toronto: S. R. Briggs, 1886), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (New York et al.: F. H. Revell and Co., c1886), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (15th edition; Chicago: A. Craig, 1888), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (revised and complete edition, with post-mortem appendix; London: Marshall Press, ca. 1899), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org)
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