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Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Medicine men
- Medicine-man
- Shaman
Filed under: Shamans The medicine-man of the American Indian and his cultural background (C. C. Thomas, 1935), by William Thomas Corlett (page images at HathiTrust) The medicine-men of the Apache. (Washington, 1892), by John Gregory Bourke (page images at HathiTrust) The medicine-man of the American Indian and his cultural background (AMS Press, 1977), by William Thomas Corlett (page images at HathiTrust) Who was the medicine man? : address (Hampton Institute Press, 1905), by Francis La Flesche and Fairmount Park Art Association (page images at HathiTrust) Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1887-'88 (G.P.O., 1892), by Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology, John Wesley Powell, John Gregory Bourke, John Murdoch, and Alaska International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow (page images at HathiTrust) Bear doctors (University of California press, 1917), by S. A. Barrett (page images at HathiTrust) Annual ceremony of the Pawnee medicine men (Field Museum of Natural History, 1923), by Ralph Linton (page images at HathiTrust) Devil-dancers, witch-finders, rain-makers, and medicine-men (Christian Literature Society for India, 1896), by Andrew Lang (page images at HathiTrust) The Navajo medicine man. (Woman's Board of Home Missions, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1907), by Bertha A. Little (page images at HathiTrust) Pomo Bear Doctors, by S. A. Barrett (Gutenberg ebook)
Filed under: Shamans -- CanadaFiled under: Shamans -- FictionFiled under: Shamans -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Shamans -- New Mexico
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Healers -- AfricaFiled under: Healers -- CaliforniaFiled under: Healers -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Healers -- England
Filed under: Herbalists -- England -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Healers -- Fiction Bedlam Boyz, by Ellen Guon (multiple formats at Baen Free Library) The Gift, by Melvin Sturgis, illust. by Robert Fuqua (Gutenberg ebook) Filed under: Healers -- Great Britain A Brief Account of Mr. Valentine Greatraks, and Divers of the Strange Cures by Him Lately Performed: Written by Himself In a Letter Addressed to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., Whereunto Are Annexed the Testimonials of Several Eminent and Worthy Persons of the Chief Matters of Fact Therein Related (London: Printed for J. Starkey, 1666), by Valentine Greatrakes, contrib. by Robert Boyle The great cures and strange miracles performed by Mr. Valentine Gertrux who restoreth the blind to sight, the deaf to hearing, the lame to strength, and cripples to walk without crutches : as also, he cureth all manner of diseases, with a stroak of his hand and prayer ... (London : Printed for John Thomas, 1666), by Valentine Greatrakes (HTML at EEBO TCP) Filed under: Healers -- IrelandFiled under: Bonesetters
Filed under: Women healers -- History -- To 1500Filed under: Women healers in literatureFiled under: Women healers, Medieval
Filed under: Mediums Genuine Mediumship: or, The Invisible Powers (Chicago: Advanced Thought Pub. Co., c1919), by Bhakta Vishita (Gutenberg text and page images) Trick Methods of Eusapia Paladino (reprinted from Reformed Church Review, 1910), by Stanley Lefevre Krebs (page images at HathiTrust) The Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural: Indicating the Desirableness of an Experimental Enquiry by Men of Science Into the Alleged Powers of Clairvoyants and Mediums (London: F. Farrah, 1866), by Alfred Russel Wallace (HTML at Mediumship (Christopher Pub. House, 1918), by Richmond Leander Bishop and Mass.) School of Natural Science (Boston (page images at HathiTrust) On the spirit circle and the laws of mediumship (J. Burns, 1871), by Emma Hardinge Britten (page images at HathiTrust) Spiritualism and charlatanism (S.W. Green, printer, 1873), by Pendie L. Jewett, Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress), and McManus-Young Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust) Truth and facts pertaining to spiritualism (s.n.,], 1911), by J. Frances Reed and Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) (page images at HathiTrust) Personal experience of the subscriber at Boston from 25th June to 2nd July, 1875 (s.n., 1875), by Geo. Botsford (page images at HathiTrust) Epitome of spirit-intercourse a condensed view of spiritualism, in its scriptural, historical, actual and scientific aspects; its relations to Christianity, insanity, psychometry and social reform; manifestations in Nova Scotia; important communications from the spirits of Sir John Franklin and Rev. Wm. Wishart, St. John, N.B., with evidences of identity and directions for developing mediums (B. Marsh, 1854), by Alfred Cridge (page images at HathiTrust) Psychics: facts and theories. (G.H. Ellis, 1899), by Minot Judson Savage (page images at HathiTrust) Mediums and mediumship. (Boston, 1872), by Thomas R. Hazard and William White & Company (page images at HathiTrust) Mysteries of the seance and tricks and traps of bogus mediums : a plea for honest mediums and clean work (Lunt bros., 1903), by Edward D. Lunt (page images at HathiTrust) Spirit teachings through the mediumship of William Stainton Moses (M.A., Oxon). (London Spiritualist Alliance, 1894), by William Stainton Moses and Charlton Templeman Speer (page images at HathiTrust) A guide to mediumship and psychical unfoldment (Progressive Thinker Pub. House, 1903), by E. W. Wallis and Minnie Harriet Wallis (page images at HathiTrust) Mediums y sensitivos (Editorial Caro Reggio, 1920), by William Fardwel (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Mediums -- 19th century
Filed under: Mediums -- Biography Mediums and the Development of Mediumship (Eaton Rapids, MI: Psychic Books, c1946), by Robert Galen Chaney (page images at HathiTrust) My Life as a Search for the Meaning of Mediumship (New York: Oquaga Press, 1939), by Eileen J. Garrett (page images at HathiTrust) Biography of Mrs. J.H. Conant, the world's medium of the nineteenth century : being a history of her mediumship from childhood to the present time : Together with extracts from the diary of her physician; selections from letters received verifying spirit communications given through her organism at the Banner of light free circles; specimen messages, essays, and invocations from various intelligences in the other life, etc., etc., etc. (William White and Company, Banner of light office, 14 Hanover Street, 1873), by Theodore Parker and John W. Day (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Mediums -- Europe
Filed under: Mediums -- FictionMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |