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Broader term:Narrower terms:- Taiwan -- Administrative and political divisions
- Taiwan -- Bibliography
- Taiwan -- Biography
- Taiwan -- Census
- Taiwan -- Census, 1905
- Taiwan -- Census, 1915
- Taiwan -- Census, 1920
- Taiwan -- Chronology
- Taiwan -- Civilization
- Taiwan -- Climate
- Taiwan -- Colonization
- Taiwan -- Commerce
- Taiwan -- Commercial policy
- Taiwan -- Commercial treaties
- Taiwan -- Conditions économiques
- Taiwan -- Congresses
- Taiwan -- Defenses
- Taiwan -- Descripción y viajes
- Taiwan -- Description and travel
- Taiwan -- Descriptions et voyages
- Taiwan -- Economic conditions
- Taiwan -- Economic policy
- Taiwan -- Emigration and immigration
- Taiwan -- Exiles
- Taiwan -- Fiction
- Taiwan -- Forces armées
- Taiwan -- Foreign economic relations
- Taiwan -- Foreign relations
- Taiwan -- Gazetteers
- Taiwan -- Geography
- Taiwan -- Government relations
- Taiwan -- Guidebooks
- Taiwan -- Guidebooks, 1927
- Taiwan -- Histoire
- Taiwan -- Historical geography
- Taiwan -- History
- Taiwan -- History, Local
- Taiwan -- History, Military
- Taiwan -- Hsin-tien shih
- Taiwan -- Indigenous peoples
- Taiwan -- International status
- Taiwan -- Jinkō
- Taiwan -- Languages
- Taiwan -- Manufactures
- Taiwan -- Maps
- Taiwan -- Military relations
- Taiwan -- Miscellanea
- Taiwan -- Nōgyō
- Taiwan -- Native races
- Taiwan -- Officials and employees
- Taiwan -- Pʻeng-hu hsien
- Taiwan -- Penghu County
- Taiwan -- Periodicals
- Taiwan -- Pictorial works
- Taiwan -- Politics and government
- Taiwan -- Population
- Taiwan -- Répertoires géographiques
- Taiwan -- Relations
- Taiwan -- Religion
- Taiwan -- Shūkyō
- Taiwan -- Social conditions
- Taiwan -- Social life and customs
- Taiwan -- Statistics
- Taiwan -- Statistics, Vital
- Taiwan -- Taichung City
- Taiwan -- Taichung County
- Taiwan -- Tainan-shū
- Taiwan -- Taipei
- Taiwan -- Tōkei
- Taiwan -- Yearbooks
- Industries -- Taiwan
- 新店市 (Taiwan)
- Ali Mountains (Taiwan)
- Chi-lung (Taiwan)
- Chia-i shih (Taiwan)
- Chin-men hsien (Taiwan)
- Hsin-chu hsien (Taiwan)
- Hsin-tien shih (Taiwan)
- Hsinchu City (Taiwan)
- Hualian Shi (Taiwan)
- I-lan hsien (Taiwan)
- Kao-hsiung hsien (Taiwan)
- Kinmen County (Taiwan)
- Lan Island (Taiwan)
- Ma-tsu (Taiwan)
- Pʻeng-hu hsien (Taiwan)
- Penghu County (Taiwan)
- Tʻai-chung hsien (Taiwan)
- Tʻai-nan hsien (Taiwan)
- Tʻai-pei hsien (Taiwan)
- Tʻai-tung hsien (Taiwan)
- Taibei (Taiwan)
- Taichung City (Taiwan)
- Tainan-shū (Taiwan)
- Taipei (Taiwan)
- Taitung County (Taiwan)
- Takao-shū (Taiwan)
- Administrative law -- Taiwan
- Aeronautics, Commercial -- Law and legislation -- Taiwan
- Aerospace industries -- Taiwan
- Agricultural development projects -- Taiwan
- Agricultural laborers -- Taiwan
- Agricultural pests -- Taiwan
- Agriculture -- Taiwan
- Agriculture and state -- Taiwan
- Alkali lands -- Taiwan
- Amis language -- Dialect -- Taiwan
- Arms transfers -- Taiwan
- Aromatic plants -- Taiwan
- Australia -- Foreign relations -- Taiwan
- Automobile industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Balance of payments -- Taiwan
- Ballistic missile defenses -- Taiwan
- Bamboo-pulp industry -- Taiwan
- Bananas -- Taiwan
- Banks and banking -- Taiwan
- Beneficial insects -- Taiwan
- Bicycle industry -- Taiwan
- Bicycles -- Taiwan
- Billfishes -- Taiwan
- Biotechnology industries -- Taiwan
- Botany -- Taiwan
- Buddhism -- Taiwan
- Business enterprises -- Taiwan
- Butterflies -- Taiwan
- Cartography -- Taiwan
- Chemical industry -- Taiwan
- Children -- Taiwan
- China -- Foreign relations -- Taiwan
- China -- Government policy -- Taiwan
- China -- Relations -- Taiwan
- Chinese -- Taiwan
- Chinese language -- Dialects -- Taiwan
- Chinese literature -- Taiwan
- Citrus Diseases and pests -- Taiwan
- Citrus fruit industry -- Taiwan
- Citrus fruits -- Taiwan
- City planning -- Taiwan
- Civil law -- Taiwan
- Civil procedure -- Taiwan
- Civil rights -- Taiwan
- Civil service -- Taiwan
- Clothing trade -- Taiwan
- Coal mines and mining -- Taiwan
- Coast defenses -- Taiwan
- Commerce -- Taiwan
- Commercial law -- Taiwan
- Communication in agriculture -- Taiwan
- Community development -- Taiwan
- Computer industry -- Taiwan
- Constitutional history -- Taiwan
- Constitutional law -- Taiwan
- Cookware -- Taiwan
- Cookware industry -- Taiwan
- Cooperative societies -- Taiwan
- Coral fisheries -- Taiwan
- Coral industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Coral jewelry -- Taiwan
- Corporations -- Taiwan
- Criminal justice, Administration of -- Taiwan
- Criminal law -- Taiwan
- Criminal procedure -- Taiwan
- Criminal statistics -- Taiwan
- Criminals -- Taiwan
- Currency question -- Taiwan
- Customary law -- Taiwan
- Customs administration -- Taiwan
- Democracy -- Taiwan
- Diet -- Taiwan
- Domestic relations -- Taiwan
- Drug control -- Taiwan
- Earthquakes -- Taiwan
- Economic assistance, American -- Taiwan
- Economic forecasting -- Taiwan
- Education -- Taiwan
- Eggs -- Taiwan
- Elections -- Taiwan
- Electronic industries -- Taiwan
- Engineers -- Taiwan
- Entomology -- Taiwan
- Environmental impact analysis -- Taiwan
- Environmental impact statements -- Taiwan
- Environmental protection -- Taiwan
- Ethnology -- Taiwan
- Exchange of persons programs, American -- Taiwan
- Export marketing -- Taiwan
- Export subsidies -- Taiwan
- Exports -- Taiwan
- Extradition -- Taiwan
- Families -- Taiwan
- Family farms -- Taiwan
- Farm income -- Taiwan
- Farm tenancy -- Taiwan
- Farmers -- Taiwan
- Farms, Size of -- Taiwan
- Farms, Small -- Taiwan
- Faults (Geology) -- Taiwan
- Finance -- Taiwan
- Finance, Public -- Taiwan
- Fisheries -- Taiwan
- Fishery law and legislation -- Taiwan
- Fishes -- Taiwan
- Flood control -- Taiwan
- Folk songs -- Taiwan
- Folk songs, Chinese -- Taiwan
- Folklore -- Taiwan
- Food industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Food supply -- Taiwan
- Foreign agents -- Taiwan
- Foreign exchange -- Government policy -- Taiwan
- Forest influences -- Taiwan
- Forest management -- Taiwan
- Forestry schools and education -- Taiwan
- Forests and forestry -- Taiwan
- Free trade -- Taiwan
- Fruit trade -- Taiwan
- Fruit-culture -- Taiwan
- Furniture industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Geology -- Taiwan
- Government monopolies -- Taiwan
- Harbors -- Taiwan
- Hardware industry -- Taiwan
- High technology industries -- Location -- Government policy -- Taiwan
- Historical markers -- Taiwan
- Horticultural products -- Taiwan
- Horticulture -- Taiwan
- Human geography -- Taiwan
- Human rights -- Taiwan
- Hymenoptera -- Taiwan
- Indigenous peoples -- Government polciy -- Taiwan
- Industrial laws and legislation -- Taiwan
- Industrial management -- Taiwan
- Industrial policy -- Taiwan
- Information technology -- Taiwan
- Inheritance and succession -- Taiwan
- Inscriptions -- Taiwan
- Insect pests -- Taiwan
- Insects -- Taiwan
- Islands -- Taiwan
- Japan -- Colonies -- Taiwan
- Japan -- Foreign economic relations -- Taiwan
- Japan -- Military relations -- Taiwan
- Japan -- Relations -- Taiwan
- Japanese -- Taiwan
- Japanese periodicals -- Taiwan
- Japonais -- Taiwan
- Justice, Administration of -- Taiwan
- Kitchen utensils -- Taiwan
- Kitchen utensils industry -- Taiwan
- Ko wan -- Taiwan
- Labor laws and legislation -- Taiwan
- Land reform -- Taiwan
- Land tenure -- Taiwan
- Land titles -- Taiwan
- Land use -- Taiwan
- Land value taxation -- Taiwan
- Landlord and tenant -- Taiwan
- Law -- Taiwan
- Legends -- Taiwan
- Lepidoptera -- Taiwan
- Local laws -- Taiwan
- Lumbering -- Taiwan
- Machine-tool industry -- Taiwan
- Marketing -- Taiwan
- Marriage -- Taiwan
- Martial law -- Taiwan
- Mass media -- Taiwan
- Medical cooperation -- Taiwan
- Medical instruments and apparatus industry -- Taiwan
- Medicine, Preventive -- Taiwan
- Meteorology -- Taiwan
- Military assistance, American -- Taiwan
- Military dependents -- Taiwan
- Military hygiene -- Taiwan
- Mineral industries -- Taiwan
- Mineralogy -- Taiwan
- Mines and mineral resources -- Taiwan
- Missionaries -- Taiwan
- Missionnaires -- Taiwan
- Missions -- Taiwan
- Monuments -- Taiwan
- Motorcycle supplies industry -- Taiwan
- Motorcycles -- Taiwan
- Mountain plants -- Taiwan
- Mountains -- Taiwan
- Mulberry -- Diseases and pests -- Taiwan
- Mythology, Chinese -- Taiwan
- Names, Geographical -- Taiwan
- National security -- Taiwan
- Natural history -- Taiwan
- Netherlands -- Colonies -- Taiwan
- Non-contentious jurisdiction -- Taiwan
- Nutrition -- Enquêtes -- Taiwan
- Opium abuse -- Taiwan
- Opium trade -- Taiwan
- Oyster culture -- Taiwan
- Paper products industry -- Taiwan
- Peasants -- Taiwan
- Pharmacy -- Taiwan
- Physical geography -- Taiwan
- Pilot guides -- Taiwan
- Pipe -- Taiwan
- Pipe fittings industry -- Taiwan
- Plant diseases -- Taiwan
- Plant quarantine -- Law and legislation -- Taiwan
- Plastics industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Police -- Taiwan
- Police regulations -- Taiwan
- Political parties -- Taiwan
- Pollution control equipment -- Taiwan
- Porcelain -- Taiwan
- Postal service -- Taiwan
- Presidents -- Taiwan
- Process control equipment industry -- Taiwan
- Property -- Taiwan
- Proportional representation -- Taiwan
- Protection -- Taiwan
- Public health -- Taiwan
- Public welfare -- Taiwan
- Punishment -- Taiwan
- Railroads -- Taiwan
- Raw materials -- Taiwan
- Real property -- Taiwan
- Recording and registration -- Taiwan
- Repatriation -- Taiwan
- Representative government and representation -- Taiwan
- Research parks -- Taiwan
- Revolutionaries -- Taiwan
- Rice -- Taiwan
- Rites and ceremonies -- Taiwan
- Rural development -- Taiwan
- Sandals -- Taiwan
- Schools -- Taiwan
- Science -- Taiwan
- Scientists -- Taiwan
- Seismology -- Taiwan
- Semiconductor industry -- Taiwan
- Shotō kyōiku -- Taiwan
- Social service -- Taiwan
- Social surveys -- Taiwan
- Spearfishes -- Taiwan
- Steel industry and trade -- Taiwan
- Steel pipe industry -- Taiwan
- Straits -- Taiwan
- Subversive activities -- Taiwan
- Sugar -- Taiwan
- Sugar growing -- Taiwan
- Sugar laws and legislation -- Taiwan
- Sugar trade -- Taiwan
- Swine -- Taiwan
- Tableware industry -- Taiwan
- Tales -- Taiwan
- Taxation -- Taiwan
- Tea -- Taiwan
- Tea trade -- Taiwan
- Technology -- Taiwan
- Television broadcasting -- Taiwan
- Textile industry -- Taiwan
- Timber -- Taiwan
- Trademarks -- Taiwan
- Travelers -- Taiwan
- Trees -- Taiwan
- Tubes -- Taiwan
- United Nations -- Taiwan
- United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Taiwan
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Taiwan
- United States -- Military relations -- Taiwan
- United States -- Relations -- Taiwan
- Universities and colleges -- Taiwan
- Water resources development -- Taiwan
- Water-supply -- Taiwan
- Wheat trade -- Taiwan
- Wire-rope industry -- Taiwan
- Women -- Taiwan
- Wood -- Taiwan
- Woody plants -- Taiwan
- Working class -- Taiwan
- World Trade Organization -- Taiwan
- Wu-lai -- Taiwan
- Youth -- Taiwan
- Zoology -- Taiwan
Filed under: Taiwan Civil affairs handbook : Japanese administrative organization in Taiwan (Formosa). ([Washington, D.C.] : Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department, 1944., 1944), by United States Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (page images at HathiTrust) Terry's Japanese empire (Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914), by T. Philip Terry (page images at HathiTrust) Japan and her colonies, being extracts from a diary made whilst visiting Formosa, Manchuria, Shantung, Korea and Saghalin in the year 1921. (E. Arnold & co., 1923), by Poultney Bigelow (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Area handbook for the Republic of China ([For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.], 1969), by Frederic H. Chaffee and American University Foreign Area Studies (page images at HathiTrust) The island of Formosa, past and present. History, people, resources, and commercial prospects. Tea, camphor, sugar, gold, coal, sulphur, economical plants, and other productions. (Macmillan & co.;, 1903), by James Wheeler Davidson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Pioneering in Formosa; recollections of adventures among mandarins, wreckers, & head-hunting savages (Hurst & Blackett, 1898), by William A. Pickering (page images at HathiTrust) An historical and geographical description of Formosa : an island subject to the emperor of Japan : giving an account of the religion, customs, manners &c. of the inhabitants. Together with a relation of what happen'd to the author in his travels; particularly his conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity, with his objections against it (in defence of paganism) and their answers. To which is prefix'd a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an account of what passed between them (Robert Holden & Co., 1926), by George Psalmanazar and Watson & Viney Hazell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Report on the control of the aborigines in Formosa. (Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs, 1911), by Taiwan. Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Formosa under Chinese Nationalist rule (Macmillan, 1952), by Fred Warren Riggs (page images at HathiTrust) Japanese rule in Formosa (Longmans, Green, and co., 1907), by Yosaburō Takekoshi and George Braithwaite (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Akashi Motojirō (Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpōsha, 1928), by Tokuji Komori (page images at HathiTrust) Terry's guide to the Japanese Empire : including Korea and Formosa, with chapters on Manchuria, the Trans-Siberian railway, and the chief ocean routes to Japan ; a handbook for travelers, with 8 specially drawn maps and 21 plans (Houghton Mifflin, 1926), by T. Philip Terry (page images at HathiTrust) Formosa (The "Shanghai Mercury" office, 1896), by John D. Clark and China. Hai quan zong shui wu si shu. Decennial reports (page images at HathiTrust) From far Formosa. : The island, its people and missions (Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1900), by George Leslie Mackay and J. A. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan shi to Kabayama Taishō (Kokushi Kankōkai, 1926), by Seinosuke Fujisaki (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan nenkan (1923), by Taiwan Tsūshinsha (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan jin shi shi (Fuzhou ming she, 1929), by Ziming Beng (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan tōchi sōran (Taiwan Sōtokufu Kanbō Bunshoka, 1908), by Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Bunshoka (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan bie fu hong xue lu (Shang wu yin shu guan, 1928), by Qiang Huang (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan bunka shi. (1928), by Kanori Inō (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan shotō shi. ([1896], 1896), by Takuji Ogawa (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan no fūkei (Yūzankaku, 1928), by Tsuyoshi Tamura (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan shi cha bao gao shu (Zhonghua shu ju, 1917), by Wang Yang (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan (Shang wu, 1927), by Kewu Yuan (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan Banzoku kanshū kenkyū ([publisher not identified], 1921), by Taiwan Sōtokufu Banzoku Chōsakai (page images at HathiTrust) Guo chao rou yuan ji : [20 juan] (Guang ya shu ju, 1891), by Zhichun Wang and Yulin Peng (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan to nanpō Shina (Shin Shūyōsha :, 1913), by Zenryū Tanaka (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan tōchishi (Hakubunkan, 1905), by Yosaburō Takekoshi (page images at HathiTrust) Jian duo jie can wen chao ([publisher not identified], 1874), by Dajun Luo (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan zhan ji ([publisher not identified], 1906), by Qisheng Hong (page images at HathiTrust) Zhonghua Minguo shi shi ji yao (chu gao). (Guo shi guan, in the 19th century), by Zhonghua Minguo shi shi ji yao bian ji wei yuan hui (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan chōrui zusetsu (Kotahira Seisakujo, 1929), by Miosaku Itō (page images at HathiTrust) Utilization of woods and bamboos in Formosa (Taiwan Sōtokufu Chūō Kenkyūjo, 1927), by Kikuo Nagayama and Taiwan Sōtokufu Chūō Kenkyūjo. Ringyōbu (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan tankōshi ([Place of publication not identified], 1925), by Mitsui Bussan Kabushiki Kaisha. Sekitanbu Taihoku Shibu (page images at HathiTrust) Hai chao yin monthly (Hai chao yin za zhi she, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan jijō (Taiwan Sōtokufu, 1916), by Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Jōhōka and Taiwan (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan minpao ([publisher not identified], 1923) (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan nōgyō nenpō. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Nōshōkyoku, 1919), by Taiwan. Nōshōkyoku and Taiwan. Shokusankyoku (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan bōeki nenpyō (Taiwan Sōtokufu Zaimukyoku Zeimuka, 1918), by Taiwan. Zaimukyoku (page images at HathiTrust) Law weekly review (Chao yang da xue fa lü ping lun she, 1923), by Chao yang da xue (page images at HathiTrust) Zhonghua nong xue hui cong kan (Zhonghua nong xue hui, 1918), by Zhonghua nong xue hui (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan agricultural yearbook (Nong lin ting, 1920), by Taiwan. Nong lin ting (page images at HathiTrust) Trademarks (Jing ji bu zhong yang biao zhun ju, 1974), by China (Republic : 1949- ). Zhong yang biao zhun ju (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan tōgyō nenkan (Taiwan Tsūshinsha, 1927), by Kasuke Sugino (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan Seitō Kabushiki Kaisha jigyō enkaku no gaiyō. ([Taiwan Seitō Kabushiki Kaisha] Tōkyō shucchōjo, 1921), by Taiwan Seitō Kabushiki Kaisha (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan tetsudō shi ([publisher not identified], 1910), by Taiwan. Tetsudōbu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan ginkō kaisha yōroku. (臺灣興信所, 1920), by Saburō Ono, Hidehiko Sassa, and Taiwan Kōshinjo (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan Sōtokufu ... tōkeisho. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Minseibu Bunshoka, 1899), by Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Chōsaka, Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Tōkeika, Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Bunshoka, Taiwan. Minseibu. Bunshoka, and Taiwan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Hong Kong, Macao, Sinkiang, Taiwan, and Tibet, official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names. (Office of Geography, 1955), by United States. Office of Geography and United States Board on Geographic Names (page images at HathiTrust) Formosa under the Dutch : described from contemporary records, with explanatory notes and a bibliography of the island (Kegan Paul, 1903), by Wm. Campbell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Descripción geográfica de la isla de Formosa (Impr. del Patronato de Huérfanos de Intendencia é Intervención Militares, 1915), by José María Alvarez (page images at HathiTrust) Contributions ([The University], 1929), by Taihoku Teikoku Daigaku. Phytopathological Laboratory (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Formosa customs reports of the Chinese Empire ([Cathay Philatelic Library], 1962), by Hosea Ballou Morse and P. H. S. Montgomery (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan no genkyō (Taiwan Tosho Kankōkai, 1919), by Yoshiomi Hiromatsu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan (Taiwan Kankōkai, 1929), by Sadayoshi Takeuchi (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Sketches from Taiwan (Marshall brothers, limited, 1915), by Wm. Campbell (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan (Formosa). (Human Relations Area Files, 1956), by inc Human Relations Area Files and Stanford University. China Project (page images at HathiTrust) The island of Formosa : historical view from 1430 to 1900. History, people, resources, and gold, coal, sulphur, economical plants, and other productions ([Taipei] : [Wên-hsing], 1903., 1903), by James Wheeler Davidson (page images at HathiTrust) Democracy : an emerging Asian value : a report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1996), by Claiborne Pell and United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (page images at HathiTrust) L'île Formose; histoire et description. (E. Leroux, 1893), by Camille Imbault-Huart and Henri Cordier (page images at HathiTrust) Taiyang jian wen lu (Dao shu, 1892) (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan bunkashi (Tōkō Shoin, 1928), by Kanori Inō (page images at HathiTrust) Chūō Kenkyūjo Nōgyōbu hōkoku. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Chūō Kenkyūjo, 1922), by Taiwan Sōtokufu Chūō Kenkyūjo. Nōgyōbu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan wa ugoku : Shōwa 2-nenban (Nihon oyobi Shokuminsha, 1928), by Seiichi Wakumoto (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Sketches from Taiwan (Marshall brothers, limited, 1915), by Wm. Campbell (page images at HathiTrust) Higashi Taiwan (Nangoku Shuppan Kyōkai, 1922), by Hakusui Hashimoto (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan quan zhi (Taiwan jing shi xin bao she, 1922), by Yuzuru Suzumura (page images at HathiTrust) Journal of the Natural History Society of Taiwan. (Taiwan Hakubutsu Gakkai, 1911), by Taiwan Hakubutsu Gakkai (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan tōkei yōran. (Taiwan Sōtokufu., between 1000 and 1999), by Taiwan (page images at HathiTrust) Les quatre campagnes militaires de 1874 : les Japonais à Formose, les Français au Tonkin, les Anglais à la Côte-d'Or, les Hollandais à Sumatra, suivi de la traite des coulies à Macao. (M. Lévy frères, 1875), by Edmond Plauchut (page images at HathiTrust) Annual return of the foreign trade of Taiwan (Formosa) (Ōkurashō, 1896), by Taiwan. Kinʼyūka, Taiwan. Zeimuka, Taiwan, and Japan. Ōkurashō (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan jijō (Gangandō, 1895), by Shibi Sanjin Itō (page images at HathiTrust) Taitō tōsa jikki ([s.n.], 1904), by Sōsaku Ishizaka and Kinoshita Shinsaburō (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan tōkei zuhyō (Taiwan Sōtokufu, 1912), by Taiwan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan chishi (Uehara Saiichirō, 1898), by Yukimoto Yamada (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan kiyō (Keigansha, 1898), by Tamakichi Murakami (page images at HathiTrust) Genzai no Taiwan (Hakusuisha, 1920), by Asatarō Gotō (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan kaikyō (Shinkōdō, 1916), by Kōson Yamashita (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Sakuma Taiwan Sōtoku chiseki gaiyō. (Taiwan Sōtokufu, 1915) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan 10-nenkan no shinpo (Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpōsha, 1905), by Taiwan. Sōtoku Kanbō. Bunshoka (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Taiwan shotōshi (Tōkyō Chigaku Kyōkai, 1896), by Takuji Ogawa (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan fūdoki : jōge-kan (Isobeya Tarobē, 1874), by William Frederick Mayers and Yasushi Shimamura (page images at HathiTrust) Enumeratio plantarum in insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptionibus et figuris specierum pro regione novarum. With 18 plates. ([The University], 1906), by Jinzō Matsumura and Bunzō Hayata (page images at HathiTrust) From far Formosa the island, its people and missions (F.H. Revell, 1895), by George Leslie Mackay and J. A. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan jinkō dōtai tōkei jūnenpō : jissū oyobi hirei (Taiwan Sōtoku Kanbō Tōkeika, 1917), by Taiwan Sōtokufusōtoku Kanbō Tōkeika (page images at HathiTrust) La colonisation espagnole dans le nord de l'île de Formose (1626-1642). (Paris, 1890), by Frédéric Romanet du Caillaud (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan ahen seido yōshi. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Minseibu Eiseika, 1899), by Taiwan. Minseibu. Eiseika (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan banseishi. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Minseibu Shokusankyoku, 1904), by Kanori Inō and Taiwan. Shokusankyoku (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan jitsurei minji soshō yōshiki (Taiwan Shuppansha, 1921), by Kanshichi Yonetani (page images at HathiTrust) Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai dai Ichi-bu chōsa dai ni-kai hōkokusho. (Taiwan Sōtokufu] Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai, 1906), by Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai (page images at HathiTrust) Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai dai Ichi-bu chōsa dai ikkai hōkokusho : furoku sankōsho. (Taiwan Sōtokufu] Rinji Taiwan Kyūkan Chōsakai, 1903) (page images at HathiTrust) Rinji Taiwan kyūkan chōsakai dai ichi-bu chōsa Dai ikkai hōkokusho = First investigation of the association for research on traditional practices in Formosa, First report / compiled by Rinji Taiwan kyūkan chōsakai. (Compiler, 1903), by Rinji Taiwan kyūkan chōsakai (page images at HathiTrust) Japanese rule in Formosa... (Longmans, Green, 1907), by Sansa Takekoshi (page images at HathiTrust) The Republic of China (U.S. Dept. of State, 1959), by United States. Department of State. Office of Public Services (page images at HathiTrust) The black bearded barbarian : the life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa (Foreign Mission Committee, Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1912), by Mary Esther Miller MacGregor (page images at HathiTrust) In beautiful Formosa : being a personally conducted tour of boys and girls to view the people, the scenery, and the work of the missionaries in strange and lovely places (R.T.S., 1922), by Marjorie Landsborough (page images at HathiTrust) The Island of Formosa and its primitive inhabitants : a paper read at a joint meeting of the China Society and the Japan Society, held at Caxton Hall, on Thursday, February 24, 1916 (China Society, 1916), by Shinji Ishii (page images at HathiTrust) Journal of a blockaded resident in North Formosa during the Franco-Chinese War, 1884-5 (Printed at the "Daily press" Office, 1888), by John Dodd (page images at HathiTrust) The statistical summary of Taiwan (Japan Times Press, 1912), by Taiwan (page images at HathiTrust) An historical and geographical description of Formosa ... Giving an account of the religion, customs, manners, &c., of the inhabitants. Together with a relation of what happen'd to the author in his travels; particularly his conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the history and reasons of his conversion to Christianity, with his objections against it (in defence of paganism) and their answers ... (Printed for D. Brown [etc.], 1704), by George Psalmanazar and Oswald (page images at HathiTrust) A pocket guide to Taiwan. (Office of Armed Forces Information and Education :, 1958), by United States. Office of Armed Forces Information and Education (page images at HathiTrust) From far Formosa : the island, its people and missions (SMC Publishing, 1998), by George Leslie Mackay and J. A. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan (Formosa)--Economic supplement. (Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Dept., 1944), by United States Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (page images at HathiTrust) Conducting a situation and outlook program for Taiwan's chicken eggs (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Commodity Economics Division, 1991), by Allen J. Baker, Hsin-Hui Hsu, and United States. Department of Agriculture. Commodity Economics Division (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan kōgyō tōkei. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Shokusankyoku], in the 20th century), by Taiwan. Shokusankyoku. Kōmuka and Taiwan. Shokusankyoku (page images at HathiTrust) A preliminary bibliography on Taiwan (Formosa) classified according to subject and date of publication. (New York, 1944), by United States. Naval School of Military Government and Administration (page images at HathiTrust) Regional surveys for civil affairs officers : major urban regions of the south-east China coast and the island of Taiwan. ([Princeton, NJ, 1944), by United States. Naval School of Military Government and Administration. Area Survey Section (page images at HathiTrust) Shokuin-roku (Register of civil servants) 1 July 1943 : transcription of the names of all Formosan-Chinese personnel together with a translation of their Civil Service ranks, etc., and the names of the activities to which they are attached (New York, NY, 1943), by Taiwan and United States. Naval School of Military Government and Administration. Military Government Translation Unit (page images at HathiTrust) Sailing directions (enroute) for the coasts of Korea and China. ([Washington], 1972), by United States. Defense Mapping Agency. Hydrographic Center (page images at HathiTrust) Pleasure travel market to North America, Taiwan final report (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration ;, 1994), by Tourism Canada and United States Travel and Tourism Administration (page images at HathiTrust) Property of Taiwan : a survey of references found in documents translated by Research Unit #2 prior to 1 October 1944. ([Princeton?, 1944), by United States. Naval School of Military Government and Administration (page images at HathiTrust) Scientists and engineers in Malaysia, South Korea, and Taiwan (The Foundation, 1991), by Ellen Jamison (page images at HathiTrust) The island beautiful : the story of fifty years in north Formosa. (Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1923), by Duncan MacLeod (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan-san sōju gaichū ni kansuru chōsa hōkoku (Taiwan Sōtokufu Nōji Shikenjō, 1916), by Moichirō Maki and Taiwan Sōtokufu Nōji Shikenjō (page images at HathiTrust) Formosa, with Taiwan travelguide (Maekawa Yonezō, 1923), by Tengai Mizutani (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan hishi (Taihō Geppō Hakkōjo, 1924), by Jirō Akizawa (page images at HathiTrust) Kita Taiwan no kohi (s.n., 1923), by Sōsaku Ishizaka (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan ni okeru gakkō jidō ni kansuru kenkyū (Taiwan Sōtokufu Naimukyoku Gakumuka, 1923), by Taiwan. Naimukyoku (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan tōgyō no hihan (Tōgyō Kenkyūkai, 1913), by Jirō Miyagawa and Teijirō Yamamoto (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan shi (Taiwan Tosho Kankōkai, 1924), by Yoshiomi Hiromatsu (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan jijō (Shunyōdō, 1897), by Tsuyoshi Matsushima and Hiroshi Satō (page images at HathiTrust) Hyōron Taiwan no kanmin (Nangoku Shuppan Kyōkai, 1924), by Hakusui Hashimoto (page images at HathiTrust) Kakushū kosaku kankō chōsa. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Shokusankyoku Nōmuka, 1926), by Taiwan. Shokusankyoku. Nōmuka (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan no jigyōkai to jinbutsu (Nangoku Shuppan Kyōkai, 1928), by Hakusui Hashimoto (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan genjūmizoku no kōka. (Taiwan Sōtokufu Keimukyoku Ribanka, 1928), by Taiwan. Ribanka (page images at HathiTrust) Taiwan (Shinkōdō, 1927), by Sadayoshi Takeuchi (page images at HathiTrust) Tokonatsu no Taiwan. (Tokonatsu no Taiwansha, 1928), by Tokonatsu no Taiwansha (page images at HathiTrust) Seibanki (Keiseisha Shoten, 1926), by Inosuke Inoue and Kanzō Uchimura (page images at HathiTrust)
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