Space stations -- Technological innovationsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Space stations -- Technological innovations -- United States
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Space stations
Filed under: Space stations -- Automation -- Research -- Congresses
Filed under: Space industrialization -- CongressesFiled under: Space stations -- Human factors -- CongressesFiled under: Space stations -- Fiction
Filed under: Space stations -- Government policy -- United StatesFiled under: Space stations -- ProtectionFiled under: Space industrialization
Filed under: Space industrialization -- Periodicals
Filed under: Space industrialization -- United States -- Cost control The Lower Tiers of the Space Transportation Industrial Base (OTA-BP-ISS-161; Washington: GPO, 1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Lunar mining
Filed under: Astronautics -- Technological innovations -- United States
Filed under: Space flight -- Technological innovations -- United StatesFiled under: Space flight -- United States -- Technological innovations
Filed under: Technological innovations Making Futures: Marginal Notes on Innovation, Design, and Democracy (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press, c2014), ed. by Pelle Ehn, Elisabet M Nilsson, and Richard Topgaard (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) A Passion for Ideas: How Innovators Create the New and Shape Our World (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, c2002), ed. by Heinrich von Pierer and Bolko von Oetinger (PDF at Purdue) Product Liability and Innovation: Managing Risk in an Uncertain Environment (1994), ed. by Janet R. Hunziker and Trevor O. Jones (page images with commentary at NAP) The DARPA Model for Transformative Technologies: Perspectives on the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2019), ed. by William Bonvillian, Robert E. Van Atta, and Patrick Windham (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Reinventing the Company in the Digital Age (Madrid: BBVA, c2014), contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Philip Evans, Kenneth Cukier, Geoffrey A. Moore, Haim Mendelson, George S. Day, Esteban García-Canal, Mauro F. Guillén, Joan E. Ricart i Costa, Christopher Warhurst, Sally Wright, Celia de Anca, Salvador Aragón, Alison Maitland, Stewart D. Friedman, Peter Thomson, Herzog & de Meuron, BBVA New Headquarters Team, William M. Klepper, John P. Kotter, Henry William Chesbrough, and Carol A. Adams (multiple formats with commentary at Digital Youth, Innovation, and the Unexpected (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), ed. by Tara McPherson (PDF files with commentary at MIT Press) Against Intellectual Monopoly (electronic edition, 2008), by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine (PDF with commentary at How We Got Here: A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and Markets, by Andy Kessler (PDF at Technology for Nonviolent Struggle (London: War Resisters' International, 2001), by Brian Martin (HTML and PDF in Australia)
Filed under: Technological innovations -- 21st century
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Australia
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Case studies
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Chile
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Developing countries
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Economic aspects Free Innovation (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2017), by Eric von Hippel (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) The Atlas of Economic Complexity: Mapping Paths to Prosperity (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014), by Ricardo Hausmann, César A. Hidalgo, Sebastián Bustos, Michele Coscia, Sarah Chung, Juan Jimenez, Alexander Simoes, and Muhammed A. Yildirim (PDF with commentary at MIT Press) Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets: The Political Economy of Innovation (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2009), by Peter F. Cowhey and Jonathan David Aronson, contrib. by Donald Abelson (PDF with commentary at Democratizing Innovation (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2005), by Eric von Hippel (PDF files at MIT) The Sources of Innovation (New York: Oxford University Press, c1988), by Eric von Hippel (PDF files at MIT) Mastering the Global Transition on Our Way to Society 3.0 (2014), by Ronald van den Hoff (PDF with commentary at Innovation: Perspectives for the 21st Century (Madrid: BBVA, c2010), contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Alex Pentland, Sander Ernst van der Leeuw, Nathan Rosenberg, Hiroyuki Itami, Alfonso Gambardella, Francisco Louçã, David C. Mowery, Edward H. Lorenz, Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Alice Lam, Eric von Hippel, Frank Moss, Curtis Ray Carlson, Harry West, Pascal Sobol, Joaquim Vila, Manuel Mira Godinho, Ian Miles, Robert E. Litan, Xavier Vives, Edward S. Rubin, Takanori Shibata, Hugh Herr, Ernesto Martinez-Villalpando, Carlo Ratti, Nashid Nabian, and Tod Machover (multiple formats with commentary at The Age of Perplexity: Rethinking the World We Knew (Madrid: BBVA, c2017), contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Jannis Kallinikos, Robin Mansell, Jan-Werner Müller, José Luis Pardo, Diana Marie Owen, Evgeny Morozov, Simon Springer, Marysia Zalewski, John Andrews, Nayef R. F. Al-Rodhan, Ian Storey, Miguel Angel Centeno, Andrés Lajous, Douglas R. Nelson, Zia Qureshi, Adam Saunders, Andrew Gamble, Richard J. White, Helen Hester, Nick Srnicek, Adriana Conconi, and Mariana Viollaz (multiple formats with commentary at Digital Opportunity: A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth (with related documents; 2011), by Ian Hargreaves (PDF with commentary in the UK)
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Environmental aspects Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment (1997), ed. by Jesse H. Ausubel and H. Dale Langford (page images at NAP) Innovation: Perspectives for the 21st Century (Madrid: BBVA, c2010), contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Alex Pentland, Sander Ernst van der Leeuw, Nathan Rosenberg, Hiroyuki Itami, Alfonso Gambardella, Francisco Louçã, David C. Mowery, Edward H. Lorenz, Bengt-Åke Lundvall, Alice Lam, Eric von Hippel, Frank Moss, Curtis Ray Carlson, Harry West, Pascal Sobol, Joaquim Vila, Manuel Mira Godinho, Ian Miles, Robert E. Litan, Xavier Vives, Edward S. Rubin, Takanori Shibata, Hugh Herr, Ernesto Martinez-Villalpando, Carlo Ratti, Nashid Nabian, and Tod Machover (multiple formats with commentary at
Filed under: Technological innovations -- Fiction Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660 (second edition; New York: F. Fell, c1950), by Hugo Gernsback, contrib. by Lee De Forest and Fletcher Pratt Kun Nukkuja Herää (When the Sleeper Wakes in Finnish; 1907), by H. G. Wells, trans. by Jalmari Finne (Gutenberg text) Rx for Chaos (included on a Baen CD image), by Christopher Anvil, ed. by Eric Flint The Sleeper Awakes (London and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press, ca. 1921), by H. G. Wells (multiple formats at The Sleeper Awakes: A Revised Edition of "When the Sleeper Wakes", by H. G. Wells (Gutenberg text) The Sleeper Awakes: A Revised Edition of "When the Sleeper Wakes" (London: T. Nelson and Sons, ca. 1910), by H. G. Wells When the Sleeper Wakes, by H. G. Wells (Gutenberg text) When the Sleeper Wakes (London and New York: Harper and Bros., 1899), by H. G. Wells
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