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Filed under: Street literature -- Great Britain
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Filed under: Almanacs
Filed under: Almanacs -- HistoryFiled under: Almanacs, American
Filed under: Almanacs, American -- Confederate States of America The Confederate States Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1862 (Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1862), ed. by Thomas O. Summers Filed under: Almanacs, American -- MassachusettsFiled under: Almanacs, American -- New EnglandFiled under: Almanacs, American -- PennsylvaniaFiled under: Almanacs, American -- Tennessee The Crockett Almanacks: Nashville Series, 1835-1838 (includes text of 4 almanacs, some of which claimed Crockett as author; Chicago: Caxton Club, 1955), ed. by Franklin J. Meine, contrib. by Harry J. Owens and Davy Crockett (page images at HathiTrust) The Good Life Almanac: Being the Choicest Morsels of Wisdom for Readers Interested in Living, Rather Than Existing, Written by Some Country Folk With Ties to Nature, Man, and God's Own World (Boone, NC: Appalachian Consortium Press, c1975), ed. by Ruth Smalley (PDF at
Filed under: Almanacs, American -- Wisconsin -- MilwaukeeFiled under: Almanacs, BritishFiled under: Almanacs, English
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- BelizeFiled under: Almanacs, English -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- England -- London England Day by Day: A Guide to Efficiency, and Prophetic Calendar for 1904 (London: Methuen, 1903), by E. V. Lucas and Charles L. Graves, illust. by George Morrow Filed under: Almanacs, French
Filed under: Almanacs, French -- HaitiFiled under: Almanacs, Italian
Filed under: Almanacs, Italian -- Italy -- TurinFiled under: Almanacs, Philippine Almanaque Manila Galante para el Año 1912 (in Spanish and Tagalog; Manila: J. Fajardo, 1912), ed. by José Sedano Calonge Filed under: Almanacs, SpanishFiled under: Nautical almanacsFiled under: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Almanacs The Confederate States Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1862 (Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1862), ed. by Thomas O. Summers Filed under: Broadsides A Pepysian Garland: Black-Letter Broadside Ballads of the Years 1595-1639, Chiefly From the Collection of Samuel Pepys (Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1922), ed. by Hyder Edward Rollins and Samuel Pepys
Filed under: Broadsides -- England -- 17th centuryFiled under: Broadsides -- BibliographyFiled under: Chapbooks
Filed under: Chapbooks -- Bibliography
Filed under: Chapbooks -- Specimens Beauties of the Muses: The Beggar's Petition; Danae to Her Babe Perseus; and, Lines on a Malefactor Under Condemnation (London: J. T. Ward and Co, 1808), contrib. by Thomas Moss Book About Birds (Concord, NH: Rufus Merrill, 1850), by Rufus Merrill (multiple formats at The Child's Coloured Picture Reading Book (London: Dean and Son, ca. 1860) (multiple formats at The Good Child's Amusing Riddle-Book, Adorned with Cuts (Birmingham, UK: Printed by T. Brandard, n.d.) (multiple formats at Goode's Universal Dream Book (London: T. Goode, between 1859 and 1879) (multiple formats at A Little Book About a Horse (London: J. and C. Evans, 1826) A Little Book of Poetry for Children (Pittsfield, MA: E. Werden, 1847) (multiple formats at A New History of a True Book, in Verse (London: J. Marshall et al., ca. 1796) A New Picture Book (London: Printed by C. E. Knight for J. Davis, ca. 1830) A New Riddle Book: or, A Whetstone for Dull Wits (ca. 1790), contrib. by John Drewry The Norwood Gipsy's Fortune Teller (London: W. S. Fortey, ca. 1860) (multiple formats at Rhymes Without Reason (New York: Hurd and Houghton, ca. 1864) (multiple formats at Simple Poems for Infant Minds (New York: Kiggins and Kellogg, ca. 1848), illust. by Benjamin F. Pease and William Barritt (multiple formats at A Traveller's Story (London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1870) (multiple formats at The Universal Dreamer: Containing the Interpretation of a Great Variety of Dreams, Explaining Their Meaning, and Disclosing The Secrets of Futurity (London: W. S. Fortey, n.d.) (multiple formats at Walker's Nursery Rhymes (ca. 1813) (multiple formats at Be Polite to All (London: Dean and Son, ca. 1857) (multiple formats at Book of Nations, for Children (Pittsfield, MA: E. Werden, 1848), by Elias Irish Werden (multiple formats at A Little Book About Little Birds, &c. (London: J. and C. Evans, 1826) (multiple formats at My Mother (London: Bishop and Co., ca. 1840), by Ann Taylor (multiple formats at A New History of Blue Beard (adapted from Perrault's 'Barbe Bleue'; Philadelphia: Printed by J. Adams, 1804), by Gaffer Black Beard, contrib. by Charles Perrault A Riddle Book, For the Use of Children (Concord, NH: R. Merrill, 1843) A Short History of Birds and Beasts, for the Amusement and Instruction Of Children: Adorned with Cuts (ca. 1830), illust. by John Lee (multiple formats at The World Turned Upside Down: or, No News, and Strange News (York: J. Kendrew, ca. 1820) Anger: A Story For Boys (London: Dean and Son, 1857) (multiple formats at An Elegy on the Death and Burial of Cock Robin (York, UK: Printed by J. Kendrew, ca. 1820) A Pleasing Toy for Children (Concord, NH: Rufus Merrill, 1843) A Tale About an Orange (London: Dean and Son, ca. 1860) The Trial of an Ox for Killing a Man: With The Examination of the Witnesses Before Judge Lion, at Quadruped Court, Near Beast Park (Banbury, UK: J. G. Rusher, ca. 1830) (multiple formats at A Visit to Grandpapa (new edition; London: Houlston and Stoneman (cover: Houlston and Wright), ca. 1847), by Mary Martha Sherwood (multiple formats at
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