Segregation -- KentuckySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Segregation -- Kentucky -- Louisville Colored Branches of the Louisville Free Public Library (1915), by Louisville Free Public Library
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Segregation -- Biblical teachingFiled under: Segregation -- IsraelFiled under: Segregation -- MeasurementFiled under: Segregation -- Mississippi Conflicting Views on Segregation: Reprints of a Series of Letters Between Dr. D.M. Nelson, President of Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., and an Unnamed Alumnus (Winona, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1955), by Dotson McGinnis Nelson (page images at Preservica) A Jewish View on Segregation (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1956) (page images at Preservica) A Review of Black Monday (Winona, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1954), by Thomas P. Brady (page images at Preservica) Filed under: Segregation -- Religious aspectsFiled under: Segregation -- South CarolinaFiled under: Segregation -- Southern States The Invasion of Mississippi (Belmont, MA: American Opinion, 1963), by Earl Lively (page images at HathiTrust) The South's Just Cause (third printing; 1961), by Willie Malvin Caskey (page images at Preservica) The Mid-West Hears the South's Story: An Address (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1958), by William J. Simmons (page images at Preservica) Mixed Schools and Mixed Blood (reprinted from the Congressional Record by the Greenwood (MS) Citizen's Council, 1956), by Herbert Ravenel Sass (page images at Preservica) "We've Reached Era of Judicial Tyranny": An Address (Winona, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, ca. 1955), by James O. Eastland (page images at Preservica) Segregation and the South (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1957), by Thomas P. Brady (page images at Preservica) Behind the Plot to Sovietize the South (New York: Headlines and What's Behind Them, c1956), by Joseph P. Kamp (page images at Preservica) Filed under: Segregation -- United StatesFiled under: Segregation -- Virginia, NorthernFiled under: ApartheidFiled under: Apartheid -- South Africa The End of Apartheid? South Africa Moves to the Vote (ACSJC occasional paper #19; North Blackburn, Vic.: CollinsDove, c1994), by Maggie Paterson (PDF in Australia) The Opening of the Apartheid Mind: Options for the New South Africa (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), by Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley (HTML at UC Press) An African Explains Apartheid (New York: F. A. Praeger, 1963), by Jordan K. Ngubane (page images at HathiTrust) The Rise of the South African Reich, by Brian Bunting (HTML at Arthur, Peacemaker: The Cross in South Africa, by Arthur Blessitt (HTML at Filed under: PurdahFiled under: African Americans -- Segregation Civil Rights in America: Racial Desegregation of Public Accommodations (revised edition; Washington: National Historic Landmarks Program, 2009), by Susan Salvatore (PDF at Segregation and Common Sense (Boston: Forum Pub. Co., c1961), by O. R. Williams (page images at HathiTrust) Segregation and the South (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1957), by Thomas P. Brady (page images at Preservica) Segregation: Is It Justified? (second edition; Columbus, GA: Muscogee Pub. Co., c1957), by Richard W. Edmonds (page images at HathiTrust) Now is the Time (New York: Viking Press, 1955), by Lillian Smith (page images at HathiTrust) Segregation of the White Race Must be Preserved: A Declaration (New Orleans: The Society, 1955), by Society for the Preservation of State Government and Racial Integrity (page images at Preservica) You and Segregation (Birmingham, AL: Vulcan Press, c1955), by Herman E. Talmadge (page images at HathiTrust) Toward Better Race Relations (New York: Woman's Press, c1949), by Dothory Sabiston, ed. by Margaret Hiller (page images at HathiTrust) Unequal Access: The Desegregation of Public Libraries in Northern Virginia (Fairfax, VA: Fairfax County Public Library, 2021), by Chris Barbuschak and Suzanne S. LaPierre (PDF at House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation (Los Angeles: National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee, 1964), by Anne Braden (PDF at The Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace, January 14, 1963, Montgomery, Alabama (prepared text; 1963), by George C. Wallace (PDF at Race Mixing a Religious Fraud (ca. 1959), by D. B. Red (page images at Preservica) Why Colored People in Philadelphia Are Excluded From the Street Cars, by B. P. Hunt (page images at MOA) Separate and Unequal: Race Relations in the AAF During World War II (Washington: Air Force History and Museums Program, 2000), by Alan M. Osur (page images at HathiTrust) Christian Ethics and the Sit-In (New York: Association Press, c1961), by Paul Ramsey (page images at HathiTrust) The Wall Between (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1958), by Anne Braden (page images at HathiTrust) God the Original Segregationist (c1955), by Carey L. Daniel (page images at USM) The "Negro Pew": Being an Inquiry Concerning the Propriety of Distinctions in the House of God, on Account of Color (Boston: I. Knapp, 1837), by Harvey Newcomb (multiple formats at Google) People vs. Property: Race Restrictive Covenants in Housing (Nashville: Fisk University Press, 1947), by Herman H. Long and Charles Spurgeon Johnson (page images at HathiTrust) Access to Public Libraries: A Research Project (Chicago: American Library Association, 1963), by International Research Associates (page images at HathiTrust) Albany (typescript special report; Atlanta: Southern Regional Council, 1962), by Howard Zinn (page images at HathiTrust)
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