Social aspectsUse as a topical subdivision under topical headings for works on the effect of the item, activity, discipline, etc., and society on each other. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects
- AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects
- Academic writing -- Social aspects
- Activism -- Social aspects
- Aesthetics -- Social aspects
- African Americans -- Color -- Social aspects
- African Americans -- Recreation -- Social aspects
- Aging -- Social aspects
- Agriculture -- Social aspects
- Agroforestry -- Social aspects
- Alphabet -- Social aspects
- Alternative medicine -- Social aspects
- Animal health -- Social aspects
- Animals -- Social aspects
- Antinuclear movement -- Social aspects
- Arabic language -- Social aspects
- Archives -- Social aspects
- Artificial intelligence -- Social aspects
- Astronautics -- Social aspects
- Auditory perception -- Social aspects
- Australian languages -- Social aspects
- Authority -- Social aspects
- Authorship -- Collaboration -- Social aspects
- Authorship -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Social aspects
- Autism -- Social aspects
- Automation -- Social aspects
- Automobiles -- Social aspects
- Aymara language -- Social aspects
- Banks and banking -- Social aspects
- Bars (Drinking establishments) -- Social aspects
- Beauty culture -- Clothing -- Social aspects
- Big data -- Social aspects
- Biology -- Social aspects
- Biotechnology -- Social aspects
- Bisexual people -- Social aspects
- Blogs -- Social aspects
- Bombing, Aerial -- Social aspects
- Books and reading -- Social aspects
- Buddhism -- Social aspects
- COVID-19 (Disease) -- Social aspects
- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- -- Social aspects
- Cable television -- Social aspects
- Calgary Stampede -- Social aspects
- Call centers -- Social aspects
- Cancer -- Social aspects
- Capitalism -- Social aspects
- Caricatures and cartoons -- Social aspects
- Cartography -- Social aspects
- Cartoon characters -- Social aspects
- Cartoons and children -- Social aspects
- Casinos -- Social aspects
- Cell phones -- Social aspects
- Chiropractic -- Social aspects
- Christian life -- Social aspects
- Cities and towns -- Social aspects
- Citizenship -- Social aspects
- City planning -- Social aspects
- Civil defense -- Social aspects
- Civil rights workers -- Social aspects
- Climatic changes -- Social aspects
- Clothing and dress -- Social aspects
- Coal -- Social aspects
- Coca industry -- Social aspects
- Cognition disorders -- Social aspects
- Cold War -- Social aspects
- Colonization -- Social aspects
- Comic books, strips, etc. -- Social aspects
- Commercial products -- Social aspects
- Commons -- Social aspects
- Communication -- Social aspects
- Communication in learning and scholarship -- Social aspects
- Community development -- Social aspects
- Computer file sharing -- Social aspects
- Computer networks -- Social aspects
- Computer programming -- Social aspects
- Computer software -- Social aspects
- Computers -- Social aspects
- Constitutional law -- Cross-cultural studies -- Social aspects
- Contraception -- Social aspects
- Cooking -- Social aspects
- Cooking, American -- Southern style -- Social aspects
- Corporate governance -- Social aspects
- Costume design -- Social aspects
- Counterrevolutions -- Social aspects
- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) -- Social aspects
- Creative writing -- Social aspects
- Criminal justice, Administration of -- Social aspects
- Curriculum change -- Social aspects
- DNA -- Social aspects
- Dance -- Social aspects
- Data mining -- Social aspects
- Databases -- Social aspects
- Death -- Social aspects
- Debt -- Social aspects
- Decolonization -- Social aspects
- Democracy -- Social aspects
- Dental caries -- Prevention -- Social aspects
- Dental public health -- Social aspects
- Design -- Social aspects
- Diamonds -- Social aspects
- Digital communications -- Social aspects
- Digital media -- Social aspects
- Disaster relief -- Social aspects
- Disruptive technologies -- Social aspects
- Drama -- Social aspects
- Dreams -- Social aspects
- Drug abuse -- Social aspects
- Drug traffic -- Social aspects
- Dwellings -- Social aspects
- Earthquakes -- Social aspects
- Economic development -- Social aspects
- Education -- Social aspects
- Education, Higher -- Social aspects
- Electronic commerce -- Social aspects
- Electronic data processing -- Social aspects
- Electronic discussion groups -- Social aspects
- Electronic encyclopedias -- Social aspects
- Electronic surveillance -- Social aspects
- Emotions -- Social aspects
- Engineering -- Social aspects
- English language -- Social aspects
- English literature -- Social aspects
- Environmental disasters -- Social aspects
- Environmental risk assessment -- Social aspects
- Environmental sciences -- Social aspects
- Environmentalism -- Social aspects
- Ethnic food -- Social aspects
- Examinations -- Social aspects
- Fake news -- Social aspects
- Fame -- Social aspects
- Fashion -- Social aspects
- Fashion design -- Social aspects
- Fear -- Social aspects
- Fertility, Human -- Social aspects
- Fertilization in vitro, Human -- Social aspects
- Fiction -- Social aspects
- Financial crises -- Social aspects
- Firearms -- Social aspects
- Fishes -- Conservation -- Social aspects
- Food -- Social aspects
- Food habits -- Social aspects
- Forest biodiversity conservation -- Social aspects
- Forests and forestry -- Social aspects
- Gambling -- Social aspects
- Games -- Social aspects
- Gardens -- Social aspects
- Gas wells -- Social aspects
- Gay and lesbian dance parties -- Social aspects
- Gay people -- Social aspects
- Gaze -- Social aspects
- Genes -- Social aspects
- Genetics -- Social aspects
- Geology -- Social aspects
- German language -- Social aspects
- Global warming -- Social aspects
- Globalization -- Social aspects
- Graffiti -- Social aspects
- Grief -- Social aspects
- Gynecology -- Social aspects
- HIV infections -- Chemotherapy -- Social aspects
- Health -- Social aspects
- Health promotion -- Social aspects
- Historiography -- Social aspects
- Homosexuality -- Social aspects
- Human biology -- Social aspects
- Human body -- Social aspects
- Human evolution -- Social aspects
- Human genetics -- Social aspects
- Human reproduction -- Social aspects
- Human reproductive technology -- Social aspects
- Human skin color -- Social aspects
- Humanities -- Social aspects
- Hurricane Katrina, 2005 -- Social aspects
- Hygiene -- Social aspects
- Hysteria -- Social aspects
- Immigrants -- Social aspects
- Imperialism -- Social aspects
- Imprisonment -- Social aspects
- Income distribution -- Social aspects
- Indonesia -- History -- Coup d'état, 1965 -- Social aspects
- Industrial management -- Social aspects
- Industries -- Social aspects
- Information networks -- Social aspects
- Information retrieval -- Social aspects
- Information science -- Social aspects
- Information society -- Social aspects
- Information superhighway -- Social aspects
- Information technology -- Social aspects
- Information visualization -- Social aspects
- Intellect -- Social aspects
- Intellectual property -- Social aspects
- Interactive computer systems -- Social aspects
- International business enterprises -- Social aspects
- International economic integration -- Social aspects
- International economic relations -- Social aspects
- International relations -- Social aspects
- Internet -- Social aspects
- Internet and teenagers -- Social aspects
- Internet videos -- Social aspects
- Intimacy (Psychology) -- Social aspects
- Irony -- Social aspects
- Islam -- Social aspects
- Jazz -- Social aspects
- Journalism -- Social aspects
- Knowledge management -- Social aspects
- Landscapes -- Social aspects
- Language and education -- Social aspects
- Law -- Social aspects
- Leadership -- Social aspects
- Learning -- Social aspects
- Learning and scholarship -- Social aspects
- Leisure -- Social aspects
- Lesbianism -- Social aspects
- Lesbians -- Social aspects
- Library science -- Social aspects
- Linguistic change -- Social aspects
- Literacy -- Social aspects
- Literature publishing -- Social aspects
- Love -- Social aspects
- Management -- Social aspects
- Manufacturing processes -- History -- Social aspects
- Marine parks and reserves -- Social aspects
- Marital violence -- Social aspects
- Marketing -- Social aspects
- Markets -- Social aspects
- Marriage -- Social aspects
- Martial arts -- Social aspects
- Masculinity -- Social aspects
- Mass media -- Social aspects
- Materials -- History -- Social aspects
- Meat industry and trade -- Social aspects
- Medical education -- Social aspects
- Medical innovations -- Social aspects
- Medical technology -- Social aspects
- Memory -- Social aspects
- Microelectronics -- Social aspects
- Middle age -- Social aspects
- Mineral industries -- Papua New Guinea -- Lihir Islands -- Social aspects
- Minorities -- Civil rights -- Social aspects
- Money -- Social aspects
- Motherhood -- Social aspects
- Motion picture theaters -- Social aspects
- Motion pictures -- Social aspects
- Multi-user dungeons -- Social aspects
- Multilingualism -- Social aspects
- Multiple chemical sensitivity -- Social aspects
- Museums -- Social aspects
- Music -- Social aspects
- National parks and reserves -- Social aspects
- Nationalism -- Social aspects
- Natural disasters -- Social aspects
- Nature -- Social aspects
- Nature conservation -- Social aspects
- Neighborhoods -- Social aspects
- Newspaper publishing -- Social aspects
- Nuclear warfare -- Social aspects
- Nuclear weapons -- Social aspects
- Nudism -- Social aspects
- Nursing -- Social aspects
- Old age -- Social aspects
- Older people -- Medical care -- Social aspects
- Online social networks -- Social aspects
- Open access publishing -- Social aspects
- Open source software -- Social aspects
- Opera -- Social aspects
- Oral communication -- Social aspects
- Organized crime -- Social aspects
- Outdoor recreation -- Social aspects
- Performance art -- Social aspects
- Performing arts -- Social aspects
- Petroleum industry and trade -- Social aspects
- Pharmacology, Experimental -- Social aspects
- Philosophy, Chinese -- Social aspects
- Phonograph -- Social aspects
- Photography -- Social aspects
- Physical education and training -- Social aspects
- Plants -- Social aspects
- Play -- Social aspects
- Poetry -- Social aspects
- Political oratory -- Social aspects
- Political participation -- Social aspects
- Politics and culture -- Social aspects
- Popular culture -- Clothing -- Social aspects
- Popular music -- Social aspects
- Pornography -- Social aspects
- Postmodernism -- Social aspects
- Precarious employment -- Social aspects
- Prenatal diagnosis -- Social aspects
- Printing -- Social aspects
- Printing industry -- Social aspects
- Problem solving -- Social aspects
- Prophecy -- Social aspects
- Protest movements -- Social aspects
- Psychology, Pathological -- Social aspects
- Psychotherapy -- Social aspects
- Public administration -- Social aspects
- Public health -- Social aspects
- Public spaces -- Social aspects
- Publishers and publishing -- Social aspects
- Quantitative research -- Methodology -- Social aspects
- Quotation -- Social aspects
- Race -- Social aspects
- Radio broadcasting -- Social aspects
- Rap (Music) -- Social aspects
- Real property -- Social aspects
- Refugees, Palestinian Arab -- Social aspects
- Religions -- Social aspects
- Report writing -- Study and teaching -- Social aspects
- Reproductive technology -- Social aspects
- Rhetoric -- Social aspects
- Robotics -- Social aspects
- Rock music -- Social aspects
- Russian language -- Social aspects
- Russian literature -- 20th century -- Social aspects
- Sanitation -- Social aspects
- Scholarly publishing -- Social aspects
- Science -- Social aspects
- Science fiction -- Social aspects
- Scientists -- Social aspects
- Sects -- Social aspects
- Self-help techniques -- Social aspects
- Self-perception -- Social aspects
- Sentences (Criminal procedure) -- Social aspects
- Sexual minorities -- Social aspects
- Shrines -- Social aspects
- Skateboarding -- Social aspects
- Slavery -- Social aspects
- Sleep -- Social aspects
- Sleep deprivation -- Social aspects
- Sleep disorders -- Social aspects
- Smartphones -- Social aspects
- Sound recordings -- Social aspects
- Star Trek television programs -- Social aspects
- Steel industry and trade -- Social aspects
- Strangers -- Social aspects
- Street art -- Social aspects
- Subconsciousness -- Social aspects
- Subculture -- Clothing -- Social aspects
- Substance abuse -- Social aspects
- Sustainability -- Social aspects
- Sustainable development -- Social aspects
- System analysis -- Social aspects
- Tea -- Social aspects
- Teaching -- Social aspects
- Technological forecasting -- Social aspects
- Technological innovations -- Social aspects
- Technology -- Social aspects
- Technology and youth -- Social aspects
- Teenage pregnancy -- Social aspects
- Telecommunication -- Social aspects
- Telematics -- Social aspects
- Telephone -- Social aspects
- Television -- Social aspects
- Television broadcasting -- Social aspects
- Television programs -- Social aspects
- Terrorism -- Social aspects
- Time -- Social aspects
- Tourism -- Social aspects
- Transgender people -- Social aspects
- Translating and interpreting -- Social aspects
- Transnationalism -- Social aspects
- Transportation -- Social aspects
- Transportation, Automotive -- Social aspects
- Transsexualism -- Social aspects
- Trust -- Social aspects
- Tsetse-flies -- Control -- Social aspects
- Ubiquitous computing -- Social aspects
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Social aspects
- Vaishnavism -- Social aspects
- Veterinary medicine -- Social aspects
- Video games -- Social aspects
- Video games industry -- Social aspects
- Video recordings -- Social aspects
- Violence -- Social aspects
- Virtual reality -- Social aspects
- Visual perception -- Social aspects
- Water -- Fluoridation -- Social aspects
- Water-supply -- Social aspects
- Wit and humor -- Social aspects
- Women and peace -- Social aspects
- Work -- Social aspects
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Social aspects
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Social aspects
- World of Warcraft (Game) -- Social aspects
- Wrestling -- Social aspects
- Writing -- History -- Social aspects
- Zombies -- Social aspects
Filed under: Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects
Filed under: AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects
Filed under: Academic writing -- Social aspects
Filed under: Activism -- Social aspects
Filed under: African Americans -- Recreation -- Social aspects
Filed under: Aging -- Social aspects Aging in the Social Space (Białystok-Kraków: Association of Social Gerontologists, 2015), by Łukasz Tomczyk and Andrzej Klimczuk
Filed under: Agroforestry -- Social aspects
Filed under: Alphabet -- Social aspects
Filed under: Animal health -- Social aspects
Filed under: Animals -- Social aspects
Filed under: Arabic language -- Social aspects
Filed under: Artificial intelligence -- Social aspects Towards a New Enlightenment? A Transcendent Decade (Madrid: BBVA, c2018), contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Martin J. Rees, José M. Sánchez Ron, María Martinón-Torres, Alex Pentland, Sandeep Tiwari, Joanna J. Bryson, Ramon López de Mántaras, José M. Mato, Daniela Rus, Samuel H. Sternberg, Peter Kalmus, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, Victoria Robinson, Barry J. Eichengreen, Michelle Baddeley, Nancy H. Chau, S. M. Ravi Kanbur, Vivien Ann Schmidt, Diana Marie Owen, Yang Xu, Carlo Ratti, and Amos N. Guiora (multiple formats with commentary at Artificial Communication: How Algorithms Produce Social Intelligence (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2022), by Elena Esposito (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press) The Amazing Journey of Reason: From DNA to Artificial Intelligence (Cham: Springer, c2020), by Mario Alemi (PDF and Epub with commentary at Springer) The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Society (2018), by Microsoft Corporation (PDF with commentary at
Filed under: Astronautics -- Social aspects
Filed under: Australian languages -- Social aspects
Filed under: Authority -- Social aspects
Filed under: Authorship -- Collaboration -- Social aspects
Filed under: Authorship -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Social aspects Literacy, Sexuality, Pedagogy: Theory and Practice for Composition Studies (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2008), by Jonathan Alexander
Filed under: Autism -- Social aspects
Filed under: Automation -- Social aspects
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Social aspects
Filed under: Beauty culture -- Clothing -- Social aspects
Filed under: Big data -- Social aspects
Filed under: Biology -- Social aspects
Filed under: Blogs -- Social aspects
Filed under: Books and reading -- Social aspects
Filed under: Buddhism -- Social aspects
Filed under: Calgary Stampede -- Social aspects
Filed under: Cancer -- Social aspects
Filed under: Capitalism -- Social aspects
Filed under: Cartography -- Social aspects
Filed under: Chiropractic -- Social aspects
Filed under: Christian life -- Social aspects
Filed under: City planning -- Social aspects
Filed under: Civil rights workers -- Social aspects
Filed under: Climatic changes -- Social aspects Climate Games: Experiments on How People Prevent Disaster (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2024), by Talbot M. Andrews, Andrew W. Delton, and Reuben Kline (multiple formats with commentary at Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2021), ed. by Steffen Böhm and Sian Sullivan (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) The Climate Crisis: South African and Global Democratic Eco-Socialist Alternatives (Johannesburg: Wits University Press, c2018), ed. by Vishwas Satgar (PDF with commentary at In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism (first published in French in 2009; English translation 2015), by Isabelle Stengers, trans. by Andrew Goffey (PDF with commentary at Open Humanities Press) Stolen Future, Broken Present: The Human Significance of Climate Change (Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press, 2014), by David Collings (HTML and PDF at Open Humanities Press) An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and its Implications for United States National Security (2003; released 2004), by Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall (PDF at
Filed under: Clothing and dress -- Social aspects
Filed under: Coca industry -- Social aspects
Filed under: Cold War -- Social aspects
More items available under narrower terms. |