Theater -- Scotland -- DundeeSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Dundee
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Arbroath -- History
Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Arbroath (Scotland) -- HistoryFiled under: Theater -- Scotland -- Edinburgh The Farewell and Occasional Addresses Delivered by W. H. Murray, Esq., in the Theatres Royal and Adelphi, Edinburgh; With a Biographical Sketch (Edinburgh: J. G. Bertram and Co., 1851), by William H. Murray
Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Edinburgh -- History Letters which passed between Mr. West Digges, comedian, and Mrs. Sarah Ward, 1752-1759 ... (T. Stevenson, 1833), by West Digges, W. H. Logan, James Maidment, and Sarah Ward (page images at HathiTrust) Fragmenta Scoto-dramatica. 1715-1758 ... (Edinburgh, 1835), by W. H. Logan (page images at HathiTrust) Sketch of the history of the Edinburgh Theatre-Royal : prepared for this evening of its final closing, May 25, 1859 ; with a poetical address delivered on the occasion (Wood, 1859), by Robert Chambers (page images at HathiTrust) The annals of the Edinburgh stage with an account of the rise and progress of dramatic writing in Scotland (R. Cameron, 1888), by James C. Dibdin (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Edinburgh -- Periodicals
Filed under: Theater -- Scotland -- Glasgow -- HistoryFiled under: Theater -- Scotland -- Glasgow -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Theater -- Scotland -- HistoryFiled under: Costume -- Scotland
Filed under: Costume -- Scotland -- 17th century -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Costume -- Scotland -- Highlands McIan's Costumes of the Clans of Scotland: Seventy-Four Coloured Illustrations, With Descriptive Letterpress (reduced-size reprint; Glasgow: D. Bryce and Son: New York: F. A. Stokes Co., 1899), by James Logan, illust. by Robert Ronald McIan Vestiarium scoticum : from the manuscript formerly in the library of the Scots college at Douay (W. Tait, 1842), by Richard Urquhart and John Sobieski Stuart (page images at HathiTrust) The romantic story of the Highland garb and the tartan (E. Mackay, 1924), by John G. MacKay and Norman MacLeod (page images at HathiTrust) The clans of the Scottish Highlands : illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia, and social occupations, from original sketches by Robert Ronald McIan ... (Willis and Sotheran, 1857), by James Logan and Robert Ronald McIan (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Scotland -- Dundee
Filed under: Art -- Scotland -- Dundee -- CatalogsFiled under: Baths -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Expenditures, Public -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Guilds -- Scotland -- Dundee
Filed under: Printing -- Scotland -- Dundee -- HistoryFiled under: Public health -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Railroad bridges -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Railways, Street -- Great Britain -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Sanitation -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Street-railroads -- Scotland -- DundeeFiled under: Working class -- Scotland -- Dundee |