Registers of births, etc. -- Australia -- New South WalesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms: |
Filed under: Registers of births, etc. -- Australia -- New South Wales
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: New South Wales
Filed under: New South Wales -- Bibliography
Filed under: Australian literature -- Australia -- New South Wales -- BibliographyFiled under: Australian periodicals -- Australia -- New South Wales -- BibliographyFiled under: New South Wales -- Colonization -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography
Filed under: New South Wales -- Description and travel
Filed under: Botany Bay (N.S.W.) -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800Filed under: New South Wales -- Discovery and exploration A Journal of a Tour of Discovery Across the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, in the Year 1813, by Gregory Blaxland (illustrated HTML in Australia) Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia, in Search of a Route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria, by T. L. Mitchell (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Journals of Two Expeditions Into the Interior of New South Wales, By Order of the British Government in the Years 1817-18, by John Oxley (Gutenberg text) Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, During the Years 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831: With Observations on the Soil, Climate, and General Resources of the Colony of New South Wales, by Charles Sturt (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: New South Wales -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800Filed under: New South Wales -- Fiction
Filed under: Botany Bay (N.S.W.) -- FictionFiled under: Sydney (N.S.W.) -- FictionFiled under: Authors, English -- Australia -- New South Wales -- FictionFiled under: Political activists -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Fiction
Filed under: Cemeteries -- Australia -- New South Wales -- HistoryFiled under: New South Wales -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: New South Wales -- Politics and governmentFiled under: New South Wales -- Social life and customsFiled under: Botany Bay (N.S.W.) Letters From an Exile at Botany-Bay, To His Aunt in Dumfries, by Thomas Watling
Filed under: Prisoners -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Cockatoo Island -- Biography Old Convict Days (1899), by William Derricourt, ed. by Louis Becke Filed under: Derricourt, William, 1819- Old Convict Days (1899), by William Derricourt, ed. by Louis Becke
Filed under: Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) -- ManagementFiled under: Port Jackson (N.S.W.)
Filed under: Sydney (N.S.W.) -- NewspapersFiled under: Australian newspapers -- New South Wales -- SydneyFiled under: College student newspapers and periodicals -- Australia -- New South Wales -- SydneyFiled under: Agriculture -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Botany -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Executive orders -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Exiles -- Australia -- New South Wales Letters From an Exile at Botany-Bay, To His Aunt in Dumfries, by Thomas Watling Filed under: Forests and forestry -- Australia -- New South Wales The Forest Flora of New South Wales (8 volumes; 1904-1924), by J. H. Maiden Filed under: Governors -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Natural history -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Shrubs -- Australia -- New South Wales The Forest Flora of New South Wales (8 volumes; 1904-1924), by J. H. Maiden Filed under: Soil conservation -- Australia -- New South WalesFiled under: Trees -- Australia -- New South Wales The Forest Flora of New South Wales (8 volumes; 1904-1924), by J. H. Maiden Filed under: Water conservation -- Australia -- New South WalesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |