Sugar laws and legislationSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower term:Used for:- Law, Sugar
- Sugar bounties
- Sugar trade -- Law and legislation
- Sugar -- Law and legislation
Filed under: Sugar laws and legislation -- United States
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Sugar trade -- Cuba -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Sugar trade -- Government policy -- United States Religion, Politics, and Sugar: The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907 to 1921 (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2007), by Matthew C. Godfrey
Filed under: Sugar trade -- Indonesia -- Java -- HistoryFiled under: Sugar trade -- Periodicals
Filed under: Sugar trade -- Philippines -- HistoryFiled under: Sugar trade -- United States
Filed under: Beet sugar industry -- United States -- History Religion, Politics, and Sugar: The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907 to 1921 (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2007), by Matthew C. Godfrey
Filed under: Sugar beet industry -- Colorado -- EmployeesFiled under: Sugar beet industry -- Europe The Sugar Beet: Including a History of the Beet Sugar Industry in Europe, Varieties of the Sugar Beet, Examination, Soils, Tillage, Seeds and Sowing, Yield and Cost of Cultivation, Harvesting, Transportation, Conservation, Feeding Qualities of the Beet and of the Pulp, etc. (Philadelphia: H. C. Baird and Co., 1880), by Lewis S. Ware (page images at Cornell)
Filed under: Sugar beet industry -- Michigan -- Employees
Filed under: Sugar -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Indonesia -- Java -- History
Filed under: Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- United States -- HistoryFiled under: Sugar -- Periodicals
Filed under: Beet sugar -- Periodicals
Filed under: Cooking (Molasses)Filed under: Maple sugar
Filed under: Sugar growing -- Mauritius
Filed under: Maple syrup |