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Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Appropriations and expenditures -- Early works to 1800 Unto his Grace, the Marquess of Tweeddale, his Majesties High Commissioner, and the remanent [sic] honourable estates of Parliament. The petition of the heretors, fewars, liferenters and tennents of the shyres of Inverness, Ross, Cromarty, Elgin, Nairn, Bamff, Aberdeen, Merns, Perth, Fyffe, Angus, Kinross and Stirling, and burghs within the samen. ([Edinburgh : s.n., 1695]), by Charles Hay Tweeddale and Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proclamation, ordering the payment of provisions for the forces, and redressing abuses committed by them. (Edinburgh, : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ..., 1693), by Scotland. Sovereign (1689-1694 : William and Mary) and Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) At Aberdeen, the xiij of June, 1646 ([Aberdeen : s.n., 1646]), by Aberdeen (Scotland). Committee of War and T. Erskyne (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act anent the recruting the armies ([Edinburgh : Printed by E. Tyler, 1646]), by Scotland. Convention of Estates and Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act for a new levie of horse to be put out by the shires: And list of the colonels and the their inferiour officers, with their severall numbers of horse. Edinburgh last July 1648. ([Edinburgh]: Printed by E. Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, 1648), by Scotland. Convention of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP) At [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] 1646 yeers. Forsameikle as the Estates of Parliament, by their Act of the date the third day of Februar 1646 yeers, have granted power and commission, to prosecute the wayes and means already laid down, for bringing in of moneys, for the use and entertainment of the armies and garrisons within this kingdom ... ([Edinburgh : E. Tyler, 1646]), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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Filed under: Great Britain -- Army -- Appropriations and expenditures -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: England -- Army -- Appropriations and expenditures -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Early works to 1800 Die Veneris 15. August. 1645. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the continuance of the monethly assessement for the maintenance of the Scottish Army. (London : Printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings head in the Old-Bayley, 16 August 1645), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) An order for the speedy raising of money for the advancing of the Scotch Army Die Sabbathi. 7. October. 1643. ([London : s.n., 1643]), by England and Wales Parliament, Isaac Penington, and City of London (England). Lord Mayor (HTML at EEBO TCP) The letter from the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the commissioners of both houses, concerning His Majesties coming to the Scotish Army Dated at Southwel the fifth of May. 1646. (London : Printed by John Field for Laurence Chapman, May 7. 1646), by Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act, appointing the officers of his Majesties forces to attend their respective commands. At Edinburgh, the 30 day of July 1689. (Edinburgh, : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, by order of Privy Council, 1689), by Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proclamation, taking off the stop of execution against heretors, called out to attend his majesties host. (Edinburgh, : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ..., Anno Dom. 1688), by Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act anent the quarterings St Andrews, January 27. 1646. (Printed at Edinburgh : by Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, 1646) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Bloody nevves rom [sic] the Scottish Army, concerning the late bloody fight upon Munday last, six miles on this side Carlisle, between the 2. armies of England and Scotland, the one commanded by Major Gen. Lambert, the other by his Excellency Duke Hamilton. With the number that were slain and taken prisoners on both sides, and the resolution of the Scottish Army thereupon, and the names of the chiefe commanders of Scotland, which were wounded in the fight. Likewise the Scottish message to the English army, and their answer and resolution thereupon. With the declaration of the county of Kent, concerning the landing of the Duke of York, and the coming in tothe [sic] Scotish army. (London : printed for general satisfaction, of the English and Scottish .., [1648]), by James Hamilton Hamilton, John Lambert, and Scotland. Army (HTML at EEBO TCP) The fatal blow given to the Earle of Newcastles armie, by the Scots,: certified by letters read in the House of Commons this present Munday, Aprill. 8. 1644. 500 slain of the enemy upon the ground, a numerous company taken prisoners, Sir Marmaduke Langdale and most of his chiefe commanders slain. All their ordnance, bag and bagage, and the whole armie utterly ronted [sic]. With a report by a messenger sent from the English Commissioners at Sunderland, with letters By William Row. Secretary to the Commissioners. ([London] : Printed by Andrew Coe, and published according to order, M DC XLIV. [1644]), by William Row (HTML at EEBO TCP) Letters from the Committee of Estates at Newcastle, and the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland residing at London to both Houses of Parliament.: Together with two papers delivered in to His Maiesty by the Committee of Estates. As also divers letters past between the Committee of Estates, and the Committee of Parliament at York, and Col: General Poyntz. Published by special command. (London : Printed for Laurence Chapman, June 17. 1646), by Scotland. Parliament, Sydenham Poyntz, and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) An act anent those who are or shall be fugitives or runawayes from their companies and colours (Printed at Edinburgh : By Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1644), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates and Archibald Primrose (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act of the Committee of Estates for bringing up of deficients and runawayes, and quartering of them, and for ane [sic] account from the shires of their diligence in execution of former publike Acts. April 23. 1645. ([Edinburgh ;: Evan Tyler, 1645]), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates and Archibald Primrose (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act of the Committee of Estates for ordering the quarterings of the forces within the kingdom. Edinburgh, 15. July 1648. ([Edinburgh : Evan Tyler, 1648]), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates and Archibald Primrose (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proclamation, anent runawayes, and deserters from the Scots regiments lately come from Holland (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to his most sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1685), by Scotland. Privy Council and Scotland. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James VII) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Proclamations. 1692-05-09 ([Edinburgh : printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to their most excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1692]), by Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) The new model of a part of the militia of the kingdom of Scotland,: consisiting of five thousand foot, and five hundred horse ; with the instructions to the commissioners of the militia. ([Edinburgh : By the heir of Andrew Anderson, 1680]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Lieut: General Cromwel's letter to the honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker of the honorable House of Commons,: of the several great victories obtained against the Scots and Sir Marmaduke Langdales forces in the North: where were slain of the Scots party above two thousand, above nine thousand taken prisoners, four or five thousand arms taken, the whole infantry ruined, Duke Hamilton fled into Wales, and Langdale northward, Major General Vandrusk, Colonel Hurry, and Colonel Ennis taken prisoners, who formerly served the Parliament. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. (London : Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, August 23. 1648), by Oliver Cromwell and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) A great victorie in the North,: obtained by the forces under the command of Lieutenant Generall Cromwel, against Duke Hamilton, and the Scottish army. Wherein is declared, the manner of the late fight near the confines of York, the routing of Lieutenant Generall Cromwells forces upon the first onset, and after three miles pursuit (by the Scots) rallied again, fell upon the Scottish forces, killed Duke Hamiltons Lieutenant Collonel, a Major, divers Captains, officers, and souldiers, routed the whole body, and regained their ground. Also another fight near Pomfret castle in Yorkshire, a defeat given to the Parliaments forces, and divers taken prisoners, and carryed to the said castle. Whereunto is annexed, an humble petition to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, concerning the King and his people, and every subject in particuler of this his kingdom of England. (London : Printed for the wel-fare and happinesse of all true and loyall subjects, Anno Dom. 1648), by R. F. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A great victory obtained by His Highnesse the Prince of Wales neer the Downs, against a squadron of the rebels shipping, on Munday last:: with the particulars of the fight, 200. killed, 500. taken prisoners, two of their ships sunk, five boarded, 40 piece of ordnance taken, and all their arms and ammunition, and the princes resolution touching the Earl of Warwick. Likewise, the executing of Sir Charles Lucas on Munday night last, and the sentence of the Councell of War against him to be shot to death. Also, a bloudy fight between the English and Scottish forces, commanded by Lieu. Gen. Cromwel and Gen. Monro, Aug. 27. the particulars therof, & number kiled. ([London] : August 31. Printed for R. VV., Anno Dom. 1648), by P. Mitchel (HTML at EEBO TCP) Terrible and bloudy nevves from the disloyall army in the north declaring their perfidious and tyrannicall proceedings to the whole kingdom of England:: as also the raising of new forces in the kingdome of Scotland, to assist Monro against Lieutenant Generall Crumwell. And the Lieutenant Generals declaration touching the Scots. Likewise, a declaration of the proceedings of the levellers in Liecester-shire, under the command of Col. Martin, and their proclamation at Market-Harborom. Also, strange newes from the Prince of Wales, and the resolution of the souldiers in Holland, touching His Highnesse. ([London : s.n.], Printed in the yeer, 1648), by W. Turvil (HTML at EEBO TCP) Articles and ordinances of warre (London : Printed for Jo. Rothwell in Pauls Church-yard, the tenth of August. 1642), by Scotland. Army and Robert Devereux Essex (HTML at EEBO TCP) A declaration of the Scottish armie concerning their immediate marching towards the borders of England; as also their reasons of their comming, together with their resolution touching the same. Likewise the number of their army, both horse and foot, and their advance, with this motto in their ensignes, For religion, crown, and kingdome. Whereunto is annexed, the resolution of the northern counties, concerning the Scottish army, and their present proceedings therein. (London: : Printed for R.V. and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, MDCXL VII. [1647]), by W. Wheatly (HTML at EEBO TCP) A declaration of the Commander in Chief of the forces in Scotland, also another declaration of the officers of the Army in Scotland to the Churches of Christ in the three nations, together with three letters from the Lord General Monck, Commander in Chief of the forces in Scotland, and one of the commissioners by Act of Parliament for the government of the Army of this Commonwealth, viz. 1. To Mr. Speaker, 2. To the Lord Fleetwood, 3. To the Lord Lambert. (Edinburgh : printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, 1659), by Scotland. Army and George Monck Albemarle (HTML at EEBO TCP) Another victory in Lancashire obtained against the Scots by Major General Harrison, and Collonel Lilburn. With, the taking of Lievt. Gen. David Lesly, Maj. Gen. Middleton, and other eminent officers and commanders, with six hundred private souldiers, horse and arms; and a list of the particulars. Also, the death of Maj. Gen. Massey and Duke Hamilton, and the Scots Kings going with Hind the great robber. Together, with the manner of my Lord General Cromwels comming up, and noble reception by the City of London; and an account of the Scots prisoners which marched through the City on Saturday last. (London : Printed by B.A., M D C L I. [1651]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Bloudy field. (Imprinted at London : for George Horton, 1654) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A Great fight in Scotland, between the English forces commanded by his Excellency the Lord General Monk, and the King of Scots forces, under the conduct of Lieu. Gen. Middleton; with the particulars thereof; the manner of the engagement, and the lamentable loss on both sides. Likewise, the resolution of the highlanders, to fight either to death or victory; and the number of men engaged in the late plot against the Lord Protector. (London, : Printed for G. Horton, 1654) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Another great and bloudy fight in the North, between the forces under the command of James Duke of Hambleton, Lord Generall of the Scottish Army, and the Parliaments forces under the immediate conduct of Major Gen. Lambert, upon Wednesday last neer the borders of Yorkshire. With the particulars of the said fight, and the number that were killed, and cullers taken, and the Scots resolution concerning Lieut. Gen. Cromwell. Also, the E of Calender marched into Northumberland, with Deer Saundy Hambleton the Scots famous engineer; and their resolution touching Colchester. Likewise, sad and dangerous tydings from Colchester, and the sallying out of Sir Charles Lucas upon the Parliaments forces, his digging of great trenches to swallow them up, and their resolution to maintain their works to an inch of ground. (London : Printed for generall satisfaction, 1648) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A letter sent from Lieutenant Generall Cromwel to the Marquis of Argyle and Generall Lesley, and his protestation concerning the Scottish forces, under the command of Gen. Monro; and the marching of the English army into that kingdom under the conduct of the said Lieuten. Generall Cromwel, and Colonell Generall Lambert. Also, the resolution of the said Gen. Monro, touching Lieut. Gen. Cromwels entring into Scotland, and a great victory obtained by him; with the number killed and taken prisoners. Likewise, the declaration of the said Lieut. Generall Cromwell, to his army, and his directions to every colonell, concerning their proceedings against Monro. Commanded to be published throughout the army, by every captain of each respective troop or company. Signed, O. Crumwell. ([London] : Printed for C.VV. and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1648), by Oliver Cromwell (HTML at EEBO TCP) The overthrow of the Scottish Army: or a letter sent from Lieutenant Generall Cromwell to the committee of Lancashire sitting at Manchester, shewing the utter routing of the Scottish forces. (London : Printed for John Bellamy, 1648), by Oliver Cromwell and Ralph Ashton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A declaration from Scotland concerning the advance of the Scots Army: who are come into England the manner of their march: vvith a list of their numbers, and divisions horse and foot, and their intentions and resolutions. And a list of the severall summes of money gathered for their advance. With the declaration of the Parliament of England, upon their marching into this kingdome. (London : Printed for H. Becke, and are to be sold in the Old Bayley, 1648) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A declaration of the Scottish army concerning their present designe, against the Lords and Commons assembled at Westminster, the army under the command of His Excellency, the Lord Generall and their resolution to preserve and defend the King's Maiestie and to gain his libertie from the Isle of Wight, and the proceedings of 7000 Scots, 5000 of Major Gen. Monroe's forces touching the present design against the Kingdom of England, with a declaration from the royalists of the city of Norwich, concerning their declaring for God and King Charles. (London : Printed by J. C. for I. I., MDCXLVIII. [1648]), by Gilbert Mabbott (HTML at EEBO TCP) The resolution of the Prince of Wales, concerning Lieutenant Generall Cromwel, and the routing of the Scottish army, and present design with his shipping. With the results and proceedings of the Princes councell aboard the Admirall, concerning captain Battens falling in at Tibury Hope, with a squadron of ships, to joyn with the water-men and sea-men, and an army from London, for relief of Colchester. Likewise, His Majesties declaration concerning all those who have taken up armes against Him and have been gainers by the wars of England and His resolution thereupon. As also, the most pious, and Christian expressions of a most religious, and renowned King. touching his people. (London : [s.n.], Printed Anno Dom. 1648), by England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The late proceedings of the Scottish army: as also the taking of Cannon Froome. Certified by an expresse from his Excellencies quarters the Earle of Leven, Lord Generall. Dated at Ludbury the 23. of Iuly 1645. Together with other letters from the Kings quarters to the generall and lieutenant-generall, and answers thereunto. Published by authority. (London, : Printed by M.B. for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Kings head., 28. July. 1645) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Scotch occurrences impartially relating, the present state and condition of both armies; with their several actions, designs, and motions; and the desperate ousets and victorious atchievments obtained at Ruthin Castle. Likevvise, the orders of General Monk to all the English forces, to march up against the highlanders in one intire body; and the speech of Gen. Middleton to his souldiers, declaring, that if their enemies vvere one hundred thousand strong, there were enow to be killed, enow to be taken prisoners, and enow to run away. Together with a relation of the great and memorable engagement, the event and success thereof, and the particulars of the loss on both sides. (Imprinted at London : for George Horton, 1654) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act anent the recruting the armies ([Edinburgh : Printed by E. Tyler, 1646]), by Scotland. Convention of Estates and Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) Propositions agreed upon by the estates of the kingdome of Scotland, to be sent to the Parliament of England, concerning the Kings Majesty and the Covenant, and the bringing of His Majesty to his palace at White-hall. And the raising of an army in the said kingdome, under the command of the Earl of Callender, who is now appointed generall for their new designe. Also the copy of a letter from the west of England, declaring the proceedings of Col. Fortescue (Governour of Pendennis Castle in Cornwall) against Colonell Sir Hardresse Waller, and his denyall to surrender up the castle. Together with strange newes from Plymouth, and the proceedings of a party in the Isle of Wight, touching the late rising of the London prentices. (London : Printed by John Clowes, 1648), by Scotland. Convention of Estates and Scotland. Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) Laws, etc. (Printed at Edinburgh, : by Iames Bryson,, 1640.), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP) Act of the Committee of Estates against run-awayes, and fugitive souldiers, and their resetters. Edinburgh, 11. Iuly, 1648. (Edinburgh : Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie, 1648), by Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Scots resolution, wherein they expresse their intentions to come to Sir Marmaduke Langdale, about the 15. of this present month of June, 1648. Also, three votes of the House agreed on by the Lords and Commons, to be sent to Scotland for their agreement thereunto, and so to be presented to His Majesties royall person, to be enacted before any personall treaty. With, a true relation of the proceedings of Lieutenant Generall Cromwell against Pembrooke Castle in Wales. Whereunto is annexed the manner of the regaining Skipton Castle, by that renowned and faithfull souldier, Major Generall Lambert. Imprimatur G.M. (London : Printed for J.J., MDCXLVIII. [1648]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Appropriation and expenditures -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Barracks and quarters -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Construction mechanics -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Scotland -- Army -- Equipment -- Early works to 1800 Unto his Grace, the Marquess of Tweeddale, his Majesties High Commissioner, and the remanent [sic] honourable estates of Parliament. The petition of the heretors, fewars, liferenters and tennents of the shyres of Inverness, Ross, Cromarty, Elgin, Nairn, Bamff, Aberdeen, Merns, Perth, Fyffe, Angus, Kinross and Stirling, and burghs within the samen. ([Edinburgh : s.n., 1695]), by Charles Hay Tweeddale and Scotland. Parliament. Committee of Estates (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proclamation, anent the baggage-horse (Edinburgh, : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, by order of his Majesties Privy Council, Anno Dom. 1689), by Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proclamation, for raising pioniers, and providing baggage-horses to the army. (Edinburgh : Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King and Queens most excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1690), by Scotland. Privy Council (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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