United States. Congress -- Rules and practiceSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: United States. Congress -- Rules and practice
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: United States. Congress
Filed under: United States. Congress -- Biography Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005 (Washington: GPO, 2005), by United States Congress (PDF at govinfo.gov) Hispanic Americans in Congress, 1822-2012 (Washington: GPO, 2013), ed. by Matthew A. Wasniewski, Albin Kowalewski, Laura Turner O'Hara, and Terrance Rucker (PDF files at govinfo.gov) Black Americans in Congress, 1870-2007 (Washington: GPO, 2008), contrib. by United States House Committee on House Administration and United States House Office of History and Preservation (PDF with commentary at govinfo.gov) Women in Congress, 1917-2006 (Washington: GPO, 2006), contrib. by United States House Committee on House Administration and United States House Office of History and Preservation (PDF with commentary at govinfo.gov) Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present, by United States Congress (searchable HTML at congress.gov) Twenty Years in the Press Gallery: A Concise History of Important Legislation From the 48th to the 58th Congress, the Part Played by the Leading Men of that Period, and the Interesting and Impressive Incidents; Impressions of Official and Political Life in Washington (New York: The author, 1906), by O. O. Stealey, contrib. by Henry Watterson, illust. by Clifford Kennedy Berryman (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: United States. Congress -- Biography -- PeriodicalsFiled under: United States. Congress -- EthicsFiled under: United States. Congress -- Caricatures and cartoonsFiled under: United States. Congress -- Directories
Filed under: United States. Congress -- Election districts -- MapsFiled under: United States. Congress -- ElectionsFiled under: United States. Congress -- History
Filed under: United States. Congress. House -- SpeakersFiled under: United States. Congress -- Powers and dutiesFiled under: United States. Congress -- RegistersFiled under: United States. Congress -- Salaries, etc.Filed under: United States. Congress -- Study and teachingFiled under: United States. Congress -- Voting
Filed under: Alberta. Legislative Assembly -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Bangladesh. Jatiya Samsada -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Barbados. Legislature. House of Assembly -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Canada. Parliament. House of Commons -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Canada. Parliament. Senate -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Democratic Party (S.C.) -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Hong Kong (China). Legislative Council -- Rules and practice
Filed under: India. Parliament -- Rules and practice
Filed under: India. Parliament. Rajya Sabha -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Legislative bodies -- China -- Hong Kong -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Legislative bodies -- Uganda -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Lesotho. Parliament. National Assembly -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Lesotho. Parliament. Senate -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Mauritius. National Assembly -- Rules and practice
Filed under: Ohio. General Assembly -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Ontario. Legislative Assembly -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Québec (Province). Assemblée nationale -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Samoa. Legislative Assembly -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Saskatchewan. Legislative Assembly -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Singapore. Parliament -- Rules and practiceFiled under: South Carolina. Medical Department -- Rules and practice Regulations for the Medical Department of the Military Forces of South Carolina (Columbia, SC: South Carolina Steam Printing Office, 1861), by Robert W. Gibbes Filed under: Sri Lanka. Parlimentuva -- Rules and practiceFiled under: Tanzania. Bunge -- Rules and practiceMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |