Sugarcane productsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Cooking (Molasses)
Filed under: Sugar -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Indonesia -- Java -- History
Filed under: Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- United States -- HistoryFiled under: Sugar -- Periodicals
Filed under: Beet sugar -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Maple sugar
Filed under: Sugar growing -- Mauritius
Filed under: Sugar laws and legislation -- United States
Filed under: Maple syrup
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Plant products -- Congresses Plants: The Potentials for Extracting Protein, Medicines, and Other Useful Chemicals (OTA-BP-F-23; 1983), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Cocoa Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes, by Miss Parloa; and Home Made Candy Recipes, by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill (Dorchester, MA: Walter Baker and Co., 1909), by Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (second edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1902), by Paul Zipperer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (third edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1915), by Paul Zipperer, ed. by Herm. Schaeffer (multiple formats at
Filed under: Cocoa -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Cocoa -- Therapeutic use -- Early works to 1800 Chocolate: or, An Indian Drinke, By the Wise and Moderate Use Whereof, Health is Preserved, Sicknesse Diverted, and Cured, Especially the Plague of the Guts, Vulgarly Called the New Disease, Fluxes, Consumptions, and Coughs of the Lungs, with Sundry Other Desperate Diseases; By it also, Conception is Caused, the Birth Hastened and Facilitated, Beauty Gain'd and Continued (London: Printed by J. G. for John Dakins, 1652), by Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, trans. by James Wadsworth (Gutenberg text, page images, and audio reading)
Filed under: Chocolate Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes, by Miss Parloa; and Home Made Candy Recipes, by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill (Dorchester, MA: Walter Baker and Co., 1909), by Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (second edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1902), by Paul Zipperer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (third edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1915), by Paul Zipperer, ed. by Herm. Schaeffer (multiple formats at
Filed under: Chocolate -- Early works to 1800 Curioso Tratado dela Naturaleza y Calidad del Chocolate, Dividido en Quatro Puntos (in Spanish; Madrid: F. Martinez, 1631), by Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma (multiple formats at Google) The Vertues of Chocolate; The Properties of Cavee (Oxford: Henry Hall, 1660) (HTML in Germany) Chocolate: or, An Indian Drinke, By the Wise and Moderate Use Whereof, Health is Preserved, Sicknesse Diverted, and Cured, Especially the Plague of the Guts, Vulgarly Called the New Disease, Fluxes, Consumptions, and Coughs of the Lungs, with Sundry Other Desperate Diseases; By it also, Conception is Caused, the Birth Hastened and Facilitated, Beauty Gain'd and Continued (London: Printed by J. G. for John Dakins, 1652), by Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, trans. by James Wadsworth (Gutenberg text, page images, and audio reading) The Natural History of Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, Tobacco, In Four Several Sections; With a Tract of Elder and Juniper Berries, Shewing How Useful They May Be in Our Coffee-Houses; and Also the Way of Making Mum, With Some Remarks Upon That Liquor (London: Printed for C. Wilkinson, 1682), by John Chamberlayne (multiple formats at De Lana Ritè in Secunda, et Adversa Valetudine Adhibenda: Opus, Quo Villosae Vestis Nudi Contactus, Praestantia, et Actio Staticae Experimentis Perspicuè, Utilitates Fusè Demonstrantur, Noxae Diligenter Expenduntur: Adjecta Est Ad Calcem Disertatio De Use, Et Abusu Chocolatae In Re Medica, et Morali (in Latin; Malta: Typ. C.S.S. and D. Nicolaum Capacium, 1759), by Giuseppe Demarco (page images at NIH) De l'Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (published anonymously, but often attributed to Dufour; in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour (multiple formats at Google) Traitez Nouveaux et Curieux du Cafè, du Thé et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1685), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Bartolomeo Marradon Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), ed. by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Jacob Spon, Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, Bartolomeo Marradon, Antonius Faustus Naironus, and Alexandre de Rhodes (multiple formats at Google) Filed under: Chocolate -- Health aspects De Lana Ritè in Secunda, et Adversa Valetudine Adhibenda: Opus, Quo Villosae Vestis Nudi Contactus, Praestantia, et Actio Staticae Experimentis Perspicuè, Utilitates Fusè Demonstrantur, Noxae Diligenter Expenduntur: Adjecta Est Ad Calcem Disertatio De Use, Et Abusu Chocolatae In Re Medica, et Morali (in Latin; Malta: Typ. C.S.S. and D. Nicolaum Capacium, 1759), by Giuseppe Demarco (page images at NIH) Filed under: Flour Town Crier Recipe Book: 300 Lucky Low Cost Prize Winning Recipes (Kansas City, MO: Midland Flour Milling Co., ca. 1938) (page images at HathiTrust) How to Use Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Barley, Buckwheat, Potatoes, Rice, Etc., and Save Wheat Flour: Best War Time Recipes (New York: Royal Baking Powder Co., ca. 1917) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Dumplings -- Humor
Filed under: Grain -- Juvenile literature
Filed under: Grain -- Postharvest technology -- United States
Filed under: Grain -- Quality -- United StatesFiled under: Grain -- Romania Recherches sur les Céréales Roumaines: Les Blés et Leurs Farines, le Mais et l'Orge (in French; Bucharest: Institut d'Arts Graphiqus "Eminescu", 1900), by Vlad Carnu-Munteanu and Corneliu Roman
Filed under: Grain elevators -- Canada
Filed under: Grain elevators -- Canada -- Periodicals
Filed under: Grain elevators -- Design and construction -- Fiction Calumet "K", by Samuel Merwin and Henry Kitchell Webster (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Grain -- United States -- Marketing
Filed under: Cooking (Quinoa)Filed under: Cooking (Wheat)
Filed under: Winter wheat -- Climatic factors -- Kansas
Filed under: Cooking (Raisins)Filed under: Wine and wine making The Brewer: A Familiar Treatise on the Art of Brewing (London: William R. Loftus, 1863), by William Robert Loftus (zipped page images at Handbuch des Weinbaues und der Kellerwirtschaft (2 volumes, in German; Berlin: P. Parey, 1881-1885), by August Wilhelm Babo and Edmund Mach The Art of Drinking: A Historical Sketch, From the German of G. G. Gervinus (New York: United States Brewers' Association, 1890), by Georg Gottfried Gervinus
Filed under: Wine and wine making -- Amateurs' manuals
Filed under: Wine and wine making -- By-products
Filed under: Wine and wine making -- Hungary Das Kleine Buch vom Edlen Ungarwein (4th edition, in German; Halle a. S.: Heynemann'sche Buchdruckerei, 1889), by Gustav Rawald Filed under: Neem productsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |