Religion and scienceSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Christianity and science
- Geology and religion
- Geology -- Religious aspects
- Science and religion
- Science -- Religious aspects
- Relationship between religion and science
Filed under: Religion and science An Ordinary World: the Role of Science in Your Search for Personal Meaning (Hillsboro, OR: Science Integration Institute c2001), by Todd Duncan (PDF at Science Integration Institute) Time Upside Down (c1981), by Erich A. Von Fange (illustrated HTML at No Sense of Obligation: Science and Religion in an Impersonal Universe (c2001), by Matt Young (PDF with commentary at Atlas of Creation (4 volumes; 2006-2012), by Hârun Yahya Origins and Destiny: A Scientist Examines God's Handiwork (1986), by Robert Gange (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Science, Religion and Reality (second impression, corrected; London: Sheldon Press; New York and Toronto: Macmillan, 1926), ed. by Joseph Needham, contrib. by Arthur James Balfour, Bronislaw Malinowski, Charles Singer, Antonio Aliotta, Arthur Stanley Eddington, John Oman, William Brown, Clement Charles Julian Webb, and William Ralph Inge (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) An Address to Men of Science (London: R. Carlile, 1821), by Richard Carlile (Gutenberg text) The Harmony Between Christian Faith and Physical Science, by T. Nelson Dale (page images at MOA) La Religion en Face de la Science (2 volumes in 3, in French; 1881-1883), by Alexis Arduin (page images at HathiTrust) Natural Law in the Spiritual World, by Henry Drummond (multiple formats at CCEL) Pater Mundi, or, Doctrine of Evolution: Being in Substance Lectures Delivered in Various Colleges and Theological Seminaries (second series; Boston: Noyes, Holmes and Co., 1873), by E. F. Burr (page images at MOA) Pater Mundi, or, Modern Science Testifying to the Heavenly Father: Being in Substance Lectures Delivered to Senior Classes in Amherst college (first series, fifth edition; Boston: Noyes, Holmes, and Co., 1872), by E. F. Burr The Reign of Law, by George Douglas Campbell Argyll (HTML with commentary at Victorian Web) The Reign of Law (third American edition; New York: G. Routledge and Sons, 1872), by George Douglas Campbell Argyll (multiple formats at The Reign of Law (fourth American edition; New York: G. Routledge and Sons, 1873), by George Douglas Campbell Argyll (page images at HathiTrust) The Relations of Science and Religion (New York: Robert Carter and Brothers, 1881), by Henry Calderwood (multiple formats at Religion and Chemistry: or, Proof of God's Plan in the Atmosphere and its Elements (second edition; New York: C. Scribner and Co., 1865), by Josiah P. Cooke (page images at MOA) The Religious Sense in its Scientific Aspect (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1903), by Greville Macdonald (multiple formats at Science and Christianity (electronic edition), by John D. Callahan (HTML at Science and the Infinite: or, Through a Window in the Blank Wall (second impression; London: W. Rider and Son, 1917), by Sydney T. Klein (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) Science in Theology: Sermons Preached in St. Mary's, Oxford, Before the University (Philadelphia: Smith, English and Co.; et al., 1860), by Adam Storey Farrar Science, Religion and Reality (New York: Macmillan, 1925), ed. by Joseph Needham, contrib. by Arthur James Balfour, Bronislaw Malinowski, Charles Singer, Antonio Aliotta, Arthur Stanley Eddington, John Oman, William Brown, Clement Charles Julian Webb, and William Ralph Inge (page images at HathiTrust) Theologico-Geology, or, The Teachings of Scripture, Illustrated by the Conformation of the Earth's Crust (Ann Arbor: Printed by Davis and Cole, 1857), by Alexander Winchell Address Delivered Before the British Association Assembled at Belfast, With Additions (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1874), by John Tyndall The Answer of Ernst Haeckel to the Falsehoods of the Jesuits, Catholic and Protestant, From the German pamphlet "Sandalion", and "My Church Departure": Being Haeckel's Reasons, as Stated by Himself, for His Late Withdrawal from the Free Evangelical Church (New York: The Truth seeker company, c1911), by Ernst Haeckel, contrib. by Joseph McCabe and Thaddeus Burr Wakeman (page images at HathiTrust) Anthropos, by William Pratt Breed (page images at MOA) The Astronomy of the Bible, by O. M. Mitchel (page images at MOA) Contemporary Evolution, by St. George Jackson Mivart (page images at MOA) The Epoch of Creation: The Scripture Doctrine Contrasted with the Geological Theory (New York: C. Scribner, 1851), by Eleazar Lord Evolution: A Witness to God (Chicago: Witness Pub. Co., 1922), by George Craig Stewart (page images at HathiTrust) Foolish Faith: What Today's Information Age Says About God, by Judah Etinger (HTML at Geognosy, by David N. Lord (page images at MOA) How Evolution Flunked the Science Test, by Joe Crews (HTML at La Genèse des Espèces: Études Philosophiques et Religieuses sur l'Histoire Naturelle et les Naturalistes Contemporains (in French; Paris: Didier et cie, 1873), by H. de Valroger Last Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and Summary (London: A. Owen and Co., 1906), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by Joseph McCabe Life: Its True Genesis (second edition, 1884), by Horatius Flaccus (Gutenberg text) Monism, As Connecting Religion and Science (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1895), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by J. Gilchrist Nature and the Bible: A Course of Lectures Delivered in New York, in December, 1874, on the Morse Foundation of the Union Theological Seminary (New York: R. Carter and Bros., 1875), by John William Dawson Nineteenth Century Evolution and After: A Study of Personal Forces Affecting the Social Process, in the Light of the Life-Sciences and Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1923), by Marshall Dawson (page images at HathiTrust) The Old Riddle and the Newest Answer (fourth edition; London et al.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1907), by John Gerard (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Origin of the World According to Revelation and Science (New York: Harper and Bros., 1877), by John William Dawson Paradoxical Philosophy: A Sequel to The Unseen Universe (second edition; London: Macmillan and Co., 1879), by Balfour Stewart and Peter Guthrie Tait Philosophia Ultima (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1861), by Charles W. Shields (HTML at Indiana) The Relation Between the Holy Scriptures and Some Parts of Geological Science (from the fourth London edition, greatly enlarged; Philadelphia: R. E. Peterson, 1850), by John Pye Smith (page images at HathiTrust) The Religion of Geology and Its Connected Sciences (Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Co., 1854), by Edward Hitchcock (page images at MOA) Science and Morals, and Other Essays (London: Burns and Oates, 1919), by Bertram C. A. Windle (multiple formats at Science, Philosophy and Religion: Lectures Delivered Before the Lowell Institute, Boston (New York: G. P. Putnam and Sons, 1872), by John Bascom The Six Days of Creation: or, The Scriptural Cosmology, With the Ancient Idea of Time-Worlds, in Distinction From Worlds in Space (Schenectady: G. Y. Van Debogert, 1855), by Tayler Lewis (multiple formats at The Story of Creation As Told by Theology and by Science, by T. S. Ackland (Gutenberg text) The Testimony of the Rocks: or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed (Boston: Gould and Lincoln; et al., 1857), by Hugh Miller The Unseen Universe: or, Physical Speculations on a Future State (New York: Macmillan and Co., c1875), by Balfour Stewart and Peter Guthrie Tait (page images at MOA) The Unseen Universe: or, Physical Speculations on a Future State (third edition; New York: Macmillan and Co., 1875), by Balfour Stewart and Peter Guthrie Tait (multiple formats at Die Welträthsel: Gemeinverständliche Studien über Monistische Philosophie (in German; Bonn: E. Strauss, 1899), by Ernst Haeckel Die Welträtsel: Gemeinverständliche Studien über Monistische Philosophie (in German; Leipzig: A. Kröner, 1909), by Ernst Haeckel (Gutenberg text) Essays of a Biologist (second edition; London: Chatto and Windus, 1923), by Julian Huxley (multiple formats at From Science to God: The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light, by Peter Russell (HTML with commentary at God: An Enquiry into the Nature of Man's Highest Ideal and a Solution of the Problem from the Standpoint of Science (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1908), by Paul Carus The Irreconcilable Records: or, Genesis and Geology (Boston: W. Denton, 1871), by William Denton Les Énigmes de l'Univers (in French; Paris: C. Reinwald, 1902), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by Camille Bos (Gutenberg text) The Philosophy of Natural Theology: An Essay, in Confutation of the Scepticism of the Present Day, Which Obtained a Prize at Oxford, Nov. 26th, 1872 (New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., 1875), by William Jackson Twelve Sermons: Delivered at Antioch College, by Horace Mann (page images at MOA) Darwinism in Morals, and Other Essays (London and Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate, 1872), by Frances Power Cobbe (multiple formats at History of the Old Covenant (3 volumes; Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1859), by J. H. Kurtz, trans. by Alfred Edersheim and James Martin (page images at HathiTrust) The New Evangelism and Other Papers, by Henry Drummond (multiple formats at CCEL) The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1905), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by Joseph McCabe
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