Soul -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Soul -- Early works to 1800 A Dissertation on the Phaedon of Plato, or Dialogue of the Immortality of the Soul; With Some General Observations Upon the Writings of That Philosopher; To Which is Annexed, a Psychology, or an Abstract Investigation of the Nature of the Soul, in Which the Opinions of All the Celebrated Metaphysicians on That Subject are Discussed (London: Printed for the author and sold by T. Evans, 1773), by Charles Crawford (page images at HathiTrust) An Excellent Treatise of the Immortalytie of the Soule (London: Printed by I. Daye, 1581), by Jean Calvin, trans. by Thomas Stocker (HTML at EEBO TCP) Two Treatises: In the One of Which, The Nature of Bodies, In the Other, The Nature of Mans Soule, Is Looked Into, In Way of Discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Soules (Paris: Printed by G. Blaizot, 1644), by Kenelm Digby (HTML at EEBO TCP) Two Treatises: In the One of Which, The Nature of Bodies, In the Other, The Nature of Mans Soule, Is Looked Into, In Way of Discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Soules (London: Printed for J. Williams, 1645), by Kenelm Digby (multiple formats at Des Dominicus Gundissalinus Schrift Von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele (with William of Auvergne's De Immortalitate Animae; in Latin with German commentary; Münster: Aschendorff, 1897), by Dominicus Gundissalinus, ed. by Georg Bülow, contrib. by William of Auvergne Johannis Pechami Quaestiones Tractantes de Anima (in Latin; Münster: Aschendorff, 1918), by John Peckham, ed. by Hieronymus Spettmann Pneumatologia: A Treatise of the Soul of Man, by John Flavel (multiple formats with commentary at CCEL) Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit, by Joseph Priestley (page images here ay Penn) A Treatise on the Soul, by Tertullian, trans. by Peter Holmes (HTML with commentary at CCEL) A True Interpretation of the Witch of Endor (second edition; London: Printed by subscription, 1724), by Lodowick Muggleton, contrib. by John Reeve Select Works of Porphyry: Containing His Four Books On Abstinence From Animal Food; His Treatise on the Homeric Cave of the Nymphs; and His Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Natures; With an Appendix Explaining the Allegory of the Wanderings of Ulysses (London: Printed for T. Rodd, 1823), by Porphyry, trans. by Thomas Taylor (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Transmigration -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Soul -- Christianity -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Soul The Separated Soul in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (dissertation published as Catholic University of America Philosophical Series v55; Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1940), by Victor Edmund Sleva (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) A History of the Doctrine of the Soul Among All Races and Peoples, Ancient and Modern, Including Theologians, Philosophers, Scientists, and Untutored Aboriginees (second edition, 1882), by Dudley Marvin Canright (multiple formats at Google; US access only) The Seven Souls of Man and Their Culmination in Christ, by Gerald Massey (HTML in the UK) The Soul and the Body: A Sermon to Medical Students (1883), by L. P. Mercer (PDF at Studies of the Soul (London: J. Clarke and Co., 1901), by J. Brierley (multiple formats at What Science Can't Discover About the Human Mind, by Herbert W. Armstrong (multiple formats with commentary at Death and its Mystery (3 volumes; New York and London: The Century Co., 1922-1923), by Camille Flammarion, trans. by Eleanor Stimson Brooks and Latrobe Carroll The Matchless Altar of the Soul (Los Angeles: E. L. Larkin, 1916), by Edgar L. Larkin The Method of Nature (1841), by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at The Method of Nature: An Oration, Delivered Before the Society of the Adelphi, in Waterville College, in Maine, August 11, 1841 (Boston: S. G. Simpkins, 1841), by Ralph Waldo Emerson The Nature of Spirit, and of Man as a Spiritual Being, by Chauncey Giles (HTML at A Practical Study of the Soul (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1901), by Margaret M. Barbour Stone (multiple formats at The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1905), by Ernst Haeckel, trans. by Joseph McCabe Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists, by George Berkeley (Gutenberg text) Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists (from the 1713 and 1734 editions), by George Berkeley (HTML and PDF in Ireland) A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley (Gutenberg text) A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (based on the Jacob Tonson edition of 1734), by George Berkeley (multiple formats in Ireland) The New Evangelism and Other Papers, by Henry Drummond (multiple formats at CCEL)
Filed under: Soul -- Christianity The Belief in God and Immortality: A Psychological, Anthropoligical and Statistical Study (Boston: Sherman, French and Co., 1916), by James H. Leuba (multiple formats at Google) The Belief in God and Immortality: A Psychological, Anthropoligical and Statistical Study (Chicago and London: Open Court, 1921), by James H. Leuba (multiple formats at The Immortality of the Soul (New York: Pub. at the Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1849), by Luther Lee (multiple formats at Google) Psychopannychia (translated 1851), by Jean Calvin, trans. by Henry Beveridge (HTML at The Unity of Man, or, Life and Death Realities: A Reply to Rev. Luther Lee (1850), by George Storrs (PDF at
Filed under: Soul -- Fiction
Filed under: Soul -- Hinduism
Filed under: Intermediate state A Debate on the State of the Dead (Louisville: Printed by Morton and Griswold, 1854), by Thomas P. Connelly and Nathaniel Field The Intermediate State and Prayers for the Dead, Examined in the Light of Scripture, and of Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1900), by Charles H. H. Wright (multiple formats at Google) The Intermediate World (Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: C. T. Dillingham, 1878), by L. T. Townsend (multiple formats at Psychopannychia (translated 1851), by Jean Calvin, trans. by Henry Beveridge (HTML at The Soul in the Unseen World: An Inquiry into the Doctrine of the Intermediate State (1902), by R. E. Hutton (multiple formats at The Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect: A Study of the Intermediate State (Oberlin, OH: Bibliotheca Sacra Company, 1916), by John Elliott Wishart (multiple formats at State of the Dead (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1871), by Anson West (multiple formats at The State of the Departed (New York: Thomas N. Stanford, 1857), by John Henry Hobart (multiple formats at Google) Testimonies in Proof of the Separate Existence of the Soul in a State of Self-Consciousness Between Death and the Resurrection (1829), by Thomas Huntingford (multiple formats at Google) Where Are the Dead? A Guide to Scriptural Truth and Teaching Concerning the Intermediate State (c1920), by E. M. Milligan (PDF at Google) The State of the Dead and the Destiny of the Wicked (Battle Creek, MI: Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1873), by Uriah Smith (multiple formats at A History of the Doctrine of the Soul Among All Races and Peoples, Ancient and Modern, Including Theologians, Philosophers, Scientists, and Untutored Aboriginees (second edition, 1882), by Dudley Marvin Canright (multiple formats at Google; US access only)
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