StandardsUse as a topical subdivision under individual chemicals and groups of chemicals, types of industries and educational institutions, and topical headings for descriptions of the example or model set up and established by authority as the measure of quantity, quality, value, extent, weight, etc., to be followed. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Standards -- Pennsylvania
- Production standards
- Standards, Engineering
- Standards, Military
- AIDS (Disease) -- Standards
- Abrasives -- Standards
- Academic libraries -- Standards
- Accidents -- Prevention -- Standards
- Accounting -- Standards
- Acid deposition -- Standards
- Actuaries -- Rating of -- Standards
- Ada (Computer program language) -- Standards
- Adhesives -- Standards
- Administrative agencies -- Data processing -- Standards
- Administrative assistants -- Training of -- Standards
- Adult day care centers -- Standards
- Advertisers -- Standards
- Advertising -- Standards
- Advertising, Outdoor -- Standards
- Aeronautical charts -- Standards
- Aeronautics -- Standards
- Aerospace industries -- Standards
- African American universities and colleges -- Standards
- Aggregates (Building materials) -- Standards
- Agricultural biotechnology -- Standards
- Agricultural education -- Standards
- Agricultural laborers -- Rating of -- Standards
- Agricultural machinery -- Maintenance and repair -- Standards
- Agricultural systems -- Standards
- Agriculture -- Fieldwork -- Standards
- Agriculture -- Research -- Standards
- Aids to air navigation -- Standards
- Air conditioning -- Standards
- Air conditioning industry -- Employees -- Training of -- Standards
- Air mail service -- Standards
- Air pilots -- Testing -- Standards
- Air quality -- Standards
- Air traffic control -- Standards
- Air-compressors -- Standards
- Airplanes -- Standards
- Airplanes, Military -- Electronic equipment -- Standards
- Airports -- Standards
- Airways -- Lighting -- Standards
- Alcohol as fuel -- Standards
- Alcoholic beverage industry -- Standards
- Alcoholic beverages -- Standards
- Alcoholism counseling -- Standards
- Alloys -- Standards
- Aluminum coating -- Standards
- Aluminum industry and trade -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Aluminum windows -- Standards
- Ammunition -- Standards
- Amplitude modulation -- Standards
- Amplitude modulation detectors -- Standards
- Analytical chemistry -- Standards
- Analytical geochemistry -- Standards
- Anesthesiology -- Standards
- Animal cages -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Animal culture -- Standards
- Animal welfare -- Standards
- Animals -- Economic aspects -- Standards
- Animals -- Exhibitions -- Standards
- Animals -- Research -- Standards
- Antacids -- Standards
- Antennas, Horn -- Standards
- Anthracite coal industry -- Standards
- Anticonvulsants -- Standards
- Antifoaming Agents -- Standards
- Antineoplastic agents -- Standards
- Apples -- Standards
- Architecture -- Conservation and restoration -- Standards
- Architecture and energy conservation -- Standards
- Archives -- Administration -- Standards
- Argon-argon dating -- Standards
- Armed Forces -- Supplies and stores -- Standards
- Armor -- Standards
- Art -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Art objects -- Africa -- Classification -- Standards
- Art, African -- Classification -- Standards
- Artesian wells -- Iowa -- Standards
- Artificial reefs -- Standards
- Artificial satellites in remote sensing -- Data processing -- Standards
- Artists' materials -- Standards
- Asbestos -- Standards
- Asbestos in building -- Standards
- Asphalt industry -- Employees -- Health and hygiene -- Standards
- Atmospheric ozone -- Standards
- Attest function (Auditing) -- Standards
- Attics -- Designs and plans -- Standards
- Auditing -- Standards
- Auditing, Internal -- Standards
- Aujeszky's disease in swine -- Prevention -- Standards
- Automobile drivers' tests -- Standards
- Automobile industry workers -- Rating of -- Standards
- Automobile mechanics -- Rating of -- Standards
- Automobile mechanics -- Training of -- Standards
- Automobile mechanics -- United States -- Standards
- Automobile parking -- Standards
- Automobiles -- Standards
- Avionics -- Standards
- Axial ventilators -- Testing -- Standards
- BASIC (Computer program language) -- Standards
- Bagging -- Standards
- Bags -- Standards
- Baldcypress -- Standards
- Ballasts (Electricity) -- Standards
- Ballot -- Standards
- Bank capital -- Standards
- Bank examination -- Standards
- Banks and banking, International -- Standards
- Barrels -- Standards
- Barrier-free design -- Standards
- Basic education -- Standards
- Baskets -- Standards
- Bathroom cabinets -- Standards
- Bathrooms -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Battery chargers -- Standards
- Bearings (Machinery) -- Standards
- Beef cattle -- Breeding -- Standards
- Beef industry -- Standards
- Bibliographical citations -- Standards
- Bibliography -- Data processing -- Standards
- Biodiesel fuels -- Standards
- Biological products -- Standards
- Biological psychiatry -- Research -- Standards
- Biomass chemicals -- Standards
- Biomass energy -- Standards
- Biomedical materials -- Standards
- Biotechnologists -- Training of -- Standards
- Biotechnology laboratories -- Standards
- Bituminous coal industry -- Standards
- Bituminous materials -- Standards
- Blankets -- Standards
- Blinds -- Standards
- Blood -- Collection and preservation -- Standards
- Blood -- Transfusion -- Standards
- Blood banks -- Standards
- Blood cholesterol -- Standards
- Boilers -- Standards
- Boiling water reactors -- Standards
- Bolts and nuts -- Standards
- Bone plates (Orthopedics) -- Standards
- Bone screws (Orthopedics) -- Standards
- Book industries and trade -- Standards
- Bookbinding -- Standards
- Boring -- Standards
- Bottled water -- Standards
- Bottles -- Standards
- Boys' clothing -- Sizes -- Standards
- Bread -- Standards
- Breast -- Cancer -- Diagnosis -- Standards
- Breast -- Radiography -- Standards
- Breathing apparatus -- Standards
- Bricklaying -- Standards
- Bridges -- Standards
- Broadband communication systems -- Standards
- Broadcasting -- Standards
- Brooms and brushes -- Standards
- Building fittings -- Standards
- Building materials -- Standards
- Building materials industry -- Standards
- Building, Fireproof -- Standards
- Building, Iron and steel -- Standards
- Building, Wooden -- Standards
- Buildings -- Standards
- Burglar alarms -- Standards
- Burglary protection -- Standards
- Bus drivers -- Training of -- Standards
- Buses -- Standards
- Business -- Standards
- Business enterprises -- Size -- Standards
- Butter -- Standards
- C (Computer program language) -- Standards
- Cable television -- Standards
- Calibration -- Standards
- Camp sites, facilities, etc -- Standards
- Camps -- Standards
- Cancer -- Reporting -- Standards
- Canned beans -- Standards
- Canned beef -- Standards
- Canned foods -- Standards
- Canned foods industry -- Standards
- Canned fruit industry -- Standards
- Canned fruit juices -- Standards
- Canned orange juice -- Standards
- Canned pork -- Standards
- Canned sweet potatoes -- Standards
- Capacitors -- Standards
- Capital -- Standards
- Carbon monoxide detectors -- Standards
- Carbon paper -- Standards
- Carbonated beverage bottles -- United States -- Standards
- Carcinogens -- Standards
- Cardiovascular research -- Standards
- Cardiovascular system -- Research -- Standards
- Career education -- Standards
- Cargo ships -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Carnations -- Standards
- Carpentry -- Standards
- Carpets -- Testing -- Standards
- Cartography -- Standards
- Casinos -- Standards
- Cast-iron -- Standards
- Cast-iron pipe -- Standards
- Casters (Wheels) -- Standards
- Cataloging -- Data processing -- Standards
- Cataloging of archival materials -- Standards
- Cataloging of microforms -- Standards
- Cataloging of music -- Data processing -- Standards
- Cattle -- Standards
- Cattle breeders -- Rating of -- Standards
- Caulking -- Standards
- Ceiling fans -- Standards
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) -- Standards
- Ceramic materials -- Standards
- Chalk -- Standards
- Character sets (Data processing) -- Standards
- Chemical apparatus -- Standards
- Chemical industry -- Standards
- Chemical laboratories -- Standards
- Chemical workers -- Training of -- Standards
- Chemicals -- Standards
- Chemistry -- Standards
- Chests -- Standards
- Chickens -- Standards
- Child care -- Standards
- Child care services -- Standards
- Child health services -- Standards
- Child psychiatry -- Residential treatment -- Standards
- Child restraint systems in automobiles -- Standards
- Child welfare -- Standards
- Children -- Growth -- Standards
- Children -- Health and hygiene -- Standards
- Children -- Nutrition -- Standards
- Children with disabilities -- Health and hygiene -- Standards
- Children's accidents -- Classification -- Standards
- Children's clothing -- Sizes -- Standards
- Children's sleepwear -- Standards
- Chlorides -- Analysis -- Standards
- Chlorine -- Standards
- Chronology -- Data processing -- Standards
- Chronology, Historical -- Standards
- Chrysanthemums -- Standards
- Church archives -- Catalogs -- Standards
- City planning -- Standards
- Classification -- Books -- Data processing -- Standards
- Classification -- Museums -- Standards
- Clay -- Standards
- Clay industries -- Standards
- Clerks -- Training of -- Standards
- Client/server computing -- Standards
- Clinical Laboratory Techniques -- Standards
- Clinical competence -- Standards
- Clinical competencies -- Standards
- Clinical medicine -- Standards
- Clocks and watches -- Standards
- Closet doors -- Standards
- Clothes closets -- Standards
- Clothing and dress -- Standards
- Clothing trade -- Standards
- Coal augers -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Coal mines and mining -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Coal-fired furnaces -- Standards
- Coal-mining machinery -- Standards
- Coast redwood -- Standards
- Coated fabrics -- Standards
- Coatings -- Standards
- Coaxial cables -- Standards
- Cold storage industry -- Standards
- Color -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Color in interior decoration -- Standards
- Colors -- Standards
- Commerce -- Standards
- Commercial buildings -- Standards
- Commercial products -- Standards
- Commercial real estate -- Standards
- Communication in design -- Standards
- Communication in industrial safety -- Standards
- Communications, Military -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Community development, Urban -- Standards
- Community health services -- Standards
- Community information files -- Data processing -- Standards
- Compensatory education -- Standards
- Competency based education -- Standards
- Computer -- Valuation -- Standards
- Computer graphics -- Standards
- Computer input-output equipment -- Standards
- Computer interfaces -- Standards
- Computer network protocols -- Standards
- Computer networks -- Standards
- Computer output microfilm -- Format -- Standards
- Computer programming -- Standards
- Computer security -- Standards
- Computer software -- Standards
- Computer storage devices -- Standards
- Computers -- Standards
- Concentrated fruit juices -- Standards
- Concessions (Amusements, etc.) -- Standards
- Concrete -- Standards
- Concrete beams -- Standards
- Concrete blocks -- Standards
- Concrete bridges -- Standards
- Concrete construction -- Standards
- Concrete masonry -- Standards
- Concrete mixers -- Standards
- Congregate housing -- Standards
- Construction industry -- Standards
- Contact lenses -- Standards
- Containers -- Standards
- Contracts for work and labor -- Standards
- Copper alloys -- Standards
- Copper naphthenate -- Standards
- Core competencies -- Standards
- Coroners -- Training of -- Standards
- Correctional institutions -- Standards
- Correctional personnel -- In-service training -- Standards
- Corrections -- Standards
- Cost accounting -- Standards
- Cotton -- United States -- Standards
- Cotton baling -- Standards
- Cotton manufacture -- Standards
- Cotton yarn -- Moisture -- Standards
- Court administration -- Standards
- Court records -- Data processing -- Standards
- Courts -- Standards
- Courts of first instance -- States -- Standards
- Coverlets -- Standards
- Cranes, derricks, etc. -- Standards
- Cream -- Standards
- Credit -- Standards
- Credit cards -- Security measures -- Standards
- Criminal justice, Administration of -- Standards
- Criminal records -- Data processing -- Standards
- Cross sections (Nuclear physics) -- Standards
- Culverts -- Standards
- Curriculum change -- Standards
- Customer services -- Standards
- Cuvettes (Optical instrument) -- Standards
- Cyberterrorism -- Prevention -- Standards
- DNA -- Analysis -- Standards
- Dairy cattle -- Standards
- Dairy inspection -- Standards
- Dairy products -- Standards
- Dams -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Data disk drives -- Standards
- Data protection -- Standards
- Data structures -- Standards
- Data tape drives -- Standards
- Data tapes -- Standards
- Data transmission systems -- Standards
- Database management -- Standards
- Day care centers -- Standards
- Death -- Causes -- Classification -- Standards
- Death -- Medical examinations -- Standards
- Decimal system -- Standards
- Degaussing -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- Density -- Standards
- Dental amalgams -- Standards
- Dental instruments and apparatus -- Standards
- Dental materials -- Standards
- Dental offices -- Standards
- Dental schools -- United States -- Standards
- Dentifrices -- Packing -- Standards
- Dentistry -- Standards
- Depository libraries -- Michigan -- Standards
- Depression, Mental -- Treatment -- Standards
- Diagnostic imaging -- Standards
- Dial indicator -- Standards
- Diamond powder -- Standards
- Diesel fuels -- Standards
- Diesel locomotives -- Standards
- Diesel motor -- Standards
- Diet -- Standards
- Digital communications -- Standards
- Digital mapping -- Standards
- Disability evaluation -- Standards
- Disclosure in accounting -- Standards
- Diseases -- Reporting -- Standards
- Disinfection and disinfectants -- Standards
- Distributors (Commerce) -- Standards
- Documentation -- Standards
- Documents libraries -- Michigan -- Standards
- Door fittings -- Standards
- Doors -- Standards
- Doorways -- Standards
- Dosimeters -- Standards
- Douglas fir -- Standards
- Drafters -- Rating of -- Standards
- Drainage pipes -- Standards
- Dried beans -- Standards
- Dried beef -- Standards
- Dried foods -- Standards
- Dried milk -- Standards
- Dried peas -- Standards
- Driers -- Standards
- Drill pipe -- Standards
- Drinking fountains -- Standards
- Drinking water -- Standards
- Drinking water treatment units -- Standards
- Drivers' licenses -- Standards
- Driveways -- Standards
- Drug abuse -- Treatment -- Standards
- Drug abuse counseling -- Standards
- Drug factories -- United States -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Drug testing -- Standards
- Drugs -- Standards
- Drugs, Nonprescription -- Standards
- Dry cleaning -- Standards
- Dry cleaning industry -- Standards
- Dust control -- Standards
- Dwellings -- Standards
- Earth dams -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Earthmoving machinery operators -- Standards
- Earthquake engineering -- Standards
- Earthquake resistant design -- Standards
- Eastern redcedar -- Standards
- Education -- Standards
- Education, Elementary -- Standards
- Education, Higher -- Standards
- Education, Secondary -- Standards
- Educational evaluation -- Standards
- Educational statistics -- Standards
- Educational tests and measurements -- Standards
- Effective teaching -- Standards
- Effluent quality -- Standards
- Eggs -- Standards
- Elastic fabrics -- Standards
- Election workers -- Training of -- Standards
- Elections -- Standards
- Electric apparatus and appliances -- Standards
- Electric automobiles -- Standards
- Electric batteries -- Standards
- Electric cables -- Standards
- Electric connectors -- Testing -- Standards
- Electric drills -- Standards
- Electric generators -- Standards
- Electric industries -- Standards
- Electric insulators and insulation -- Testing -- Standards
- Electric lighting -- Standards
- Electric lines -- Poles and towers -- Standards
- Electric machinery -- Standards
- Electric measurements -- Standards
- Electric meters -- Standards
- Electric motors -- Standards
- Electric power -- Conservation -- Standards
- Electric power -- Purchasing -- Standards
- Electric power distribution -- Technological innovations -- Standards
- Electric power systems -- Standards
- Electric railroads -- Cars -- Standards
- Electric transformers -- Standards
- Electric utilities -- Costs -- Standards
- Electric utilities -- Technological innovations -- Standards
- Electric water heaters -- Standards
- Electric welding -- Standards
- Electric wire -- Standards
- Electric wiring -- Standards
- Electrical engineering -- Standards
- Electricity -- Standards
- Electricity in aeronautics -- Standards
- Electrochemistry -- Standards
- Electromagnetic compatibility -- Standards
- Electromagnetic interference -- Control -- Standards
- Electronic alarm systems -- Standards
- Electronic apparatus and appliances -- Standards
- Electronic commerce -- Standards
- Electronic data interchange -- Standards
- Electronic data processing -- Standards
- Electronic data processing departments -- Management -- Standards
- Electronic data processing departments -- Security measures -- Standards
- Electronic flash photography -- Standards
- Electronic publications -- Standards
- Electronic surveillance -- Standards
- Electronic systems -- Standards
- Electronic technicians -- Training of -- Standards
- Electronic traffic controls -- Standards
- Elementary school facilities -- Standards
- Elementary schools -- Standards
- Elevators -- Standards
- Embankments -- Standards
- Emblems, National -- Standards
- Emergency lighting -- Standards
- Emergency sanitation -- Standards
- Employee screening -- Standards
- Employees -- Recruiting -- Standards
- Employees -- Training of -- Management -- Standards
- Enamel and enameling -- Standards
- Enameled glass -- Standards
- Endoscopes -- Standards
- Energy conservation -- Standards
- Energy consumption -- Standards
- Energy policy -- Standards
- Engineered wood -- Standards
- Engineering -- Data processing -- Standards
- Engineering -- Management -- Standards
- Engineering drawings -- Standards
- Engineering, Naval -- Watch duty -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- English -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Environmental health -- Standards
- Environmental management -- Standards
- Environmental protection -- Standards
- Ergot -- Standards
- Error-correcting codes (Information theory) -- Standards
- Evidence, Criminal -- Standards
- Excavation -- United States -- Standards
- Exchange of bibliographic information -- Standards
- Expenditures, Public -- United States -- Management -- Standards
- Express highways -- Standards
- Exterior walls -- Standards
- FORTRAN (Computer program language) -- Standards
- Facsimile transmission -- Standards
- Factory and trade waste -- Standards
- Factory inspection -- Standards
- Fallout shelters -- Standards
- Fans (Machinery) -- Standards
- Far ultraviolet detectors -- Standards
- Farm equipment -- Maintenance and repair -- Standards
- Farm industry and trade -- Standards
- Farm produce -- Standards
- Fasteners -- Standards
- Fasteners industry -- Standards
- Feldspar -- Standards
- Felting -- Standards
- Fences -- Standards
- Fiberboard -- Standards
- Fibrous composites -- Analysis -- Standards
- Filters and filtration -- Standards
- Financial institutions -- Standards
- Financial statements -- Standards
- Financial statements, Consolidated -- Standards
- Finishes and finishing -- Standards
- Fire alarms -- Standards
- Fire departments -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Fire extinction -- Standards
- Fire hose -- Standards
- Fire prevention -- Standards
- Fire resistant materials -- Standards
- Firearms -- Standards
- Flammability -- Standards
- Flammable fabrics -- Standards
- Flight training -- Standards
- Flooring, Wooden -- Standards
- Floors -- Standards
- Florists -- Training of -- Standards
- Flower arrangers -- Training of -- Standards
- Flowers -- Standards
- Fluorescence -- Standards
- Fluorescent lighting -- Standards
- Fluoroscopy -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Food -- Standards
- Food additives -- Standards
- Food industry and trade -- Standards
- Food service employees -- Training of -- Standards
- Food service management -- Standards
- Football helmets -- Standards
- Forensic ballistics -- Standards
- Forensic sciences -- Standards
- Forest management -- Standards
- Forest roads -- Maintenance and repair -- Standards
- Forging -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Formaldehyde -- Toxicology -- Standards
- Foster home care -- Standards
- Foundries -- Standards
- Frozen concentrated apple juice -- Standards
- Frozen concentrated orange juice -- Standards
- Frozen fruit juices -- Standards
- Fruit -- Standards
- Fruit juices -- Pasteurization -- Standards
- Fruit trade -- Standards
- Fuel -- Standards
- Furnaces -- Standards
- Furniture -- Standards
- GKS (Computer system) -- Standards
- Gages -- Standards
- Gambling on Indian reservations -- Standards
- Gamma ray sources -- Standards
- Gamma rays -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Garlic -- Standards
- Gas appliances -- Standards
- Gas companies -- Standards
- Gas industry -- Standards
- Gas manufacture and works -- Standards
- Gas-fitting -- Standards
- Gas-meters -- Illinois -- Standards
- Gas-pipes -- Standards
- Gases -- Standards
- Gasoline -- Standards
- Geodesy -- Standards
- Geographic information systems -- Standards
- Geographical location codes -- Standards
- Geographical positions -- Standards
- Geological mapping -- Standards
- Glass -- Standards
- Glass fiber industry -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Glass manufacture -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Glass-reinforced plastics -- Standards
- Glazes -- Standards
- Gloves -- Standards
- Goldwork -- Standards
- Golf equipment industry -- Standards
- Government contractors -- Standards
- Government publications -- United States -- Standards
- Government purchasing -- Standards
- Grain -- Standards
- Grapefruit juice -- Standards
- Grapes -- Standards
- Graphic arts -- Standards
- Greenhouses -- Employees -- Training of -- Standards
- Grinding wheels -- Standards
- Groceries -- Standards
- Ground control (Mining) -- Testing -- Standards
- Groundwater -- Standards
- Handcuffs -- Standards
- Hangars -- Standards
- Hardboard -- Standards
- Hardware -- Standards
- Hardwoods -- Standards
- Hazardous substances -- Standards
- Hazardous waste treatment facilities -- Standards
- Hazardous wastes -- Standards
- Haze -- Standards
- Head Protective Devices -- Standards
- Health facilities -- Standards
- Health insurance -- Standards
- Health maintenance organizations -- Standards
- Heart, Artificial -- Standards
- Heartwood -- Standards
- Heat engineering -- Standards
- Heat exchangers -- Standards
- Heat storage devices -- Testing -- Standards
- Heating -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Hides and skins -- Standards
- High school libraries -- Standards
- High schools -- Standards
- Hinges -- Standards
- Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Standards
- Historic preservation -- Standards
- Historic ships -- Conservation and restoration -- Standards
- Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration -- Standards
- Hoisting machinery -- Standards
- Holstein-Friesian cattle -- Standards
- Home care services -- Standards
- Home economics -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Home freezers -- Standards
- Honey -- Standards
- Honey, Comb -- Standards
- Horticulture -- Standards
- Hose -- Standards
- Hosiery -- Standards
- Hospital beds -- Standards
- Hospital buildings -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Hospital care -- Standards
- Hospital libraries -- Standards
- Hospital wards -- Standards
- Hospitality industry -- Standards
- Hospitals -- Standards
- Hot-water supply -- Testing -- Standards
- House construction -- Standards
- House painting -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Household appliances -- Standards
- Household appliances, Electric -- Standards
- Housing -- Standards
- Housing development -- Standards
- Housing, Single family -- Standards
- Hulls (Naval architecture) -- Standards
- Human chromosome abnormalities -- Diagnosis -- Standards
- Human engineering -- Standards
- Human-computer interaction -- Standards
- Human-machine systems -- Standards
- Hydraulic engineering -- Standards
- Hydraulic machinery -- Standards
- Hydrocarbons -- Storage -- Standards
- Hydrology -- Standards
- Hypochlorites -- Standards
- Ice -- Packing -- Standards
- Image processing -- Digital techniques -- Standards
- Imaging systems -- Standards
- Implements, utensils, etc. -- Standards
- Incinerators -- Standards
- Inclined planes -- Standards
- Industrial equipment -- Standards
- Industrial hygiene -- Standards
- Industrial minerals -- Standards
- Industrial noise -- Standards
- Industrial safety -- Standards
- Industrial toxicology -- Standards
- Industries -- Environmental aspects -- Standards
- Industries -- Size -- Standards
- Industries -- United States -- Standards
- Infant formulas -- Standards
- Information resources management -- Standards
- Information retrieval -- Standards
- Information science -- Standards
- Information services industry -- Standards
- Information storage and retrieval systems -- Standards
- Information storage and retrieval systsems -- Standards
- Information technology -- Standards
- Infrared detectors -- Standards
- Ink -- Standards
- Insect pests -- Control -- Standards
- Insect traps -- Standards
- Insects -- United States -- Effect of insecticides on -- Standards
- Installation of equipment -- Standards
- Institutional care -- Standards
- Instructional materials centers -- Standards
- Instructional systems -- Code numbers -- Standards
- Instrument flying -- Standards
- Insulating materials -- Standards
- Insulating materials industry -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Insulation (Heat) -- Standards
- Insurance -- Standards
- Insurance adjusters -- Rating of -- Standards
- Insurance agents -- Rating of -- Standards
- Insurance companies -- Employees -- Rating of -- Standards
- Insurance companies, American -- Standards
- Integrated logistic support -- Standards
- Intelligent transportation systems -- Standards
- Intensive care units -- Wisconsin -- Standards
- Interchangeable mechanisms -- Standards
- Interconnected electric utility systems -- Standards
- Interior decoration accessories -- Standards
- Interior lighting -- Standards
- International broadcasting -- Standards
- International trade -- Standards
- Internet in education -- Standards
- Internet pharmacies -- Standards
- Internetworking (Telecommunication) -- Standards
- Investment advisors -- Training of -- Standards
- Ionizing radiation -- Instruments -- Standards
- Iron -- Standards
- Iron alloys -- Standards
- Irrigation water -- Quality -- Standards
- Jacquard weaving -- Standards
- Jails -- Standards
- Jersey cattle -- Standards
- Jewelry -- Identification -- Standards
- Jewelry -- United States -- Standards
- Jigs and fixtures -- Standards
- Joints (Engineering) -- Standards
- Juvenile correction -- Standards
- Juvenile corrections -- Standards
- Juvenile courts -- Standards
- Juvenile detention homes -- Standards
- Juvenile justice, Administration of -- Standards
- Kitchen utensils -- Standards
- Kitchens -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Knit goods -- Standards
- Labels -- Standards
- Labor -- Standards
- Labor inspection -- Standards
- Laboratories -- Standards
- Laboratory animals -- Standards
- Laboratory technicians -- Rating of -- Standards
- Laboratory technicians -- Training of -- Standards
- Ladders -- Standards
- Laminated materials -- Standards
- Laminated metals -- Standards
- Laminated plastics -- Standards
- Laminated wood -- Standards
- Lamps -- Standards
- Land subdivision -- Planning -- Standards
- Land use -- Environmental aspects -- Standards
- Landscape protection -- Standards
- Language and languages -- Examinations -- Standards
- Language arts -- Standards
- Lasers -- Standards
- Lathes -- Standards
- Laundries -- Standards
- Law and ethics -- Standards
- Law enforcement -- Standards
- Law reporters -- Training of -- Standards
- Lead based paint -- Standards
- Lead ingots -- Standards
- Leather goods -- Standards
- Legal assistants -- Training of -- Standards
- Legal secretaries -- Training of -- Standards
- Length measurement -- Standards
- Lenses -- Standards
- Lentils -- Standards
- Libraries -- Standards
- Libraries and the blind -- Standards
- Library bindings -- Standards
- Library information networks -- Standards
- Library materials -- Conservation and restoration -- Standards
- Library science -- Standards
- Light emitting diodes -- Standards
- Light filters -- Standards
- Light water reactors -- Standards
- Lighting, Architectural and decorative -- Standards
- Lignite industry -- Standards
- Lime -- Standards
- Linseed oil -- Standards
- Linters -- Standards
- Liquor industry -- Standards
- Literacy -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Literacy programs -- Standards
- Lithium -- Analysis -- Standards
- Livestock -- Standards
- Loan loss reserves -- Standards
- Loans -- Standards
- Loans, Personal -- Standards
- Local transit -- Standards
- Logging -- Standards
- Long-term care facilities -- Standards
- Longwall mining -- Standards
- Low temperatures -- Standards
- Lumber -- Standards
- Lumber trade -- Standards
- Lumbering -- Standards
- Machine-readable bibliographic data -- Standards
- Machine-tools -- Standards
- Machinery -- Safety appliances -- Standards
- Machinery industry -- Standards
- Machinery, Electrical -- Standards
- Magnetic monopoles -- Standards
- Magnetic recorders and recording -- Standards
- Magnetic tapes -- Standards
- Maintainability (Engineering) -- Standards
- Management information systems -- Standards
- Manned space flight -- Standards
- Manufactures -- Environmental aspects -- Standards
- Manufacturing industries -- Standards
- Manufacturing processes -- Standards
- Map printing -- Standards
- Marine engineering -- Standards
- Marine sciences -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Marine sciences -- Instruments -- Standards
- Marine sediments -- Analysis -- Standards
- Marketing -- Standards
- Masonry -- Standards
- Masts and rigging -- Standards
- Materia medica, Dental -- Standards
- Materia medica, Vegetable -- Standards
- Materials -- Standards
- Materials at low temperatures -- Standards
- Maternal health services -- Wisconsin -- Standards
- Maternity homes -- Standards
- Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Standards
- Mathematics -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Mattresses -- Standards
- Measurement -- Standards
- Measuring instruments -- Standards
- Meat -- Standards
- Meat cutting -- Standards
- Meat industry and trade -- Standards
- Meat inspection -- Standards
- Mechanical draft -- Automatic control -- Standards
- Mechanical drawing -- Standards
- Mechanical engineering -- Standards
- Mechanics (Persons) -- Training of -- Standards
- Media programs (Education) -- Standards
- Medical care -- Standards
- Medical ethics -- Standards
- Medical examiners (Law) -- Training of -- Standards
- Medical fees -- Standards
- Medical instruments and apparatus -- Standards
- Medical instruments and apparatus industry -- Standards
- Medical laboratories -- Standards
- Medical laboratory technology -- Standards
- Medical offices -- Management -- Standards
- Medical personnel -- Health and hygiene -- Standards
- Medical records -- United States -- Standards
- Medical secretaries -- Rating of -- Standards
- Medical technologists -- Rating of -- Standards
- Medical thermometers -- Standards
- Medicine -- Bibliography -- Standards
- Medicine -- Practice -- Standards
- Medicine, Industrial -- Standards
- Men's clothing -- Sizes -- Standards
- Mental health services -- Standards
- Merchant marine -- Great Britain -- Standards
- Merchant ships -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Mercury switches -- Standards
- Metal coating -- Standards
- Metal detectors -- Standards
- Metal doors -- Standards
- Metal halides -- Standards
- Metal stamping -- Standards
- Metal windows -- Standards
- Metal-workers -- Training of -- Standards
- Metals -- Standards
- Metric system -- Standards
- Microbiological laboratories -- Standards
- Microcards -- Standards
- Microcomputers -- Programmable peripheral interfaces -- Standards
- Microfiches -- Standards
- Microfilm readers -- Standards
- Microfilms -- Standards
- Microforms -- Standards
- Microphotography -- Standards
- Military education -- Standards
- Military engineering -- United States -- Standards
- Military maps -- Standards
- Military railroads -- Standards
- Milk -- Standards
- Milk hygiene -- Standards
- Milk yield -- Standards
- Millwork (Woodwork) -- Standards
- Mine dusts -- Standards
- Mine inspection -- Standards
- Mine railroad tracks -- Standards
- Mine railroads -- Standards
- Mine safety -- Standards
- Mineral industries -- Standards
- Mineral wool -- Thermal properties -- Standards
- Miners -- Training of -- Standards
- Mining machinery -- Standards
- Mirrors -- Standards
- Mittens -- Standards
- Mobile homes -- Standards
- Mobile radio stations -- Standards
- Modems -- Standards
- Modular construction -- Standards
- Mohair -- Standards
- Molding (Chemical technology) -- Standards
- Mops and mopsticks -- Standards
- Mortgage loan servicing -- Standards
- Motor fuels -- Standards
- Motor vehicles -- Standards
- Motorcycles -- United States -- Standards
- Nails and spikes -- Standards
- Names, Geographical -- Standards
- National parks and reserves -- Standards
- Natural foods -- Standards
- Natural gas pipelines -- Standards
- Nautical instruments -- Standards
- Naval architecture -- Standards
- Naval stores -- Standards
- Navigation -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Neutrons -- Standards
- Newspapers on microfilm -- Standards
- Nickel -- Standards
- Night vision devices -- Standards
- Nitrogen oxides -- Standards
- Noise -- Standards
- Nondestructive testing -- Standards
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- Armed Forces -- Weapons systems -- Standards
- Nosocomial infections -- Prevention -- Standards
- Nuclear bomb shelters -- Standards
- Nuclear engineering -- Standards
- Nuclear facilities -- Standards
- Nuclear industry -- Standards
- Nuclear physics -- Standards
- Nuclear power plants -- Standards
- Nuclear reactors -- Standards
- Nuclear weapons -- Standards
- Nuclear weapons plants -- Security measures -- Standards
- Nurseries (Horticulture) -- Employees -- Training of -- Standards
- Nursery stock -- Standards
- Nurses -- Training of -- Standards
- Nursing -- Standards
- Nursing home care -- Standards
- Nursing homes -- Standards
- Nursing schools -- Standards
- Occupational health services -- Standards
- Occupational therapists -- Rating of -- Standards
- Occupational therapy -- Standards
- Occupational training -- Standards
- Occupations -- Standards
- Ocher -- Standards
- Office buildings -- Standards
- Oil burners -- Standards
- Old age homes -- Standards
- Older people -- Care -- Standards
- Olive -- Packing -- Standards
- Onions -- Standards
- Online library catalogs -- Standards
- Operating room technicians -- Training of -- Standards
- Operating systems (Computers) -- Standards
- Optical character recognition devices -- Standards
- Optical data processing -- Standards
- Optical fibers -- Standards
- Optical glass -- Standards
- Optical pattern recognition -- Standards
- Optical wave guides -- Standards
- Optometry -- Study and teaching -- Standards
- Orange juice -- Standards
- Ores -- Standards
- Organic farming -- Standards
- Organized crime -- Prevention -- Standards
- Organophosphorus compounds -- Standards
- Ozone -- Standards
- Packaging -- Standards
- Packaging for shipment -- Standards
- Packet switching (Data transmission) -- Standards
- Paint -- Standards
- Paint materials -- Standards
- Painting, Industrial -- Standards
- Paneling -- Standards
- Paper -- Standards
- Paper bags -- Standards
- Paper industry -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Paperboard -- Standards
- Papermaking machinery -- Standards
- Parachutes -- Rigging -- Examinations, questions, etc. -- Standards
- Park lodging facilities -- Standards
- Parks -- Standards
- Parquet floors -- Standards
- Particle board -- Standards
- Pathological laboratories -- Standards
- Patternmaking -- Standards
- Pavements, Concrete -- Standards
- Peace Corps (U.S.) -- Training -- Standards
- Peas -- Standards
- Pecans -- Standards
- Penetrant inspection -- Standards
- Perlite -- Standards
- Personal injuries -- Classification -- Standards
- Personal protective equipment -- Standards
- Pesticide applicators (Persons) -- Health and hygiene -- United States -- Standards
- Pesticide residues in food -- Standards
- Pesticides -- Standards
- Petroleum -- Storage -- Standards
- Petroleum as fuel -- Standards
- Petroleum industry and trade -- Standards
- Petroleum products -- Standards
- Petroleum waste -- Recycling -- Standards
- Petroleum waste -- United States -- Standards
- Pharmaceutical industry -- Standards
- Pharmacists -- England -- Standards
- Phenols -- Standards
- Phosphors -- Standards
- Photographic dosimetry -- Standards
- Photography -- Printing papers -- Standards
- Photometry -- Standards
- Photovoltaic power generation -- Standards
- Physical measurements -- Standards
- Physical therapy assistants -- Training of -- Standards
- Physicians -- Standards
- Pigeons -- Standards
- Pigments -- Standards
- Piling (Civil engineering) -- Standards
- Pine oil -- Standards
- Pineapple -- Standards
- Pipe -- Standards
- Pipe bending -- Standards
- Pipe fittings -- Standards
- Pipe, Clay -- Standards
- Pipe, Lead -- Standards
- Pipe, Plastic -- Standards
- Piping -- Standards
- Pistols -- Standards
- Plants, Cultivated -- Standards
- Plasmapheresis -- Standards
- Plastic containers -- Standards
- Plastic films -- Standards
- Plastic lenses -- Standards
- Plastic tableware -- Standards
- Plastic tiles -- Standards
- Plastics -- Standards
- Plastics industry and trade -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Plastics workers -- Training of -- Standards
- Plates (Engineering) -- Standards
- Platinum -- Standards
- Plotting charts -- Standards
- Plumbing -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Plumbing -- Traps -- Standards
- Plumbing fixtures -- Standards
- Plumbing fixtures industry -- Standards
- Plywood -- Standards
- Plywood construction -- Standards
- Pneumatic drills -- Standards
- Police -- Standards
- Police chiefs -- Selection and appointment -- Standards
- Police communication systems -- Standards
- Police, Private -- Standards
- Pollution -- Standards
- Pollution control equipment -- Standards
- Polyethylene -- Standards
- Polymers -- Standards
- Polystyrene -- Standards
- Polytef -- Standards
- Polyvinyl chloride -- Standards
- Porcelain -- Standards
- Pork -- Quality -- Standards
- Potassium -- Analysis -- Standards
- Potato flakes -- Packing -- Standards
- Pottery -- Standards
- Poultry -- Standards
- Poultry industry -- Sanitation -- Standards
- Poultry products -- Standards
- Power shovels -- Standards
- Power transmission -- Standards
- Prefabricated houses -- Standards
- Prescribed burning -- Great Basin -- Standards
- Prescription writing -- Standards
- Pressure vessels -- Standards
- Preventive health services -- Standards
- Primary care (Medicine) -- Standards
- Primary nursing -- Standards
- Print finishing processes -- Standards
- Printed circuits industry -- Standards
- Printers -- Rating of -- Standards
- Printers -- Training of -- Standards
- Printing -- Standards
- Printing, Legislative -- Standards
- Prison administration -- Standards
- Prison libraries -- Illinois -- Standards
- Prisoners -- Services for -- Standards
- Prisons -- Standards
- Produce trade -- Standards
- Product safety -- Standards
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) -- Standards
- Prosecution -- Standards
- Protective devices -- Standards
- Psychiatric hospitals -- Standards
- Psychiatry -- Research -- Standards
- Public administration -- Data processing -- Standards
- Public buildings -- Illinois -- Standards
- Public buildings -- Security measures -- Standards
- Public contracts -- Standards
- Public defenders -- Workload -- Standards
- Public health -- Standards
- Public health records -- Standards
- Public housing -- Standards
- Public libraries -- Standards
- Public schools -- Standards
- Public welfare -- Standards
- Publishers and publishing -- Standards
- Pumping machinery -- Standards
- Quality control -- Standards
- Quantity cooking -- Standards
- Quartz -- Standards
- Quinine sulfate -- Optical properties -- Standards
- Radiation -- Dosage -- Standards
- Radiation -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Radiation -- Toxicology -- Prevention -- Standards
- Radiation sources -- Standards
- Radiation tolerance -- Standards
- Radio -- Antennas -- Standards
- Radio -- Current supply -- Standards
- Radio -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Radio -- Transmitter-receivers -- Standards
- Radio -- Transmitters and transmission -- Standards
- Radio frequency modulation -- Standards
- Radio lines -- Standards
- Radioactive decontamination -- United States -- Standards
- Radioactive pollution -- Standards
- Radioactive prospecting -- Standards
- Radioactive substances -- Standards
- Radioactive waste disposal -- Standards
- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Standards
- Radioactivity -- Standards
- Radiography, Industrial -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Radiography, Medical -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Radioisotopes -- Standards
- Radiotherapy -- Standards
- Railroad bridges -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Railroad cars -- Standards
- Railroad rails -- Standards
- Railroad tracks -- Standards
- Railroads -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Railroads -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Rayon spinning -- Standards
- Reading -- Standards
- Real estate development -- Standards
- Real property -- Valuation -- Standards
- Receptionists -- Training of -- Standards
- Records -- Standards
- Recreation areas -- Standards
- Recreational therapy -- Standards
- Recycling (Waste, etc.) -- Standards
- Red lead -- Standards
- Redwood (Wood) -- Standards
- Reflectance -- Standards
- Reformulated gasoline -- Standards
- Refractory materials -- Standards
- Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery -- Standards
- Refrigerator industry -- Employees -- Training of -- Standards
- Refrigerators -- Standards
- Refuse and refuse disposal -- Standards
- Registers of births, etc. -- United States -- Standards
- Rehabilitation centers -- Standards
- Reinforced concrete -- Standards
- Reinforced plastics -- Standards
- Reliability (Engineering) -- Standards
- Remote sensing -- Standards
- Renewable Energy Program (Calif.) -- Standards
- Renewable energy sources -- Standards
- Rental housing -- Standards
- Repairing trades -- Standards
- Respirators (Medical equipment) -- Standards
- Retail trade -- Standards
- Retaining walls -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Rice -- Standards
- Riot helmets -- Standards
- Rivets and riveting -- Standards
- Road drainage -- Equipment and supplies -- Standards
- Road materials -- Standards
- Roads -- Standards
- Roadside improvement -- Standards
- Rocks -- Standards
- Roof drainage -- Standards
- Roses -- Standards
- Rubber goods -- Standards
- Ruby crystals -- Standards
- Runways (Aeronautics) -- Standards
- Rural schools -- Standards
- Safety education, Industrial -- Standards
- Safety hats -- Standards
- Salinity -- Standards
- Salt -- Packing -- Standards
- Sanitary engineering -- Standards
- Sashes -- Standards
- Scanning electron microscopes -- Standards
- Scanning systems -- Standards
- School attendance -- Standards
- School buildings -- Standards
- School buses -- Standards
- School children -- Nutrition -- Standards
- School environment -- Standards
- School facilities -- Standards
- School libraries -- Standards
- School sites -- Standards
- Science -- Standards
- Scientific illustration -- Standards
- Scrap metals -- Recycling -- Standards
- Screens -- Standards
- Screw-threads -- Standards
- Screw-threads, Standard -- Standards
- Screws -- Standards
- Seams (Sewing) -- Standards
- Secretaries -- Training of -- Standards
- Securities industry -- Standards
- Security systems -- Standards
- Sediment control -- Standards
- Sediments (Geology) -- Standards
- Sediments -- Standards
- Seeds -- Testing -- Standards
- Selective dissemination of information -- Standards
- Selling -- Standards
- Semiconductor industry -- Standards
- Semiconductors -- Standards
- Septic tanks -- Standards
- Serum -- Standards
- Service industries -- Standards
- Sewage disposal -- Standards
- Sewage disposal plants -- Standards
- Sewer-pipe -- Standards
- Sewerage -- Standards
- Sewing -- Standards
- Shaft sinking -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Sheet-metal -- Standards
- Sheets -- Standards
- Shingles -- Standards
- Ship handling -- Simulation methods -- Standards
- Shipbuilding -- Standards
- Shipbuilding industry -- Standards
- Ships -- Standards
- Shipyards -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Shoes -- Standards
- Shopping -- Standards
- Shorts (Clothing) -- Standards
- Showers (Plumbing fixtures) -- Standards
- Siding (Building materials) -- Standards
- Signal lights -- Standards
- Silk industry -- Standards
- Silverwork -- Identification -- Standards
- Silverwork -- United States -- Standards
- Sine bars -- Standards
- Sirens (Signaling devices) -- Standards
- Skilled labor -- Standards
- Skyscrapers -- Fires and fire prevention -- Standards
- Slate -- Standards
- Sliding glass doors -- Standards
- Slips (Clothing) -- Standards
- Smelting -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Smoked meat -- Standards
- Social service -- Standards
- Socks -- Standards
- Sodium -- Analysis -- Standards
- Software compatibility -- Standards
- Softwood -- Standards
- Soil conservation -- United States -- Standards
- Solar collectors -- Testing -- Standards
- Solar energy -- Standards
- Solar heating -- Standards
- Solar water heaters -- Standards
- Solvents -- Standards
- Southern pines -- Standards
- Soybean -- Standards
- Space heaters -- Standards
- Special education teachers -- Certification -- Standards
- Special education teachers -- Training of -- Standards
- Specification writing -- Standards
- Spectrophotometer -- Standards
- Spectrophotometry -- Standards
- Spectrum analysis -- Standards
- Sporting goods industry -- Standards
- Stainless steel -- Standards
- Stair building -- Standards
- Staircases -- Standards
- Standards, Engineering -- Standards
- State courts -- Standards
- State libraries -- Standards
- Statistics -- Standards
- Steam-boilers -- Standards
- Steel -- Standards
- Steel alloys -- Standards
- Steel frames -- Design -- Standards
- Steel framing (Building) -- Standards
- Steel, Galvanized -- Standards
- Steel, Structural -- Standards
- Steel-works -- Economic aspects -- Standards
- Steelwork -- Standards
- Stereophonic broadcasting -- Standards
- Stone, Cast -- Standards
- Stoppers (Implements) -- Standards
- Storage batteries -- Standards
- Storm sewers -- United States -- Standards
- Straps -- Standards
- Stream channelization -- Standards
- Streamflow -- Standards
- Street signs -- Standards
- Streets -- Iowa -- Standards
- Streets -- United States -- Standards
- Strip mining -- Standards
- Structural engineering -- Standards
- Structural frames -- Standards
- Structural stability -- Standards
- Styrene -- Standards
- Substance abuse -- Treatment -- Standards
- Sulfonated oils -- Standards
- Sunglasses -- Standards
- Surfaces (Technology) -- Standards
- Surgical gloves -- Standards
- Surveying -- Standards
- Sustainable buildings -- Standards
- Swine -- Standards
- Synthetic training devices -- Standards
- Tanks -- Standards
- Taps and dies -- Standards
- Tarpaulins -- Standards
- Teachers -- Certification -- Standards
- Teachers -- Training of -- Standards
- Tear gas munitions -- Standards
- Technical education -- Standards
- Technical reports -- Standards
- Technical writing -- Standards
- Technologists -- Training of -- Standards
- Technology -- Standards
- Telecommunication -- Standards
- Telecommunication equipment industry -- Standards
- Telecommunication systems -- Standards
- Telephone, Dial -- Standards
- Television -- Receivers and reception -- Standards
- Television broadcasting -- Standards
- Television programs -- Standards
- Temperature control -- Standards
- Tents -- Standards
- Textile fabrics -- Standards
- Textile industry -- Standards
- Textured woven fabrics -- Standards
- Therapeutic communities -- Standards
- Thermocouples -- Standards
- Thinner (Paint mixing) -- Standards
- Thread -- Standards
- Tile construction -- Standards
- Tiles -- Standards
- Time -- Data processing -- Standards
- Time measurements -- Standards
- Time-signals -- Standards
- Tire industry -- Standards
- Tires -- Standards
- Toilets -- Standards
- Tomato juice -- Standards
- Toxicity testing -- Standards
- Toxicology, Experimental -- Standards
- Traffic safety -- Standards
- Traffic signals -- Standards
- Traffic signs -- Standards
- Traffic signs and signals -- Standards
- Trailer camps -- California -- Standards
- Transliteration -- Data processing -- Standards
- Transportation -- Passenger traffic -- Standards
- Trees -- Seeds -- Standards
- Trucks -- Standards
- Tuberculin -- Standards
- Tuberculosis -- Transmission -- Prevention -- Standards
- Tubes -- Standards
- Tubes, Copper -- Standards
- Tufted textiles -- Standards
- Tumors -- Reporting -- Standards
- Tunnels -- Design and construction -- Standards
- Turkey industry -- Standards
- Turkeys -- Standards
- Turpentine -- Standards
- Typewriter ribbons -- Standards
- Ultrasonic testing -- Standards
- Ultraviolet radiation -- Standards
- Underground storage -- Standards
- Underwater pipelines -- Standards
- Underwear -- Sizes -- Standards
- Uniforms -- Standards
- Uninterruptible power supply -- Standards
- Union catalogs -- Standards
- United States -- Armed Forces -- Standards
- United States -- Statistical services -- Standards
- United States -- Statistics, Vital -- Standards
- United States. Air Force -- Supplies and stores -- Standards
- United States. Army -- Equipment -- Standards
- United States. Army -- Facilities -- Standards
- United States. Army -- Recruiting, enlistment, etc. -- Standards
- United States. Department of Defense -- Standards
- United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Data processing -- Standards
- United States. Dept. of Defense -- Procurement -- Standards
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency -- Data processing -- Standards
- United States. General Services Administration -- Officials and employees -- Training of -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Aerographers -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Aviation -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Beach party teams -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Divers -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Electric installations -- Maintenance and repair -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Engineering aids -- Watch duty -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Engineman -- Watch duty -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Job descriptions -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Quartermaster -- Watch duty -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Ship's serviceman -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- United States. Navy -- Supplies and stores -- Standards
- United States. Occupational Safety and Health Administration -- Standards
- United States. Patent and Trademark Office -- Information services -- Standards
- Universities and colleges -- Standards
- Upholstery -- Standards
- Uranium -- Packing -- Standards
- Uranium ore processing plants -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Urethane foam -- Standards
- Utilities (Computer programs) -- Standards
- Vaccines -- Standards
- Vacuum cleaners -- Standards
- Varnish and varnishing -- Standards
- Veal -- Standards
- Vegetables -- Standards
- Vehicles -- Maintenance and repair -- Standards
- Veneers and veneering -- Standards
- Ventilation -- Standards
- Veterans' hospitals -- Standards
- Veterinary medicine -- Standards
- Veterinary public health -- Standards
- Veterinary radiology -- Standards
- Vinyl chloride polymers -- Standards
- Vinyl film, Self-adhesive -- Standards
- Vocational education -- Standards
- Vocational guidance -- Standards
- Volatile organic compounds -- Economic aspects -- United States -- Standards
- Volume (Cubic content) -- Standards
- Volumetric apparatus -- Standards
- Voting-machine industry -- Standards
- Voting-machines -- Standards
- Wall coverings -- Standards
- Wall panels -- Standards
- Wallboard -- Standards
- Wallpaper -- Standards
- Warships -- Handling -- Watch duty -- Duty specifications -- Standards
- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc -- Standards
- Waste disposal in the ground -- Standards
- Water -- Standards
- Water conservation -- United States -- Standards
- Water consumption -- Standards
- Water heaters -- Standards
- Water quality -- Standards
- Water quality management -- Standards
- Water resources development -- Standards
- Water use -- Standards
- Water-supply -- Standards
- Water-supply engineering -- Standards
- Waterproofing of fabrics -- Standards
- Waterworks -- Standards
- Web servers -- Standards
- Web sites -- Design -- Standards
- Weights and measures -- Standards
- Welders (Persons) -- Training of -- Standards
- Welding -- Standards
- Wells -- Standards
- Western redcedar -- Standards
- Wheat -- Standards
- Wheels -- Standards
- White lead -- Standards
- Window guards -- Standards
- Windows -- Standards
- Wine and wine making -- Standards
- Wire fencing -- Standards
- Wire netting -- Standards
- Wire rope -- Standards
- Wire screens -- Standards
- Wireless communication systems -- Standards
- Women's clothing -- Standards
- Women's clothing industry -- Standards
- Women's colleges -- Standards
- Wood -- Standards
- Wood distillation -- Standards
- Wood finishing -- Standards
- Wood poles -- Standards
- Wood preservatives -- Standards
- Wood products -- Standards
- Wood, Compressed -- Preservation -- Standards
- Wood-pulp industry -- Waste disposal -- Standards
- Wooden doors -- Standards
- Wooden windows -- Standards
- Woodwork -- Standards
- Wool -- Testing -- Standards
- Wool fabrics -- Standards
- Wool industry -- Standards
- Work clothes -- Standards
- Work environment -- Standards
- Workplace literacy -- Standards
- Writing -- Standards
- Wrought-iron -- Standards
- X-rays -- Equipment and supplies -- Design and construction -- Safety measures -- Standards
- Zinc naphthenate -- Standards
- Zinc oxide -- Standards
Filed under: Standards- National Highway Safety Program Management and Reporting System. Volume I (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Highway Safety Program Management and Reporting System. Volume II (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Highway Safety Program Management and Reporting System. Volume III (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Motor vehicle standards cost estimating system. Vol. II - cost estimates. Final report. (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Motor vehicle standards cost estimating system. Vol. III - appendices. Final report. (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Motor vehicle standards cost estimating system. Vol. IV - MVSPS cost estimator's guide. Final report. (1969) (page images at HathiTrust)
- The organization and program structure of the National Highway Safety Bureau. (1967), by Robert Brenner and 1st annual meeting Federal Highway Administration (page images at HathiTrust)
- Determination of the tradeoffs between safety, weight, and cost of possible improvements to vehicles structure and restraints. Final report. (1974), by G. H. Alexander, R. E. Conrad, and M. R. Neale (page images at HathiTrust)
- Analytical methods and design implications of deterministic ride quality criteria. Final report. (1975), by J. K. Hedrick, R. C. White, and H. Firouztash (page images at HathiTrust)
- Model police traffic services procedures (1975) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study of the national standards for directional and other official signs. Laboratory evaluation. Final report. (1975), by A. G. Klipple and King M. Roberts (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study of the national standards for directional and other official signs. Overview of their adequacy. Final report. (1975), by John V. Fechter, V. J. Pezoldt, J. J. Persensky, and J. R. Lepkowski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study of the national standards for directional and other official signs. Synthesis report. Final report. (1975), by T. M. Mast (page images at HathiTrust)
- Evaluation of benefits to the federal highway program provided by regulation of vehicle noise emissions. (1976), by N. P. Miller, P. C. Fano, T. J. Rosalanko, and H. B. Darcy (page images at HathiTrust)
- A manual of police traffic services, rules (1976) (page images at HathiTrust)
- The contributions of automotive regulation. Preliminary report. (1978) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Automobile fuel economy contractors' coordination meeting - summary report. (1978), by Contractors' Coordination Meeting Automotive Fuel Economy Research and Analysis Program (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for four federal motor vehicle safety standards. Final report. (1978), by R. F. McLean, C. B. Eckel, and David Cowan (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for four federal motor vehicle safety standards. Volume II: appendices. Final report. (1978), by R. F. McLean, C. B. Eckel, and David Cowan (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vehicle anti-theft security system design. Volume II: technical report. Final report. (1978), by John S. Howland (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vehicle anti-theft security system design. Volume I: summary report. Final report. (1978), by John S. Howland (page images at HathiTrust)
- Final assessment of the bumper standard. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Final assessment of the bumper standard. Executive summary. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Development of standards and tests for acceptance of traffic signal lenses. Final report. (1979), by David F. King (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of standard 214. Technical report. (1979), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Evaluation plan for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 occupant crash protection. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for four federal motor vehicle safety standards. Task VI additional bumpers, FMVSS 215 - exterior protection. Final report. (1978), by M. R. Harvey, C. B. Eckel, and David Cowan (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study of the effects of applying federal motor vehicle safety standard 201 to light trucks and vans. Modification No. 2. Final report. (1979), by R. F. Mc Lean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study of the effects of applying federal motor vehicle safety standards 203 & 204 to light trucks and vans. Modification No. 3. Final report. (1979), by R. F. Mc Lean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Passenger car/pedestrian impact protection system evaluation. Final report. (1979), by R. McLean, L. A. C. Barbarek, and O. J. Viergutz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Task VIII - FMVSS 301, fuel system integrity - determination of the model year when manufacturers made changes to meet Standard's 1976 requirements. Final report. (1979), by R. F. McLean and G. Lisiecki (page images at HathiTrust)
- Calculations and supporting material for the preliminary analysis of the bumper standard. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Comments of Houdaille industries on the bumper standard. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - Vol. V. - FMVSS 213. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Volume I: FMVSS 105. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Volume II: FMVSS 108. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Volume III: FMVSS 122. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Volume IV: FMVSS 202 and 207. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Volume VI: FMVSS 220, 221 and 222. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey, J. A. Lesczhik, and R. F. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for nine Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - Task IX: FMVSS 214, side door strength, identification and cost evaluation of design and manufacturing changes. Final report. (1979), by M. R. Harvey and C. B. Eckel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Review of procedures for determining corporate average fuel economy - Volume I: executive summary. Final report. (1979), by F. T. Rabe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Review of procedures for determining corporate average fuel economy - Volume II: technical report. Final report. (1979), by F. T. Rabe (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost and economic impact of tire reserve load requirements. Final report. (1980), by O. J. Viergutz, S. Marek, C. Kelley, and H. Wakeley (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for three Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - FMVSS 203, 204, and 212. Final report. (1980), by R. F. McLean, C. B. Eckel, and J. A. Lesczhik (page images at HathiTrust)
- Side impact conference. (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1980), by 31 Jan 1980-1 Feb 1980 Side Impact Conference (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for passenger car steering assemblies. Standard 203 - impact protection for the driver. Standard 204 - rearward column displacement. (1981), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Emergency medical services communications design manual. Final report. (1980), by C. Davis, Sandra Callahan, and F. Pethel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Implementation analysis for daytime headlamp use. Final report. (1980), by D. M. Teague, L. E. Rohter, Leonard P. Gau, H. G. Wakeley, and O. J. Viergutz (page images at HathiTrust)
- FMVSS no. 208 extension to light trucks, vans, and MPV's - cost/leadtime study. Final report. (1981), by R. Schwarz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Multipiece rims for trucks, buses, and trailers - economic effects caused by further regulation of rims in Standard No. 120. Final report. (1981), by R. W. Gaines (page images at HathiTrust)
- Review and evaluation of automotive fuel conservation technologies. Final summary report. (1981), by S. Marek, L. Rohter, and O. J. Viergutz (page images at HathiTrust)
- Model police traffic services directives (policy, procedures, rules) for police executives. Final report. (1981), by R. H. Sosktowski, W. J. Nash, and R. C. Mayer (page images at HathiTrust)
- Final regulatory analysis of the model year 1982 light truck fuel economy standards. (1980) (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of head restraints - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 202. (1982), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Review and evaluation of automotive fuel conservation technologies. Final report. (1981), by H. M. Siegel, R. Schwarz, J. Andon, G. Kollars, T. Gerstenberger, R. Gaines, Ronald Falk, and Stan Renick (page images at HathiTrust)
- Comprehensibility standards for technical manuals. (1978) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation for two Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; FMVSS 113 Hood Latch - Passenger Cars; FMVSS 219 Windshield Zone Intrusion - Passenger Cars. Final report. (1982), by T. N. McVetty, A. J. Cross, and L. W. Parr (page images at HathiTrust)
- Evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 301-75, Fuel System Integrity: Passenger Cars. (1983), by G. G. Parsons (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of side structure improvements in response to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 214. (1982), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- A preliminary evaluation of two braking improvements for passenger cars - dual master cylinders and front disc brakes. (1983), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Consumer cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - FMVSS 103 and 104. Final report. (1982), by John L. Gilmour (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of side marker lamps for cars, trucks and buses. (1983), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Feasibility of shipbuilding standards. Executive summary. (1976), by Kevin P. Gildart and James A. Burbank (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Report of Castine Conference: feasibility of shipbuilding standards (1976), by 7-9 June 1976 Feasibility of Shipbuilding Standards Conference (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Final report on a compendium of shipbuilding standards (U.S. Department of Commerce Maritime Administration, 1979), by Corporate-Tech Planning, Bath Iron Works, United States Maritime Administration, and National Shipbuilding Research Program. Task S-20 (page images at HathiTrust)
- Propulsion plant standards feasibility study. Executive summary. (1975) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Propulsion plant standards feasibility study. Final report. (1975) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Recommended U.S. shipbuilding standards program long-range plan : final report. (National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1982), by Ishikawajima Jūkōgyō Kabushiki Kaisha, Inc IHI Marine Technology, and National Shipbuilding Research Program (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Consensus QA/QC acceptance standards, Task S-31 of the Ship Producibility Research Program. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standard structural arrangements - a report of research conducted under MARAD Task S-11 of the Ship Producibility Research Program to determine the value of standard structural arrangements. (1978) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Pre-standard vehicles cost evaluation of the 1982 Part 581 Bumper Standard. Volume I. Final report. (1983), by Norman F. Ludtke and Henry L. Kaminski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pre-standard vehicles cost evaluation of the 1982 Part 581 Bumper Standard. Volume II. Final report. (1983), by Norman F. Ludtke and Henry L. Kaminski (page images at HathiTrust)
- Scheduling standards pilot project. Summary report. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A manual on planning and production control for shipyard use. (1978) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Industrial engineering applications in the U.S. shipbuilding industry : May 25, 1982, New Orleans, Louisiana ([Bath Iron Works Corporation?], 1982), by Bath Iron Works, 25 May 1982 Industrial Engineering Application in the U.S. Shipbuilding Industry Symposium, and 25 May 1982 American Institute of Industrial Engineers' Industrial Engineering Conference (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Shipbuilding industry/production engineering workshop. Proceedings. (1978), by 21-24 Feb 1978 Shipbuilding Industrial/Production Engineering Workshop (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Improved planning and production control. (1977) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Shipyard marking methods. (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Prefailure evaluation techniques for marine coatings. (1974) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Surface preparation: a comparative analysis of existing standards - a proposed marine standard. (1983), by L. Jackel (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Technology Transfer Program (TTP). Standards. Executive summary. Final report. (1981) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Technology Transfer Program (TTP). Standards. Volume 1: report. Final report. (1981) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Technology Transfer Program (TTP). Standards. Volume 2: appendices. Final report. (1981) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Technology Transfer Program (TTP). Quality assurance system. Executive summary. Final report. (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Japanese technology that could improve U.S. shipbuilding productivity. (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Mineral slag abrasive survey and specification. (1984) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Draft U.S. merchant ship bridge design standards - report II. Final report. (1982), by K. L. Marino and R. B. Cooper (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - steel/aluminum small assembly-I (foundation, etc.). (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - steel/aluminum small assembly-II (bulkhead/webs, etc.). (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Shipbuilding design/production integration workshop. Volume I. Proceedings. (1981), by 18-21 Jan 1981 Shipbuilding Design/Production Integration Workshop (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Determination of volume solids of paints and coatings by accurate dry film thickness measurements. (1981) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - main assembly. Volume I. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - main assembly. Volume II. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - steel shell assembly. (1980) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - electrical installation. Volume II. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - in-shop blast and paint. (1983) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - material handling for shipyards. (1983) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - hull erection. (1981), by D. Koelling, W. Inman, D. Phillips, and J. Schauske (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume I: executive summary. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume III: 1982 imported models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume II: 1982 domestic models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume IV: 1983 domestic models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume V: 1983 imported models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume VI: 1984 domestic models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of post-standard bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 part 581 bumper standard, and cost estimates of post-standard (1984 model year) bumpers for cost evaluation of the 1982 bumper standard. Volume VII: 1984 imported models. Final report. (1984), by Norman F. Ludtke and Gene O. Cowie (page images at HathiTrust)
- A compendium of shipbuilding standards. Interim report on subtask I: regulatory body and classification body shipbuilding standards. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A compendium of shipbuilding standards. Interim report on subtask II: industrial standards in shipbuilding use. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- A compendium of shipbuilding standards. Interim report on subtask III: foreign shipbuilding standards. (1979) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- FY-82 Labor Standards Program - pipe fabricating and blast and paint shops. (1983) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - pipe fabricating shop. (1981), by D. Fulwiler, D. Kressig, and J. Tong (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Back-up data for temporary staging for shipyards. Final report. (1983) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Work management manual - general: temporary staging for ground assembly and aboard ship. (1982) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Temporary staging for shipyards. Final report. (1983) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- An evaluation of windshield glazing and installation methods for passenger cars. (1985), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Estimation of weight and consumer price relating to the implementation of FMVSS 105, 108, 202, 205, and 216 in passenger cars and 201, 203 and 205 in light trucks. Final report. (1982), by R. Gladstone, M. R. Harvey, J. Leschik, and R. McLean (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 111, 112, 118 and 124. Final report. (1983), by G. J. Adams, Lloyd E. Carlson, A. G. Hoffman, and S. Shideh (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 111, 112, 118 and 124. Appendix B - photographs. Final report. (1983), by G. J. Adams, Lloyd E. Carlson, A. G. Hoffman, and S. Shideh (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 210 - passenger cars and evaluation of cost and weight trends for Standards 201, 203 and 204 - passenger cars. Volume I. Final report. (1985), by W. R. Osen and Norman F. Ludtke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 210 - passenger cars and evaluation of cost and weight trends for Standards 201, 203 and 204 - passenger cars. Volume II. Final report. (1985), by W. R. Osen and Norman F. Ludtke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 210 - passenger cars and evaluation of cost and weight trends for Standards 201, 203 and 204 - passenger cars. Volume III. Final report. (1985), by W. R. Osen and Norman F. Ludtke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Computerized application of standards. Final report on task ES-8-22. (1985) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Labor standards application program: electrical trade area. Final report. (1985) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Product oriented safety and health management. (1986) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 108 and 207. Final report. (1986), by Lloyd E. Carlson and P. Leonard (page images at HathiTrust)
- An evaluation of the bumper standard - as modified in 1982. Technical report. (1987), by Warren G. La Heist and F. G. Ephraim (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost evaluation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 105-83. Final report. (1985), by G. J. Adams, Lloyd E. Carlson, and B. W. Firth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Engineered labor standards in the manufacture of sheetmetal case good items. Final report. (Bath Iron Works Corp., 1984), by United States Navy, United States. Maritime Administration. Office of Advanced Ship Development, National Shipbuilding Research Program, and Bath Iron Works (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Data development of detail standards for outside machinery operations. (1985) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Cost estimates of automatic crash protection in 1987 model year passenger cars. Volume I. Final report. (1988), by Anil V. Khadilkar, Gary Fladmark, and B. W. Firth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of automatic crash protection in 1987 model year passenger cars. Volume II. Final report. (1988), by Anil V. Khadilkar, Gary Fladmark, and B. W. Firth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of automatic crash protection in 1987 model year passenger cars. Volume III. Final report. (1988), by Anil V. Khadilkar, Gary Fladmark, and B. W. Firth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of automatic crash protection in 1987 model year passenger cars. Volume IV. Final report. (1988), by Anil V. Khadilkar, Gary Fladmark, and B. W. Firth (page images at HathiTrust)
- Manual on uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways. (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1988) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Motor vehicle regulations. Regulatory cost estimates could be improved. (1992) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Study designs for passing sight distance requirements. Final report. (1992), by Warren Edward Hughes, Sarath C. Joshua, and Hugh W. McGee (page images at HathiTrust)
- Motor vehicle fires in traffic crashes and the effects of the fuel system integrity standard. (1990), by G. G. Parsons (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of manual and automatic crash protection systems (CP's) in selected 1988-1992 model year passenger cars [brake systems]. Volume I. Final report. (1992), by Gary Fladmark and Anil V. Khadilkar (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost estimates of manual and automatic crash protection systems (CP's) in selected 1988-1992 model year passenger cars [brake systems]. Volume II. Final report. (1992), by Gary Fladmark and Anil V. Khadilkar (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cost and leadtime estimates for improved pillar padding, automatic slack adjusters, visual brake adjustment indicators and tractor/trailer ABS connections. Final report. (1994) (page images at HathiTrust)
- [Cost per life saved by the FMVSS] (2004), by Charles Jesse Kahane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Development and current status of the standard nuclear instrument module (NIM) system. (sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1970), by Louis Costrell (page images at HathiTrust)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 2, Clerical and Sales Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 3, Service Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 4, Farming, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 5, Processing Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 6, Machine Trades Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 7, Bench Work Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 8, Structural Work Occupations. (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement, Volume 9, Miscellaneous Occupations (Transportation, Packaging, Materials Handling...). (Defense Technical Information Center, 1977), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Standardization of Work Measurement. Volume 10, Universal, (Common to Two or More Occupations). (Defense Technical Information Center, 1975), by DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON DC. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Computer program for analysis of imperfection sensitivity of ring stiffened shells of revolution (National Aeronautics and Space Administration ;, 1971), by Gerald A. Cohen, Langley Research Center, and Philco-Ford Corporation (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Convention du mètre et le Bureau international des poids et mesures (Gauthier-Villars, 1902), by Ch.-Ed. Guillaume (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Incremental cost, weight and leadtime impacts of adding improved padding to motor vehicle interiors. Final report. (1994), by K. W. Rutland, B. C. Spinney, J. S. Clements, and C. Westphal (page images at HathiTrust)
- On the interior regularity of weak solutions of the navier-stokes equations ([Washington, D.C.] : Mathematics Division, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1961., 1961), by J. Serrin, United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research, and University of Minnesota. Institute of Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
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