Sermons, American -- Georgia -- MariettaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Sermons, American -- Georgia -- Marietta
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Filed under: Sermons, American -- Georgia
Filed under: Sermons, American -- Georgia -- Augusta The Word of God a Nation's Life: A Sermon, Preached before the Bible Convention of the Confederate States (Augusta, GA: Printed at the office of the Constitutionalist, 1862), by George F. Pierce Proceedings of the Bible Convention of the Confederate States of America (Augusta, GA: Printed at the office of the Constitutionalist, 1862), by Bible Convention of the Confederate States of America, contrib. by George F. Pierce Filed under: Sermons, American -- Georgia -- Milledgeville God in the War: A Sermon Delivered Before the Legislature of Georgia, in the Capitol at Milledgeville, on Friday, November 15, 1861, Being a Day Set Apart for Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, by His Excellency the President of the Confederate States (Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet and Barnes, 1861), by Henry H. Tucker (HTML and TEI at UNC) Filed under: Sermons, American -- Georgia -- Savannah Vain is the Help of Man: A Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September 15, 1864, Being the Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer, Appointed by the Governor of the State of Georgia (Macon, Ga.: Burke, Boykin, 1864), by Stephen Elliott (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Marietta (Ga.) -- Church history -- 19th centuryFiled under: Marietta (Ga.) -- Newspapers |