Royal touch -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Royal touch -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric -- Early works to 1800 Doctor Fludds Answer unto M. Foster (London: Printed for N. Butter, 1631), by Robert Fludd (HTML at EEBO TCP) Reconditorium ac Reclusorium Opulentiae Sapientiaeque Numinis Mundi Magni, Cui Deditur in Titulum Chymica Vannus (bound with "Commentatio de Pharmaco Catholico" by Monte-Snyder; Amsterdam: J. Janssonium à Waesberge and E. Weyerstraet, 1666), contrib. by Joh. de Monte-Snyder The Book of Quinte Essence, or the Fifth Being (sometimes attributed to Hermes Trismegistus; based on 1866 and 1889 editions), ed. by Frederick James Furnivall, contrib. by Hermes Trismegistus (HTML at The Practise of Chymicall, and Hermeticall Physicke, For the Preservation of Health (London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1605), by Joseph Du Chesne, trans. by Thomas Tymme (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Works of The Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber (London: Printed by T. Milbourn, for the author, 1689), by Johann Rudolf Glauber, ed. by Christopher Packe (multiple formats at Collectanea Chemica: Being Certain Select Treatises on Alchemy and Hermetic Medicine (London: J. Elliot and Co., ca. 1893), by Arthur Edward Waite (HTML at The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony (London: James Elliott and Co., 1893), by Basilius Valentinus, ed. by Arthur Edward Waite, contrib. by Theodor Kerckring (multiple formats at The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great: Now for the First Time Faithfully Translated into English (2 volumes; London: J. Elliott and Co., 1894), by Paracelsus, ed. by Arthur Edward Waite (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Scrofula -- Early works to 1800 An Easie and Safe Method for Curing The King's Evil; With Several Observations of Diet, Air, &c. Which May Be of Use and Service to People Afflicted With That Distemper (10th edition; London: A. Collins, 1716), by William Vickers (page images at NIH) The Fourteenth Edition of an Essay, on the Nature and Cure of Scrophulous Disorders, Commonly Called the King's Evil (London: Printed for J. Buckland, 1775), by John Morley (page images at NIH) An Inquiry into The History, Nature, Causes, and Different Modes of Treatment, Hitherto Pursued in the Cure of Scrofula, Pulmonary Consumption, and Cancer (second edition; London: Printed for J. Johnson et al., 1800), by William Nisbet (page images at NIH)
Filed under: Accounting -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Acting -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Advaita -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Aesthetics -- Early works to 1800 The Analysis of Beauty: Written With a View of Fixing the Fluctuating Ideas of Taste (London: J. Reeves, 1753), by William Hogarth (page images at Wisconsin) A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757), by Edmund Burke (multiple formats at Indagación Filosófica Sobre el Orígen de Nuestras Ideas Acerca de lo Sublime y lo Bello (in Spanish; Alcalá: Oficina de la Real Universidad, 1807), by Edmund Burke, trans. by Juan de la Dehesa (page images at HathiTrust) An Essay on the Beautiful (From the Greek of Plotinus) (London: J. M. Watkins, 1917), by Plotinus, trans. by Thomas Taylor (Gutenberg text) Laocoon: An Essay Upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry, With Remarks Illustrative of Various Points in the History of Ancient Art (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1887), by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, trans. by Ellen Frothingham A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, by Edmund Burke (HTML at Bartleby) Aristotle on the Art of Poetry (aka Poetics), by Aristotle, trans. by Ingram Bywater, contrib. by Gilbert Murray (Gutenberg text) Poetics, by Aristotle, trans. by S. H. Butcher (Gutenberg text) Poetics, by Aristotle, trans. by W. Hamilton Fyfe (HTML with commentary at Perseus) Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie: Containing the Necessary, Rational, and Universal Rules for Epick, Dramatick, and the Other Sorts of Poetry (London: Printed by T.N. for H. Herringman, 1674), by René Rapin, trans. by Thomas Rymer (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Art of Poetry: An Epistle to the Pisos (in Latin and English), by Horace, ed. by George Colman (Gutenberg text) Rhetoric, by Aristotle, trans. by W. Rhys Roberts (HTML at Internet Classics) Rhetoric, by Aristotle, trans. by John Henry Freese (HTML with commentary at Perseus)
Filed under: Africa -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 A Geographical Historie of Africa (London: G. Bishop, 1600), by Leo Africanus, trans. by John Pory The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself (London: The author, 1789), by Olaudah Equiano The Travels of Ibn Batūta;: Translated from the Abridged Arabic Manuscript Copies Preserved in the Public Library of Cambridge, With Notes Illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiques, &c Occurring Throughout the Work (London: Printed for the Oriental Translation Committee, 1829), by Ibn Batuta, ed. by Samuel Lee (page images at HathiTrust) A Caution to Great Britain and Her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions (new edition; London: J. Phillips, 1784), by Anthony Benezet (Gutenberg text) A Caution to Great Britain and Her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions (new edition; London: J. Phillips, 1785), by Anthony Benezet Relations of the Most Famous Kingdomes and Common-Wealths Thorowout the World, Discoursing of Their Situations, Religions, Languages, Manners, Customes, strengths, Greatnesse, and Policies (London: Printed by I. Haviland for I. Partridge, 1630), by Giovanni Botero, ed. by Robert Johnson (HTML at EEBO TCP) Relations of the Most Famous Kingdoms and Common-Weales Thorough the World, Discoursing of Their Scituations, Manners, Customes, Strengthes and Pollicies (London: Printed for J. Jaggard, 1611), by Giovanni Botero, ed. by Robert Johnson
Filed under: Africa -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800 The Voyage of Hanno: Translated, and Accompanied With the Greek text, Explained From the Accounts of Modern Travellers, Defended Against the Objections of Mr. Dodwell and Other Writers, and Illustrated by Maps from Ptolemy, d'Anville, and Bougainville (in Greek and English; London: Sold by T. Cadell, jun. and Davies, 1797), by Hanno, ed. by Thomas Falconer (page images at HathiTrust) The Periplus of Hanno: A Voyage of Discovery Down the West African Coast, by a Carthaginian Admiral of the Fifth Century B.C. (Philadelphia: Commercial Museum, 1912), by Hanno, trans. by Wilfred H. Schoff (page images at HathiTrust) A Discourse Intended to Commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus: Delivered at the Request of the Historical Society in Massachusetts, on the 23d day of October, 1792, Being the Completion of the Third Century Since That Memorable Event; To Which Are Added Four Dissertations (Boston: Belknap and Hall, 1792), by Jeremy Belknap
Filed under: Africa, North -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 The History of the Long Captivity and Adventures of Thomas Pellow, in South-Barbary (second edition; London: Printed for R. Goadby and sold by W. Owen, ca. 1740), by Thomas Pellow (multiple formats at The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, of Penryn, Mariner: Three and Twenty Years in Captivity Among the Moors (London: T. F. Unwin, 1890), by Thomas Pellow, ed. by Robert Brown A Complete History of Algiers; To Which is Prefixed, An Epitome of the General History of Barbary, From the Earliest Times, Interspersed With Many Curious Passages and Remarks, Not Touched on by Any Writer Whatever (London: Printed by J. Bettenham for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, 1731), by J. Morgan (page images at HathiTrust) Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa: Containing a Description of the Several Nations for the Space of Six Hundred Miles up the River Gambia (London: Printed by E. Cave for the author, 1738), by Francis Moore, contrib. by Bartholomew Stibbs and Leo Africanus (page images with commentary at
Filed under: Africa, North -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Africa, North -- History -- 1517-1882 -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Africa, West -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 The Golden Trade: or, A Discovery of the River Gambra, and the Golden Trade of the Aethiopians, by Richard Jobson
Filed under: African American nurses -- Early works to 1800 A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People, During the Late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia, in the Year 1793: And a Reputation of some Censures, Thrown upon Them in Some Late Publications (Philadelphia: Printed for the authors by W. W. Woodward, 1794), by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen
Filed under: African Americans -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- Early works to 1800 A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People, During the Late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia, in the Year 1793: And a Reputation of some Censures, Thrown upon Them in Some Late Publications (Philadelphia: Printed for the authors by W. W. Woodward, 1794), by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen
Filed under: Africans -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Aging -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Agricultural wages -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800More items available under broader and related terms at left. |