Redemption -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Redemption -- Early works to 1800- The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, Justification &c, Cleering it from Some Common Errors (reprint with new material, ca. 1931; originally London: Printed for J.M. by George Whittington and James Moxon, 1650), by William Pynchon, ed. by Harry Andrew Wright (multiple formats at
- The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, by John Owen (multiple formats at CCEL)
- The Death of death in the death of Christ : being a treatise of the redemption and reconciliation that is in the blood of Christ ; wherein the whole controversy about universal redemption is fully discussed : in four parts (Carlisle, (Pennsylvania) : Printed by George Kline, 1792., 1792), by John Owen (page images at HathiTrust)
- Redemption: three sermons, 1637-1656; facsimile reproductions. (Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1956), by Thomas Hooker (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A history of the work of redemption : containing the outlines of a body of divinity ; in a method entirely new (Printed for Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1808), by Jonathan Edwards and John Erskine (page images at HathiTrust)
- A discourse concerning : I. The true import of the words election and reprobation ... II. The extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God ... IV. The liberty of the will ... V. The perseverance or defectibility of the saints ... (Printed for John Wyat ..., 1710), by Daniel Whitby (page images at HathiTrust)
- A confutation of the hope of the Jews concerning the last redemption ; An examination of several scripture prophecies, which the Reverend M.W. hath applyed to the times after the coming of the Messiah (Printed for R. Burrough and J. Baker, 1707), by Pierre Allix (page images at HathiTrust)
- A history of the work of redemption. A reprint from the Worcester ed., without alteration, mutilation, or omission. (Leavitt, Trow, 1845), by Jonathan Edwards and John Erskine (page images at HathiTrust)
- A history of the work of redemption : containing the outlines of a body of divinity, in a method entirely new (Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1800), by Jonathan Edwards, John Erskine, and Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Publication (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Dialogue. ([publisher not identified], 1700) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Wesley Tracts, vol. X (1744), by Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf and John Wesley (page images at HathiTrust)
- A demonstration of the gross and fundamental errors of a late book, called A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ... (London : Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, 1738., 1738), by William Law and Benjamin Hoadly (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Doctrines of glorious grace unfolded, defended, and practically improved : herein the fall of mankind in the first Adam, and the methods of divine sovereignty in the effectual recovery of a chosen remnant by Christ the second Adam, are declared, and set in a scriptural light ... : with an appendix, containing some remarks on the works of Mr. James Foster ... (Boston : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1744., 1744), by Isaac Chanler (page images at HathiTrust)
- The meritorious price of our redemption iustification &c. cleering it from some common errors... (London : Printed for J.M. by George Whittington and James Moxon, 1650., 1650), by William Pynchon (page images at HathiTrust)
- Meditations upon the love of Christ, in the redemption, of elect-sinners ([Glasgow], [publisher not identified], Printedby J. M'Callum, for Robert Smith. 1752., 1752), by Hugh Clark and Thomas F. Torrance Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ark of the covenant opened (London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers Chappel,, 1677., 1677), by Patrick Gillespie and Thomas F. Torrance Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Kitāb taʼrīkh al-fidāʼ ... ([s.n.], 1868), by Jonathan Edwards (page images at HathiTrust)
- Glad tydings, from Heaven to the worst of sinners on earth Walter Cradock ... (London : Printed by Mathew Simmons, 1648), by Walter Cradock (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A Scriptural and rational account of the Christian religion particularly concerning justification only by the propitiation and redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. (London : Printed for Jonas Lundey ..., 1695), by Edward Harley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The application of redemption by the effectual work of the word, and spirit of Christ, for the bringing home of lost sinners to God ... by that faithful and known servant of Christ, Mr. Thomas Hooker ... (London : Printed by Peter Cole ..., 1656), by Thomas Hooker (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The glorious lover a divine poem upon the adorable mystery of sinners redemption / by B.K., author of War with the Devil. (London : Printed by J.D. for Christopher Hussey ..., 1679), by Benjamin Keach (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- When the Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem, he beheld the city, and wept over it, ... ([London : s.n., 1655]), by Martha Simmonds (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A spiritual prospective glass Through which the rulers and people of England, may plainly see those things which concerns their peace. Being a manifestation from the Spirit of God, in love to all people. By one that desires the prosperity of truth, and the peace of the nation. W.Smith. ([London : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1670), by William Smith (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford 1640 of conversion, unto God. Of redemption, & justification, by Christ. By the Right Reverend James Usher, late Arch-bishop of Armagh in Ireland. Published by Jos: Crabb. Will: Ball. Tho: Lye. ministers of the Gospel, who writ them from his mouth, and compared their copies together. With a preface concerning the life of the pious author, by the Reverend Stanly Gower, sometime chaplain to the said bishop. (London : printed by S. Griffin, for Will: Churchill book-seller in Dorchester, 1660), by James Ussher, Stanley Gower, and Joseph Crabb (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A Christian epistle to Friends in general of weighty concern, for their present and future peace and safety from the soul's adversary's subtill devices and snares of death. To be carefully communicated to the children of light, and professors thereof every where. Being faithfully given forth, and recommended from the spirit of Christ; by his servant George Whitehead. ([London] : Printed by Andrew Sowle: and sold at the Three-Keys in Nags-Head-Court in Grace-Church-Street, 1689), by George Whitehead (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A sovereign antidote, or, A precious mithridate for recovery of souls twice dead in sin, and buried in the grave of long custome, to the life of grace. With hopeful means (God blessing the same) to prevent that three-fold (and worse than Ægyptian) plague of the heart; drunkenness, swearing, and profaneness. Wherein is a sweet composition of severity and mercy: of indignation against sin, of compassion and commiseration to the sinner; with such Christian moderation, as may argue zeal without malice; and a desire to win souls, no will to gall them. By R. Younge of Roxwell in Essex. (London : printed by J. Hayes, and are to be sold by Mrs. Crips in Popes-Head Alley, with 39 other pieces composed by the same author, 1664), by Richard Younge (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Universal redemption of mankind, by the Lord Jesus Christ stated and cleared by the late learned Mr. Richard Barter [sic] ; whereunto is added a short account of Special redemption, by the same author. (London : Printed for John Salusbury ..., 1694), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The effect of certaine sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Iesus wherein besides the merite of Christs suffering, the manner of his offering, the power of his death, the comfort of his crosse, the glorie of his resurrection, are handled, what paines Christ suffered in his soule on the crosse: together, with the place and purpose of his descent to hel after death: preached at Paules Crosse and else where in London, by the right Reuerend Father Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester. With a conclusion to the reader for the cleering of certaine obiections made against said doctrine. (Imprinted at London : By Peter Short for Walter Burre, and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Flower deluce, 1599), by Thomas Bilson (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Of the death of Christ, the price he paid, and the purchase he made. Or, the satisfaction, and merit of the death of Christ cleered, the universality of redemption thereby oppugned: and the doctrine concerning these things formerly delivered in a treatise against universal redemption vindicated from the exceptions, and objections of Mr Baxter. / By J. Owen, minister of the gospel. (London : Printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1650), by John Owen (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- O England; thy time is come, God hath not taken thee until thou be ful; yea, the fulness of thy time is come; ... ([London : s.n., 1656-65]), by Martha Simmonds (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Particular manner how man is redeemed from sinne, justified before God, and made partaker of everlasting life. (At London : Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for VVilliam Cotton, 1607), by Gabriel Powel (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Meritorious price of mans redemption (London : Printed for the author ..., 1655), by William Pynchon (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A trumpet of the Lord of hosts blown unto the city of London, and the inhabitants thereof, proclaimng [sic] the great and notable day of the Lord God, which is coming swiftly on them all, as a thief in the night, and this is the cry of the Lord God, which is gone forth unto thy inhabitants : as also, a trumpet sounded out of the holy city, proclaiming deliverance to the captives, sounding forth the redemption of Sion, which hasteneth, and this is sent unto all her blessed children, who wait for her advancement, this message of glad tydings from God the father of our Lord Jesus, is sent unto you all / published by me, D.W. ([London? : s.n.], 1662), by D. W. (Dorothy White) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A visitation of love, sent unto all: that those that do not see, may see, and return out of the fall. By Dorothy White. (London : printed for the author, 1684), by D. W. (Dorothy White) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The middle-way in one paper of election & redemption, with indifferency between the Arminian & Calvinist / by Jo. H. (London : Printed for L. Parkhurst ..., 1673), by John Humfrey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A warning from the Lord to the inhabitants of the Earth. ([London? : s.n., 1670]), by Margaret Ivers (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A treatise of the sufferings and victory of Christ, in the work of our redemption declaring by the Scripturs these two questions: that Christ suffered for vs the wrath of God, which we may well terme the paynes of hell, or hellish sorrowes. That Christ after his death on the crosse, went not into hell in his soule. Contrarie to certaine errours in these points publiklie preached in London: anno 1597. ([Middelburg : Printed by Richard Schilders], 1598), by Henry Jacob (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- De redemptione generis humani. (At London : Imprinted by Felix Kingston for Humfrey Lovvnes, 1598), by Jacobus Kimedoncius and Hugh Ince (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Something concerning the two births. ([London : s.n., 1686]), by Thomas Laythes (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The love of God to all mankind in the glorious work of their redemption by Jesus Christ, asserted and vindicated. With a plain and sober discussion of those controversies which are the constant concomitants of it, viz. election and reprobation, God's foreknowledg, his nature, attributes, and decrees; the sufficiency of means vouchsafed to all men to believe; the use of the law to believers under the gospel. Also concerning original sin, freewill, and falling from grace. All fitted to the meanest capacity, in a way of dialogue, by Zachary Stanton. (London : printed, and sold by M. Fabian at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1700), by Zachary Stanton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Widows mite cast in the the treasury of the Lord God ([London : s.n., 1683]), by Richard Waite (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Of mans iniquity, and Gods justice. (Imprinted at London : [By R. Bradock], for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleetstreet, neere the Conduit, 1608), by Theophilus Higgons (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The soules ingrafting into Christ. By T.H. (London : Printed by I[ohn] H[aviland] for Andrew Crooke, at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1637), by Thomas Hooker (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Carracters [sic] in blood, or, A bleeding saviour held out to a bleeding sinner wherein he may know whether he hath been called by, and followed after the leadings of the spirit : being a draught of the spare-hours of a lover of the faithful / by R.O. (London : Printed for the author, 1671), by Robert Ottee (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A warning to the inhabitants of the earth But more especially to those who say they believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with al those that in the simplicity of their hearts, and tender desires towards God, are seeking the kingdom of heaven, (in several forms, and divers observations) with their faces thitherwards; the Lord has opened his bowels of love and tender compassion (through me) towards you all; and these are the words that are laid upon me to give forth, that in the name, fear, dread and power of the living God, they may be read amoungst you. He that can receive them let him. ([London : printed for Thomas Simmons, 1661]), by George Watkinson (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A vindication of the doctrine of Gods absolute decree and of Christs absolute and special redemption. In way of answer to those objections that are brought against them by Mr. Tho: Pierce, in his treatise, entituled, The divine philanthropy. By Tho: Whitfeld, minister of the gospel. (London : Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, printers to His Highness, 1657), by Thomas Whitfield (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The doctrine of the covenant of redemption Wherein is laid the foundation of all our hopes and happiness. Briefly opened and improved. By Samuel Willard, teacher of a church in Boston. [Three lines from Psalms] (Boston : printed by Benj. Harris over against the [Old-Meet]ing-House, 1693), by Samuel Willard and Increase Mather (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Characters in blood, or, A bleeding saviour, held out to a bleeding sinner. Wherein he may know whether he hath been called by, and followed after the leadings of the spirit. Being a draught of the spare-hours of a lover of the faithful. / by R. Dyer. (London, : Printed for W. Redmayne ..., 1676) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Universal redemption offered in Jesus Christ in opposition to that pernicious and destructive doctrine of election and reprobation of persons from everlasting. By Jane Fearon. ([London : s.n.], Printed in the year 1693), by Jane Fearon (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The fort-royal of Christianity defended. Or, a demonstration of the divinity of scripture, by way of excellency called the Bible. With a discussion of some of the great controversies in religion, about universal redemption, free-will, original sin, &c. For the establishing of Christians in truth in these atheistical trying times. / By Thomas Gery, B.D. and Rector of Barwell in Leicestershire. (London, : Printed by T.C. for Nathanael Web, and William Grantham at the sign of the black Bear in Paul's Church-yard, neer the little North-door of Paul's, 1657), by Thomas Gery (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A faithful testimony and warning concerning the certainty of the great and notable day of the Lord, broken forth in this age after the long night of apostacy, wherein he will accomplish his great and glorious work, determined, of redemption and restauration : with something concerning the sufficency of the grace of God ... : and a few words in reply to such as query, or ask, Whether did you ever hear or read of a people, in all the Scriptures, that were Quakers ... / by William Bayly. ([London? : s.n.], 1672), by William Bayly (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The sacred and most mysterious history of mans redemption wherein is set forth the gracious administration of Gods covenant with man-kind, at all times, from the beginning of the world unto the end : historically digested into three books : the first setteth down the history from Adam to the blessed incarnation of Christ, the second continueth it to the end of the fourth year after his baptisme ..., the third, from thence till his glorious coming to judgement / by Matthew Brookes ... (London : Printed by William Wilson for the author, 1657), by Matthew Brookes (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A briefe discourse of mans transgression [an]d of his rede[mption by Christ, with a particular surueigh of the Romish religion] (Imprinted at London : By Richard F[ield] dwelling in the Blacke Friers, neare Lud[gate], MDXCIII [1593]), by Francis Clement (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A defence of a treatise touching the sufferings and victorie of Christ in the worke of our redemption Wherein in confirmed, 1 That Christ suffered for vs, not only bodily griefe, but also in his soule an impression of the proper wrath of God, which may be called the paines of Hell. 2 That after his death on the crosse he went not downe into Hell. For answere to the late writings of Mr Bilson, L. Bishop of Winchester, which he intitleth, The effect of certaine sermons, &c. Wherein he striueth mightly against the doctrine aforesaid. By Henry Iacob minister of the worde of God. ([Middelburg : R. Schilders], 1600), by Henry Jacob (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The meritorious price of our redemption, iustification, &c. Cleering it from some common errors; and proving, Part I. 1. That Christ did not suffer for us those unutterable torments of Gods wrath, that commonly are called hell-torments, to redeem our soules from them. 2. That Christ did not bear our sins by Gods imputation, and therefore he did not bear the curse of the law for them. Part II. 3. That Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law (not by suffering the said curse for us, but) by a satisfactory price of attonement; viz. by paying or performing unto his father that invaluable precious thing of his mediatoriall obedience, wherof his mediatoriall sacrifice of attonement was the master-piece. 4. A sinners righteousnesse or justification is explained, and cleered from some common errors. / By William Pinchin, Gentleman, in New-England. (London : Printed by J.M. for George Whittington, and James Moxon, and are to be sold at the blue Anchor in Corn-hill neer the Royall Exchange, 1650), by William Pynchon (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ancient and durable gospel. Concerning the time of the perfect and totall subduing, washing away, remitting, blotting out, and pardoning, believers sins : and believers being justified, adopted, married to Christ; and presented by Christ spotlesse. Shewing, that though these things were in purpose before the world was, in prophesie, and promise, before Christ dyed; purchased just then; and applyed by faith when we believe. Yet the said purpose is not executed; the said prophesies are not accomplisht; nor promises fulfilled; the things purchased are not effected, nor by us fully enjoyed, till Christs second comming : at which time the saints that sleep shall arise : and scattered Israel shall be gathered. / Written by Thomas Kilcop. In two books; the one iu [sic] an orderly sermon-method : the other by way of answer to a book intituled. Justification by Christ alone : a good title, were the book but sutable. (London : Printed by H.H. and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, living at the sign of the Black-spread Eagle at the west end of Pauls, In the year 1648), by Thomas Killcop (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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