Tibetan languageSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Helambu Sherpa language -- Dictionaries -- English
Filed under: Helambu Sherpa language -- Dictionaries -- Nepali
Filed under: Tibetan language -- Study and teaching -- Congresses Teaching and Learning Tibetan; The Role of the Tibetan Language in Tibet's Future: Roundtable Before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First Session, April 7, 2003 (Washington: GPO, 2003), by United States Congressional-Executive Commission on China
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: China -- Languages The Languages of China Before the Chinese: Researches on the Languages Spoken by the Pre-Chinese Races of China Proper Previously to the Chinese Occupation (London: D. Nutt, 1887), by Terrien de Lacouperie
Filed under: Black Hmong dialectFiled under: Cantonese dialects A Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect (Macao: S. W. Williams, 1841), by E. C. Bridgman
Filed under: Cantonese dialects -- China -- Shantou Shi First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect (Shantou: Swotow Office Printing Co., 1878), by Adele M. Fielde
Filed under: Cantonese dialects -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- EnglishFiled under: Lushai language The Lushei Kuki Clans (London: Macmillan and Co., 1912), by John Shakespear Filed under: Mandarin dialects A Character Study in Mandarin Colloquial, Alphabetically Arranged (second edition, with Mandarin texts and some English framing; Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1916), by Chauncey Goodrich
Filed under: Mongour language -- TextsFiled under: Mongour language -- Translating into ChineseFiled under: Mongour language -- Translating into English
Filed under: Manchu language -- Grammar
Filed under: India -- Languages -- Alphabet Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the Popular Hindu Languages of the Southern Peninsula of India (London: Published for the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland by J.W. Parker, 1837), by Henry Harkness
Filed under: Odia language -- Alphabet
Filed under: Dravidian languages -- Foreign elements -- Indo-Aryan
Filed under: India -- Languages -- Influence on English -- DictionariesFiled under: India -- Languages -- Political aspects
Filed under: Odisha (India) -- Languages -- Political aspectsFiled under: India -- Languages -- Writing Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the Popular Hindu Languages of the Southern Peninsula of India (London: Published for the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland by J.W. Parker, 1837), by Henry Harkness
Filed under: Andamanese language -- Dialects -- Grammar
Filed under: Dravidian languages -- Grammar, Comparative A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages (London: Harrison, 1856), by Robert Caldwell
Filed under: Dravidian languages -- Grammar, Comparative -- Korean A Comparative Grammar of the Korean Language and the Dravidian Languages of India (Seoul: Methodist Publishing House, 1906), by Homer B. Hulbert
Filed under: Gondi language -- Grammar Grammar of Gondi, As Spoken in the Betul District, Central Provinces, India; With Vocabulary, Folk-Tales, Stories and Songs of the Gonds (2 volumes; Chennai: Government Press, 1919-1921), by C. G. Chenevix Trench
Filed under: Tamil language -- Dictionaries -- English A Comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary of High and Low Tamil (Chennai: P. R Hunt, 1862), by Miron Winslow Filed under: Tamil language -- Grammar
Filed under: Telugu language -- AlphabetFiled under: Telugu language -- ConsonantsFiled under: Telugu language -- Readers
Filed under: Telugu language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English Graded Readings in Modern Literary Telugu (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1967), by G. N. Reddy and Dan M. Matson Filed under: Telugu language -- Word formationFiled under: Ramaswamy, Sumathi -- Knowledge -- Dravidian languages
Filed under: Odia language -- ReadersFiled under: Manipur (India) -- Languages Account of the Valley of Munnipore and of the Hill Tribes, With a Comparative Vocabulary of the Munnipore and Other Languages (Kolkata: Bengal Printing Co., 1859), by W. McCulloch
Filed under: Tibeto-Burman languages
Filed under: Dimasa language An Outline Grammar and Dictionary of the Kachari (Dimasa) Language (Based on Mani Charan Barman's Kachari Grammar) (Shillong: Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Press, 1908), by W. C. M. Dundas
Filed under: Karen languages -- Grammar
Filed under: Pwo Karen language -- GrammarFiled under: Karen languages -- Texts
Filed under: Sgaw Karen language -- Phonology
Filed under: Thãdo language -- Dictionaries -- English Thado Grammar (Shillong, Meghalaya, India: Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Printing Office, 1905), by T. C. Hodson Filed under: Thãdo language -- Grammar Thado Grammar (Shillong, Meghalaya, India: Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Printing Office, 1905), by T. C. Hodson
Filed under: Ao language -- Dictionaries -- English |