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Filed under: Geometry, Modern
Filed under: Geometry, Modern -- PlaneFiled under: Geometry, Projective Lectures in Projective Geometry (Princeton, NJ et al.: D. Van Nostrand Co., c1962), by A. Seidenberg (page images at HathiTrust) Projective Geometry (Carus Mathematical Monograph #4; Chicago: Pub. for the Mathematical Association of America by the Open Court Pub. Co., c1930), by John Wesley Young (page images at HathiTrust) Beiträge zur Geometrie der Lage (3 volumes in 1, in German; Nuremberg: Fr. Korn'schen Buchhandlung, ca. 1856-1860), by Karl Georg Christian von Staudt (page images at HathiTrust) Einführung in die Projektive Geometrie (in German; Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1912), by Max Zacharias An Elementary Treatise on Pure Geometry with Numerous Examples, by John Wellesley Russell (page images at Cornell) Geometria di Posizione (in Italian; Turin: Fratelli Bocca Editori; et al., 1889), by Karl Georg Christian von Staudt, trans. by Mario Pieri, contrib. by Corrado Segre (page images in Italy) Geometria Proiettiva: Lezioni per gli Allievi dell' Accademia Militare (in Italian; Turin: G. Candeletti, 1891), by Mario Pieri (PDF at mathematica.sns.it) Geometria Projettiva del Piano e della Stella (second edition, in Italian; Milan: U. Hoepli, 1895), by Ferdinando Aschieri The Principles of Projective Geometry Applied to the Straight Line and Conic, by J. L. S. Hatton (page images at Cornell) Synthetic Projective Geometry (fourth edition; 1906), by George Bruce Halsted (page images at Cornell) A Treatise on Projective Geometry, by George William Jones (page images at Cornell)
Filed under: Projective differential geometry
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Curves
Filed under: Spaces of constant curvatureFiled under: Surfaces of constant curvatureFiled under: Curves, AlgebraicFiled under: Curves, EllipticFiled under: Curves, Quartic
Filed under: Asymptotic expansionsFiled under: Conic sections The Analytical Geometry of the Conic Sections (London: A. and C. Black, 1908), by E. H. Askwith (page images at HathiTrust) Conic Sections Treated Geometrically, by W. H. Besant (page images at Cornell) An Introduction to the Ancient and Modern Geometry of Conics, by Charles Taylor (page images at Cornell) Researches on Curves of the Second Order, by George Whitehead Hearn (page images at Cornell) A Course of Pure Geometry: Containing a Complete Geometrical Treatment of the Properties of the Conic Sections (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1917), by E. H. Askwith (multiple formats at archive.org) A Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry As Applied to the Straight Line and the Conic Sections (1881 edition), by I. Todhunter (page images at Cornell) Brouillon Project d'une Atteinte aux Evenemens des Rencontres du Cone avec un Plan, par L,S,G,D,L (in French; 1639), by Gérard Desargues A Treatise on Some New Geometrical Methods, by James Booth Filed under: CycloidsFiled under: Quaternions Elements of Quaternions, by Arthur Sherburne Hardy (page images at Cornell) Lectures on Quaternions, by William Rowan Hamilton (page images at Cornell) A Manual of Quaternions, by Charles Jasper Joly (page images at Cornell) The Outlines of Quaternions, by H. W. L. Hime (page images at Cornell) A Primer of Quaternions, by Arthur S. Hathaway Quaternions as the Result of Algebraic Operations, by Arthur Latham Baker (page images at Cornell) Utility of Quaternions in Physics, by Alex. McAulay (page images at Cornell) Vector Analysis and Quaternions, by Alexander Macfarlane (page images at Cornell) Vector and Tensor Analysis (New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, c1947), by Louis Brand (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Quaternions -- BibliographyFiled under: AusdehnungslehreFiled under: Roulettes (Geometry)
Filed under: Artificial satellites -- Atmospheric entry -- Mathematical models
Filed under: Artificial satellites -- Orbits -- CongressesFiled under: Artificial satellites -- Orbits -- Mathematical modelsFiled under: Orbital transfer (Space flight)
Filed under: Geometry, SolidMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |