Special districtsHere are entered works on governmental units established by local action in accordance with authorized state laws or directly by state legislation for the performance of a single function. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Authorities, Public
- Public authorities
Filed under: Toiyabe National Forest (Nev. and Calif.)
Filed under: Riparian ecology -- Toiyabe National Forest (Nev. and Calif.)Filed under: Vegetation classification -- Toiyabe National Forest (Nev. and Calif.)
Filed under: Point Lobos State Reserve (Calif.)
Filed under: Vertebrates -- California -- Point Lobos State Reserve
Filed under: School districts -- United States -- Case studies
Filed under: Medically underserved areas -- Africa
Filed under: Forest reserves -- Arizona
Filed under: Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho)
Filed under: Fire ecology -- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho)
Filed under: Forest management -- Idaho -- Boise National Forest Forest Vegetation Removal and Slope Stability in the Idaho Batholith (research paper INT-271; Ogden, UT: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1981), by Donald H. Gray and Walter F. Megahan Filed under: Slopes (Soil mechanics) -- Idaho -- Boise National Forest Forest Vegetation Removal and Slope Stability in the Idaho Batholith (research paper INT-271; Ogden, UT: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1981), by Donald H. Gray and Walter F. Megahan Filed under: Soil stabilization -- Idaho -- Boise National Forest Forest Vegetation Removal and Slope Stability in the Idaho Batholith (research paper INT-271; Ogden, UT: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1981), by Donald H. Gray and Walter F. Megahan Filed under: Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (Idaho)
Filed under: Glacier National Park (Mont.)
Filed under: Glacier National Park (Mont.) -- Description and travel
Filed under: Camping -- Montana -- Glacier National Park -- History -- 20th century
Filed under: Outdoor life -- Montana -- Glacier National Park -- History -- 20th centuryFiled under: Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958 -- Travel -- Montana -- Glacier National Park
Filed under: Humboldt National Forest (Nev.)
Filed under: Riparian ecology -- Nevada -- Humboldt National ForestFiled under: Vegetation classification -- Nevada -- Humboldt National Forest
Filed under: El Malpais National Conservation Area (N.M.)Filed under: Forest reserves -- New Mexico
Filed under: Forest rangers -- Fiction
Filed under: Aeronautics in forest fire control
Filed under: Walden Woods (Mass.) -- Social life and customsFiled under: Natural history -- Massachusetts -- Walden WoodsFiled under: Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862 -- Homes and haunts -- Massachusetts -- Walden WoodsFiled under: Wilderness areas -- Massachusetts -- Walden Woods
Filed under: Adirondack Forest Preserve (N.Y.)
Filed under: Adirondack Park (N.Y.)
Filed under: Nature conservation -- New York (State) -- Adirondack ParkFiled under: Nature conservation -- New York (State) -- Adirondack Forest Preserve
Filed under: Malheur National Forest (Or.) -- History The Malheur National Forest: An Ethnographic History (Portland, OR?: USDA Forest Service, 1980), by Jerry L. Mosgrove Filed under: Ethnology -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest The Malheur National Forest: An Ethnographic History (Portland, OR?: USDA Forest Service, 1980), by Jerry L. Mosgrove
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Oregon -- Malheur National Forest -- History The Malheur National Forest: An Ethnographic History (Portland, OR?: USDA Forest Service, 1980), by Jerry L. Mosgrove
Filed under: Forest reserves -- United States -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Forest reserves -- United States -- Planning Forest Service Planning: Accommodating Uses, Producing Outputs, and Sustaining Ecosystems (1992), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment USDA Forest Service Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2004-08 (Washington: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2004), by United States Forest Service Forest Service Planning: Setting Strategic Direction Under the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (1990), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Indicators (Biology) -- West Virginia -- Monongahela National Forest
Filed under: Nicolet National Forest (Wis.)
Filed under: Natural history -- Wisconsin -- Nicolet National Forest
Filed under: Wilderness areas -- Economic aspects -- Alberta -- History
Filed under: Natural areas -- Europe, Eastern -- Congresses
Filed under: Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve (Kan.) -- HistoryFiled under: Natural areas -- United States
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