Snow surveys -- VermontSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Snow surveys -- Vermont
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Filed under: Vermont -- Biography Men of Vermont: An Illustrated Biographical History of Vermonters and Sons of Vermont (Brattleboro: Transcript Pub. Co., 1894), ed. by Jacob G. Ullery, contrib. by Redfield Proctor, Charles H. Davenport, Levi K. Fuller, and Hiram Augustus Huse (page images at HathiTrust) Rudyard Kipling's Vermont Feud (Weston, VT: Countryman Press, c1937), by Frederic F. Van de Water, illust. by Bernadine Custer (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Vermont -- Description and travel Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels: Vermont (1852), by Jacob Abbott Filed under: Vermont -- FictionFiled under: Vermont -- Imprints Vermont Imprints, 1778-1820: A Check List of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides (Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 1963), by Marcus A. McCorison (page images at HathiTrust) Vermont Imprints Before 1800: An Introductory Essay on the History of Printing in Vermont, With a List of Imprints, 1779-1799 (Montpelier, VT: Vermont Historical Society, c1937), by Elizabeth F. Cooley (page images at HathiTrust) The Dresden Press (reprinted from the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, 1920), by Harold Goddard Rugg (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Vermont -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Vermont -- NewspapersFiled under: Vermont -- Newspapers;Filed under: Vermont -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Vermont -- Poetry Hillsboro People, by Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn (Gutenberg text) Poets and Poetry of Vermont (revised edition; Boston: Brown, Taggard and Chase; Brattleboro: W. Felton, 1860), ed. by Abby Maria Hemenway Filed under: Vermont -- RegistersFiled under: Putney (Vt.) The History of Putney, Vermont, 1753-1953 (Putney, VT: Fortnightly Club of Putney, Vermont, 1953), ed. by Edith De Wolfe, Lura H. Frost, Edith I. Gassett, Inez S. Harlow, and Elizabeth G. Scott (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Sleepers River Research Watershed (Vt.)Filed under: American poetry -- Vermont Poets and Poetry of Vermont (revised edition; Boston: Brown, Taggard and Chase; Brattleboro: W. Felton, 1860), ed. by Abby Maria Hemenway Filed under: Antislavery movements -- VermontFiled under: College yearbooks -- VermontFiled under: Epidemics -- Vermont Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont: From its First Settlement to the Year 1815; With a Consideration of Their Causes, Phenomena, and Treatment, To Which is Added Remarks on Pulmonary Consumption (Boston: T. B. Wait and Sons, 1815), by Joseph A. Gallup Filed under: Gay newspapers -- VermontFiled under: Iroquois Indians -- Land tenure -- Vermont Report of the Commissioner Appointed by the Governor, on the Claim of the Iroquois Indians, Made to the Legislature, Nov. 3, 1855 (Montpelier: E.P. Walton, Hr., printer, 1855), by James M. Hotchkiss Filed under: Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 -- Homes and haunts -- VermontFiled under: Law reports, digests, etc. -- VermontFiled under: Legislative journals -- VermontFiled under: Medical geography -- Vermont Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont: From its First Settlement to the Year 1815; With a Consideration of Their Causes, Phenomena, and Treatment, To Which is Added Remarks on Pulmonary Consumption (Boston: T. B. Wait and Sons, 1815), by Joseph A. Gallup Filed under: Underground Railroad -- VermontFiled under: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories -- VermontFiled under: Branch, Cyrus, 1793 or 1794-More items available under broader and related terms at left. |