Slavery and the church -- United StatesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Slavery and the church -- United States The American Churches, The Bulwarks of American Slavery, by James Gillespie Birney (HTML with commentary at The Brotherhood of Thieves: or, A True Picture of the American Church and Clergy: A Letter to Nathaniel Barney, of Nantucket (originally published 1843; reprinted Concord, NH: P. Pillsbury, 1884), by Stephen S. Foster The Church and Slavery, by Albert Barnes (page images at MOA) The Constitutional Powers of the General Conference, With a Special Application to the Subject of Slaveholding, by William L. Harris (page images at MOA) The Impending Crisis of 1860: or, The Present Connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church With Slavery, and Our Duty in Regard to it (New York: Mason Bros., 1858), by Hiram Mattison The Impending Crisis of 1860: or, The Present Connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church With Slavery, and Our Duty in Regard to it (New York: Mason Bros., 1859), by Hiram Mattison The Attitude of the Presbyterian Church in the United States Towards American Slavery (M.A. thesis, University of Illinois, 1917), by Elmo Paul Hohman The Church and the Rebellion: A Consideration of the Rebellion Against the Government of the United States, and the Agency of the Church, North and South, in Relation Thereto (New York: Derby and Miller, 1864), by R. L. Stanton Relation of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to Slavery, by Charles K. Whipple (page images at MOA) A Scriptural Examination of the Institution of Slavery in the United States, With its Objects and Purposes (Georgia: Printed for the author, 1856), by Howell Cobb The Fugitive Blacksmith: or, Events in the History of James W. C. Pennington, Pastor of a Presbyterian Church, New York, Formerly a Slave in the State of Maryland, United States (second edition; London: C. Gilpin, 1849), by James W. C. Pennington Slavery Ordained of God, by F. A. Ross (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Slavery and the church -- United States -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Slavery and the church -- United States -- History The Negro Church: Report of a Social Study Made Under the Direction of Atlanta University; Together with the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, May 26th, 1903 (Atlanta University Publications #8; Atlanta: Atlanta University Press, 1903), ed. by W. E. B. Du Bois
Filed under: Slavery and the church -- United States -- History -- 19th century The Light and Truth of Slavery: Aaron's History (Worcester, MA: The author, ca. 1843), by Aaron
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Slavery and the church An Address to Christians of All Denominations on the Inconsistency of Admitting Slave-Holders to Communion and Church Membership (Philadelphia: S. C. Atkinson, 1831), by Evan Lewis The Bible Gives No Sanction to Slavery (page images at MOA) Christianity Versus Treason and Slavery: Religion Rebuking Sedition (Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1864) Come-Outerism: The Duty of Secession From a Corrupt Church (New York: American Anti-Slavery Society, 1845), by William Goodell (page images at HathiTrust) Liberty or Slavery: The Great National Question, by R. B. Thurston, A. C. Baldwin, and Timothy Williston (page images at MOA) Narrative of the Life of J. D. Green, a Runaway Slave, from Kentucky: Containing an Account of His Three Escapes, in 1839, 1846, and 1848 (Huddersfield, UK: Printed by H. Fielding, 1864), by J. D. Green (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Slavery and the Church -- Cuba
Filed under: Slavery and the church -- Baptists
Filed under: Slavery and the church -- Catholic Church
Filed under: Slavery and the church -- Congregational ChurchFiled under: Slavery and the church -- Episcopal ChurchFiled under: Slavery and the church -- FictionFiled under: Slavery and the church -- Methodist ChurchFiled under: Slavery and the church -- Methodist Episcopal Church The Constitutional Powers of the General Conference, With a Special Application to the Subject of Slaveholding, by William L. Harris (page images at MOA) Essay on Slavery, by Thomas J. Taylor (page images at MOA) The Impending Crisis of 1860: or, The Present Connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church With Slavery, and Our Duty in Regard to it (New York: Mason Bros., 1858), by Hiram Mattison The Impending Crisis of 1860: or, The Present Connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church With Slavery, and Our Duty in Regard to it (New York: Mason Bros., 1859), by Hiram Mattison Pictures of Slavery in Church and State: Including Personal Reminiscences, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. etc.; With an Appendix, Containing the Views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on Slavery (second edition; Philadelphia: The author, 1857), by John Dixon Long, contrib. by John Wesley and Richard Watson (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Methodist Church Property Case: Report of the Suit of Henry B. Bascom, and Others, vs. George Lane, and Others, Heard Before the Hon. Judges Nelson and Betts, in the Circuit Court, United States, for the Southern District of New-York, May 17-29, 1851 (New York: Lane and Scott, 1851), ed. by Richard Sutton, contrib. by H. B. Bascom and George Lane The Methodist Church Property Case: Report of the Suit of Henry B. Bascom, and Others, vs. George Lane, and Others, Heard Before the Hon. Judges Nelson and Betts, in the Circuit Court, United States, for the Southern District of New-York, May 17-29, 1851 (Richmond and Louisville: Pub. by J. Early for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1851), ed. by Richard Sutton, contrib. by H. B. Bascom and George Lane Filed under: Slavery and the church -- Presbyterian ChurchFiled under: Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends
Filed under: United States
Filed under: United States -- Antiquities
Filed under: United States -- Appropriations and expenditures
Filed under: United States -- Armed Forces America the Vulnerable: Our Military Problems and How to Fix Them (Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, ca. 2002), ed. by John F. Lehman and Harvey Sicherman (PDF with commentary at Conventional Coercion Across the Spectrum of Operations: The Utility of U.S. Military Forces in the Emerging Security Environment (Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2002), by David E. Johnson, Karl P. Mueller, and William H. Taft (PDF files at Hearings, Relating to H.R. 959, Amending the Internal Security Act of 1950 (Obstruction of Armed Forces) (Washington: GPO, 1969), by United States House Committee on Internal Security (page images at HathiTrust)
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