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Filed under: Uranium ores -- Colorado Exploration of vanadium region of western Colorado and eastern Utah (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1946), by W. P. Huleatt, William M. Traver, and Scott W. Hazen (page images at HathiTrust) Geology and ore deposits [of] Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Larimer Counties, Colorado. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1961), by Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Some notes on selenium in sandstone-type uranium deposits of the Colorado Plateau and vicinity ([Washington D.C.] : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1954., 1954), by L. B. Riley, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Regional relations of the vanadium-uranium-chromium deposits in the Entrada sandstone, western Colorado ([Washington D.C.] : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1955., 1955), by R. P. Fischer, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) A reconnaissance for uranium in parts of New Mexico and Colorado, 1954 ([Washington D.C.] : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1955., 1955), by Elmer H. Baltz, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service Extension, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Hydrothermal uranothorite in fluorite breccias from the Blue Jay Mine, Jamestown, Boulder County, Colorado (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1951), by George Phair, Kiyoko Onoda, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Raw Materials Operations, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Volcanic debris in uraniferous sandstones, and its possible bearing on the origin and precipitation of uranium (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1952), by Aaron C. Waters, H. C. Granger, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Radioactive tertiary porphyries in the Central City district, Colorado, and their bearing upon pitchblende deposition (The Survey, 1952), by George Phair, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Zoning of the Bitter Creek vanadium-uranium deposit, Montrose County, Colorado ([Washington D.C.] : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1954., 1954), by Allen V. Heyl, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Conglomeratic sandstone strata at the base of the Brushy Basin member of the Morrison formation as related to uranium-vanadium deposits, southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah ([Washington D.C.] : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1955., 1955), by David A. Phoenix, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Results of reconnaissance for radioactive minerals in parts of the Alma district, Park County, Colorado (U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1953), by Charles Thomas Pierson, Q. D. Singewald, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Annual report for April 1, 1954 to March 31, 1955 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Technical Infromation Service ; Washington, D.C. : Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, 1955., 1955), by John W. Gruner, Deane K. Smith, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Annual report for July 1, 1952 to March 31, 1953 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Technical Infromation Service ; Washington, D.C. : Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, 1955., 1953), by John W. Gruner, Lynn Gardiner, Deane K. Smith, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Annual report for April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1954 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Technical Infromation Service ; Washington, D.C. : Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, 1954., 1954), by John W. Gruner, Abraham Rosenzeig, Deane K. Smith, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Uranium occurrence at the Cherokee mine, Queen Mineral Ranch, Gilpin County, Colorado (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Technical Infromation Service ; Washington, D.C. : Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, 1953., 1953), by Raymond C. Derzay and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Recovery of uranium values from ore and concentrate samples : Colorado primary ores. Progress report. No. 5 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Technical Infromation Service ; Washington, D.C. : Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, 1955., 1955), by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials and Colorado School of Mines. Research Institute (page images at HathiTrust) Progress report, Colorado Front Range area (The Survey, 1951), by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Investigations in the Wood Mine, Colorado (The Survey, 1951), by Robert U. King, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Technical Information Service, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Annual report -- April 1, 1953 -- March 31, 1954 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission., Technical Infromation Service, 1954., 1954), by M. R. Mickey, H. W. Jesperson, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Some considerations regarding potential production of uranium-vanadium ore in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Raw Materials, 1948., 1948), by W. G. Fetzer, R. P. Fischer, E. E. Waulters, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) An evaluation of high-frequency electromagnetic sounding for uranium exploration and mining (Menlo Park, California : Stanford Research Institute, 1976., 1976), by R. S. Vickers, R. Morgan, R. L. Bollen, William Blake Beatty, United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Grand Junction Office, and Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (page images at HathiTrust) Study of the applicability of ³He/⁴He ratio for uranium prospecting (Denver, Colorado : Martin Marietta Corporation, 1977., 1977), by J. P. Martin, L. E. Bergquist, United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Grand Junction Office, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Martin Marietta Corporation, and Wyoming Mineral Corporation (page images at HathiTrust) Uranium deposits in southwestern Colorado Plateau (Technical Information Service, 1952), by George W. Bain and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Experimental simulation of plateau type uranium deposits (Technical Information Service, 1953), by George W. Bain and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Copper and uranium in Pennsylvanian and Permian sedimentary rocks, northern Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado (United States Government Printing Office, 1995), by David A. Lindsey and Reino F. Clark (page images at HathiTrust) Uranium favorability of Tertiary rocks in the Badger Flats-Elkhorn Thrust area, Park and Teller Counties, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction Operations, 1976., 1976), by Patti Young, David G. Mickle, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, and United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Evaluation of selected geochemical anomalies in Colorado and the southeastern U.S. (Athens, Georgia : University of Georgia, 1980., 1980), by Robert H. Carpenter, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office, and National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program (page images at HathiTrust) Regional and local anomalies of uranium and thorium in rocks near sandstone-type uranium deposits in Pennsylvania and Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office, 1980., 1980), by Arthur W. Rose, Lawrence J. Pilione, M. L. Keith, Christy A. Bell, Mwakio P. Tole, Simon Pirc, Bendix Field Engineering Corporation. Grand Junction Operations, United States. Department of Energy. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resource Applications, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program, Pennsylvania State University. Department of Geosciences, and Pennsylvania State University. Department of Geosciences. Mineral Conservation Section (page images at HathiTrust) Reconnaissance for uranium in basal triassic sediments of the State Bridge-Walcott area, Eagle county, Colorado (Denver, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Raw Materials, Denver Exploration Branch, 1955., 1955), by Howard S. Stafford and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials. Denver Exploration Branch (page images at HathiTrust) Results of airborn reconnaissance and exploration in the Troublesome area, Middle Park, Grand County, Colorado (Denver, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Raw Materials, Denver Exploration Branch, 1955., 1955), by J. Schlottmann and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials. Denver Exploration Branch (page images at HathiTrust) Geology of uranium and associated ore deposits, central part of the Front Range mineral belt, Colorado (Washington, D. C. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1959., 1959), by P. K. Sims, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Low grade carnotite material in the Morrison formation on the Colorado Plateau (Washington, D.C. : United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1952., 1952), by R. P. Fischer, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Notes on radioactive speciments from the Colorado front range (New York, New York : Columbia University 1954., 1954), by William J. Cohen and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Uranium-bearing carbonaceous and asphaltic materials of the Colorado Plateau : interim report (University of Minnesota, 1953), by John W. Gruner and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) The geology and ore deposits of the Brown Derby pegmatites Box Canyon mining district : Gunnison County, Colorado (New York, New York : Union Mines Development Corporation, 1945., 1945), by G. B. Guillotte, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials, and Union Mines Development Corporation (page images at HathiTrust) Radioactive springs near Jamestown, Colorado (Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Interior, Geological survey, 1948., 1948), by Garland B. Gott and Geological Survey (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Resume of production of uranium products for Manhattan District in the Colorado plateau area (New York, New York : War Department, United States Engineer Office, Madison Square Area, 1945., 1945), by Phillip L. Merritt and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Raw Materials (page images at HathiTrust) Uranium deposits in southwestern Colorado Plateau (Amherst, Massachusetts : Amherst College, [1952?]., 1952), by George W. Bain, Amherst College, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Geology of uranium occurrences in or near Fluorite deposits in Jackson county, Colorado (Denver, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Raw Materials, Denver Area Office, 1956., 1956), by Roger C. Malan and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Estimates of ore reserves of the Bull Canyon District, Montrose County, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1953., 1953), by Louis Garbrecht and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) A study of ore controls on Club Mesa, Montrose County, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1953., 1953), by Elmer V. Reinhardt and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Review of some geologic features on uranium deposition on the Colorado Plateau (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1954., 1954), by Louis Garbrecht and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Reconnaissance of the De Beque area, Mesa and Garfield counties, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1954., 1954), by William E. McDougald and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Reconnaissance of Salt Wash deposits in Little Valley and South Lisbon Valley, San Juan County, Utah and San Miguel County, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1955., 1955), by Otis M. McRae and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Tentative appraisal of future ore possibilities of northeast Utah and northwest Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1955., 1955), by Louis Garbrecht and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Reconnaissance for uranium and vanadium mineralization in the Glenwood Spring-Rio Blanco area, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Exploration Division, 1955., 1955), by William E. McDougald and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Final drilling report, Uranium Peak area, Rio Blanco County, Colorado : Contract no. AT(05-1)-236 (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Engineering Services Branch, 1956., 1956), by H. R. Hart and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Airborne radiometric recorded survey of the Denver Basin, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Engineering Services Branch, 1957., 1957), by Burton C. Smith, Clarence W. Fickel, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Final drilling report, Radium Mountain, Bull Canyon no. 3 project (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Engineering Services Branch, 1957., 1957), by A. Petrick and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Drilling in the Coal Creek area, Rio Blanco County, Colorado (Grand Junction, Colorado : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction Operations Office, Engineering Services Branch, 1957., 1957), by J. E. Gannon and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Grand Junction Office (page images at HathiTrust) Criteria for outlining areas favorable for uranium deposits in parts of Colorado and Utah ([Washington, D.C.] : [United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey], [1955], 1955), by E. J. McKay, Geological Survey (U.S.), and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (page images at HathiTrust)
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