Universalism -- Controversial literatureSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Universalism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Annihilationism -- Controversial literature
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Universalism The Ancient History of Universalism, From the Time of the Apostles, to its Condemnation in the Fifth General Council, A. D. 553; With an Appendix, Tracing the Doctrine Down to the Era of the Reformation (Boston: Marsh and Capen, 1829), by Hosea Ballou (page images at HathiTrust) A Descant on the Universal Plan, Corrected: or, Universal Salvation Explained (poem by Peck, with a reprint of Haynes's sermon "Universal Salvation: A Very Ancient Doctrine"; 1823), by John Peck and Lemuel Haynes (page images at HathiTrust) Through the Shadows (Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1885), by Isaac Case Knowlton (multiple formats at archive.org) Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years, by J. W. Hanson (HTML at tentmaker.org) Bible Threatenings Explained, by J. W. Hanson (HTML at tentmaker.org) The Cause of God and Truth, in Four Parts; With A Vindication of Part IV From the Cavils, Calumnies, and Defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood, &c. (new edition; London: Printed for T. Tegg and Son, 1838), by John Gill (multiple formats at archive.org) The Old Forts Taken: Five Lectures on Endless Punishment and Future Life (Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1878), by A. A. Miner (multiple formats at archive.org) An Oral Debate on the Coming of the Son of Man, Endless Punishment, and Universal Salvation, by E. Manford and B. Franklin (multiple formats at archive.org) The Outcasts Comforted, by Elhanan Winchester (HTML at tentmaker.org)
Filed under: Universalism -- Biblical teachingFiled under: Universalism -- Bibliography
Filed under: Universalism -- History -- BibliographyFiled under: Universalism -- Debates, etc. Human Destiny: A Critique on Universalism (1861), by Charles F. Hudson Debate on the Destiny of the Wicked (Oskaloosa, IA: Central Book Concern, 1875), by George Thomas Carpenter and John Hughes Filed under: Universalism -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Universalism -- Massachusetts -- HistoryFiled under: Universalism -- PoetryFiled under: Universalism -- SermonsFiled under: Annihilationism Death not Life: or, The Destruction of the Wicked (12th edition; Buffalo: The author, 1868), by Jacob Blain (multiple formats at Google) Death not Life: or, The Theological Hell and Endless Misery Disproved, and the Doctrine of Destruction Established, by a Collection and Explanation of All Passages on Future Punishment; Also Metaphysical Arguments for the Immortality of the Wicked Exploded (New York: Pub. at the Office of the Bible Examiner, 1853), by Jacob Blain (multiple formats at archive.org) Spice for Spiritualists: or, The Dogma of an Immortal Life Examined and Considered (Philadelphia: T. W. Stuckey, 1875), by John J. Woodward (multiple formats at archive.org) The Unity of the Faith (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1881), by William R. Hart (PDF at Wayback Machine) The State of the Dead and the Destiny of the Wicked (Battle Creek, MI: Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1873), by Uriah Smith (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Ahmadiyya -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Alcoholics Anonymous -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Anabaptists -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Anglican Communion -- Controversial literature The Via Media of the Anglican Church, Illustrated in Lectures, Letters and Tracts (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman
Filed under: Apostolic succession -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Arianism -- Controversial literature Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, in Controversy With the Arians (Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1877), by Saint Athanasius, ed. by John Henry Newman (HTML at newmanreader.org) Select Treatises of S. Athanasius, in Controversy With the Arians (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1903), by Saint Athanasius, ed. by John Henry Newman
Filed under: Arminianism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Atheism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Baptism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Bible -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Bible. Old Testament -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Book of Commandments -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Book of Mormon -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Calvinism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Catholic Church -- Controversial literature Catholicism Against Itself (abridged edition ("Volume I" only abridged volume); Winfield, AL: Fair Haven Publishers, 1963), by Orlando Clayton Lambert (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) American Freedom and Catholic Power (Boston: Beacon Press, c1949), by Paul Blanshard (page images at HathiTrust) Behind the Dictators (third printing; New York: Agora Pub. Co., 1945), by L. H. Lehmann (page images at HathiTrust) Finance Capital in Papal Robes: A Challenge (New York: Friends of the Soviet Union, ca. 1930), by Nikolaĭ Bukharin, trans. by Moissaye J. Olgin (multiple formats at archive.org) The Italian Pope's Campaign Against the Constitutional Rights of American Citizens (4th edition; Thomson, GA: Tom Watson Book Co., 1928), by Thomas E. Watson Rome's Law or Ours: Which? (Thomson, GA: Tom Watson Book Co., 1928), by Thomas E. Watson (multiple formats at archive.org) America or Rome, Christ or the Pope (Toledo: Loyal Pub. Co., 1895), by John L. Brandt Americanism versus Romanism: or, The Cis-Atlantic Battle Between Sam and the Pope (Nashville: Published for the author, 1856), by James L. Chapman Before the Dawn: A Poem; With Introductory Lectures on Prophetic Symbols (Buffalo: Breed, Lent and Co., 1872), by Charles Rollin Burdick (multiple formats at archive.org) Black International, by Joseph McCabe (HTML at infidels.org) Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901), by John Henry Newman The Church of Rome Evidently Proved Heretick (originally published 1681; this edition London: Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1830), by Peter Berault (multiple formats at archive.org) The Confessional: A View of Romanism in its Actual Principles, Aims, and Workings, Drawn up Chiefly from Authoritative Papal Sources, and Earnestly Recommended to the Dispassionate Consideration of Christendom (London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., ca. 1859), by J. R. Beard (multiple formats at archive.org) The Confessional Unmasked: Showing the Depravity of the Romish Priesthood, the Iniquity of the Confessional and the Questions Put to Females in Confession (London: Protestant Electoral Union, ca. 1866) (multiple formats at Google) The Controversial Methods of Romanism (London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey and Co., 1888), by Arthur Brinckman (multiple formats at archive.org) The Corruptions of the Church of Rome, Contrasted With Certain Protestant Errors (New York: Printed by T. and J. Swords, 1818), by John Henry Hobart The Curse of Rome: A Frank Confession of a Catholic Priest, and a Complete Exposé of the Immoral Tyranny of the Church of Rome (New York: Nyvall press, c1907), by Joseph F. MacGrail (page images at HathiTrust) The Difference Between Popery and Protestantism, by Nicholas Murray (page images at MOA) The Difficulties of Romanism in Respect to Evidence: or, The Peculiarities of the Latin Church Evinced to be Untenable on the Principles of Legitimate Historical Testimony (second edition, revised and remoulded; London: Printed for C. J. G. and F. Rivington, 1830), by George Stanley Faber (multiple formats at archive.org) Dr. Armstrong's Inaugural Address to the "Protestant Electoral Union" of Wolverhampton, Formed After the Popish Riots, Subsequent to Mr. Murphy's Visit to That Town (Burslem: Printed at the office of S. Bowering, 1867), by J. E. Armstrong (multiple formats at archive.org) Dr. Middleton's Letter From Rome, Showing an Exact Conformity Between Popery and Paganism (New York: American Protestant Society, 1847), by Conyers Middleton, ed. by John Dowling (multiple formats at archive.org) Dr. Wiseman's Popish Literary Blunders Exposed (London: A. Hall, Virtue and Co., 1860), by Charles Hastings Collette (multiple formats at archive.org) Errors and Persecutions of the Roman Catholic Church (St. Louis: J.H. Chambers and Co., 1881), contrib. by S. H. Ford, E. M. Marvin, John A. Wilson, George Augustus Lofton, J. G. Wilson, Thomas O. Summers, T. P. Haley, Samuel J. Niccolls, Thomas Bowman, Richard S. Storrs, P. G. Robert, and G. W. Hughey Errors of the Roman Catholic Church, and its Insidious Influence in the United States and Other Countries, by the Most Profound Thinkers of the Present Day; and the History and Progress of the American Protective Association (St. Louis: J.H. Chambers, 1894), contrib. by S. H. Ford, Scott F. Hershey, T. J. Morgan, Madison Clinton Peters, E. M. Marvin, John A. Wilson, George Augustus Lofton, J. G. Wilson, Thomas O. Summers, T. P. Haley, Samuel J. Niccolls, Thomas Bowman, Richard S. Storrs, P. G. Robert, and G. W. Hughey (multiple formats at archive.org) "Errors of the Roman Catholic Church": or, "Centuries of Oppression, Persecution and Ruin" (St. Louis: J.H. Chambers and Co., 1899), contrib. by S. H. Ford, Scott F. Hershey, T. J. Morgan, Madison Clinton Peters, E. M. Marvin, John A. Wilson, George Augustus Lofton, J. G. Wilson, Thomas O. Summers, T. P. Haley, Samuel J. Niccolls, Thomas Bowman, Richard S. Storrs, P. G. Robert, and G. W. Hughey Essay on the Times: Canada, 1887, by William Reginald Armstrong (multiple formats at archive.org) Essays (Third Series) on the Errors of Romanism Having Their Origin in Human Nature (third edition, revised; London: B. Fellowes, 1845), by Richard Whately (multiple formats at archive.org) Evenings with the Romanists; With an Introductory Chapter on the Moral Results of the Romish System (New York: R. Carter and Bros., 1856), by M. Hobart Seymour, contrib. by Stephen H. Tyng Father Clement: A Roman Catholic Story (8th edition; Edinburgh: W. Oliphant and Son, 1834), by Grace Kennedy (multiple formats at archive.org) Historias de la Corte Celestial, por un Sacristan Jubilado (in Spanish; Madrid: Imprenta popular, ca. 1891), by Narciso Campillo y Correa (page images at HathiTrust) The History of Popish Transubstantiation (new edition, with authorities and memoir of the author; London: J. Leslie; Oxford: J.H. Parker, 1840), by John Cosin, ed. by J. S. Brewer Lecture-Sermons on the Distinctive Errors of Romanism: Preached in Portman chapel, St. Marylebone, Lent 1842 (third edition; London: W. J. Cleaver, 1842), by William J. E. Bennett (multiple formats at archive.org) Lectures on Romanism: Being Illustrations and Refutations of the Errors of Romanism and Tractarianism (Boston: J. Jewett and Co.; Cleveland: Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington, 1854), by John Cumming (multiple formats at archive.org) Lectures on the Errors and Evils of Romanism (Kolkata: Baptist Mission Press, 1845) (multiple formats at archive.org) L'Eglise de Rome: Reponse du Reverend Charles Chiniquy au Rev. J. M. Bruyere, Grand-Vicaire de London, Ontario (in French; Montreal: Impremerie du "Witness", 1870), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) A Letter From Rome, Shewing an Exact Conformity Between Popery and Paganism: or, The Religion of the Present Romans Derived from That of Their Heathen Ancestors (third edition, with additions; London: Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, 1733), by Conyers Middleton (multiple formats at archive.org) Letters on Romanism: In Reply to Mr. Newman's Essay on Development (Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1854), by William Archer Butler, ed. by Thomas Woodward (multiple formats at archive.org) Letters on Some of the Errors of Romanism, in Controversy With the Rev. Nicholas Wiseman (third edition; London: F. and J. Rivongton, 1851), by William Palmer (multiple formats at archive.org) Letters to N. Wiseman, D.D., on the Errors of Romanism, in Respect to the Worship of Saints, Satisfactions, Purgatory, Indulgences, and the Worship of Images and Relics; To Which is Added An Examination of Mr. Sibthorp's Reasons for His Secession From the Church; With a Supplement (Oxford: J. H. Parker; London: J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1842), by William Palmer (multiple formats at archive.org) Letters to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Roman Catholic Bishop of New York (three series; Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1851), by Nicholas Murray (all three series; page images at MOA) Movements in Religious Thought: I. Romanism; II. Protestantism; III. Agnosticism (London: Macmillan and Co., 1879), by E. H. Plumptre (multiple formats at archive.org) The Mysteries of Popery Unveiled in the Unparalleled Sufferings of John Coustos at the Inquisition of Lisbon; To Which is Added The Origin of the Inquisition, and its Establishment in Various Countries, and The Master Key to Popery (Enfield, CT: P. Reynolds and E. Thompson, 1821), by John Coustos and Antonio Gavin The Mystery of Iniquity: or, Romanism not Christianity (Newark, NJ: Ward and Tichenor, 1872), by Jesse S. Gilbert The Mystery of Iniquity Unvailed: In a Discourse, Wherein is Held Forth the Opposition of the Doctrine, Worship, and Practices of the Roman Church, to the Nature, Designs and Characters of the Christian Faith (London: Printed by W. Godbid, 1673), by Gilbert Burnet (multiple formats at Google) The Novelties of Romanism (second edition, revised and enlarged; London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1864), by Charles Hastings Collette (multiple formats at archive.org) The Novelties of Romanism, or, Popery Refuted by Tradition: A Sermon, Preached in St. Andrew's Church, Manchester (third edition; 1840), by Walter Farquhar Hook (multiple formats at archive.org) The Papacy and the Civil Power (New York: Harper, 1876), by Richard W. Thompson Papal Idolatry: An Exposure of the Dogma of Transubstantiation and Mariolatry (Chicago: A. Craig, 1889), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) Papal Rome as It Is, by a Roman (Baltimore: Publication Rooms, 1843), by L. Giustiniani, contrib. by W. C. Brownlee Paul and Julia: or, The Political Mysteries, Hypocrisy and Cruelty of the Leaders of the Church of Rome (Boston: E. W. Hines and Co., 1855), by John Claudius Pitrat (multiple formats at archive.org) Plain Reasons Against Joining the Church of Rome (20th thousand; further revised and enlarged; London: Society for Promotting Christian Knowledge; New York: Pott, Young and Co., 1880), by Richard Frederick Littledale (multiple formats at archive.org) The Pope, Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue (Aurora, MO: Menace Pub. Co., c1913), by Jeremiah J. Crowley Popery and the United States: Embracing an Account of Papal Operations in Our Country, With a View of the Dangers Which Threaten Our Institutions (Boston: J. V. Bean and Co., 1847), by Rufus W. Clark (multiple formats at archive.org) Popery Condemned by Scripture and the Fathers: Being a Refutation of the Principal Popish Doctrines and Assertions Maintained in the Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Stanser's Examination of the Rev. Mr. Burke's Letter of Instruction to the Catholic Missionaries of Nova Scotia, and in the Reply to the Rev. Mr. Cochran's Fifth and Last Letter to Mr. Burke, &c. (Edinburgh: J. Pillans and Sons, 1808), by Thomas McCulloch (multiple formats at archive.org) Popery in its Social Aspect: Being a Complete Exposure of the Immorality and Intolerance of Romanism, by Richard P. Blakeney (multiple formats at archive.org) Popery, the Enemy and the Falsifier of Scripture: or, Facts and Evidences, Illustrative of the Conduct of the Modern Church of Rome (London: W. E. Painter, 1844), by Thomas Hartwell Horne (multiple formats at archive.org) Popery Unveiled, in Six Lectures (London: Religious Tract Society, 1839), by William Groser (multiple formats at archive.org) The Popish Mass: or, The Conformity of the Church of Rome with Paganism, Proved From Popish and Heathen Authors; With an Appendix on the Style of Scripture, Transubstantiation, Auricular Confession, and Extreme Unction (Cork: Printed for the Publishers, 1823), by Andrew Meagher (multiple formats at archive.org) A Popish Pagan the Fiction of a Protestant Heathen: In a Conversation Betwixt a Gentleman of the States of Holland, a Deist by Profession, and a Doctor of Heathen Mythology (London, 1743), by Simon Berington Reasons Why a Protestant Should Not Turn Papist: or, Protestant Prejudices Against the Roman Catholic Religion, Propos'd in a Letter to a Romish Priest (London: Printed by H. Clark for J. Taylor, 1687), by Robert Boyle (multiple formats at archive.org) Recantation: or, The Confessions of a Convert to Romanism (New York: Stanford and Swords, 1846), by William Ingraham Kip (multiple formats at archive.org) The Restoration of Churches is the Restoration of Popery, Proved and Illustrated From the Authenticated Publications of the "Cambridge Camden Society": A Sermon, Preached in the Parish Church, Cheltenham, on Tuesday, November 5th, 1844 (London: Harchard et al., 1844), by F. Close (multiple formats at archive.org) Roma Ruit: The Pillars of Rome Broken (new edition, revised by Hardwick; Cambridge: J. and J. Deighton; London: J. W. Parker, 1847), by Francis Fullwood and Charles Hardwick (multiple formats at archive.org) Roman Catholicism, Old and New, From the Standpoint of the Infallibility Doctrine (New York: R. Worthington, 1877), by John Schulte Romanism: A Doctrinal and Historical Examination of the Creed of Pope Pius IV (London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1882), by Robert C. Jenkins (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism: A Menace to the Nation (A New and Original Work); Together With My Former Book "The Parochial School, a Curse to the Church, a Menace to the Nation" (fiftieth thousand; Aurora, MO: Menace Pub. Co., c1912), by Jeremiah J. Crowley Romanism: A Sermon, Preached in Wooburn Church, 10th November 1850 (London: Hatchards; Wycombe: Butler, ca. 1850), by F. B. Ashley (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism and the Republic: A Discussion of the Purposes, Assumptions, Principles and Methods of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy (Boston: Arnold Pub. Co., 1890), by Isaac J. Lansing, contrib. by Leroy M. Vernon (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism As it Is: An Exposition of the Roman Catholic System, for the Use of the American People (Hartford: Connecticut Pub. Co., et al., 1872), by Samuel W. Barnum (page images at HathiTrust) Romanism As it Is: An Exposition of the Roman Catholic System, for the Use of the American People (with an appendix of "matters from 1871 to 1876"; Hartford: Connecticut Pub. Co., et al., 1878), by Samuel W. Barnum (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism at Home: Letters to the Hon. Roger B. Taney (New York: Harper and Bros., 1852), by Nicholas Murray Romanism Contradictory to the Bible: or, The Peculiar Tenets of the Church of Rome, As Exhibited in Her Accredited Formularies, Contrasted with the Holy Scriptures (new edition; London: T. Cadell, et al., 1827), by Thomas Hartwell Horne (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism Exposed and Protestantism Defended (Chicago: Pub. by the author, 1890), by J. G. White Romanism in America (Boston: S. K. Whipple and Co., 1855), by Rufus W. Clark Romanism in America (Boston: J. E. Tilton and Co., 1859), by Rufus W. Clark Romanism in its Home (Philadelphia: American Baptist Pub. Soc., c1899), by John Howard Eager (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism Unknown to Primitive Christianity: The Substance of Lectures Delivered in the Parish Church of Gainsborough (London: Sold at Hatchard et al., 1851), by Charles Smith Bird (multiple formats at archive.org) Rome's Tactics: or, A Lesson for England From the Past (London: Christian Book Society, 1868), by William Goode (multiple formats at archive.org) The Scarlet Woman: or, The Revival of Romanism (1910), by I. M. Haldeman (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) A Second Letter to the Right Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, Roman Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia (Burlington, VT: S. Fletcher, 1843), by John Henry Hopkins (multiple formats at archive.org) Seventh Address to Protestants Throughout the World (1854), by Reformed Romanist Priests' Protection Society (multiple formats at archive.org) Startling Facts: or, Deeds of Darkness Disclosed Relative to Auricular Confession, and its Relations to Sacerdotal Celibacy, Convents, Monasteries, Morality, and Civil and Religious Liberty (Cincinnati: Pub. by the author, 1875), by J. G. White Terence O'Dowd, or, Romanism To-Day: An Irish Story, Founded on Facts (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, c1887), by Tom O'Shaughnessy (multiple formats at archive.org) Thoughts on Popery (New York: J. S. Taylor, 1836), by William Nevins (multiple formats at archive.org) A Treatise of Infallibility: Shewing That the Church of Rome's Claim to That High Privilege is Without Foundation in Scripture, Antiquity, or Reason, In Answer to a Paper on That Subject Sent by a Popish Missinanry (Edinburgh: Printed for W. Gordon, 1752), by William Harper (multiple formats at archive.org) A True History of the Lives of the Popes of Rome: With a Description of Their Particular Vices (London: Printed for H. M. and R. T., ca. 1679) (PDF at Yale) The Two Babylons (possibly abridged or edited), by Alexander Hislop (HTML at biblebelievers.com) Washington in the Lap of Rome (Boston: W. Kellaway, c1888), by Justin D. Fulton (multiple formats at archive.org) What is Modern Romanism? A Consideration of Such Portions of Holy Scripture, as have Alleged Bearings on the Claims of Modern Rome (Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co., 1888), by George F. Seymour (multiple formats at archive.org) What is Romanism? (collection of 26 tracts, originally published 1846-1849), by Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) (multiple formats at archive.org) Wide-Awake! Romanism: Its Aims and Tendencies (1854), by L. W. Granger (page images at MOA) American Freedom and Paul Blanshard (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1950), by Dale Francis (page images at HathiTrust) The Beast, the Dragon, and the Woman (c1967), by Joe Crews (HTML at amazingfacts.org) Roman Catholics in America Falsifying History and Poisoning the Minds of Protestant School Children (Thomson, GA: Tom Watson Book Co., 1928), by Thomas E. Watson (multiple formats at archive.org) Slavery and Catholicism (Durham, NC: North State Publishers, c1957), by Richard Roscoe Miller (page images at HathiTrust) Klansmen: Guardians of Liberty (Zarephath, NJ: The Good Citizen, 1926), by Alma White, illust. by Branford Clarke (multiple formats at archive.org) Anglican Catholicity Vindicated Against Popish Innovations, In the Answer of Isaac Casaubon to Cardonal Perron; To Which is Prefixed the Confession of Faith of King James I (Baltimore: Turnbull Bros.; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1875), by Isaac Casaubon, ed. by William Rollinson Whittingham and Hall Harrison Dialogue Between a Popish Priest and an English Protestant: Wherein the Principal Points and Arguments of Both Religions are Truly Proposed, and Fully Examined (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board od Publication, 1841), by Matthew Poole (multiple formats at archive.org) The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome Truly Represented: In Answer to a Book Intituled, A Papist Misrepresented, and Represented, &c. (third edition, corrected; London: Printed for W. Rogers, 1686), by Edward Stillingfleet (multiple formats at archive.org) The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (New York: E. Walker, 1845), by John Dowling (multiple formats at archive.org) The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (new edition with supplement; New York: E. Walker; Port Hope, ON: Hay and Thatcher, 1853), by John Dowling The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (new edition with supplement; New York: E. Walker, c1871), by John Dowling Jesuit Juggling: Forty Popish Frauds Detected and Disclosed (first American edition, with an introductory address; New York: Craighead and Allen, et al., 1835), by Richard Baxter The Laws of the Church: The Churchman's Guard Against Romanism and Puritanism: In Two Charges, Addressed to His Clergy, in June and July, 1842 (Dublin: Grant and Bolton, 1842), by Richard Mant (multiple formats at archive.org) The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica, by Joseph McCabe (HTML at infidels.org) The Life of William Bedell, D.D., Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland (second edition, bound with some related works; Dublin: Printed by M. Rhames, For R. Gunne, 1736), by Gilbert Burnet (multiple formats at Google) The More Priests the More Crime, or, The Challengers Defeated: Being a Series of Letters by a Protestant in Reply to the Challenge of the Catholic Citizen and Montreal True Witness (Toronto: Sold at the Wesleyan Book Room et al., ca. 1855), by Alexander McLean (multiple formats at archive.org) The Necessity of Reforming the Church, by Jean Calvin, trans. by Henry Beveridge (HTML at Still Waters) Pastor Chiniquy: An Examination of His "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome", by Sydney F. Smith (HTML at davidmacd.com) The Perversion of Dr. Newman to the Church of Rome in the Light of His Own Explanations, Common Sense, and the Word of God (3rd edition; London: W. T. Gibson, ca. 1888), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) A Plea for the Critical Study of the Scriptures, Against Romanism and Rationalism (Pittsburgh: Shryock and Hacke, 1852), by Melancthon W. Jacobus (multiple formats at archive.org) Popery a Craft and Popish Priests the Chief Crafts-Men: A Sermon Deliver'd on the Fifth of November (London: Printed for R. Hett, 1735), by Samuel Bourn (multiple formats at archive.org) The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional (Chicago: A. Craig and Co., 1880), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (illustrated HTML at jesus-is-lord.com) The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional (Chicago: A. Craig and Co., 1887), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) The Progress of Popery in the British Dominions and Elsewhere (reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine; 1838), by Protestant Association (Great Britain : 1835- ) (multiple formats at archive.org) The Question of the Hour: The Bible and the School Fund (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1870), by Rufus W. Clark Romanism and Rationalism as Opposed to Pure Christianity (London and Edinburgh: A. Strahan and Co., 1863), by John Cairns (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism Incompatible With Republican Institutions (New York: American Protestant Society, 1845), by Civis (multiple formats at archive.org) Sermons Against Popery, Preach'd in the Reign of King James II; and Other Papers Wrote in the Popish Controversy (the 7th volume in a set of Sharp's works; London: Printed for W. Parker, 1735), by John Sharp (multiple formats at archive.org) Sir Lucius Cary, Late Lord Viscount of Falkland, His Discourse on Infallibility: With an Answer To It, and His Lordships Reply; Together With Mr. Walter Mountague's Letter Concerning the Changing His Religion, Answered by My Lord of Falkland (London: Printed by G. Dawson, for J. Hardesty, 1651), by Lucius Cary Falkland, Thomas White, and Walter Montagu (multiple formats at Google) The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1922), by Burke McCarty (multiple formats at archive.org) "The End of Controversy," Controverted: A Refutation of Milner's "End of Controversy," in a Series of Letters Addressed to the Most Reverend Francis Patrick Kenrick, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimorelphia (2 volumes in 1; New York: Pudney and Russell, 1854), by John Henry Hopkins (multiple formats at archive.org) The Via Media of the Anglican Church, Illustrated in Lectures, Letters and Tracts (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman Apostolic Christianity: or, The People's Antidote Against Romanism and Puseyism (London: J. Snow, et al., 1842), by James Godkin (multiple formats at archive.org) The Arguments of Romanists, From the Infallibility of the Church and the Testimony of the Fathers in Behalf of the Apocrypha, Discussed and Refuted (New York: Leavitt, Trow and Co., 1845), by James Henley Thornwell Catholicity in its Relationship to Protestantism and Romanism: Being Six Conferences Delivered at Newark, N.J., at the Request of Leading Laymen of That City (Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co., c1878), by Ferdinand C. Ewer (multiple formats at archive.org) The Impending Conflict Between Romanism and Protestantism in the United States (New York: E. Goodenough, 1871), by J. J. Smith (multiple formats at archive.org) The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects: Being the Evangelical Alliance First Prize Essay on Popery, by J. A. Wylie (HTML at jesus-is-lord.com) Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1871), by Joseph S. Van Dyke Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1872), by Joseph S. Van Dyke (page images at MOA) Priest and Nun ("with a valuable appendix by the publishers"; Philadelphia: Crittenden and McKinney; Springfield, MA: D. E. Disk and Co., c1869), by Julia McNair Wright (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) A Report of the Recent Pontifical Appointments in London; To Which is Added a New List of Converts to the Roman Faith, With Explanatory Remarks and Brief Sketches of Character (London: Houlston and Stoneman, 1850) (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism, Political and Religious, in the 9th and 10th Decades of the 19th Century (4th edition, revised and enlarged; Owen Sound, ON: C. J. Pratt, 1895), by William Reginald Armstrong (multiple formats at archive.org) Rome vs. Ruthven (ca. 1897) (multiple formats at archive.org) A Solemn Question! Can the Protestants Conscientiously Build Up the Churches of the Pope? (Halifax: Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1873), by Charles Hodge and Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) Why Priests Should Wed (censored edition; Boston: Rand Avery Company, c1888), by Justin D. Fulton (page images at HathiTrust) An Enquiry How Far Papists Ought to be Treated Here as Good Subjects; and, How Far They Are Chargeable with the Tenets Commonly Imputed to Them (London: Printed for J. and P. Knapton, 1746), by Arthur Ashley Sykes (multiple formats at archive.org) Forty Years in the Church of Christ (Chicago et al.: F. H. Revell and Co., 1900), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) The Illustrated Christian Martyrology: Being an Authentic and Genuine Historical Account of the Principal Persecutions Against the Church of Christ, in Different Parts of the World, by Pagans and Papists (Philadelphia: Leary and Getz, 1858), by C. Sparry (multiple formats at archive.org) The Lectures of Lola Montez (Countess of Landsfeld), Including Her Autobiography (New York: Rudd and Carleton, 1858), by Lola Montez and C. Chauncey Burr (multiple formats at archive.org) The Lectures of Lola Montez (Countess of Landsfeld), Including Her Autobiography (New York: Rudd and Carleton, 1859), by Lola Montez and C. Chauncey Burr (multiple formats at archive.org) No Protestant-Plot: or, The Present Pretended Conspiracy of Protestants Against the King and Government, Discovered to be a Conspiracy of the Papists Against the King and His Protestant-Subjects (London: Printed for R. Lett, 1681), by Robert Ferguson, contrib. by Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury (multiple formats at archive.org) The Protestation Issued by the English Romanists in 1788 (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: E. and J. B. Young and Co., 1897), ed. by Andrew James Campbell Allen (multiple formats at archive.org) Reflections Arising out of the Popish Aggression: For the Consideration of the Church, Laity, and Parliament; With Comments on the Dispute Between the Rev. W.J.E. Bennett of Saint Barnabas, Pimlico, and the Bishop of London (London: J. H. Kendall, 1851), by A Simple Protestant (multiple formats at archive.org) Romanism and the Reformation, From the Standpoint of Prophecy (Toronto: S. R. Briggs, ca. 1887), by H. Grattan Guinness (multiple formats at archive.org) The Vatican's Holocaust, by Avro Manhattan (HTML at reformation.org)
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