Soil surveys -- MinnesotaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Soil surveys -- Minnesota -- Blue Earth County Soil Survey of Blue Earth County, Minnesota (Washington: Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, in cooperation with Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, 1978), by Richard O. Paulson, Carroll Richard Carlson, Leon M. Chamberlain, Joseph F. Cummins, Russell J. Edwards, Allan R. Gustafson, Alan E. Jacobson, Robert A. Lueth, James J. Murray, Paul K. Nyberg, R. E. Rolling, and Kenneth R. Vinar (page images at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Soil surveys -- Arizona -- Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Filed under: Soil surveys -- New Jersey -- Burlington County
Filed under: Soil surveys -- North Carolina -- Stokes County
Filed under: Minnesota
Filed under: Minnesota -- Antiquities
Filed under: Minnesota -- Biography The Book of Minnesotans: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men of the State of Minnesota (Chicago, A. N. Marquis and Co., 1907), ed. by Albert Nelson Marquis (page images at HathiTrust) Progressive Men of Minnesota, ed. by Marion D. Shutter (page images at Who's Who Among Minnesota Women: A History of Woman's Work in Minnesota From Pioneer Days to Date, Told in Biographies, Memorials and Records of Organizations (1924), ed. by Mary Dillon Foster (page images at HathiTrust) Fifty Years in the Northwest, by William H. C. Folsom, ed. by E. E. Edwards (multiple formats with commentary at Captured by the Indians: Reminiscences of Pioneer Life in Minnesota, by Minnie Buce Carrigan (multiple formats with commentary at Old Rail Fence Corners: The A.B.C.'s of Minnesota History (second edition, 1914), ed. by Lucy Leavenworth Wilder Morris
Filed under: Minnesota -- Description and travel Five Years in Minnesota, by J. Maurice Farrar (multiple formats with commentary at Memories of the Lonesome Trail "Soo" Line, by W. R. Callaway (multiple formats with commentary at Minnesota and Dacotah: In Letters Descriptive of a Tour Through the North-West, in the Autumn of 1856, by C. C. Andrews Minnesota: Its Advantages to Settlers (1868), by Girart Hewitt Minnesota: Its Advantages to Settlers (1869 edition), by Girart Hewitt (multiple formats with commentary at Minnesota: Its Character and Climate, by Ledyard Bill (multiple formats with commentary at The Seat of Empire, by Charles Carleton Coffin (page images at MOA) Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, by E. Sandford Seymour (page images at Fifty Years in the Northwest, by William H. C. Folsom, ed. by E. E. Edwards (multiple formats with commentary at Floral Home: or, First Years of Minnesota (New York: Sheldon, Blakeman and Co., 1857), by Harriet E. Bishop Minnesota, The Empire State of the New North-West, The Commercial, Manufacturing and Geographical Centre of the American Continent (1878), by Minnesota State Board of Immigration (multiple formats with commentary at Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods (2 volumes; Philadelphia: H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1824), by William Hypolitus Keating, contrib. by Stephen H. Long, Thomas Say, and James Edward Colhoun Summer Rambles in the West (New York: J. C. Riker, 1853), by E. F. Ellet (page images at MOA) Wool-Gathering (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1867), by Gail Hamilton Narrative of an Expedition Through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the Actual Source of This River, by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (page images at With Pen and Pencil on the Frontier in 1851, by Frank Blackwell Mayer, ed. by Bertha L. Heilbron (multiple formats with commentary at
Filed under: Minnesota -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Minnesota -- Fiction Allisto: A Romance (published under "John Emersie" pseudonym; New York: J. D. Williams, c1884), by Mrs. Ansel Oppenheim (page images at HathiTrust) The Trail of the Hawk: A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, c1915), by Sinclair Lewis, illust. by Norman Rockwell (multiple formats at White and Red: A Narrative of Life Among the Northwest Indians (New York: Hurd and Houghton; Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1869), by Helen Campbell, illust. by A. P. Close (multiple formats at The Story of Red Feather: A Tale of the American Frontier, by Edward Sylvester Ellis (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Main Street, by Sinclair Lewis
Filed under: Minnesota -- Guidebooks
Filed under: Minnesota -- History Fifty Years in the Northwest, by William H. C. Folsom, ed. by E. E. Edwards (multiple formats with commentary at The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier (St. Paul: E. W. Porter, 1900), by Charles E. Flandrau (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Minnesota Pioneer Sketches, by Frank G. O'Brien (multiple formats with commentary at Dahkotah Land and Dahkotah Life, With the History of the Fur Traders of the Extreme Northwest During the French and British Dominions (Philadelphia; Chicago: J.B. Lippincott; S.C. Griggs, 1859), by Edward D. Neill (multiple formats at History of Freeborn County: Including Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota, and Outline History of the State of Minnesota, by Rev. Edward D. Neill; also, Sioux Massacre of 1862, and State Education by Charles S. Bryant (Minneapolis: Minnesota Historical Co., 1882), contrib. by Edward D. Neill and Charles S. Bryant (multiple formats at Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, by E. Sandford Seymour (page images at A History of the Swedish-Americans of Minnesota (3 volumes; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910), ed. by A. E. Strand (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Minnesota -- History, Local
Filed under: Minnesota -- Imprints
Filed under: Minnesota -- Juvenile fiction
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