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Filed under: Trials (Murder) -- Massachusetts -- New Bedford
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Filed under: Trials (Murder) -- Massachusetts -- Boston Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the Murder of Doctor George Parkman, Reported Exclusively for the New York Daily Globe (New York: Stringer and Townsend, 1850), ed. by New York Daily Globe, contrib. by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and John White Webster (page images at HathiTrust) Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the Murder of Dr. George Parkman in the Medical College, November 23, 1849 (Boston: J. A. French, 1850), contrib. by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and John White Webster (page images at HathiTrust) The Trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, William M'Cauley, Hugh White, Matthew Killroy, William Warren, John Carrol, and Hugh Montgomery, Soldiers in His Majesty's 29th Regiment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on Monday-Evening, the 5th of March, 1770 (Boston: J. Fleeming, 1770) Filed under: Trials (Murder) -- Massachusetts -- DedhamFiled under: Sacco-Vanzetti Trial, Dedham, Mass., 1921 The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Critical Analysis for Lawyers and Laymen (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1927), by Felix Frankfurter (multiple formats at Google) The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti in Cartoons from The Daily Worker (New York: Daily Worker Pub. Co., c1927), by Fred Ellis, contrib. by Joseph Freeman Reflections on the Sacco-Vanzetti Tragedy: Fear; Vanzetti's Last Statement; Psychology and Justice; The Martyrs of Massachusetts (Boston: Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee, ca. 1927), contrib. by Edna St. Vincent Millay, William Goodrich Thompson, John Dewey, and C. I. Claflin Sacco and Vanzetti: Labor's Martyrs (New York: International Labor Defense, 1927), by Max Shachtman Are They Doomed? The Sacco-Vanzetti Case and the Grim Forces Behind It, by Art Shields (PDF page images at MSU) Sacco-Vanzetti and the Red Peril, by Frank A. Goodwin (PDF page images at MSU) The Story of the Sacco-Vanzetti Case, Including an Analysis of the Trial, by Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee (PDF page images at MSU) Ten Questions That Have Never Been Answered!, by Sacco-Vanzetti National League (PDF page images at MSU) Facing the Chair: Story of the Americanization of Two Foreignborn Workmen (Boston: Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee, 1927), by John Dos Passos, contrib. by Anatole France and Eugene V. Debs Background of the Plymouth Trial, by Bartolomeo Vanzetti (PDF page images at MSU) President A. L. Lowell of Harvard, President S. W. Stratton of M.I.T., Judge Robert Grant and Governor Fuller of Massachusetts in the presence of Vanzetti, by Bartolomeo Vanzetti (PDF page images at MSU) There Is Justice: A Summary of the Sacco-Vanzetti Case, by William Floyd (PDF page images at MSU)