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Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- Mongolia
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- Mongolia -- History
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Filed under: Russia -- Commerce- Rolʹ i͡armarok v russkoĭ torgovli͡e (Tip. Red. per. izd. M-va F-v., 1914), by I. Kandelaki (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- The Russia trader's assistant, containing information concerning Russian monies, weights and measures ... (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans; [etc., etc.], 1841), by Charles Clark (page images at HathiTrust)
- Volkswirtschaftliche studien aus Russland. (Duncker & Humblot, 1899), by G. von Schulze-Gaevernitz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Der handel des russischen reichs... (Mitau & Leipzig, 1844), by J. Dede (page images at HathiTrust)
- Ocherki obshchestvennogo khozi︠a︡ĭstva i ėkonomicheskoĭ politiki Rossii (Izd. N.M. Glagoleva, 1901), by G. von Schulze-Gaevernitz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Kratkīĭ istoricheskīĭ ocherk torgovli [preimushchestvenno i͡armarochnoĭ] v Kharʹkovskom krai͡e v XVII vv. (Tip. Gub. pravlenīi͡a, 1888), by Dmitriĭ Ivanovich Bagaleĭ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Izuchenīe istoricheskikh svi︠e︡di︠e︡nīĭ o rossīĭskoĭ vni︠e︡shneĭ torgovli︠e︡ i promyshlennosti s poloviny XVII-go stoli︠e︡tīi︠a︡ po 1858 god (V Tip. I.I. Glazunova, 1859), by A. Semenov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Industries of Russia : manufactures and trade (the Department, 1893), by Russia. Departament torgovli i manufaktur, John Martin Crawford, and Ill.) World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rubel-und Wechselkurse, 1885-1895. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den auswärtigen Wechselkursen ... (Kastner & Lossen, 1898), by David Ratner (page images at HathiTrust)
- Razsuzhdenīi︠a︡ o ni︠e︡kotorykh predmetakh zakonodatelʹstva i upravlenīi︠a︡ finansami i kommertsiei︠u︡ Rossiĭskoĭ imperii ... (v Imperatorskoī tipografii, 1807), by F. G. von Wuerst and Ivan Stepanov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vlii︠a︡nie zheleznykh dorog na selʹskoe khozi︠a︡ĭstvo promyshlennost i torgovli︠u︡ (Tipo-lit. Berman, 1896), by Anton Radt︠s︡ig and Russia. Ministerstvo puteĭ soobshchenīi︠a︡ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Fabrichno-zavodskai︠a︡ promyshlennostʹ i torgovli︠a︡ Rossii. (Tip. I.A. Efrona, 1896), by Russia. Departament torgovli i manufaktur (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tradescant der aeltere: 1618 in Russland; der Handelsverkehr zwischen England und Russland in seiner Enstehung ... (Eggers & Co., 1847), by J. Hamel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Dvizhenīe vni͡eshneĭ torgovli Rossīi s 1853 po 1856 g. (V. tip. Morskago Ministerstva, 1858), by F. G. Terner (page images at HathiTrust)
- Russkai͡a͡ kooperat͡s͡ii͡a͡ na mezhdunarodnom rynke (Izd-vo I.P. Ladyzhnikova, 1920), by Georgiĭ Georgievich Shvittau (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Torgovyi︠a︡ soobshchenii︠a︡ vostochnoĭ Rossīi i Sibiri. Nauchno-ėkonomicheskoe izsli︠e︡dovanīe (v svi︠a︡zi s voprosom o napravlenīi Sibirskoĭ zh. d.) (Tipografii︠a︡ L. Bermana i G. Rabinovicha, 1885), by A. P. Subbotin (page images at HathiTrust)
- Führer für russische und ausländische Geschäftsleute (Verlag der Handelskammer für Nordwest Russland, 1924), by Ippolit Nikolaevich Makovet︠s︡iĭ (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Chastnai͡a torgovli͡a soi͡uza S.S.R. sbornik statei. (Izd-vo Narkomtorg, 1927), by L. B. Zalkind (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Zavetnye mysli (Tipo-lit. M.P. Frolovoĭ, 1903), by Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Ezhegodnik Ministerstva finansov 1894 (Ministerstvo finansov., 9999), by Russia. Ministerstvo finansov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Materialy k peresmotru torgovago dogovora Rossīi s Germanīeĭ i s drugimi inostrannymi gosudarstvami : perevozki po russkim zheli︠e︡znym dorogam. (Tip. redakt︠s︡ii period. izd. Ministerstva finansov, 1914), by Russia. Departament zheli︠e︡znodorozhnykh di︠e︡l (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Die russischen handels- und gewerbeabgaben. (Riga, 1899), by Robert Erhardt (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vsia Rossiia : Spravochnaia i adresnaia kniga. (Moskva, in the 20th century), by Soviet Union. Vysshiĭ sovet narodnogo khozi͡a͡ĭstva (page images at HathiTrust)
- Germanskie sindikaty i russkiĭ ėksport. ([Tip. A.I. Mamontova], 1914), by Ī. M. Golʹdshteĭn (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Données administratives, économiques, statistiques, commerciales et industrielles sur l'Empire de Russie; commerce éxterieur. (Impr. Iakor, 1915), by Russia. Ministerstvo torgovli i promyshlennosti. Otdi︠e︡l torgovli (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Russia. (Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 1916), by Guaranty Trust Company of New York (page images at HathiTrust)
- Suez Canal in 1853; a chapter extracted from the stereotyped plates of the Progress of Russia in the West, North, and South. (London, 1876), by David Urquhart (page images at HathiTrust)
- Russkīi︠a︡ promyshlennyi︠a︡ i torgovyi︠a︡ kompanīi v pervoĭ polovini︠e︡ XVIII stoli︠e︡tīi︠a︡ : istoricheskīĭ ocherk (Tip. "V.S. Balashev", 1899), by A. Lappo-Danilevskīĭ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Shōgyōteki Roshia oyobi Shiberia (Dai Nihon Bunmai Kyōkai Jimusho, 1920), by William Henry Beable (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A geographical, statistical, and commercial account of the Russian ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of Asoph and the Danube: also an official report of the European commerce of Russia in 1835. (A. Schloss [etc.], 1837) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Kratkīĭ khronologicheskīĭ obzor di︠e︡ĭstvīĭ Departamentov vni︠e︡shneĭ torgovli i tamozhennykh sborov : po chasti Rossii s inostrannymi gosudarstvami (Tip. V. Kirshbauma, 1890), by N. Kaĭdanov, Russia. Departament tamozhennykh sborov, and Russia. Departament vni͡eshneĭ torgovli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Historisch-statistisches Gemälde des russischen Reichs am Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Supplementband zum fünften, sechsten und siebenten Theil... (J.F. Hartknoch, 1807), by Heinrich Friedrich von Storch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Torgovai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡ : spravochnik i rukovodstvo po organizat︠s︡ii, praktike i tekhnike torgovli. (Izd. Vseros. t︠s︡entr. soi︠u︡za potrebitelʹskikh ob-v, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Wages in the U.S.S.R., 1950-1968: trade. (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Demographic Analysis Division, 1970), by Stephen Rapawy (page images at HathiTrust)
- Na novykh putiakh : itogi novoi ekonmicheskoi politiki 1921-1922 gg. (Moskva, 1923), by Russia. Sovet truda i oborony (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- 18th century
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- Asia, Central
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- Bibliography
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- Canada
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- China- Les nouvelles découvertes des Russes entre l'Asie et l'Amérique, avec l'histoire de la conquête de la Sibérie , & du commerce des Russes & des Chinois. (Hotel de Thou, 1781), by William Coxe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nashi torgovyi͡a di͡ela v Kitai͡e. (S.-Peterburg, 1863), by Konstantin Andrei͡anovich Skachkov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Russkai͡a torgovli͡a v Tikhom okeani͡e. Ėkonomicheskoe izsli͡edovanīe russkoĭ torgovli i morekhodstva v Primorskoĭ oblasti Vostochnoĭ Sibiri, Korei͡e, Kitai͡e, I͡Aponīi i Kalifornīi. (Tip. A.S. Suvorina, 1883), by K. Skalʹkovskīĭ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen zwischen Asien und America nebst der Geschichte der Eroberung Siberiens und des Handels der Russen und Chineser (J.G. Fleischer, 1783), by William Coxe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Rossīi͡a i Kitaĭ : kratkīĭ istoricheskīĭ ocherk russko-kitaĭskoĭ torgovli. (Tip. inzh. G.A. Bernshteĭna, 1899), by Nikolaĭ Zinchenko (page images at HathiTrust)
- Torgovli͡a s Kitaem. (Izd. F. P. Romanova, 1899), by Vladimīr Bot︠s︡i︠a︡novskīĭ (page images at HathiTrust)
- Kitaĭskie porty imei͡ushchie znachenie dli͡a russkoĭ torgovli na Dalʹnem Vostoke (880-04 S.-Peterburgʺ : Izdanīe Ministerstva Finansovʺ, 1895., 1895), by D. D. Pokotilov, Petr Mikhaĭlovich Romanov, D. Ḟ. Kobeko, and Russia. Ministerstvo finansov (page images at HathiTrust)
- Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America: To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China, by William Coxe (Gutenberg ebook)
Filed under: Russia -- Commerce -- CongressesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |