Robin Hood (Legendary character) -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Robin Hood (Legendary character) -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Robin Hood (Legendary character) -- Poetry The Forester's Offering (London: Whitaker and Co., 1841), by Spencer T. Hall Robin Hood: A Collection of All The Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Now Extant, Relative to That Celebrated English Outlaw; To Which are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of His Life (London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and Boys, 1820), by Joseph Ritson (multiple formats at
Filed under: Poetry -- Early works to 1800 Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie: Containing the Necessary, Rational, and Universal Rules for Epick, Dramatick, and the Other Sorts of Poetry (London: Printed by T.N. for H. Herringman, 1674), by René Rapin, trans. by Thomas Rymer (HTML at EEBO TCP) Ancient Critical Essays Upon English Poets and Poësy (2 volumes (each also with "Arte of English Poesie" title page); London: Printed for R. Triphook, 1811-1815), ed. by Joseph Haslewood, contrib. by George Puttenham, George Gascoigne, William Webbe, King James I of England, John Harington, Francis Meres, Thomas Campion, Samuel Daniel, Edmund Bolton, Edmund Spenser, and Gabriel Harvey Aristotle on the Art of Poetry (aka Poetics), by Aristotle, trans. by Ingram Bywater, contrib. by Gilbert Murray (Gutenberg text) The Art of Poetry: The Poetical Treatises of Horace, Vida, and Boileau, With the Translations by Howes, Pitt, and Soame (Boston et al.: Ginn and Co., c1892), ed. by Albert S. Cook, trans. by Francis Howes, Christopher Pitt, and William Soame, contrib. by Horace, Marco Girolamo Vida, and Nicolas Boileau Despréaux (multiple formats at Google) The Arte of English Poesie, by George Puttenham The Defence of Poesie, by Philip Sidney (HTML at Renascence Editions) A Defence of Poesie and Poems, by Philip Sidney, contrib. by Henry Morley (Gutenberg text) A Defence of Ryme, by Samuel Daniel (HTML at Renascence Editions) Poetics, by Aristotle, trans. by S. H. Butcher (Gutenberg text) Poetics, by Aristotle, trans. by W. Hamilton Fyfe (HTML with commentary at Perseus) An Essay on Criticism, by Alexander Pope Rhetoric, by Aristotle, trans. by W. Rhys Roberts (HTML at Internet Classics) Rhetoric, by Aristotle, trans. by John Henry Freese (HTML with commentary at Perseus) Critical Essays of the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1725 (1915), ed. by W. H. Durham (page images at HathiTrust) Pierce Penilesse: His Supplication to the Divell, by Thomas Nash (HTML at Renascence Editions)
Filed under: Epigrams -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Maxims -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Quotations -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Table-talk -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Poetics -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Bible -- History of Biblical events -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 The Conquest of Canäan: A Poem, in Eleven Books (Hartford: Printed by E. Babcock, 1785), by Timothy Dwight Filed under: Botany -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Canaanites -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 The Conquest of Canäan: A Poem, in Eleven Books (Hartford: Printed by E. Babcock, 1785), by Timothy Dwight Filed under: Great Britain -- History -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Hunting -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 Della Caccia: Poema (in Italian; Bergamo: C. Ventura, 1591), by Erasmo da Valvasone Filed under: Jews -- History -- To 1200 B.C. -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 The Conquest of Canäan: A Poem, in Eleven Books (Hartford: Printed by E. Babcock, 1785), by Timothy Dwight Filed under: Joseph (Son of Jacob) -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Joshua (Biblical figure) -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 The Conquest of Canäan: A Poem, in Eleven Books (Hartford: Printed by E. Babcock, 1785), by Timothy Dwight Filed under: Kings and rulers -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Libertinism -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Natural history -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Parr, Thomas, 1483?-1635 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Poetry -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Providence and government of God -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Slave trade -- Africa -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 A Poem on the African Slave Trade: Addressed to Her Own Sex (two parts; Dublin: J. Jones, 1792), by M. Birket Filed under: Tuberculosis -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800 |