Socialism and youth -- United StatesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Socialism and youth -- United States
Filed under: Socialism and youth -- United States -- CongressesFiled under: Socialism and youth -- United States -- Periodicals
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Socialism and youth
Filed under: Socialism and youth -- France -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Socialism and youth -- Periodicals
Filed under: Youth -- United States Attitudes, Aptitudes, and Aspirations of American Youth: Implications for Military Recruitment (2003), by National Research Council Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences (page images with commentary at NAP) "Twaddle": A Story in Pictures (Labor Chapbook #3, second edition; Mena, AR: Commonwealth Chapter ASU, 1940), by Jim Schlecker (multiple formats at A Program for American Youth: Manifesto and Resolutions of Seventh National Convention, Young Communist League of U.S.A. (June 22-27, 1934), by Young Communist League of the U.S. (multiple formats at
Filed under: Youth -- United States -- Attitudes
Filed under: Youth -- United States -- Conduct of life
Filed under: Youth -- United States -- Congresses
Filed under: Youth -- United States -- Sexual behavior
Filed under: Youth -- United States -- Statistics
Filed under: At-risk youth -- United States
Filed under: Education -- United States Schools in Crisis: Training for Success of Failure? (electronic edition; Houston: Advance Publishins, 2009), by Carl Sommer (PDF files at USA Education in Brief (Washington: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, 2008), ed. by Raphael Calis and Anita N. Green (PDF at A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform (1983), by National Commission on Excellence in Education (HTML at Bulletin (United States Bureau/Office of Education) (partial serial archives) Communist-Socialist Propaganda in American Schools: A Documented Study of the Role National Education Association is Taking in the Indoctrination of the Youth of Our Country With the Ideology of Communism-Socialism (fourth printing; Boston: Meador Pub. Co., 1958), by Verne Paul Kaub (multiple formats at Learning Together: Israeli Innovations in Education That Could Benefit Americans (c1995), by A. Harry Passow, ed. by Mitchell Geoffrey Bard (HTML at Jewish Virtual Library) Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich (HTML at Wayback Machine) Educational Facilities in the United States for South African Students (New York: Institute of International Education, 1921), by Federation of South African Students in America Educational Guide for Syrian Students in the United States (New York: Syrian-American Press, 1921), by Philip K. Hitti The Goslings: A Study of the American Schools (Pasadena, CA: The author, c1924), by Upton Sinclair, illust. by Art Young Schools of To-Morrow (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1915), by John Dewey and Evelyn Dewey (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) A Statement of the Theory of Education in the United States of America, by United States Office of Education (page images at MOA) Taking a Stand on Education, by Helen P. Rogers (HTML at Wayback Machine) Zaboty o Prosvieshchenii v Soedinennykh Shtatakh; Kak Russkie Immigranty Mogut Ispolzovat Amerikanskuiu Sistemu Obrazovaniia (Russian translation of Education in the United States, with a preface and some English commentary; New York: Foreign Language Information Service, American Red Cross, 1920), by William F. Russell, contrib. by P. P. Claxton Labor and Education: Our Greatest Resource; Don't Sell Them Short (CIO publication #99; 1944), by Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.) (multiple formats at Dare the School Build a New Social Order? (New York: The John Day Co., c1932), by George S. Counts (page images at HathiTrust) George Washington, Patron of Learning (New York and London: The Century Co., c1932), by Leonard Clinton Helderman (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Education Demanded by the People of the U. States, by Francis Wayland (page images at MOA) The Goose-Step: A Study of American Education (Pasadena, CA: The author, c1923), by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Latin and Greek in American Education, With Symposia on the Value of Humanistic Studies (New York and London: Macmillan, 1911), ed. by Francis W. Kelsey A Librarian's Open Shelf: Essays on Various Subjects (1920), by Arthur E. Bostwick (Gutenberg text) The Means and Ends of Universal Education, by Ira Mayhew (page images at MOA) The Revival of Education, by Samuel J. May (page images at MOA)
Filed under: Indian youth -- United States Indian Adolescent Mental Health (1990), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Internet and youth -- United StatesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |