Texas -- History -- To 1846See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Texas -- History -- To 1846 Constitution or Form of Government of the State of Texas: Made in General Convention, in the Town of San Felipe De Austin, in the Month of April, 1833 (New Orleans, LA: Printed at the Office of the Commercial bulletin, 1833) (PDF at Yale) Difficulties of a Mexican Revenue Officer in Texas (reprinted from Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association: 1901), by Eugene C. Barker Tejas: La Primera Desmembración de Méjico (in Spanish; Madrid: Editorial-América, ca. 1917), by Carlos Pereyra Letters of an Early American Traveller: Mary Austin Holley, Her Life and Her Works, 1784-1846 (Dallas: Southwest Press, c1933), by Mary Austin Holley and Mattie Austin Hatcher (page images at HathiTrust) Cannibal Coast (San Antonio: Naylor Co., c1959), by Edward W. Kilman (page images at HathiTrust) Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, 1519-1936 (7 volumes (with the 7th volume also covering 1936-1950); Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., 1936-1958), by Carlos E. Castañeda, contrib. by Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; v6 and 7 US access only) The Evolution of a State, or Recollections of Old Texas Days (Austin: Gammel Book Co., c1900), by Noah Smithwick, ed. by Nanna Smithwick Donaldson (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Texas -- History -- To 1846 -- Sources
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Texas -- History A History of Texas and Texans (5 volumes; Chicago and New York: American Historical Society, 1916), by Frank W. Johnson, ed. by Eugene C. Barker, contrib. by Ernest William Winkler (page images at HathiTrust) Flowers and Fruits from the Wilderness: or, Thirty-Six Years in Texas and Two Winters in Honduras, by Z. N. Morrell (page images at MOA) The Handbook of Texas (online edition), ed. by Louis Tuffly Ellis, James W. Pohl, and Ron Tyler (searchable HTML at tshaonline.org) With the Makers of San Antonio: Genealogies of the Early Latin, Anglo-American, and German Families With Occasional Biographies, Each Group Being Prefaced With a Brief Historical Sketch and Illustrations (San Antonio, TX: Artes Graficas, 1937), by Frederick C. Chabot (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Texas -- History -- 1846-1950 On the Border With Mackenzie: or, Winning West Texas From the Comanches (1935 book reprinted with new foreword by Dykes; New York: Antiquarian Press, 1961), by Robert Goldthwaite Carter, contrib. by Jeff Dykes (page images at HathiTrust) 1941: Texas Goes to War (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, c1991), ed. by James Ward Lee, Carolyn N. Barnes, Kent A. Bowman, and Laura Crow, contrib. by Ann Richards (page images at Portal to Texas History) Robert E. Lee in Texas (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1946), by Carl Coke Rister Forty Years at El Paso, 1858-1898 (c1901), by W. W. Mills (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) From Slave to Statesman: The Legacy of Joshua Houston, Servant to Sam Houston (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, 1993), by Patricia Smith Prather and Jane Clements Monday, contrib. by Dan Rather (page images at Portal to Texas History) Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, 1519-1936 (7 volumes (with the 7th volume also covering 1936-1950); Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones Co., 1936-1958), by Carlos E. Castañeda, contrib. by Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission (all volumes: page images at HathiTrust; v6 and 7 US access only) A Texas Cowboy: or Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (with bibliograpical study; New York: W. Sloane Associates, c1950), by Charles A. Siringo, contrib. by J. Frank Dobie, illust. by Tom Lea (page images at HathiTrust) Personal Memoirs of John N. Seguin, From the Year 1834 to the Retreat of General Woll from the City of San Antonio in 1842 (San Antonio: Printed at the Ledger Book and Job Office, 1858), by Juan Nepomuceno Seguín (PDF at Texas) A Texas Cow Boy: or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (Chicago: M. Umbdenstock and Co., 1885), by Charles A. Siringo A Texas Cow Boy: or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (Chicago: Siringo and Dobson, 1886), by Charles A. Siringo
Filed under: Texas -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Filed under: Texas -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: Texas -- History -- Republic, 1836-1846 After San Jacinto: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841 (1963), by Joseph Milton Nance (HTML at tshaonline.org) A Brief History of the Texas Navies (Houston: Presented by the Sons of the Republic of Texas, 1961), by S. M. Robinson (multiple formats at archive.org) Personal Memoirs of John N. Seguin, From the Year 1834 to the Retreat of General Woll from the City of San Antonio in 1842 (San Antonio: Printed at the Ledger Book and Job Office, 1858), by Juan Nepomuceno Seguín (PDF at Texas) Constitution of the Republic of Texas, To Which is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Made in Convention, March 2, 1836 (Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836), by Texas, contrib. by Robert Hamilton and George Campbell Childress Journal of the Texian Expedition Against Mier, by Thomas J. Green, ed. by Sam W. Haynes (illustrated HTML at smu.edu) The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence (Houston: Anson Jones Press, 1944), by Louis Wiltz Kemp (page images at HathiTrust) The Diary of William Fairfax Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 1835-1837, by William Fairfax Gray, ed. by Paul D. Lack (HTML at smu.edu) The Men Who Made Texas Free: The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence, Sketches of Their Lives and Patriotic Services to the Republic and State, With a Facsimile of the Declaration of Independence (Houston: Texas Historical Publishing Co., c1924), by Sam Houston Dixon (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Texas -- History -- Revolution, 1835-1836 Texas: A Brief Account of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Colonial Settlements of Texas, Together With an Exposition of the Causes Which Have Induced the Existing War With Mexico (1836), by William H. Wharton (Gutenberg text) The Swisher Memoirs (San Antonio: Sigmund Press, c1932), by John Milton Swisher, ed. by Rena Maverick Green (page images at HathiTrust) When Texas Was Young (ca. 1930), by Jesse A. Ziegler (page images at Portal to Texas History) The Diary of William Fairfax Gray, From Virginia to Texas, 1835-1837, by William Fairfax Gray, ed. by Paul D. Lack (HTML at smu.edu) Life of David Crockett, the Original Humorist and Irrepressible Backwoodsman: Comprising His Early History; His Bear Hunting and Other Adventures; His Services in the Creek War; His Electioneering Speeches and Career in Congress; with His Triumphal Tour Through the Northern States, and Services in the Texas War. To Which is Added an Account of His Glorious Death at the Alamo While Fighting in Defence of Texan Independence (Philadelphia: J.E. Potter and Co., c1865), by Davy Crockett, contrib. by Richard Penn Smith
Filed under: Texas -- Biography Ernst Hermann Altgelt, Founder of Comfort, Kendall County, Texas (2010), by Anne Stewart and Mike Stewart (page images at Portal to Texas History) The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence (Houston: Anson Jones Press, 1944), by Louis Wiltz Kemp (page images at HathiTrust) The Men Who Made Texas Free: The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence, Sketches of Their Lives and Patriotic Services to the Republic and State, With a Facsimile of the Declaration of Independence (Houston: Texas Historical Publishing Co., c1924), by Sam Houston Dixon (page images at HathiTrust) A History of Texas and Texans (5 volumes; Chicago and New York: American Historical Society, 1916), by Frank W. Johnson, ed. by Eugene C. Barker, contrib. by Ernest William Winkler (page images at HathiTrust) A Texas Cowboy: or Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (with bibliograpical study; New York: W. Sloane Associates, c1950), by Charles A. Siringo, contrib. by J. Frank Dobie, illust. by Tom Lea (page images at HathiTrust) Indian Depredations in Texas: Reliable Accounts of Battles, Wars, Adventures, Forays, Murders, Massacres. etc., etc., Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of the Most Noted Indian Fighters and Frontiersmen of Texas (second edition; Austin, TX: Hutchings Printing House, 1890), by J. W. Wilbarger (multiple formats at archive.org) The Evolution of a State, or Recollections of Old Texas Days (Austin: Gammel Book Co., c1900), by Noah Smithwick, ed. by Nanna Smithwick Donaldson (multiple formats at archive.org) Following the Drum (Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson and Bros., c1864), by Teresa Griffin Vielé (page images at HathiTrust) A Lone Star Cowboy: Being Fifty Years Experience in the Saddle as Cowboy, Detective and New Mexico Ranger, on Every Cow Trail in the Wooly Old West (1919), by Charles A. Siringo A Texas Cow Boy: or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (Chicago: M. Umbdenstock and Co., 1885), by Charles A. Siringo A Texas Cow Boy: or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony (Chicago: Siringo and Dobson, 1886), by Charles A. Siringo Filed under: Texas -- Church history Polygamy on the Pedernales: Lyman Wight's Mormon Villages in Antebellum Texas, 1845 to 1858 (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, c2006), by Melvin C. Johnson Diamond Jubilee, 1847-1922, of the Diocese of Galveston and St. Mary's Cathedral, Compiled by the Priests of the Seminary (ca. 1922), ed. by James Martin Kirwin
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