Space coloniesHere are entered works dealing with communities established in space or on natural extraterrestrial bodies. Works dealing with manned installations existing for specific functions on natural extraterrestrial bodies are entered under Extraterrestrial bases. Works dealing with manned installations existing for specific functions, such as servicing space ships, etc., in orbit around the earth or other natural extraterrestrial bodies are entered under Space stations. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Colonies, Space
- Communities, Space
- Habitats, Space
- Outer space -- Colonies
- Space communities
- Space habitats
- Space colonization
Filed under: Space colonies
Filed under: Space colonies -- CongressesFiled under: Space colonies -- Fiction Fire With Fire (2013), by Charles E. Gannon (multiple formats with commentary at Baen Free library) Mars is My Destination: A Science-Fiction Adventure (New York: Pyramid Books, 1962), by Frank Belknap Long Star Born (c1957), by Andre Norton The Colonists (as published in If, June 1954), by Raymond F. Jones, illust. by Paul Orban (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Seas of Venus (2002), by David Drake (multiple formats at Baen Free Library) The Defiant Agents (Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Company, c1962), by Andre Norton Fallen Angels, by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn (HTML at The Struggle for Empire: A Story of the Year 2236 (London: E. Stock, 1900), by Robert W. Cole The Moon Colony (Chicago: Goldsmith Pub. Co., c1937), by William Dixon Bell (Gutenberg text) The Creatures of Man, by Howard L. Myers, ed. by Eric Flint and Guy Gordon (multiple formats at Baen Free Library) Little Fuzzy, by H. Beam Piper The Rats, the Bats and the Ugly, by Eric Flint and Dave Freer (multiple formats at West of the Sun (c1953), by Edgar Pangborn (Gutenberg text) Filed under: Space colonies -- Juvenile fiction The Space Pioneers, by Carey Rockwell, contrib. by Willy Ley, illust. by Louis S. Glanzman (Gutenberg text) Filed under: Planets -- Environmental engineering Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016), by Chris Pak
Filed under: Planets -- Environmental engineering -- FictionFiled under: Space colonies in literature Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2016), by Chris Pak
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Extraterrestrial bases -- Congresses
Filed under: Lunar bases -- CongressesFiled under: Lunar bases Project Horizon (2 volumes; prepared in 1959, and later declassified), by United States Army
Filed under: Lunar bases -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Moon -- Exploration Lessons Learned From the Clementine Mission (1997), by National Research Council Space Studies Board (page images with commentary at NAP) Moon Trip: A Personal Account of the Apollo Program and its Science (c1989), by Elbert A. King (PDF files at Planetary Science: A Lunar Perspective (c1982), by Stuart Ross Taylor (PDF files at Mission Science Planning Document, Apollo Mission J-3 (Apollo 17) (revision of October 6, 1972), by TRW Systems Group, contrib. by Richard R. Baldwin (PDF with commentary at USRA Houston Repository) Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference (electronic edition, 2001), by Richard W. Orloff (HTML at NASA) Apollo 17 Crew Debriefing for Science: January 8, 1973 (1973), by Manned Spacecraft Center Science Requirements and Operations Branch (PDF at USRA Houston Repository) Apollo 17 Science Handbook (1972), by TRW Systems Group (PDF at USRA Houston Repository)
Filed under: Moon -- Exploration -- AutomationFiled under: Moon -- Exploration -- HistoryFiled under: Moon -- Exploration -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
Filed under: Space stations
Filed under: Space stations -- Automation -- Research -- Congresses
Filed under: Space industrialization -- CongressesFiled under: Space stations -- Human factors -- CongressesFiled under: Space stations -- Fiction
Filed under: Space stations -- Government policy -- United StatesFiled under: Space stations -- Protection
Filed under: Space stations -- Technological innovations -- United StatesFiled under: Space industrializationMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |