TerminologySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Animal nutrition -- TerminologyFiled under: Archives -- TerminologyFiled under: Bioenergetics -- TerminologyFiled under: Biology -- TerminologyFiled under: Zoology -- TerminologyFiled under: Color -- TerminologyFiled under: Communism -- Terminology
Filed under: Electronic data processing -- Terminology -- HumorFiled under: Creative writing -- Terminology
Filed under: Creative writing -- Study and teaching -- TerminologyFiled under: Economics -- TerminologyFiled under: Food -- TerminologyFiled under: Kinship -- Terminology
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Terminology A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union (6th edition, 2 volumes; Philadelphia: Childs and Peterson, 1856), by John Bouvier Filed under: Medicine -- TerminologyFiled under: Motion -- TerminologyFiled under: Naval art and science -- Terminology
Filed under: Professions -- Terminology -- Congresses Linguistics, Language, and the Professions: Education, Journalism, Law, Medicine, and Technology (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2000; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c2002), ed. by James E. Alatis, Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton, and Ai-Hui Tan (PDF at Georgetown) Filed under: Poetics -- TerminologyFiled under: Records -- Management -- TerminologyFiled under: Religion -- TerminologyFiled under: Rhetoric -- Terminology
Filed under: English language -- Rhetoric -- Terminology
Filed under: English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching -- Terminology
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms. |