United States -- Foreign economic relations -- CanadaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Canada Building a Wall Between Friends, Passports to and From Canada? Hearing Before the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, First Session (Washington: GPO, 2006), by United States House Committee on Small Business
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: United States -- Foreign economic relations Trade and Aid: Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy, 1953-1961 (originally published 1982; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Burton Ira Kaufman (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) Sovereign Wealth and Sovereign Power: The Strategic Consequences of American Indebtedness (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2008), by Brad Setser (PDF with commentary at cfr.org) Foreign Eligibility for U.S. Technology Funding (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Industrial Policy and Semiconductors: Missing the Target (Washington: AEI Press, 1995), by Andrew Ronald Dick (PDF at AEI) Toward a Common Goal, a Program for Economic Development: An Address by President Eisenhower Before the Opening Session of the Ministerial Meeting of the Consultative Committee on Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia (Colombo Plan) at Seattle, Washington, on November 10, 1958 (Dept. of State publication 6734 (Economic cooperation series #47); 1958), by Dwight D. Eisenhower (page images at HathiTrust) Our Stake in World Trade (with a discussion guide; Headline Series #106; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1954), by Isador Lubin and Forrest D. Murden (multiple formats at archive.org) Outline of the U.S. Economy (Washington: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, 2012), by Peter Behr, contrib. by Christopher Conte and Albert R. Karr (PDF at state.gov) The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (September 2002), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at archives.gov) A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement (February 1996), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at fas.org) Multinationals and the National Interest: Playing by Different Rules (OTA-ITE-569; 1993), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment American Imperialism: The Menace of the Greatest Capitalist World Power (Chicago: Workers Party of America, ca. 1925), by Jay Lovestone (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Arab countriesFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- BrazilFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Developing countriesFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- EuropeFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Germany
Filed under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Great Britain -- History -- 17th centuryFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- European Economic CommunityFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- JapanFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Law and legislationFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Southeast AsiaFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Soviet UnionFiled under: United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Yugoslavia
Filed under: United States -- Foreign relations -- Canada Canada and the New American Empire: War and Anti-War (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004), ed. by George Melnyk (PDF files at University of Calgary) Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, c2016), ed. by Lynne Heasley and Daniel Macfarlane (HTML and PDF files with commentary at University of Calgary) The Idea of Continental Union: Agitation for the Annexation of Canada to the United States, 1849-1893 (Lexington, KY: Published for the Mississippi Valley Historical Association by the University of Kentucky Press, c1960), by Donald F. Warner (page images at HathiTrust) Speech of Mr. Hamlin, of Maine, in Defence of the Rights of American Fishermen, Delivered in the Senate of the United States, August 3 and 5, 1852 (Washington: Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1852), by Hannibal Hamlin (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Canada Images of Canadianness: Visions on Canada's Politics, Culture, and Economics (c1998), ed. by L. d' Haenens (PDF with commentary at Ottawa) Canada: A Great Small Power (Headline Series #103; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1954), by Tom Twitty and Mason Wade (multiple formats at archive.org) Canada: Our Dominion Neighbor (Headline Books #46; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1944), by Merrill Denison (multiple formats at archive.org) Picturesque Canada: The Country As It Was and Is (Toronto: Belden, c1882), by George Monro Grant (multiple formats at archive.org) Sketches of Canada and the United States (London: E. Wilson, 1833), by William Lyon Mackenzie (multiple formats at archive.org) Three Years in Canada: an Account of the Actual State of the Country in 1826-7-8, Comprehending Its Resources, Productions, Improvements and Capabilities, and Including Sketches of the State of Society, Advice to Emigrants, &c. (London: H. Colburn, 1829), by John MacTaggart Memories of Canada and Scotland: Speeches and Verses (Montreal: Dawson, 1884, c1883), by John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Argyll
Filed under: Canada -- Annexation to the United States
Filed under: Canada -- Antiquities
Filed under: Canada -- Bibliography Bibliotheca Canadensis, or, A Manual of Canadian Literature (Ottawa: Printed by G. E. Desbarats, 1867), by Henry J. Morgan Books and Pamphlets Published in Canada, Up to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-seven, Copies of Which are in the Public Reference Library, Toronto, Canada (Toronto: Toronto Public Library, 1916), by Frances M. Staton Acts of French Royal Administration Concerning Canada, Guiana, the West Indies and Louisiana Prior to 1791 (reprinted from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library; New York: New York Public Library, 1930), by Lawrence C. Wroth and Gertrude L. Annan
Filed under: Canada -- Bio-bibliography Bibliotheca Canadensis, or, A Manual of Canadian Literature (Ottawa: Printed by G. E. Desbarats, 1867), by Henry J. Morgan
Filed under: Canada -- Biography The Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent and Self-Made Men The Canadian Men and Women of the Time: A Handbook of Canadian Biography (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1898), ed. by Henry J. Morgan (multiple formats at archive.org) Canadian Notabilities (Toronto: J.B. Magurn, 1880), by John Charles Dent The Canadian Portrait Gallery (4 volumes; Toronto: J.B. Magurn, 1880-1881), by John Charles Dent A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography: Being Chiefly Men of the Time (2 volumes; Toronto: Rose Pub. Co., 1886-1888), by Geo. Maclean Rose A Little Book of Canadian Essays (Toronto: Musson Book Co., c1909), by Lawrence J. Burpee Sketches of Celebrated Canadians and Persons Connected With Canada: From the Earliest Period in the History of the Province Down to the Present Time (Montreal: R. Worthington, 1865), by Henry J. Morgan (multiple formats at archive.org) Tuttle's Popular History of the Dominion of Canada With Art Illustrations From the Earliest Settlement of the British-American Colonies to the Present Time, Together With Portrait Engravings and Biographical Sketches of the Most Distinguished Men of the Nation (Montreal; Boston: Downie; Tuttle & Downie, 1877), by Charles R. Tuttle (multiple formats at archive.org) The Canadian Scene: Sketches, Political and Historical (Toronto: Macmillan, 1927), by Hector Willoughby Charlesworth (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres, a Native of Canada Who Was With the Scanyawtauragahroote Indians Eleven Years (Exeter, England: Printed for, and sold by Henry Ranlet, 1800), by Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres (multiple formats at archive.org) The Story of Laura Secord, and Canadian Reminiscences (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1900), by Emma Augusta Currie
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