Rome -- History -- Republic, 510-30 B.C.See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Rome -- History -- Republic, 510-30 B.C. The Story of Rome, From the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic, by Arthur Gilman (Gutenberg text) The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (2 volumes and supplement; New York: American Philological Association, 1951-1960), by T. Robert S. Broughton, contrib. by Marcia L. Patterson The General History of Polybius, in Five Books (translation of the first 5 books and extracts from books 6-17; London: J. Davis, 1811), by Polybius, trans. by Mr. Hampton The Histories, by Polybius, trans. by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh (searchable HTML with commentary at Perseus) The Histories of Polybius, Translated From the Text of F. Hultsch (2 volumes; London and New York: Macmillan, 1889), by Polybius, trans. by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, contrib. by Fridericus Hultsch Die Römische Herrschaft in Illyrien bis auf Augustus (in German; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1877), by Gustav Zippel (page images at HathiTrust) The Via Gabina Villas: Sites 10, 11, and 13, ed. by Walter M. Widrig (illustrated HTML at Rice)
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Republic, 510-30 B.C. -- Early works to 1800 Historiarum Reliquiae (2 volumes in 1, in Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Ruebner, 1891-1893), by 86 B.C.-34 B.C. Sallust, ed. by Bertold Maurenbrecher Filed under: Rome -- History -- Republic, 510-30 B.C. -- FictionFiled under: Rome -- History -- Republic, 510-30 B.C. -- Sources De Scholasticarum Declamationum Argumentis ex Historia Petitis: Dissertationem Praemio Ornatam (in Latin; Paderborn: F. Schoeningh, 1915), by Richard Kohl
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Rome -- History The Roman Empire: Roots of Imperialism (London and New York: Pluto Press, c2010), by Neville Morley (PDF with commentary at Spectacle and Society in Livy's History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), by Andrew Feldherr (HTML at UC Press) The New Deal in Old Rome: How Government in the Ancient World Tried to Deal With Modern Problems (second edition; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947), by Henry Joseph Haskell (PDF at Abridgement of Roman History, by Eutropius, ed. by Roger Pearse, trans. by J. S. Watson (HTML at Ancient Rome, from the Earliest Times Down to 476 A. D., by Robert F. Pennell (Gutenberg text) Caius Velleius Paterculus Qualem Omni Parte Illustratum Publicavit David Ruhnkenius, Cui Selectas Variorum Interpretum Notas (in Latin; Paris: Colligebat N. E. Lemaire, 1822), by Velleius Paterculus, ed. by David Ruhnkenius and N. E. Lemaire, contrib. by J. C. H. Krause (page images at HathiTrust) Dio's Roman History, by Cassius Dio Cocceianus, trans. by Earnest Cary (HTML with commentary at Chicago) Dio's Rome: An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimus Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus, by Cassius Dio Cocceianus, trans. by Herbert Baldwin Foster A General History of Rome From the Foundation of the City to the Fall of Augustulus, B.C. 753 - A. D. 476 (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1876), by Charles Merivale (page images at MOA) The History of Rome (3 volumes in 1; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1861), by Thomas Arnold The History of Rome (3 volumes in 1; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1868), by Thomas Arnold The History of Rome (6 volumes; Everyman's Library edition, 1912), by Livy, trans. by William Masfen Roberts The History of Rome (five-book edition), by Theodor Mommsen, trans. by William P. Dickson (Gutenberg texts) A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate: Volume I: From the Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus to the Second Consulship of Marius, B.C. 133-104 (only volume published; 1904), by A. H. J. Greenidge (Gutenberg text) The History of Rome, From the First Punic War to the Death of Constantine (2 volumes; London: Printed by S. Bentley and Co. for Taylor and Walton, 1844), by Barthold Georg Niebuhr, ed. by Leonhard Schmitz Pictures from Roman Life and Story (third edition), by Alfred John Church (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics) Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome (Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait and Co., 1851), by Oliver Goldsmith, ed. by William Pinnock and W. C. Taylor (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Roman Antiquities of Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Translated into Englisdh, With Notes and Dissertations (4 volumes (including a fragment from Polybius); London: Printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1758), by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, ed. by Edward Spelman, contrib. by Polybius (page images at HathiTrust) Roman History (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1898), by Livy, ed. by Duffield Osborne, trans. by John Henry Freese, Alfred John Church, and William Jackson Brodribb (page images at Google) The Romane Historie Written by T. Livius of Padua; Also, The Breviaries of L. Florus; With a Chronology to the Whole Historie; and the Topography of Rome In Old Time (with additional material; London: Printed by W. Hunt for G. Sawbridge, 1659), by Livy, trans. by Philemon Holland, contrib. by Lucius Annaeus Florus, Johann Freinsheim, and Bartolomeo Marliani Sketches From Roman History (published by the author, 1908), by Thomas E. Watson (page images at HathiTrust) The Story of the Romans (New York: American Book Company, 1896), by H. A. Guerber (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics) Politick Discourses: Written in Italian by Paolo Paruta, A Noble Venetian, Cavalier and Procurator of St. Mark; Whereunto is added, A Short Soliloquy, in Which the Author Briefly Examines the Whole Course of His Life (London: Printed for H. Moseley, 1657), by Paolo Paruta, trans. by Henry Carey Monmouth
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Augustus, 30 B.C.-14 A.D.
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Chronology Regesten der Kaiser und Päpste für die Jahre 311 bis 476 n. Chr. (in German; Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1919), by Otto Seeck
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Civil War, 43-31 B.C. The Civil Wars, by Appianus of Alexandria, ed. by Horace White (HTML with commentary at Perseus)
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Civil War, 49-45 B.C. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars: with the Supplementary Books Attributed to Hirtius, by Julius Caesar and Aulus Hirtius, trans. by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn (HTML at Virginia) Histoire de Jules César, Guerre Civile (2 volumes, in French; Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1887), by Eugène-Georges-Henri-Céleste Stoffel The Civil Wars, by Appianus of Alexandria, ed. by Horace White (HTML with commentary at Perseus) De Bello Gallico and Other Commentaries of Caius Julius Caesar, by Julius Caesar and Aulus Hirtius, trans. by W. A. McDevitte (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Conspiracy of Catiline, 65-62 B.C.
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Constantine I, the Great, 306-337
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Early works to 1800 Vetus Romana Historia, Sive Supplementorum Livianorum Libri Sexaginta (in Latin; Strasbourg: Apud Simonem Paulli bibliopolam, 1674), by Johann Freinsheim, contrib. by Livy and Lucius Annaeus Florus
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Empire, 284-476 The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus, During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens (London: H. G. Bohn, 1862), by Ammianus Marcellinus, trans. by Charles Duke Yonge (multiple formats at The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus, During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens (London and New York: G. Bell and Sons, 1894), by Ammianus Marcellinus, trans. by Charles Duke Yonge (multiple formats at People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity (2 volumes; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2003), by Ralph W. Mathisen (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Empire, 30 B.C.-284 A.D. Roman History: The Early Empire, from the Assassination of Julius Caesar to That of Domitian (New York: Scribner, Armstrong and Co., ca. 1876), by W. W. Capes (page images at MOA) Herodiani ab Excessu Divi Marci Libri Octo (text in Greek, commentary in Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1855), by Herodian, ed. by Immanuel Bekker (multiple formats at Google) Herodiani ab Excessu Divi Marci Libri Octo (text in Greek, commentary in Latin; Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1922), by Herodian, ed. by Kurt Stavenhagen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Lives of the Twelve Caesars; To Which Are Added, His Lives of the Grammarians, Rhetoricians, and Poets, by Suetonius, trans. by Alexander Thomson and Thomas Forester (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Rome -- History -- Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D. Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000), by Nigel Pollard (page images at HathiTrust) The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Condensed for Modern Reading (New York: Wise and Co., c1943), by Edward Gibbon, ed. by Willson Whitman (page images at HathiTrust) The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Everyman's library edition, 6 volumes; London and Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton, c1910), by Edward Gibbon, ed. by William Henry Oliphant Smeaton (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; some volumes US access only) The History of Count Zosimus, Sometime Advocate and Chancellor of the Roman Empire, by Zosimus (HTML with commentary at The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (6-volume set owned (and written in) by John Adams; London: Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1777-1788), by Edward Gibbon, contrib. by John Adams The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1845 edition, in 6 volumes), by Edward Gibbon, ed. by Henry Hart Milman Lectures and Essays (London: Macmillan and Co., 1870), by J. R. Seeley (multiple formats at The Provinces of the Roman Empire from Caesar to Diocletian (planned as the 8th book of Mommsen's History of Rome; 2 volumes; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887), by Theodor Mommsen, trans. by William P. Dickson The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus, With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola, by Cornelius Tacitus, ed. by Arthur Galton, trans. by Thomas Gordon (Gutenberg text) The Roman Empire: Essays on the Constitutional History From the Accession of Domitian (81 A.D.) to the Retirement of Nicephorus III (1081 A.D.) (2 volumes; London et al.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910), by F. W. Bussell Zosimi Comitis et Exadvocati Fisci Historia Nova (in Greek with Latin notes; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1887), by Zosimus, ed. by Ludwig Mendelssohn (page images at HathiTrust) The Scriptores Historiae Augustae, With an English Translation (in Latin and English; London: W. Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922-1932), trans. by David Magie (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Records of Roman History, From Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, As Exhibited on the Roman Coins (2 volumes; Westminster: J. B. Nichols and sons, 1860), by Francis Hobler Vassal-Queens and Some Contemporary Women in the Roman Empire (Johns Hopkins Studies in Archaeology #22; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1937), by Grace Harriet Macurdy (page images at HathiTrust) The Via Gabina Villas: Sites 10, 11, and 13, ed. by Walter M. Widrig (illustrated HTML at Rice)
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