Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Taming of the ShrewSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Taming of the Shrew Katharine: A Travesty (1888), by John Kendrick Bangs, contrib. by William Shakespeare
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 The Age of Shakespeare (1579-1631) (London: George Bell and Sons, 1903), by Thomas Seccombe and J. W. Allen The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, From the Text of Johnson and Steevens (with a life of the author; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1847), by William Shakespeare, ed. by George Steevens and Samuel Johnson, contrib. by Nicholas Rowe The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, From the Text of Johnson, Steevens and Reed; With a Biographical Memoir, Summary Remarks on each Play, Copious Glossary, and Variorum Notes (New York: Leavitt and Allen, 1855), by William Shakespeare, ed. by George Steevens, Samuel Johnson, and Isaac Reed Racine et Shakespeare (in French, with English notes; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1907), by Stendhal, ed. by Léon Delbos The Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works of Friedrich von Schlegel: Comprising Letters on Christian Art; An Essay on Gothic Architecture; Remarks on the Romance-Poetry of the Middle Ages and on Shakspere; On the Limits of the Beautiful; On the Language and Wisdom of the Indians (London: H. G. Bohn, 1860), by Friedrich von Schlegel, trans. by E. J. Millington Great Writers: Cervantes, Scott, Milton, Virgil, Montaigne, Shakspere (New York: McClure Co., 1907), by George Edward Woodberry Representative Men, by Ralph Waldo Emerson (Gutenberg text) Representative Men: Seven Lectures (Philadelphia: H. Altemus, 1894), by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Adaptations Shakespeare Adaptations: The Tempest, The Mock Tempest, and King Lear (London: J. Cape, 1922), ed. by Montague Summers, contrib. by William Shakespeare, William D'Avenant, John Dryden, Thomas Duffett, and Nahum Tate Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare, by E. Nesbit (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Charles Lamb's Shakespeare-Erzählungen (German translation of Tales From Shakespeare; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1888), by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, trans. by Karl Heinrich Christian Keck (page images at HathiTrust) Historical Tales From Shakespeare (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1900), by Arthur Quiller-Couch, contrib. by William Shakespeare (page images at HathiTrust) Shakespeare in Tale and Verse (New York and London: Macmillan, 1902), by Lois Grosvenor Hufford, contrib. by William Shakespeare (multiple formats at Indiana) Stories from Shakespeare (2 volumes; Boston et al.: Educational Pub. Co., c1890-1891), by Mara L. Pratt-Chadwick, contrib. by William Shakespeare Tales From Shakespeare, by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, contrib. by William Shakespeare Tales From Shakespeare (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1878), by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, contrib. by William Shakespeare, illust. by Gertrude Demain Hammond (searchable illustrated HTML at Bartleby) Tales From Shakespeare, by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, contrib. by William Shakespeare, illust. by Arthur Rackham (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Twenty Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare: A Home Study Course (Chicago: D. E. Cunningham, c1907), by E. Nesbit, illust. by Max Bihn (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics)
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Allusions
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Anniversaries, etc. Garrick's Jubilee (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1963), by Martha Winburn England (PDF at Ohio State) Shakespeare's Garland: Being a Collection of New Songs, Ballads, Roundelays, Catches, Glees, Comic-Serenatas, &c., Performed at the Jubilee at Sratford Upon Avon ("Sratford" spelling from the title page; lyrics only; London: Printed for T. Becket and P. A. de Hondt, 1769), ed. by David Garrick Songs, Chorusses, &c., Which Are Introduced in the New Entertainment of the Jubilee, at the Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane (lyrics only; London: Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1769), ed. by David Garrick
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Appreciation The Critics Versus Shakspere: A Brief for the Defendant (New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1907), by Francis Asbury Smith Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare (Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1903), ed. by David Nichol Smith
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Authorship William Shakespeare and Robert Greene: The Evidence (Oakland, CA: Tribune Pub. Co, 1912), by William Hall Chapman (multiple formats at The Errors of Modern Infidelity, Illustrated and Refuted (Philadelphia: Grigg, Elliot and Co., 1848), by Samuel M. Smucker (multiple formats at Google) Historic Doubts Respecting Shakspeare, Illustrating Infidel Objections Against the Bible (new edition of "The Errors of Modern Infidelity"; 1853), by Samuel M. Smucker (multiple formats at Google) A Letter on Shakspere's Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsmen, and on the Characteristics of Shakspere's Style and the Secret of His Supremacy (new edition; with life of the author by Burton; London: Pub. for the New Shakspere Society by N. Trübner and Co., 1876), by William Spalding, contrib. by John Hill Burton and Frederick James Furnivall (Gutenberg text) A Dissertation on the Three Parts of King Henry VI, Tending to Shew That Those Plays Were Not Written Originally by Shakspeare (London: Press of H. Baldwin, 1787), by Edmond Malone (page images at Google)
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Bibliography Shakespeare: A Marxist Bibliography (Bibliographical series #2, 1965), by Michael Folsom (multiple formats at Shakspere's Love's Labor's Won: New Evidence from the Account Books of an Elizabethan Bookseller (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1957), by T. W. Baldwin (page images at HathiTrust) The Shakspere Allusion-Book: A Collection of Allusions to Shakspere From 1591 to 1700 (2 volumes; London: Chatto and Windus; New York: Duffield and Co., 1909), ed. by C. M. Ingleby, Lucy Toulmin Smith, Frederick James Furnivall, New Shakspere Society (Great Britain), and John James Munro The Women of Shakespeare (New York: M. Kennerley, 1912), by Frank Harris
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Biography Fact and Fiction About Shakespeare: With Some Account of the Playhouses, Players, and Playwrights of His Period (Stratford-on-Avon: G. Boyden; London: H. Williams, ca. 1894), by Alfred C. Calmour (page images at HathiTrust) The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story, by Frank Harris (Gutenberg text) The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story (New York: M. Kennerley, 1909), by Frank Harris Shakespeare (London: Macmillan and Co., 1909), by Walter Raleigh William Shakspere: A Biography (London: C. Knight, 1851), by Charles Knight (multiple formats at
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Characters Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, by William Hazlitt, contrib. by Arthur Quiller-Couch (Gutenberg text) Characters of Shakespear's Plays (London: C. H. Reynell, 1817), by William Hazlitt Characters of Shakspeare's Plays (Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1818), by William Hazlitt The English Comic Characters (London: J. Lane, c1925), by J. B. Priestley
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Childhood and youth
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Concordances The Complete Concordance to Shakspere: Being a Verbal Index to All the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet (new and revised edition; Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1973), ed. by Mary Cowden Clarke The Complete Concordance to Shakspere: Being a Verbal Index to All the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet (Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, n.d.), ed. by Mary Cowden Clarke (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) The Complete Concordance to Shakspere: Being a Verbal Index to All the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet (new and revised edition; Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., ca. 1871), ed. by Mary Cowden Clarke
Filed under: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Contemporaries The People For Whom Shakespeare Wrote, by Charles Dudley Warner (Gutenberg text) Contemporaries of Shakespeare, by Algernon Charles Swinburne, ed. by Edmund Gosse and Thomas James Wise (HTML at Indiana) The Rogues and Vagabonds of Shakespeare's Youth: Awdeley's "Fraternitye of Vacabondes" and Harman's "Caveat" (London: Chatto and Windus, 1907), by John Awdelay and Thomas Harman, ed. by Edward Viles and Frederick James Furnivall
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