Therapeutics, PhysiologicalHere are entered works dealing with non-medicinal therapies in general. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Physiological therapeutics
- Physiotherapy
Filed under: Therapeutics, Physiological
Filed under: Baths
Filed under: Baths -- Arkansas -- Hot Springs The Hot Springs of Arkansas (Washington: GPO, 1917), by United States National Park Service Filed under: Baths -- Therapeutic use
Filed under: Balneology -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Baths, Turkish
Filed under: Public baths -- United States -- 19th century -- History
Filed under: Public baths -- United States -- 20th century -- History
Filed under: Swimming pools -- Maintenance and repair -- Juvenile fiction The Orchard Secret (Arden Blake Mystery Series #1; New York and Chicago: A. L. Burt Co, c1934), by Cleo F. Garis Filed under: Diet therapy
Filed under: Diet therapy -- Early works to 1800 An Abstract of the Methods of Curing Diseases of the Eyes, Legs and Breasts; and on the Cure of Cancerous, Scrophulous and Other Chronic Diseases, by Mild Internal Remedies; To Which are Added, Observations on the Dangerous Effects of Altering the Accustomed Diet of Patients and the Ill Effects of Salt Water, Hemlock, &c. (London: Printed for F. Newbery, 1774), by William Rowley (page images at NIH) Traitez Nouveaux et Curieux du Cafè, du Thé et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1685), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Bartolomeo Marradon
Filed under: High-protein diet -- RecipesFiled under: Cancer -- Diet therapy -- RecipesFiled under: Coronary heart disease -- Diet therapy -- RecipesFiled under: Cooking for the sick Directions for Cooking by Troops, in Camp and Hospital, Prepared for the Army of Virginia, and Published by Order of the Surgeon General; With Essays on "Taking Food", and "What Food" (Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1861), contrib. by Florence Nightingale (page images at HathiTrust) Food for the Sick and How to Prepare It; With a Chapter on Food for the Baby (Louisville: J. P. Morton and Co., 1900), by Edwin Charles French (page images at Cornell) A Handbook of Invalid Cooking: For the Use of Nurses in Training-Schools, Nurses in Private Practice, and Others Who Care for the Sick (New York: The Century Co., 1898), by Mary A. Boland (multiple formats at A War Cookery Book for the Sick and Wounded (London: T. Werner Laurie, ca. 1914), ed. by Jessie M. Laurie (page images at Wisconsin) The Woman Suffrage Cook Book (second edition; Boston: "Country Store", 1890), ed. by Hattie A. Burr (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
Filed under: Salt-free diet -- United States
Filed under: High-protein dietFiled under: Cancer -- Diet therapyFiled under: Electrotherapeutics A Text-Book of Electro-Therapeutics and Electro-Surgery, for the Use of Students and General Practitioners (New York and Philadelphia: Boericke and Tafel, 1878), by John Butler
Filed under: Electrosurgery A Text-Book of Electro-Therapeutics and Electro-Surgery, for the Use of Students and General Practitioners (New York and Philadelphia: Boericke and Tafel, 1878), by John Butler
Filed under: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy -- Government policy -- United States
Filed under: Fever therapy -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Massage therapyFiled under: Naturopathy Nature Cure: Philosophy and Practice Based on the Unity of Disease and Cure (20th edition, 1922), by Henry Lindlahr Filed under: Occupational therapy Occupation Therapy: A Manual for Nurses (Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1915), by William Rush Dunton
Filed under: Occupational therapy -- Periodicals
Filed under: Occupational therapy -- United States -- History
Filed under: Play therapy
Filed under: SleepFiled under: SpondylotherapyFiled under: Therapeutics, Suggestive Fundamentals of Therapy: An Extension of the Art of Healing through Spiritual Knowledge, by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman, trans. by E. A. Frommer and J. M. Josephson (HTML at Handbook of Suggestive Therapeutics, Applied Hypnotism, Psychic Science: A Manual of Practical Psychotherapy, Designed Especially for the General Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery (third edition; St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1912), by Henry S. Munro (page images at HathiTrust) Handbook of Suggestive Therapeutics, Applied Hypnotism, Psychic Science: A Manual of Practical Psychotherapy, Designed Especially for the General Practitioner of Medicine, Surgery, and Dentistry (fourth edition; St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1917), by Henry S. Munro (multiple formats at Principles of Drama-Therapy (New York: Sopherim, 1917), by Stephen F. Austin Therapeutic Suggestion in Psychopathia Sexualis (Pathological Manifestions of the Sexual Sense), With Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct (Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co.; London: F. J. Rebman, 1895), by A. von Schrenck-Notzing, trans. by Charles Gilbert Chaddock (multiple formats at Theory and Practice of Psychiatry (St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1936), by William S. Sadler (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Mind as a Cause and Cure of Disease, Presented From a Medical, Scientific and Religious Point of View (Chicago: The author, 1914), by Eli Beers Instinct and the Unconscious: A Contribution to a Biological Theory of the Psycho-Neuroses, by W. H. R. Rivers (HTML at York)
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