Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- RegistersSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- Registers
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Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 Texas: A Brief Account of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Colonial Settlements of Texas, Together With an Exposition of the Causes Which Have Induced the Existing War With Mexico (1836), by William H. Wharton (Gutenberg text) The Swisher Memoirs (San Antonio: Sigmund Press, c1932), by John Milton Swisher, ed. by Rena Maverick Green (page images at HathiTrust) When Texas Was Young (ca. 1930), by Jesse A. Ziegler (page images at Portal to Texas History) The Diary of William Fairfax Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 1835-1837, by William Fairfax Gray, ed. by Paul D. Lack (HTML at smu.edu) Life of David Crockett, the Original Humorist and Irrepressible Backwoodsman: Comprising His Early History; His Bear Hunting and Other Adventures; His Services in the Creek War; His Electioneering Speeches and Career in Congress; with His Triumphal Tour Through the Northern States, and Services in the Texas War. To Which is Added an Account of His Glorious Death at the Alamo While Fighting in Defence of Texan Independence (Philadelphia: J.E. Potter and Co., c1865), by Davy Crockett, contrib. by Richard Penn Smith
Filed under: Alamo (San Antonio, Tex.) -- Siege, 1836 -- Drama The Fall of the Alamo: An Historical Drama in Four Acts, Concluded by an Epilogue Entitled The Battle of San Jacinto (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879), by Francis Nona Filed under: Alamo (San Antonio, Tex.) -- Siege, 1836 -- FictionFiled under: Alamo (San Antonio, Tex.) -- Siege, 1836 -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: San Jacinto, Battle of, Tex., 1836 The Battle of San Jacinto and the San Jacinto Campaign (Houston: Webb Printing Co., c1947), by Louis Wiltz Kemp and Edward W. Kilman When Texas Was Young (ca. 1930), by Jesse A. Ziegler (page images at Portal to Texas History) Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- Centennial celebrations, etc.Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- Drama The Fall of the Alamo: An Historical Drama in Four Acts, Concluded by an Epilogue Entitled The Battle of San Jacinto (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879), by Francis Nona Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- FictionFiled under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Alabama -- Registers
Filed under: Bible Society of the Confederate States of America -- Registers Proceedings of the State Bible Convention of South Carolina, Held at Columbia, Sept. 17 and 18, 1862; With a Sermon Preached Before the Convention (Columbia, SC: Southern Guardian Steam-Power Press, 1862), contrib. by George Howe
Filed under: British -- America -- Registers
Filed under: Canada -- Registers
Filed under: Confederate States of America -- Registers
Filed under: Confederate States of America. Army -- Registers Confederate States Army Casualties: Lists and Narrative Reports (Washington: The archives, 1971), ed. by United States National Archives and Records Service, contrib. by David Gibson Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865 (6 volumes; 1959-1964), ed. by Lillian Henderson (page images at HathiTrust) Confederate Veteran Association of the State of Oklahoma (1917), by United Confederate Veterans Oklahoma Division, contrib. by Daniel M. Hailey (multiple formats at archive.org) Confederate Veterans of the State of Oklahoma (McAlester, OK: D.M. Hailey, 1913), by United Confederate Veterans Oklahoma Division, ed. by Daniel M. Hailey (page images at HathiTrust) Officers and Roll of Members for the Year 1910, Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division, Camp No. 2, U.C.V., by Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division (multiple formats at archive.org) Roster of Confederate Soldiers in the War Between the States Furnished by Lincoln County, North Carolina, 1861-1865 (Lincolnton, NC: W.J. Hoke Camp, Confederate Veterans, 1905), by A. Nixon, I. R. Self, T. M. Foster, S. V. Goodson, and H. A. Gilleland, contrib. by United Confederate Veterans North Carolina Division and United Daughters of the Confederacy North Carolina Division (page images at HathiTrust) Charter, By-Laws, Rules of Order, and List of Officers and Members of R.E. Lee Camp, No. 1, Confederate Veterans. Adopted August, 1890, Amended and Readopted January, 1900 (Richmond: Baughman Stationery Co., 1900), by United Confederate Veterans R.E. Lee Camp No. 1 (multiple formats at archive.org) Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands (3 volumes in 7; 1920), ed. by Andrew B. Booth- all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; US access only
- Volume I (including soldiers Aaron-Blakemore, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume II, part 1 (including soldiers Blakemore-Culpepper, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume II, part 2 (including soldiers Culpepper-Georges, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume III, Book 1, part 1 (including soldiers Georges-Lannegan, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume III, Book 1, part 2 (including soldiers Lannegross-O'Brien, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume III, Book 2, part 1 (including soldiers O'Brien-Sims, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
- Volume III, Book 1, part 2 (including soldiers Sims-Zylks, 1-side photocopy): multiple formats at archive.org
Roster of Officers and Members of R.E. Lee Camp No. 1, Confederate Veterans, Richmond, Va., January 1st, 1919, by United Confederate Veterans R.E. Lee Camp No. 1 (multiple formats at archive.org) Roster of Officers and Members of R.E. Lee Camp No. 1, Confederate Veterans, Richmond, Va., With Roll of the Deceased Members, January 1st, 1913, by United Confederate Veterans R.E. Lee Camp No. 1 (multiple formats at archive.org) Provisional Record of Confederate Medical Officers (ca. 1890), by Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, Confederate Veterans Committee Roster of the Ex-Confederate Soldiers Living in Lincoln County, with the Address of A. Nixon, Delivered Before the United Daughters of the Confederacy and Confederate Veterans in Court House, Lincolnton, N.C., on Memorial Day, Friday, May 10th, 1907 (Lincolnton, NC: Lincoln County News Print, 1907), by A. Nixon
Filed under: Confederate States of America. Marine Corps -- Registers Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, printers, 1864), by Confederate States of America Navy
Filed under: Confederate States of America. Navy -- Registers Officers in the Confederate States Navy, 1861-65 (office memoranda #8; Washington: GPO, 1898), by United States Naval War Records Office Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1863 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, 1862), by Confederate States of America Navy Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, printers, 1864), by Confederate States of America Navy
Filed under: Florida -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers
Filed under: Georgia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers
Filed under: Great Britain -- Registers
Filed under: Guyana -- Registers Handbook of British Guiana, 1909: Comprising General and Statistical Information Concerning the Colony (Georgetown, Guyana: Printed by the Argosy Co.; et al., 1909), ed. by George D. Bayley
Filed under: Illinois -- Registers
Filed under: Immigrants -- Netherlands -- Leiden -- Registers
Filed under: Indiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- RegistersMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |