Tales -- RussiaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Tales -- Russia Folk Tales from the Russian (reprinted 1979), by Verra Xenophontovna, illust. by Lucy Fitch Perkins (Gutenberg text) Folk Tales From the Russian, by Verra Xenophontovna, illust. by Lucy Fitch Perkins (illustrated HTML at sacred-texts.com) Folk Tales from the Russian (Chicago et al.: Rand McNally Co., c1903), by Verra Xenophontovna, illust. by Lucy Fitch Perkins (multiple formats at archive.org) Old Peter's Russian Tales (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., n.d.), by Arthur Ransome, illust. by Dmitriĭ Isidorovich Mitrokhin (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Old Peter's Russian Tales, by Arthur Ransome (HTML at surlalunefairytales.com) Russian Fairy Tales, Selected and Translated From the Skakzi of Polevoi (London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1892), by P. Polevoĭ, ed. by R. Nisbet Bain, illust. by Charles M. Gere Russian Wonder Tales: With a Foreword on the Russian Skazki (New York: The Century Co., 1912), by Post Wheeler, illust. by Ivan I︠A︡kovlevich Bilibin Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore (New York: Hurst and Co., ca. 1880), by William Ralston Shedden Ralston (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Fairy tales -- Russia
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Tales Folk-Tales From Many Lands (c1939), by Rose Fyleman (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Folk-Lore and Fable: Aesop, Grimm, Andersen (Harvard Classics v17; New York: P. F. Collier and Son, c1909), ed. by Charles William Eliot and William Allan Neilson, contrib. by Aesop, Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm, and H. C. Andersen Oriental Tales, Collected From an Arabian Manuscript, in the Library of the King of France (2 volumes, translated from the Comte de Caylus's Contes Orientaux; London: Printed for T. Trye et al., 1745), by Anne Claude Philippe Caylus (page images at HathiTrust) Tales of All Nations: or, Popular Legends and Romances (bound collection of about 48 issues; London: W. Strange, ca. 1837) (page images at HathiTrust) The Book of Noodles: Stories of Simpletons, or, Fools and Their Follies (London: E. Stock, 1888), by W. A. Clouston
Filed under: Tales -- Africa, East
Filed under: Tales -- Africa, West Where Animals Talk: West African Folk Lore Tales (Boston: R. G. Badger, c1912), by Robert Hamill Nassau
Filed under: Tales -- Angola Folk-Tales of Angola: Fifty Tales, With Ki-Mbundu Text, Literal English Translation, Introduction, and Notes (Boston and New York: Pub. for the American Folk-Lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin and Co.; et al, 1894), ed. by Héli Chatelain
Filed under: Tales -- Arab countries The Alif Laila: or, Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Commonly Known as "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments" (4 volumes in Arabic; Kolkata: W. Thacker and Co.; London, W. H. Allen and Co., 1839-1842), ed. by W. H. Macnaghten (page images at HathiTrust) The Arabian Nights (1-volume version), trans. by Richard Francis Burton (HTML at dasburo.com) The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments (full 16-volume version; includes Supplemental Nights), trans. by Richard Francis Burton (frame-dependent HTML at wollamshram.ca) The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Now First Done Completely into English Prose and Verse, From the Original Arabic (9 volumes), ed. by John Payne (HTML at wollamshram.ca) Tales From the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) Editions of The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work (Delhi edition, 1901), ed. by John Payne The Arabian Nights Entertainments, by Andrew Lang The Arabian Nights Entertainments, by Andrew Lang, illust. by H. J. Ford (illustrated HTML at sacred-texts.com) The Arabian Nights Entertainments ("Aldine" edition; London: Pickering and Chatto, 1890), ed. by Jonathan Scott The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909), ed. by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith, illust. by Maxfield Parrish Stories From The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights' Entertainments) (Harvard Classics v16; New York: P. F. Collier and Son, c1909), ed. by Stanley Lane-Poole, trans. by Edward William Lane
Filed under: Tales -- Asia, Central Shambhala, by Nicholas Roerich (HTML at roerich.org)
Filed under: Tales -- Australia Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Picaninnies (second edition; London: D. Nutt; Melbourne: Melville, Mullen and Slade, 1897), by K. Langloh Parker, contrib. by Andrew Lang (HTML at sacred-texts.com) Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Picaninnies, by K. Langloh Parker, contrib. by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text) Australian Legendary Tales: Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs as Told to the Piccaninnies (London: D. Nutt; Melbourne: Melville, Mullen and Slade, 1896), by K. Langloh Parker, contrib. by Andrew Lang More Australian Legendary Tales: Collected From Various Tribes (with illustrations by a native artist; London: D. Nutt; Melbourne: Melville, Mullen and Slade, 1898), by K. Langloh Parker, contrib. by Andrew Lang The Stone Axe of Burkamukk (London and Melbourne: Ward, Lock and Co., 1922), by Mary Grant Bruce, illust. by J. MacFarlane Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines, by W. E. Thomas (HTML at sacred-texts.com)
Filed under: Tales -- Balkan Peninsula
Filed under: Tales -- Bibliography
Filed under: Tales -- California
Filed under: Tales -- Cameroon "Wer ist Mein Nächster?" Negertypen aus Deutschwestafrika (in German; Berlin: Gose und Tetzlaff, 1903), by Paula Karsten
Filed under: Tales -- Canada
Filed under: Tales -- China
Filed under: Tales -- Classification
Filed under: Tales -- Congo (Democratic Republic) Mongo Proverbs and Fables (Bongandanga: Congo Balolo Mission Press, 1921), by E. A. Ruskin Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo) (London: Pub. for the Folk-Lore Society by David Nutt, 1898), by R. E. Dennett, contrib. by Mary Henrietta Kingsley Uit den Kunstschat der Bakongos (2 volumes, in Dutch; Amsterdam: C. L. Van Langenhuysen; Berlin: D. Reimer, 1908), by Ivo Struyf
Filed under: Tales -- Croatia Croatian Tales of Long Ago (London: G. Allen and Unwin, c 1924), by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, trans. by Fanny S. Copeland, illust. by Vladimir Kirin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Croatian Tales of Long Ago (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., ca. 1924), by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, trans. by Fanny S. Copeland, illust. by Vladimir Kirin and Morris Meredith Williams
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