Vaudeville -- Juvenile poetrySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Vaudeville -- Juvenile poetry
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Filed under: Vaudeville
Filed under: Vaudeville -- United States -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Minstrel shows Bones: His Anecdotes and Goaks (London: C. H. Clarke, ca. 1870), by G. W. Moore (page images at HathiTrust) The Minstrel Encyclopedia (Boston: W. H. Baker Co., 1921), by Walter Ben Hare (page images at HathiTrust) Negro Minstrels: A Complete Guide to Negro Minstrelsy, Containing Recitations, Jokes, Crossfires, Conundrums, Riddles, Stump Speeches, Ragtime and Sentimental Songs, Etc., Including Hints on Organizing and Successfully Presenting a Performance (Chicago: F. J. Drake and Co., c1902), by Jack Haverly (multiple formats at Google; US access only) New Minstrel and Black Face Joke Book, by Leading Footlight Favorites: The Best Monologues, Endmen's Gags, Jokes, Etc. As Delivered by the Best Known Fun Makers on the Minstrel and Vaudeville Stage (cover title "Funny Stories"; inner running title "New Minstrel Joke Book"; Baltimore: I. and M. Ottenheimer, c1907) (page images at Harvard) The Witmark Amateur Minstrel Guide and Burnt Cork Encyclopedia (revised edition, c1905), by Frank Dumont (page images at HathiTrust) Minstrelsy (San Francisco Theatre Research v15, monograph 25; 1939), ed. by Lawrence Estavan The Minstrel Guide and Joke Book (Baltimore: I. and M. Ottenhiemer, c1912), ed. by Paul E. Lowe (page images at HathiTrust) Up-to-Date Minstrel Jokes: A Collection of the Latest and Most Popular Jokes, Talks, Stump-Speeches, Conundrums and Monologues for Amateur Minstrels, Many of Which Have Never Before Appeared in Print; Also, a Special Department of Female Minstrel Jokes (with 4 appended farces; Boston: Up-to-Date Pub. Co., c1902), ed. by Herman Henry Wheeler, contrib. by George H. Coes (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Adventure and adventurers -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Aeronautics -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: African Americans -- Juvenile poetry Nine Niggers More (with music; New York: McLoughlin Bros., ca. 1880)
Filed under: Africans -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Alice (Fictitious character from Carroll) -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Animal welfare -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Animals -- Juvenile poetry The Animals Noah Forgot, by A. B. Paterson (HTML and PDF at University of Sydney) Denslow's Animal Fair (New York: G. W. Dillingham Co., 1904), by W. W. Denslow (page images at Florida) Eric's Book of Beasts: Done in Water-Colors, and Accompanied With Appropriate Jingles (San Francisco: P. Elder and Co., c1912), by David Starr Jordan, illust. by Shimada Sekko (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Farmer Fox, and Other Rhymes (Boston and New York: H.M. Caldwell Co., c1904), by L. J. Bridgman (page images at Johnny Crow's Garden: A Picture Book (first edition, 1903), by L. Leslie Brooke (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and audio) Johnny Crow's Garden: A Picture Book (London and New York: F. Warne and Co., c1903), by L. Leslie Brooke (page images at Jolly Animal ABC (New York: McLoughin Bros., ca. 1890) (page images at Laugh and Learn ABC Book (New York: McLoughlin Bros., 1900) (page images at Princeton) The Peacock at Home, and Other Poems (London: Printed for John Murray and J. Harris; Edinburgh: Manners and Miller, 1809), by Catherine Ann Turner Dorset (multiple formats at The Peacock "At Home", by A Lady; To Which is Added The Butterflies Ball (London: J. Harris, ca.1824), by Catherine Ann Turner Dorset and William Roscoe (page images with commentary in the UK) Aunt Effie's Rhymes for Little Children ("Aunt Effie" believed to be Saxby; London and New York: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1860), by Aunt Effie, contrib. by Jane Euphemia Saxby, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne and Matthew Urlwin Sears Cecily Parsley's Nursery Rhymes (New York: F. Warne and Co., c1922), by Beatrix Potter The Circus Procession (New York: McLoughlin Bros., c1888) Comic Animals and Their Adventures; With Alphabet and Rhymes (ca. 1880), illust. by George H. Thompson and Louis Wain (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Over in the Meadow (text of her counting rhyme, with sample cover illustrations from modern editions), by Olive A. Wadsworth (HTML with commentary at The Sad Fate of Poor Robin (New York: McLoughlin Bros., c1891) (page images at Ballad of the Lost Hare (Boston: D. Lothrop, c1882), by Margaret Sidney (page images at LOC) The Bashful Earthquake, and Other Fables and Verses (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898), by Oliver Herford More Beasts (For Worse Children) (London; Duckworth and Co., n.d.), by Hilaire Belloc, illust. by B. T. B. (Basil Temple Blackwood) The Bad Child's Book of Beasts (London; Duckworth, n.d.), by Hilaire Belloc, illust. by B. T. B. (Basil Temple Blackwood) Simple Poems for Infant Minds (New York: Kiggins and Kellogg, ca. 1848), illust. by Benjamin F. Pease and William Barritt (multiple formats at
Filed under: Antique dealers -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Antiques -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Ashanti (African people) -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Bears -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Bicycles -- Juvenile poetry
Filed under: Birds -- Juvenile poetry Little Bird Red and Little Bird Blue: A Tale of the Woods (New York: James Gregory, ca. 1861), by Matilda Betham-Edwards (illustrated HTML in the UK) The Sad Fate of Poor Robin (New York: McLoughlin Bros., c1891) (page images at An Elegy on the Death and Burial of Cock Robin (York, UK: Printed by J. Kendrew, ca. 1820) The Peacock at Home, and Other Poems (London: Printed for John Murray and J. Harris; Edinburgh: Manners and Miller, 1809), by Catherine Ann Turner Dorset (multiple formats at The Peacock "At Home", by A Lady; To Which is Added The Butterflies Ball (London: J. Harris, ca.1824), by Catherine Ann Turner Dorset and William Roscoe (page images with commentary in the UK) Aunt Effie's Rhymes for Little Children ("Aunt Effie" believed to be Saxby; London and New York: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1860), by Aunt Effie, contrib. by Jane Euphemia Saxby, illust. by Hablot Knight Browne and Matthew Urlwin Sears The Bashful Earthquake, and Other Fables and Verses (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898), by Oliver Herford Gems of Poetry, for Girls and Boys (Concord, NH: R. Merrill, 1850) (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
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